Department of the Army Historical Summary: FY 1983


AA/AB    Air assault/airborne division
AAFES    Army and Air Force Exchange Services
AALISS    Army Automated Library and Information Support System
A and T    Assignments and Terminations module
AAO    Affirmative Action Officer
AAOTF    Army Agent Orange Task Force
AAWS    Advanced antitank weapon system
ABCA/QWG    American, British, Canadian, and Australian Quadripartite Group
AC    Active Component
ACCES    Army Civilian Career Evaluation System
ACCS    Army Command and Control System
ACE    Airframe Condition Evaluation
ACE    Assistant Chief of Engineers
ACE    Armored Combat Earthmovers
ACEB    Army Clothing Equipment Board
ACES    Army Continuing Education System
AC 2MP    Army Command and Control Master Plan
ACP    Asset Capitalization Program
ACS    Army Community Service program
ACSC    Army Computer System Command
ACSI    Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
ACT    Advanced Concepts and Technology
ACTEDS    Army Civilian Training Education and Development System
ADABAS    Adaptable Data Base System
ADAPCP    Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Program
ADEA    U.S. Army Development and Employment Agency
ADP    Automatic data processing
AE    Architectural and engineering firms
AFAPS    Artillery-Fired Atomic Projectiles
AFATDS    Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFH    Army family housing
AFMCO    Army Force Modernization Coordination Office
AFQT    Armed Forces Qualification Test


AFRC    Armed Forces Recreation Center
AFSS    Automatic Fire Suppression System
AHIP    Army Helicopter Improvement Program
AHMD    Army Housing Management Division
AGT    Aircraft Gas and Turbine
AIF    Army Industrial Fund
AJ    Antijamming
AJCC    Alternate Joint Communications Center
ALBE    Airland Battlefield Environment Thrust
ALMC    Army Logistics Management Center
ALMO    Army Library Management Office
AMEDD    Army Medical Department
AMIM    Army Modernization Information Memorandum
AMIP    Army Models Improvement Program
AMSP    Advanced Military Studies Program
AMT    Army Modernization Training
AMWRF    Army Morale Welfare Recreation Fund
ANVIS    Aviator's Night Vision Imaging System
AOA    Airborne Optical Adjunct study
AP    Antipersonnel
APCs    Armored Personnel Carriers
APG    Aberdeen Proving Ground
APOs    Areal Post Offices
AR    Army Regulation
ARNG    Army National Guard
ARSTAF    Army staff
ARTEP    Army Training and Evaluation Program
ARVN    Army Republic of Vietnam
ASA    Assistant Secretary of the Army
ASA (IL&FM)    Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Financial Management
ASARC    Army System Acquisition Review Council
ASAS    All Source Analysis System
ASB    Army Science Board
ASF    Army Stock Fund
ASIDE    Associated Support Items of Equipment
ASMSA    Army Strategic Mobility System Assessment
ASQT    Armed Services Qualification Test
ASVAB    Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
AT    Antitank
AT    Active Duty for Training


AIRRS    Army training Requirements and Resources Systems
AUSA    Association of the United States Army
AVSCOM    Aviations Systems Command
AWOL    Absent without Leave
BAS    Battlefield Automated Systems
BAST    Board on Army Science and Technology
BDO    Battle Dress Overgarment
BDU    Battle Dress Uniform
BERH    Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
BETA    Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition project
BFVS    Bradley Fighting Vehicle System
BLAST    Building Loads Analysis and System Thermodynamics
BMAR    Backlog of Maintenance and Repair
BMD    Ballistic Missile Defense
BMDATC    Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center
BMDO    Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
BMDSCOM    Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command
BOA    Basic ordering agreement
BOIP    Basis of Issue Plan
BRIGHT STAR  Army training exercise in Europe
BTA    Best technical approach
BTC    Basic Technical Courses
BZ    3-quinuclidinyl benzilate
CA    Civil Affairs
CA    Commercial Activities
CAA    Conference of American Armies
CABER    Toss 91D field training exercise
CACDA    Combined Arms Combat Development Activity
CAEADS    Computer-Aided Engineering and Architectural Design System
CAI    Centralized Accident Investigation team
CAMDS    Chemical Agency and Munition Disposal System
CAPSTONE  A procedure aligning reserve component units scheduled for Europe with their wartime chain of command


