Department of the Army Historical Summary: FY 1988


A3    Army's Armor Anti Armor Modernization Plan
AAE    Army Acquisition Executive
AAWS-M    Advanced Antitank Weapon System-Medium
ACPERS    Army Civilian Personnel System
ACTEDS    Army Civilian Training, Education, and Development System
ADATS    Air defense antitank system
ADDS    Army Data Distribution System
AFATDS    Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFQT    Armed Forces Qualification Test
AFSC    Armed Forces Staff College
AHIP    Army Helicopter Improvement Program
AIA    Army Information Architecture
AIM    Acquisition Information Management
AIS    Army Intelligence School
ALRLP    Army Long-Range Logistical Plan
AOC    Area of Concentration
APF    Appropriated Funds
ARI    Army Research Institute
ARTEP    Army Training end Evaluation Program
ASA (CW)    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
ASA (M&RA)    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
ASA (RDA)    Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition)
ASAS    All Source Analysis System
ASD (HA)    Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
ATACMS    Army Tactical Missile System
ATB    Army Training Board
ATCCS    Army Tactical Command and Control System
ATTD    Advanced technology transition demonstration
AWIS    Army Worldwide Information System
BASOPS    Base Operations
BCTP    Battle Command Training Program
BCW    Binary Chemical Warhead


BFV    Bradley fighting vehicle
C3    Command, control, and communications
C2I    Command, control, and intelligence component
CAC    Combined Arms Center
CAL    Center for Army Leadership
CANE FDTE    Combined Arms in a Nuclear/Chemical Environment Program of Force Development Test and Experimentation
CELP    Civilian Employment Level Plan
CENTAG    Central Army Group
CGSC    Army Command and General Staff College
CHAMPUS    Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CLTP    Civilian Leadership Training Program
CMTC    Combat Maneuver Training Center
COHORT    Cohesion, operational readiness, and training units (traditional or sustained)
CPC    Civilian Pay Ceiling
CPMP    Civilian Personnel Modernization Project
CSRS    Civil Service Retirement System
CSSCS    Combat Service Support Control System
CTC    Combat Training Centers program
DACOWITS    Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
DCPC    Direct Combat Probability Coding System
DCSLOG    Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
DCSPER    Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
DEPMEDS    Deployable medical systems
DFT    Deployment for Training program
DOS    Days of supply
DSB    Defense Science Board
DSCS    Defense Satellite Communications System
EEOC    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
ENSCE    Enemy Situation Correlation Element
EPA    Environmental Protection Agency
EPLRS    Enhanced Position Location Reporting System
FRETS    Enhanced RETS Range Control Station
FAADC21    Forward Army Defense Command, Control, and Intelligence Area System


FAADS    Forward Area Air Defense System
FEMA    Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERS    Federal Employees' Retirement System
FLOT    Forward line of troops
FM    Field Manual
FMS    Foreign Military Sales program
FOGM    Fiber optic-guided missile
FORCE    Force Evaluation
FRG    Federal Republic of Germany
FTS    Full Time Support force
GAO    General Accounting Office
GMFS    Ground Mobile Forces Tactical Satellite Communication Program
GOSC    General Officer Steering Committee
GSA    General Services Administration
GSM    Ground Station Module
HEMTT    Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Trucks
HIV    Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HMMWV    High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
HMX    High Melt Explosive
HNS    Host-nation support
IMA    Information Mission Area
INF    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
IPDS    Inland Petroleum Distribution System
IRR    Individual Ready Reserve
ISC    Information Systems Command
JAIO    Joint Assessment and Initiatives Offices
JCS    Joint Chiefs of Staff
JLOTS    Joint logistics over the shore exercise
JPME    Joint Professional Military Education program
JRTC    Joint Readiness Training Center
JSTARS    Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System
JTIDS    Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
LCU    Landing Craft, Utility
LHX    Light helicopter program
LOGO    Logistics Center
LOGMARS    Logistics Applications of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols


