Endnotes for Appendix E
1 Summary for "TOTAL" is taken from: (11 OPD Weekly Status Map, 3 Dec 42: (2) Army Service Forces Statistical Review, App G : (3) AAF Statistical Digest, Table 1: (4) SYMBOL: Casablanca Books, Vol II, Exec 6 and (5) Monthly Strength of the Army
2 Certain divisions and combat groups were not complete For the shipment of divisions overseas in 1942 see Appendix E, below The number of air combat groups overseas, a year after Pearl Harbor, varies in different compilations The difficulties of arriving at an exact figure for the first week in December 1942 are increased by the necessity of adding incomplete groups, converting lists of squadrons to the equivalent number of groups or parts of groups, and taking into account at least one group in transit to the United States The figure 66-used here is based on the AAF Statistical Digest total for 30 November 1942
3 The strength figures for the ETO are only estimated in the Weekly Status Map of 3 December, since there was some confusion and lag in reporting units en route from the British Isles to North Africa
As of 21 December, strength figures (present) were
    British Isles     Iceland
AGE       77, 668      24,797
SOS       43,549      10,385
AAF       51,212       3,142
Total       12,429      38,324
Projected     422,460      51,700
Source: Memo, OPD for CofS, 30 Dec 42, sub: Troop Strength in ETO, SYMBOL: Casablanca Books, Vol 11, Exec 6
4 5th Infantry Division (Iceland) and 29th Infantry Division (British Isles)
5 As of 21 December strength figures (present) were: AGE, 141,409: SOS, 2,566; AAF, 33,812; total, 177,787 The total projected as of 21 December was 450,000 (Memo cited n 3)
6 1st and 2d Armored Divisions: 1st, 3d, 9th, and 34th Infantry Divisions Only elements of the 2d Armored and 9th Infantry Divisions were present
7 The 24th, 25th, 27th, and 40th Infantry Divisions The 25th Infantry Division began moving to Guadalcanal from Hawaii on 25 November 1942 and arrived on 17 December 1942
8 The Americal, 37th, and 43d Infantry Divisions The Americal Division left New York as a task force and was constituted and organized as a division after its arrival in New Caledonia
9 The 32d and 41st Infantry Divisions

Page created 10 January 2002

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