CAS3    Combined Arms and Services Staff School
CBP    Central Banking Program
CCF    Central Personnel Security Clearance Facility
CDC    Center for Disease Control
CDEC    Combat Developments Experimentation Command Board
CDIP    Combined-defense improvement projects program
CDS/YA    Child development services and youth activities
CEETA    Defense Communications Electronics Evaluation Testing Agency
CEMOPS    Corps of Engineers Mobilization and Operations Planning System
CERF    Corps of Engineers Reserve Fleet
CERL    Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
CERLA    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. Better known as "Superfund."
C-FLEX    Cobra Fleet Life Extension program
CFMP    Civilian Force Management Plan
CFV    Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
CGSO    Command and General Staff Officer
C3I    Command, control, communications, and intelligence requirements
CINCUSAREUR  Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Europe
CISM    Conseil International du Sport Militaire competitions
CMFs    Career Management Forces
CMI    Centralized Mishap Investigation program
CMSS    Collection Management Support System
CNPO    Central NAF Payroll Office
COLADA    Containerized Cargo Distribution Analysis
COE    Corps of Engineers
COEA    Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis
COHORT    Cohesion, operational readiness, and training
COLA    Cost of living adjustments
COLD WEATHER EXPRESS  Army training exercise


CONUS    Continental United States
CP    Chemical protective overgarment
 System designed to satisfy selected intelligence collection requirements at the echelon above corps for theaters throughout the world
CSA    Chief of Staff of the Army
CSB    Closely speed basing
CS/CSS    Combat Support/Combat Service Support
CSWS    Corps Support Weapon System
CUCV    Commercial utility and cargo vehicles
C4    Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
DA    Department of the Army
DAIG    Department of the Army Inspector General
DAMMS    Department of the Army Movement Management Systems
DARCOM    U.S. Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command
DAS3    Decentralized Automated Service Support System
DAS    Director of the Army Staff
DASPS-E    Department of the Army Standard Port System Enhanced
DATS    Drill and Transfer System
DC    Dichloro
DCPC    Direct Combat Probability Coding System
DCSOPS    Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
DCSPER    Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
DCSRDA    Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition
DDT    Doctrine and Tactics Training
DEH    Directorate of Engineering and Housing
DEOMI    Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
DET    Displaced Equipment Training
DIA    Defense Intelligence Agency
DISPLAY DETERMINATION  Overseas training exercise
DIVAD    Division Air Defense
DLA    Defense Logistics Agency
DLI    Defense Language Institute
DNA    Defense Nuclear Agency


DOD    Department of Defense
DOPMA    Defense Officer Personnel Management Act
DRVT    Deployment Readiness Verification Test
DS    Division set
DSCS    Defense Satellite Communications System
DS/GS    Direct Support/General Support concept
DSTV    Direct support team vehicle
EA    Economic Analysis
EAA    Engineer Assistance Agreement program
ECIP    Energy Construction Investment Program
ECONPACK    An Assistant Chief of Staff automated program
EEMI    Economies, Efficiencies, and Management Improvement
EEOC    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EFM    Exceptional Family Member program
EIFS    Economic Impact Forecast System
EIS    Environmental Impact Statement
ELAC    Echelons above corps
EMP    Electromagnetic Pulse (detection)
EMR    Electromagnetic radiation
ENSCE    Enemy Situation Correlation Element
EO    Equal Opportunity
EO NCOs    Equal Opportunity noncommissioned officers
EPA    Environmental Protection Agency
EPOS    Electronic Processing and Dissemination System
EPUT    Engineering Prototype Unit Test
ESSS    External stores support system
ETL    Engineer Topographic Laboratories
ETS    Expiration of Term of Service
ETUT    Enhanced Tactical Users Manual
EURCOR    European Commissary Region
EUSA    Eighth U.S. Army
FAA    Federal Aviation Authority
FAASV    Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle
FACT    Family Action Coordination Team
FANS    Friendly/Allied Nation Support program
FAO    Foreign Area Officer
FAP I    Force Alignment Plan I