LOS-F-H    Line of sight-forward-heavy weapon
LOS-R    Line of sight-rear weapon
LOTS    Logistics over the shore
LRSS    Long-Range Stationing Study
LSVs    Logistics support vessels
LUPS    Logistics unit productivity systems ,
MAC    Military Airlift Command
MANPRINT    Manpower and Personnel Integration Program
MCB    Managing the Civilian Work Force to Budget
MCS    Maneuver Control System
METL    Mission Essential Task List
MICAF    Measuring Improved Capability of Army Forces
MILES    Multiple integrated laser engagement system
MILRP    Managing Information Long-Range Plan
MILSTAR    Military Strategic and Tactical Relay Satellite Communications System
MLRS    Multiple launch rocket system
MOBC2    Mobilization Command and Control
MOBMAN    Mobilization Manpower Planning System
MOS    Military occupational specialty
MOUT    Military operations on urbanized terrain
MIZE    Meal, Ready to Eat
MSE    Mobile Subscriber Equipment
MTMC    Military Traffic Management Command
MTM/D    Million ton miles per day
MTOE    Modification Table of Organization and Equipment
MUSALL    Monsanta, Under Secretary of the Army, Lawrence Livermore
MUST    Medical unit self-contained transportable
NAF    Nonappropriated funds
NATO    North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC    Nuclear, biological, and chemical
NCO    Noncommissioned officer
NCO-ER    Noncommissioned Officer Evaluation Report
NCOES    Noncommissioned Officer Education System
NDU    National Defense University
NGB    National Guard Bureau
NLOS    Non-line of sight weapon
NORTHAG    Northern Army Group
NRRC    Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers


NTC    National Training Center
NTVs    Nontactical vehicles
OASA (I&L)    Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Logistics)
OASA (RDA)    Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition)
ODCSLOG    Office, of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics
ODCSOPS    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans
ODCSPER    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel
ODCSRDA    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Research, Development, and Acquisition
ODISC4    Office of the Director of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
ODT    Overseas deployment training
OJCS    Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
OMB    Office of Management and Budget

 Operating Tempo: an Army method that measures the assignment of operating and sustaining resources to a particular training strategy in order to predict levels of combat readiness
OSI    Open Systems Interconnection Profile
OSIA    On-Site Inspection Agency
PEIS    Programmatic environmental impact statement
PEOs    Program executive officers
PLS    Palletized Loading System
PME    Prime Mission Equipment
PMS    Pedestal-Mounted Stinger
POM    Program Objective Memorandum
POMCUS    Pre-positioned materiel configured to unit sets
PPBES    Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System
PPBS    Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System
PRIME    Phantom Run Instrumented MILES Enhancement
RCAS    Reserve Component Automation System
RCW    Ration, Cold Weather
RDA    Research, Development, and Acquisition
RDTE    Research, development, test, and evaluation program


RDX    Research Department Explosive
REFORGER    Return of Forces to Germany
RETS    Remote Engaged Target Systems
RMP    Reprogrammable microprocessor
ROBUST    Redistribution of BASOPS/Unit Structure within TDA
ROK    Republic of Korea
RPV    Remotely piloted vehicle program
SA    Security assistance program
SCOTT S   ingle Channel Objective Tactical Terminal
SEMA    Special Electronic Mission Aircraft
SES    Senior executive service
SFOB    Single fuel on the battlefield
SGL    Standard general ledger
SINCGARS    Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems
SL7s    Fast sealift ships
SOF    Special Operations Forces
SSC    Soldier Support Center
STANFINS    Standard Financial Systems
STRAC    Standards in Training Commission
TAADS-R    The Army Authorization Documents System-Redesign project
TAC    Tactical Air Command
TACOS    Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer System
TACFIRE    Tactical fire direction system
TAPA    Total Army Personnel Agency
TDA    Table of Distribution and Allowances
TOE    Tables of Organization and Equipment
TOW    Tube-launched, optically tracked, wire command link-guided (antitank missile)
TRITAC    Joint Service Communications Systems
TSG    The Surgeon General
TSM    Terminal Support Module
TSP    Thrift Savings Plan
TTU    Transportation Terminal Units
TWOS    Total Warrant Officer System
UAV    Unmanned aerial vehicle
UCMJ    Uniform Code of Military Justice


USAREUR    U.S. Army, Europe
USASDC    U.S. Army Strategic Defense Command
USATHAMA    U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency
USTRANSCOM    U.S. Transportation Command
VCSA    Vice Chief of Staff, Army
VHA    Variable Housing Allowance


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