Endnotes for Chapter XIII

1 Maj Gen Miller G. White, during discussion, meeting of Advisory Corn on Negro Troop Policies; 4 Jan 44. ASW 291.2 NTC.

2 Ltr, ASW to Mrs. Roosevelt, 26 Jul 43, ASW 291.2 NT.

3 Memo, Civ Aide to SW for ASW, 14 May 43 Memo, Secy Advisory Com for ASW, 25 May 43 and Memo, ASW for Gen White, 29 May 43, all in ASW 291.2 NT-Gen; Min, Advisory Com, 28 Jun, 2 Jul 43, ASW 291.2 NT-Com.

4 The report was presented to the Advisory Committee on 2 July 1943, sent by the committee to the Chief of Staff on 3 July (Memo, Advisory Com for CofS, 3 Jul 43, ASW 291.2 NT), and sent to the major commands in altered (excerpted) form over the signature of General Marshall (Memo, CofS for CG's Major Comds, 3 Jul 43, WDCSA 291.21). The major commands, by indorsement, sent it to the field. See, for example, 1st Ind, ASF AG, 13 Jul 43, to CG's, Sv Comds, etc., SPX 291.21 ('3 Jul 43)

5 Memo, Advisory Com for CON, 9 Jul 43, ASS 291.2 VT. Punctuation in original changed by author.6 
6 Ibid.

7 Memos, G-2 for G-3, 29 May 42 and 17 Jun 42, both in G-3 291.21; Memo, Maj Gen Alexander D. Surles for ASW, 13 Apr 43, ASW 291.2 NT-Gen; Ltr, CG Cp Lee, Va., to Dir BPR, 6 Jan 43, and Incls, ASW 291.2 NT-Com; Censorship Rpt (AGO Form 912a) Hq LSAFISPA, 24 Sep 43, on the Chicago Defender-, 24 Jul 43, ASNV 291.2 NT.

8 Memo, BPR for G-3, P Aug 42, G-3 291.21 Vol I.

9 Ibid.

10 TM 2i-2o5, The Special Services Officer, 12 May 1942, gave commanding officers authority to destroy reading material considered "subversive, obscene, or otherwise improper." See Ltr, TAG, 24 Jun 41, AG 461 (6-20-41) MC-M; Ltr, TAG, 18 Jun 42, AG 461 (5-28-42) MS-B-M.

11 Ltr, Hq AA Comd to CG AGF,19 Aug 43 AGF 000.73/8.

12 Memo, BPR for CofS,10 Nov 43, approved by DCofS, 25 Nov 43, and circulated to the field as Ltr, TAG, 29 Nov 43, AG 461 (10 Nov 43) OB­S-BPR-M.

13 The quotation is from Virginius Dabney, "The Press and the Interracial Crisis," The Bulletin of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, September1, 1943, pp. 1-2. See also, in the same issue, Ben McKelway, "Rumor Clinic Technic Allayed Race Riot Fears in Washington," p. 3; Walter Leckrone, "Leckrone Tells How Indianapolis Averted Threat of Race Rioting," The Bulletin . . . , October 1, 1943, PP 5- 91, 

14 See Ernest E. Johnson, "The Washington News Beat," Phylon, VII (1946),126-31; P. L. Prattis, "The Role of the Negro Press in Race Relations," Phylon, VII (1946), 273-83

15 See correspondence files (unindexed) of Office of the Civilian Aide, AGO Records.

16 Ltr, P. L. Prattis to T. S. Matthews, in Time, July 7, 1944 (copy forwarded to Truman K. Gib­son, Jr.), ASW 291.2 NT-Civ Aide; See also Ltr, Deton J. Brooks, Jr., Asst Editor, Chicago Defender, to Gibson, 12 Aug 43, ASW 291.2 NT-Puerto Rico, Alpha; Binder, Alleged Attack upon a Negro Soldier at Scooba, Miss., AG 291.21 (2-22-43) (1); Ltr, unnamed correspondent, to Cleveland Call and Post, Incl to Memo, Gibson for Lt Col Harrison A. Gerhardt, 7 Mar 44, ASW 291.2 NT Combat; Memo, Gibson for ASW, 22 Nov 44, on tel conv with William G. Nunn, Managing Editor, Pittsburgh Courier, ASW 291.2 NT-Combat.

17 Ltr, TAG to CG's Major Comds, Theaters, Def Comds, Bases, 23 Jun 42, AG 291.21 (6-20-42) MB-BPR-M.

18 Lt Col James L. Lewis, Notes on Service with the gad Engineer Regiment (GS) in Extreme Cold and Wet Cold Climates, Engr School 8715.

19 Memo, BPR for ASW, 25 Oct 43, and Memo, Civ Aide for ASW, 23 Oct 43, both in ASW 291.2 NT-Publicity.

20 Film No. RF-51

21 Memo, Maj Capra, Chief Motion Picture Sec SSB, for Chief SSB, 30 Mar 42, and Ltr, Maj Samuel Griskin to Maj John B. Stanley, 16 Oct 42, both in SS 413.56 (7-12-41) (1) sec. II.