FAS    Force Accounting System
FASTAB    Field Artillery Surveillance and Target Acquisition Battery
FAV    Field Assistance Visitation
FDS    Field Dressing Station
FEMA    Federal Emergency Management Agency
FISTV    Fire Support Team Vehicle
FLIN    Federal Library Information Network
FLIR    Forward looking infrared
FLRA    Federal Labor Relations Authority
FMIAS    Force Management Impact Analysis System
FMMP    Force Modernization Master Plan
FMS    Foreign Military Sales program
FOA    Field Operating Agency
FOCUS 21    Process to develop a joint Army and Air Force future concept based on Air Land Battle 2000 and Air Force 2000
FOIA    Freedom of Information Act
FORDIMS    Force Development Integrated Management System
FORSCOM    U.S. Army Forces Command
FPAO    Force Planning Analysis Office
FPOs    Federal Post Offices
FPW    Firing Port Weapon
FPWs    Facility planning worksheets
FRG    Federal Republic of Germany
FSAS    Force Structure Analysis System
FSD    Full-scale development
FSED    Full-Scale Engineering Development
FSPs    Facility support plans
FST/FSS    Fire Support Terminal and Fire Support System
FTCA    Federal Tort Claims Act
FUED    First Unit Equipped Date
FWCA    Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
FWS    Fish and Wildlife Service
FY    Fiscal Year
GAO    General Accounting Office
GEMSS    Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System
GLCM    Ground-launched cruise missiles
GLLD    Ground Laser Locator Designator
GMFSC    Ground Mobile Forces Satellite Communications program


GPO    Government Printing Office
GR    Graves registration
GRAINY HIDE    Project designed to assess the capabilities of national intelligence systems to support tactical intelligence requirements
GSA    General Services Administration
HALO    High altitude, low opening parachute jumps
HELP    Howitzer Extended Life Program
HEMTT    Heavy expanded mobility tactical truck
HG    High grade
HMMS    Hellfire Missile System
HMMWV    High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle program
HNS    Host-nation support
HOMES    Housing Operations Management System
HQDA    Headquarters Department of the Army
HRD    Human Resources Directorate
HRS    Housing Referral Services
HSC    Health Services Command
HTLD    High Technology Light Division
HTMD    High Technology Motorized Division
HTTB    High Technology Test Bed
HUMINT    Human Intelligence
HVAC    Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
ICBMs    Intercontinental ballistic missiles
ICC    International Communications Commission
IFP    International Fellow Program
IFV    Infantry Fighting Vehicle
IHFR    Improved High Frequency Radio
IG    Inspector General
IKPT    Instructor and Key Personnel Training
ILS    Integrated Logistics System
IMA    Individual Mobilization Augmentees/Augmentation
IMETP    International Military Education and Training Program
IMETP-TLA  International Military Education and Training Program-Travel and Living Allowance
IMIP     Industrial Modernization Incentives Program


IMWRF    Installation MWR Fund
INF    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
ING    Inactive National Guard
INSCOM    Intelligence and Security Command
INTELPOST  A system to bring personal mail delivery and dispatch into the 21st century through satellite communication
IOC    Initial operational capability
IPPR    Initial Production Readiness Reviews
IPR    In-Process Review
IPS    Interim Permanent Secretariat
IPT    Initial production testing
IRB    Individual Record Brief
IRM    Information Resource Management
IRR    Individual Ready Reserve
ISBs    Installation support books program
ISP    Information System Planning study
ISR    In-Service Recruiting program
ISU    Installation Support Units
ITV    Improved TOW Vehicle
ITT    International Telephone & Telegraph
IWR    Institute for Water Resources
JACADS    Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System
JAG    Judge Advocate General
JCS    Joint Chiefs of Staff
JOINT STARS    Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System
JPO    Joint Program Committee
JSEP    Job Skills Education Program
JTACMS    Joint Tactical Missile System
JTFP    Joint Tactical Fusion Program
JVX    Joint Advanced Vertical Lift Aircraft
LAB    Light Attack Battalion
LACV-30    A lighter, air cushion vehicle company
LASER MACE    91D field training exercise
LCC    Logistics Coordination Cells
LCCS    Life Cycle Software Support program
LHX    Light helicopters experimental aircraft
LIIP    Line Item Improvement Program
LLC    Limited life component
LLT    Long Lead Time
LMIB    Light Motorized Infantry Battalion
LMSC    Lockheed Missile and Space Corporation


