Department of the Army Historical Summary: FY 1987


AAE    Army Acquisition Executive
AALPS    Automated Air Load Planning System
AAWS-H    Advanced antitank weapons system-heavy
AAWS-M    Advanced antitank weapons system-medium
AC    Active component
ACE    Armored combat earthmover
ACR    Armored cavalry regiment
ACSI    Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
ACSIM    Assistant Chief of Staff for Information Management
ADA    Air defense artillery
ADATS    Air Defense Antitank System
ADP    Automatic data processing
ADT    Active duty training
AFATDS    Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFCS    Army Facilities Component System
AHIP    Army Helicopter Improvement Program
AIA    Army Intelligence Agency
AMC    Army Materiel Command
AOE    Army of Excellence
APC    Armored personnel carrier
AR    Army Regulation
ARNG    Army National Guard
ARTBASS    Army Training Battle Simulation System
ASA (FM)    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management)
ASA (RDA)    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition)
ASAS    All Source Analysis System
AT    Annual training
BEV    Bradley fighting vehicle
BNCOC    Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course
BRL    Ballistic Research Laboratory
CAI    Combined arms initiative


CAMS    Crisis Action Management System
CAPSTONE    A procedure aligning reserve component units scheduled for Europe with their wartime chain of command
CAS3    Combined Arms Services Staff School
CFC    Combined Forces Command
C-FLEX    Cobra Fleet Life Extension program
CFV    Cavalry fighting vehicle
CLU    Command and launch unit
CMH    Center of Military History, U.S. Army
COA    Comptroller of the Army
COE    Corps of Engineers
COHORT    Cohesion, operational readiness, and training units (traditional and sustained)
CONUS    Continental United States
CONUSA    Continental U.S. armies
CPM    Civilian personnel management
CPMP    Civilian Personnel Modernization Project
DA    Department of the Army
DAMMS-R    Department of the Army Movements Management System-Redesign
DASPS-E    Department of the Army Standard Port System-Enhanced
DCPC    Direct combat probability coding
DCSINT    Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence
DCSOPS    Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
DCSPER    Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
DCSRDA    Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition
DEA    Drug Enforcement Agency
DGSM    Downsized ground station module
DISC4    Director of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
DIVAD    Division air defense
DMS    Directorate of Military Support
DOCS    DSCS operational control segment
DOD    Department of Defense
DSCS    Defense Satellite Communications System
EIDS    Electronic Information Delivery System
ENSCE    Enemy situation correlation element
EPA    Environmental Protection Agency


FAADC21    FAADS command, control, and intelligence
FAADS    Forward Air Defense System
FEMA    Federal Emergency Management Agency
FLIR    Forward-looking infrared
FOGM    Fiber optic-guided missile
FORSCOM    Forces Command, U.S. Army
FRG    Federal Republic of Germany
FY    Fiscal year
GSM    Ground station module
HIP    Howitzer Improvement Program
HLPS    Heavy lift pre-positioning ships
HMMWV    High mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HNS    Host-nation support
HQ    Headquarters
IDT    Inactive duty training
IFF    Identification friend or foe
IFV    Infantry fighting vehicle
IMA    Individual mobilization augmentation
INF    Intermediate range nuclear forces
IRR    Individual ready reserve
ITO    Installation transportation office
JCS    Joint Chiefs of Staff
JDAL    Joint duty assignment list
JDS    Joint Development System
Joint STARS    Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System
JRTC    Joint Readiness Training Center
JSO    Joint specialty officer
JTFP    Joint Tactical Fusion Program
LAW    Light antitank weapon
LHX    Light helicopter family
LOGC    Logistics Center, U.S. Army
LOS-F-H    Line of sight forward heavy weapon
LOS-R    Line of sight rear weapon
LOTS    Logistics-over-the-shore
MACOM    Major army command
MASH    Mobile army surgical hospital
MCS    Maneuver Control System
MDW    Military District of Washington