22 Ltr, Col Capra (Los Angeles Br Office SSB) to Gen Osborn, 26 Aug 42, SPSP 419.56 (8-26-42) .

23 Ltr, Osborn to Capra, 2 Sep 42, SPSP 413.56 (8-26-42).

24 Memo, Young and Dollard for Osborn, r Sep 42, SPSP 413.56 (8-26-42).

25 Msg, Col Edward L. Munson, Jr., for Gen Osborn, 29 Aug 42; Msg, Gen Osborn to Col Munson, 2 Sep 42; Msg, Capra to Munson, 10 Sep 42; Ltr, Dep Dir SSB to Col Capra, Fox-Western Studio Br Office SSD, Los Angeles,10 Sep 42, all in SPSPX 413.56 (9-10-42) ; Memo, ASW for Dir SSD SOS, 23 Jan 43, ASW 291.2 NT.

26 WD Cir 208, 25 May 44, Sec III. The film produced unexpected queries when initially shown at Fort Huachuca; unwise introductions and discussions elsewhere were avoided after this admonition.

27 "Reactions of Soldiers to the Film, The Negro Soldier," What the Soldier Thinks, No. 5, 25 Apr 44- But in some places, as at Hondo Field, Texas, it was felt that the film "did more harm than good. It was resented by many men. A less obvious, a less 'frontal' approach seems wiser. Such a judg­ment may be dismissed as `pussyfooting' but it is not necessarily 'pussyfooting' to question the wisdom of irritating a prejudice by making a direct attack upon it." Hist Hondo AAF, 1 Sep-1 Nov 44, AF Archive 284.46-6. 

28Film No. OF-27. 

29 Film No. GI-33.

30 Film No. SFP-151.

31 Film No. OF-14.

32 WD Pamphlet 20-6, 29 Feb 44.

33 Dr. 44 Young and Major bollard were primarily responsible for the preparation of this pamphlet. It served as a basis for the later Navy pamphlet, Guide to Command of Negro Naval Personnel, NAVPERS-15092, 12 Feb 45, prepared primarily by Dr. Young. 

34 A later revision was issued as WD Pamphlet 20-3, 10 Dec 43.

35 Command of Negro Troops, p.1.

36 Ibid. 

37 Ibid., p. 2.

38 Ibid., p. 11.

39 Ibid., p. 10.

40 The planning and execution of this document was also under the direction of Dr. Young, again with the assistance of members of the Research Branch, Morale Service Division, and of his associates in the JANCWR.

41 Memo for Ch, Fiscal Br, MSD, 24 Jan 44. SPMSO 352.11 (24 Jan 44); Memo, MSD for Sp Asst to SW, 12 Feb 44, SPMSO 353.11 (Feb 44)
Washington Evening Star, March 5, 1944; Memo, Programs Sec, Orientation Br, for Br Ch, 29 Feb 44, TI&E files; Washington Post, March 5, March 8, April 28, 1944; St. Louis Post-Dispatch, March 7, 1944: N.Y. Times, March 8, 1844; Washington Daily News, April 27, 1844; The Detroit News, April 28, 1844; Memo, Actg Dir MSD for O-in-C, Orientation Br, to Mar 44, SPMSO 352.11 (l0 Mar 94); Inv of the National War Efforts, Rpt, Com on Mil Affs, 8th Cong., 2d Sess, pursuant to HR 30, April 26, 1g44.

42 See above, p. ego.

43 Lit, Chap (Copt) A. L. Smith, 97th Engr Gen Sv Regt, to Brig Gen William H. Arnold, CofChaps, 31 Jul 43; Incl to Lit, CofChaps to all Negro Chaps, CO's, Units to which Negro Chaps are assigned, Negro Chap Students, Chaplain School, 24 Sep 43, SPCHT 2m Chaps Negro (16 Sep 43).

44 Ltrs and extracts from letters of Negro chaplains, in CofChaps 2m Negro Chaps (2, 6 Oct and 29 Dec 43).

45 Ibid., 16 Nov 43.

46 Ibid., 17 Nov 43.

47 Ltr, Chap Frederick W. Hagan to Chaplain-, 17 Nov 43.

48 Ltr, Hagan to Chaplain-, 26 Nov 43.

49 Dean William Stuart Nelson, Howard University School of Religion, chairman; Roswell P. Barnes, Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America; Bishop Richard R. Wright, Jr., Wilber­force University; Rev. Harold M. Kingsley, Good Shepherd Congregational Church, Chicago; Rev. John LaFarge, editor of America; with Truman K. Gibson and Donald Young as ex officio members. The committee was divided between Negroes and whites with most major branches of the church represented.

50 Cf., Ltr, CofChaps to Dean Nelson,18 Jan 44. SPCHI 211 N.C.

5l Ltr, Charles P. Taft, JANCWR, to Gen Arnold, 4 Sep 44, ASW 291.2 NTC (Separate Envelope).