LOGEX    Training exercise
LOTS    Logistics over the shore program
LRIP    Low Rate Initial Production
LTAMR    Long-Term Airlift Modernization Report
"M" drawings    Mobilization facilities designs
MAB    Marine Amphibious Force Brigade
MACOM    Army Major Command
MAF    Marine Amphibious Force
MAPEX    Map Exercise
MAPS    Military Assistance Programs
MARKS    Modern Army Record-Keeping System
MCA    Military Construction, Army
MCAR    Military Construction, Army Reserve program
MCS    Maneuver Control System
MCTNS    Manportable Common Thermal Night Sights
MFO    Multination Force and Observers
MFP    Materiel fielding plan
MI    Military Intelligence
MICNS    Modular Integrated Communications and Navigation System
MICOM    Missile Command
MIDEASTFOR    Naval Middle East Force
MLRS    Multiple launch rocket system
MMIP    Maintenance Management Improvement Program
MMPs    Mobilization Master Plans
MMW    Millimeter wave
MOB ARPRINT    Mobilization Army Program of Individual Training
MOBEX    Training exercise
MOBPERS    Mobilization Personnel Processing System
MOs    Military Occupational Specialty
MOU    Memorandum of Understanding
MPSA    Military Postal Service Agency
MQS-I    Military Qualification Standards I
MS 3    Munition Systems Support Structure
MRE    Meals, Ready-to-Eat
MTMC    Military Traffic Management Command
MTOE    Modification Table of Organization and Equipment
MWR    Morale, welfare, and recreation programs and services for Army soldiers and their families


NAAG    NATO Army Armaments Group
NAC    Navigation Analysis Center
NADs    National Armaments Directors
NAF    National Armed Forces
NASA    National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC    Nuclear, biological, and chemical
NCO    Noncommissioned officer
NCOES    Noncommissioned Officer Education System
NET    New Equipment Training
NGB    National Guard Bureau
NIOSH    National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
NIP    Nonindustrial facilities
NM    Nautical miles
NNK    Nonnuclear kill technique
Non-ETS    Non-Expiration of Term of Service
NORAD    North American Aerospace Defense Command
NPRC    National Personnel Records Center
NPS    Nonprior Service
NRC    Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NSA    National Security Agency
NSNF    Nonstrategic Nuclear Forces
NSWC    Naval Surface Weapons Center
NTC    National Training Center
NTPF    Near Term Pre-position Force
NTPR    Nuclear Test Personnel Review
OACE    Office of the Assistant Chief of Engineers
OACSI    Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
OASA (MRA)    Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs
OBC    Officer Base Courses
OCCH    Office of the Chief of Chaplains Handbook
OCE    Office of the Chief of Engineers
OCE    Office of the Chief of Engineers/Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (dual office)
OCLC    Online Computer Library Center
OCM    On Condition Maintenance
OCS    Officer Candidates School