MICOM    Missile Command, U.S. Army
MILES    Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
MILPERCEN    Military Personnel Center
MLRS    Multiple Launch Rocket System
MOA    Memorandum of agreement
MOS    Military occupational specialty
MOU    Memorandum of understanding
MOUT    Military operations on urbanized terrain
MSE    Mobile subscriber equipment
MSO    Military service obligation
MTMC    Military Traffic Management Command
MTM/D    Millions of ton miles per day
MTOE    Modified Table of Organization and Equipment
MWR    Morale, welfare, and recreation
NAF    Nonapproriated funds
NATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC    Nuclear, biological, and chemical
NCO    Noncommissioned officer
NCOES    Noncommissioned Officer Education System
NDI    Nondevelopmental item
NLOS    Non-line of sight
NORTHAG    Northern Army Group
NTC    National Training Center
OASA    (FM) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management)
OASA    (RDA) Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition)
OCA    Office of the Comptroller of the Army
ODCSINT    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence
ODCSLOG    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
ODCSOPS    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
ODCSPER    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
ODCSRDA    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition
ODT    Overseas deployment training
OPBAT    Operation Bahamas and Turks/Caicos Islands
OPCOM    Operational command
OPCON    Operational control
OPTEMPO    The established number of training miles for a unit's major equipment systems, or their allocated operating tempo


OTJAG    Office of the Judge Advocate General
PACM    Public Affairs and Communications Media Career Program
PDW    Personal defense weapon
PEO    Program executive officers
PIP    Product Improvement Program
PIVADS    Product Improved Vulcan Air Defense System
PL    Public law
POMCUS    Pre-positioned materiel configured to unit sets
POST    Passive optical seeker technique
PPBES    Program, Planning, Budgeting, and Executive System
PSYOP    Psychological operations
P3I    Preplanned product improvements
R&D    Research and development
RC    Reserve component
REDCOM    Readiness Command (See also USCINCRED)
RMP    Reprogrammable microprocessor
RMTC    Regional maintenance training center
RMTS    Regional maintenance training site
ROK    Republic of Korea
RO/RO    Roll-on/roll-off shipping
ROTC    Reserve Officers' Training Corps
RSS    Rosette scan seeker
RTC    Regional training center
RTS-MED    Regional training site-medical
SAPA    Secretary of the Army, Public Affairs
SARC    Secretary of the Army Reorganization Commission
SHORAD    Short-range air defense
SIMNET    Simulation networking
SINCGARS    Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
SMA    Sergeant Major of the Army
SOCOM    Special Operations Command
SOF    Special operations forces
STARC    State area command
TACCS    Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer System
TACMS    Tactical Missile System
TACOM    Tank Automotive Command
TADARS    Tactical Acquisition/Designation Aerial Reconnaissance System


TAGCEN    The Adjutant General Center
TCACCIS    Transportation Coordinator Automated Command and Control Information System
TOE    Tables of Organization and Equipment
TOW    Tube launched, optically tracked, wire command-link guided
TPU    Troop program units
TRADOC    Training and Doctrine Command, U.S. Army
TRI-TAC    Joint Tactical Communications Program
TWGSS    Tank Weapons Gunnery Simulation System
TWOS    Total Warrant Officer System
UAV    Unmanned aerial vehicle
UCOFT    Unit conduct of fire trainer
USAR    U.S. Army Reserve
USAREUR    U.S. Army, Europe
USARSO    U.S. Army; South
USASMA    U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy
USCENTCOM    U.S. Central Command
USCINCRED    U.S. Commander in Chief, Readiness Command
USLANTCOM    U.S. Atlantic Command
USPACOM    U.S. Pacific Command
USPS    United States Postal Service
USSOCOM    U.S. Special Operations Command
USSOUTHCOM    U.S. Southern Command
WESTCOM    Western Command, U.S. Army
WWMCCS    Worldwide Military Command and Control System


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