52 Min of Gen Council, 4 Sep 44.

53 Memo, Dir Pets ASF, 5 Sep 44, SPAP 291.2.

54 Ltr, CofChaps to Dir Pers ASF, 9 Sep .14. SPCHG 291.2 Negro (5 Sep 44) .

55 M tst Ind to Ltr cited n. 54, Dir Pets ASF to G-1. 11 Sep 44, SPAP 291.2 (9 Sep 44).

56 DF, G-1 to Adv Com (thru OCS), 18 Sup 44. WDGAP/291.2.

57 Memo, ASW for Col Leonard, 29 Sep 44, ASW 291.2 NTC (Separate Envelope).

58 Discussion, Advisory Com, 4 Jan 44, ASW 291.2 NTC; Memo and Incls, Civ Aide to ASW, 24 Jan 44, no sub, ASw 291.2 NT-Pub. See ch. XI, above.

59 Ltr, TAG to CG's AAF, All Sv Counts, MDW, 8 Jul 44, AG 3538 (5 Jul 44) GB-S-A-M, based on DF, G-1 for TAG, 5 Jul 44, WDGAP/291.2 (29 Jun 44)

60 Baltimore Afro-American, August 5, 1944.

61 Editorial, Pittsburgh Courier, August 19, 1944 ; article, September 2, 1944.

62 Ltr, Actg SW to Sparks, t Sep 44, WDCSA 291.2 (26 Aug 44)

63 See, for examples, Ltr, SW to Congressman A. Leonard Allen, 7 Sep 44, WDCSA 291.2 Negroes (1 Sep 44); Lit, SW to Hon. Thomas L. Bailey, Governor of Miss., 8 Sep 44, WDCSA 291.2 Negroes (30 Aug 44) ; Ltr, Sw to Congressman John Newsome, WDCSA 291.2 Negroes (26 Aug 44) ; also many similar letters in same file.

64 Ltr, Marshall to Governor Spcssard L. Holland of Florida, 9 Sep 44, WDCSA 291.2 Negroes (2 Sep 44) -

65 Ltr, SW to Representative A. Leonard Allen of Louisiana, 20 Sep 44, WDCSA 1 291.2 Negroes
(13 Sep 44).

66 Memo, Col Leonard for ASW, 3 Oct 44, ASW 291.2. See also ASF Rpt, Racial Situation in the United States, 31 Aug 44, SPINT 291.2.

67 Memo, Col John Nash for CG ASF, 8 Nov 44 ASF DCofS File 291.2.

68 Ltr, Maj Charles H. Flourncy to CofE, 5 Dec 44. Ft. Lewis, Wash., OCE 291.2.

69 Ltr, Maj Flourney to CofE, 26 May 45, OCE 291.2.

70 Ibid. Negro orientation and special services officers and Negro officers from converted medical sanitary and chemical units were assigned to the center; most Engineer officers were white.

71 Colonel Leonard, surveying several posts in August and September 1944 found that morale ranged from excellent at Keesler Field, Mississippi, and Fort Benning, Georgia, to poor at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, Godman Field, Kentucky, and Walterboro Army Air Base, South Carolina. SPTR 291.2 (3 Oct 44)

72 Memo, CofS ASF for 1)CofS for Sv Comds, Dir of Plans and Opus, Dir of Pets, Dir of Mil Tug, 16 Oct 44, ASF DCofS 291.2.

73 Reports of the committee on its visits to camps and stations are in ASF DCofS 291.2 and in files of each of the member agencies. They have been cited frequently in the text of this volume.

74 On 31 March 1945, at about the median point in this committee's activities, 5,404,000 or 66.2 percent of Army strength (8,157.386) was overseas or en route. Included in this figure was 503,998 or 72.6 percent of the Army's 684,333 Negroes. ASF Monthly Prog Rpt, sec. 6B, 31 Mar 45; Strenght of the Army, STM-30, 1 Jan 46.

75 Accounts of training at these centers may be found in each service's installments in the serial History of Training ASF in MS OCMH.

76 Interv, Hist Off (ist Lt Dorothy Pyle) with Capt George C. Philbrick, CO C Sq, 120th AAFBU, Richmond AAB; Interv, same, with Maj Maurice Dyer, Supervisor for Aircraft Maint and Sup, Richmond AAB; Interv, same, with Lt Col John H. Hunter, Dir of Pets and Adm, Richmond AAB, all in Fifth Installment, "Hist . . . Richmond (Va.) AAB, Apr-8 Aug 45," app. 10, 12 AF Archive 287.97-5.

77 Brig Gen Horace L. Whittaker, ASFTC Ft. Francis E. Warren, Wyo., 20 Feb 45, Incl to Memo, ASF for members of committee formed under directive Hq ASF, dated 16 Oct 44, ASF DCofS SvC 291.2.

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