ODCSLOG    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
ODCSOPS    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
ODCSPER    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
ODCSRDA    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition
ODT    Overseas Deployment Training
OEMPS    Officer and Enlisted Personnel Management System
OJCS    Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
O & MA    Operation and Maintenance Activities
OMB    Office of Management and Budget
OPA    Army procurement program
OPM    Office of Personnel Management
OSARIM    Office of the Special Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff for Information Resource Management
OSB    Officer Selection Battery
OSD    Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSD PIF    Office of the Secretary of Defense Productivity Investment Funding
OSHA    Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSI    Office of Special Investigation
OUSDRE    Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
PA    Procurement Appropriation
PAC    Professional and administrative career occupations
PACCAR    Pacific Car and Foundry Company
PACE    Professional and Administrative Career Examination
PAD    POMCUS Authorization Document
PADS    POMCUS Authorization Documents System
PAEO    Program Analysis and Evaluation Office
PAVER    An on-line, interactive decision support system to assist pavement maintenance managers in the Army, Air Force, and Navy to program their maintenance activities for roads, streets, and airfields so that they can extend the service life of the


   pavement and use to best advantage the limited funds available for such maintenance (Pavement Maintenance Management System).
PAX    Programming, Administration, and Execution System
PCB    Polychlorinated bipheyl
PD    Purchase description
PDIP    Program Development Increment Package
PDSS    Post Development Software Support
PDW    Personal Defense Weapon
PE    Program element
PEP    Personnel Exchange Program
PFD    Personal Flotation Devices
PIa    Pershing la missile
PII    Pershing II missiles
PL    Public Law
PLRS    Position Locating Reporting System
PMF    Personnel Master File
PM-NUC    Project Manager for Nuclear Munitions
PMP    Program Management Plan
PMS    Professor of Military Science
PMS    Performance Monitoring System
PMTBOR    Post mobilization training base output requirement
POD    Pacific Ocean Division
POM    Programmed Objective Memorandum
POMCUS    Pre-positioned materiel configured to units sets
POST    Passive Optical Seeker Technique
PPBERS    Program Performance and Budget Execution Review System
PPBES    Planning, Programming, Budget, and Execution System
PR    Periodic Reinvestigations
PROUD SABER    Training exercise
PTC    Primary Technical Courses
PTSD    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PX    Post exchange
QRIP    Quick Return on Investment Program
QRMC    Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation
QRP    Quick Reaction program


RAM    Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability study
RC    Reserve Component
RCF    Repair Cycle Floats
RCIA    Rite for Continuing Instruction of Adults
R&D    Research and Development
RDTE    Research, development, test, and evaluation program
REDTRAIN    Tactical Intelligence Readiness Training program
REFORGER    Training exercise
REMR    Repair, evaluation, maintenance, and rehabilitation research program
RFP    Request for Test Samples
RFTS    Request for Test Samples
RMA    Rocky Mountain Arsenal
RMC    Resource Management Corporation
RMP    Reprogrammable Microprocessor
RMTC    Regional Military Training Center
ROK    Republic of Korea
ROM    Read Only Memory
ROTC    Reserve Officers' Training Corps
RPMA    Real Property Maintenance Activities
RPV    Remotely Piloted Vehicle
RSS    Rosette Scan Seeker
SA    Secretary of the Army
SACS    Structure and Composition System
SAG    Saudi Arabian government
SAM    Stationing analysis mode
SAMPAM    System for Automation of Materiel Plans for Army Material
SANG    Saudi Arabian National Guard
SARIM    Special Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff for Information Resource Management
SCCE    Satellite Communications Control Elements
SCOTT    Single Channel Objective Tactical Terminal
SCS    Special Communication Systems
SDAF    Special Defense Acquisition Fund
SDI    Strategic Defense Initiative
SELCOM    Joint Select Committee
SEMA    Special electronics intelligence mission
SES    Senior Executive Service employees


SES4WAR    New Army computer system
SHAPE    Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
SIDPERS    Standard Installation Division Personnel System
SIGINT    Signal Intelligence Division of the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
SINCGARS    Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
SNEP    Saudi Naval Expansion Program
SOCOM    Special Operations Command
SOCP    Saudi Arabian Army Ordnance Corps Program
SOF    Special Operations Forces
SOFAS    Status of Forces Agreements
SOFMAA    SOF Mission Area Analysis
SOLFEAS    Solar Energy System Economic Feasibility program
SOR    Joint Service Operational Requirement
SPBS    Standard Property Book System
SPLLS    Self-Propelled Launcher Loaders
SQ,T    Software Qualification Test
SRB    Selective Reenlistment Bonus
SRC    Standard Requirements Code
SRINF    Shorter-Range Intermediate Nuclear Forces
SRNF    Short-Range Nuclear Forces
SRV    Socialist Republic of Vietnam
SSN X REF    Standard Study Number Cross Reference file
ST    Sustainment Training
STARC    State Area Commands
START    Proposed reduction in ballistic missile warheads and limits on deployed ICBMs and heavy bombers
STF    Specal Task Force
STRAC    Standards in Training Commission
SUSV    Small unit support vehicle
TAA    Total Army Analysis
TAA 90    Army analyzed and programmed major force structure initiatives regarding its light force
TAADS    The Army Authorization Documents System


TACFIRE    Tactical Fire Direction System
TACIES    Tactical Imagery Exploitation System
TACOM    Tank Automative Command
TACSATCOM    Tactical Satellite Communications program
TACSIM    Tactical Simulation Program
TADS    Training aids and devices
TADS/PNVS    Target acquisition designation system and pilot night vision sensors
TAEDP    Total Army Equipment Distribution Program
TAEDP ASIOE    Total Army Equipment Distribution Program, Associated Support Items of Equipment
TAG    The Adjutant General
TAGO    The Adjutant General's Office
TAOAP    Total Army Officer Accession Plan
TASAPS-77    "The Army Security Assistance Program Study" report
TCAC    Technical Control and Analysis Center
TC ACCIS    Transportation Coordinator, an Automated Command and Control Information System
TCATA    The Command and Control Test Division
TDA    Tables of Distribution and Allowances
TDY    Temporary Duty
TEAM SPIRIT    Training exercise
TEMP    Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TEMPEST    Computer Terminal
TENCAP    Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
Ten-Tom    Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway project
TGSM    Terminally guided submunition
TGW    Terminal Guidance Warhead
THS    Transient; holdees, and student account
TLA    Travel Living Allowance
TLAT    TOW Light Antitank Battalion
TOES    Tables of organization and equipment
TOW    Tube launched, optically tracked, wire guided
TRACE    Total risk assessing cost estimates
TRADOC    U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRADOC-SATFA    U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command-Security Assistance Training Field Activity


TRDI    Technical Research and Development Institute
TRD/TIPS    Test requirements documents and test program site
TRI-TAC    Joint Tactical Communications program
TROJAN    Field training exercise
TSC    Test score category
TSWG    Training Support Work Group
TTS    Tank thermal sight
UCMJ    Uniform Code of Military Justice
UPDATE    Unlimited Potential Data Through Automation Technology in Education. Publishing technique used for all Army publications
UPH    Unaccompanied Personnel Housing
URCS    Uniform Rail Costing System
USACAA    U.S. Army Concepts and Analysis Agency
USACE    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAFAC    U.S. Army Finance and Accounting Center
USAMSSA    U.S. Army Management Systems Support Agency
USAR    U.S. Army Reserve
USAREC    U.S Army Recruiting Command
USAREUR    U.S. Army, Europe
USARJ    U.S. Army, Japan
USARSA    U.S. Army School of the Americas
USC    United States Code
USCENTCOM    U.S. Central Command
USDRE    Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
USEUCOM    United States European Command
USO    United Service Organizations
USPS    U.S. Postal Service
USSS    U.S. Secret Service
VA    Veterans Administration
VE    Value Engineering program
VEAP    Veterans Educational Assistance Program
VFDMIS    Vertical Force Development Management Information Systems
VIABLE    Vertical Installation Automated Baseline; an automated data processing resource computer


VIP    Very important person
WES    Waterways Experiment Station
WESTCOM    Western Command
WINTEX-CIMEX    JCS-sponsored mobilization exercise
WRSC-D    Water Resources Support Center-Director
WTCV    Weapons and tracked combat vehicles
YMCA    Young Men's Christian Association



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