Endnotes for Chapter XXXI

1 Memo, Consultant for Women's Health and Welfare to Dir WAC, 4 Jul 44. SPMC DD-DW 322.5, in WDWAC 220.

2 References to Craighill opinions, unless otherwise cited, are from: (l) History of Women's Medical Unit, rough draft narrative by Lt Col Margaret D. Craighill, MC, 23 Jul 46. SGO Hist Div 314.72. (2) Rpt, Maj Craighill to Hist Div SGO, 26 Sep 45, sub: Logistics of World War II. SPMDF-W, in WDWAC 314.7.

3 For development of unit, sec history cited n. 2(1).

4 (1) Memo, WAC Well-Being Off for Dir WAC, 6 Jan 44. SPWA 211. (2) Memo, ASF Pub Conti Off for Maj Craighill, 4 May 44. WDWAC 300.6.

5 (1) WAAC Regs 1942, par 21-25. (2) AR 40-100, Change 5, 27 Sep 43. (3) Rpt, Enlistment. Health, and Discharge of the WAC, by Med Stat Div SGO, in Army MD Bull, Vol. VI, No. 3, Sep 46. (4) Memo, SGO for Dir WAC, 14 Aug 44. SPMC/DD-DW 322.5.

6 See Ch. X. Also Rpt 3-W, WAAC Enrollment Data. SGO Med Stat Div Bull, 17 Aug 43.

7 Change a, AR 40-100, 27 Sep 43. See also D/F, Dir WAC for SGO, 20 Dec 43, incl 1st Ind from SGO, SG 322.5 (1st SC) AA. SPWA 220.13 (9-30-43).

8 Bull, SGO Med Stat Div, WA C Enlistment Data, 6 Mar 44, Rpt 5-W, Contl Symbol SPMCS-96.

9 (1) Memo, Craighill for Gen Bliss, SGO, 28 Apr 44. SGO Hist Div folder. (2) Ltr, Post Surg to Comdt Ft Oglethorpe, 11 Nov 43, and Ends; (3) Ltr, Post Surg Ft Oglethorpe to SGO, 21 Jan 44. SGO Hist Div 322.5-1.

10 Memo, The SG to CG ASF, 7 Feb 44. SPAP 341 WAC (11-6-43 ).

11 M/R, O Dir WAC, 29 Feb 44. WDWAC 326 (1945-46).

12 (1) Speech of Dir WAC, Recruiters Conf, Chicago. Feb 44. WDWAC 337. (2) Memo, Sp Asst Elizabeth DeSchweinitz for Dir WAC, 12 Feb 44. WAC files, OCMH.

13 Memo, Dir Pers ASF for G-1, CofS, and SW; 15 Jan 45. SPGAP 710 Gen. in CofS 324.5 WAC.

14 Menninger, Psychiatry in a Troubled World, p. 112.

15 (1) Memo. SG for Dir WAC. 4 Oct 43. WDWAC 702. (2) M/R, 3 Feb 44. SPWA 080 (9-9-43), copy in OCMH.

16 Memo, Dir WAC to G-1 WD through CG ASF, 6 Jan 44, and atchd reply. WDWAC 341.

17 (1) M/R, sub: Memo on WAC Screening in New York City. WDWAC 201.6 (1944). (2) Memo, MPD ASF for Dir Pers ASF, 2 Feb 44. SPGAP 342 Gen, in SPAP 320- 340 WAC.

18 Memo The SG for CG ASF, 7 Feb 44. SPAP 341 WAC (11-6-43).

19 M/R cited n. 11.

20 (1) Ltrs, AGO to all SvCs. 1 Apr 44, AG 341 WAC PR-I; 19 May 44, SPX 341 WAC PR-I; 10 .Jun 44 AG 341 WAC PR-I. (2) Ltr, SGO to all SvCs, 13 May 44. SGO Hist Div folder. (3) Memo, MPD ASF for Dir Pers ASF, 3 May 44. SPGAP 342 Gen- 123, in SPAP 341 WAAC. (4) Memo, Actg Dir WAC to SGO, 3 Mar 44. SPWA 330.14 R. (5) Direct quotation from Memo, MPD ASF for TAG. 19 Aug 44. SPGAP 342 Gen-141, in SPAP 342 WAC.

21 Rpt cited n. 2(2). Also Chart by Med Stat Div SGO, 12 Mar 45, sub: 'Trend of Med Rejections, WAC Candidates, Nov 42-Dec 44. Copy in WAC files, OCMH.

22 Study. Trend of Med Rejections in WAC:, and A Sample Study of Med Defects . . , 147 pages, 30 charts. SGO Med Stat Div. The Certificate of Disability Discharge rate per 1,000 for the year October 1943 to October 1944 was:

20-39    18
40-50    59
Marital Status:     
Married    73
Divorced or widowed    68
Single    27
4-7 years    189
8 years    185
1-3 yrs high school    73
High school graduate    26
1-3 yrs college    24
College graduate    11
Postgraduate    11
Employed in skilled work    36
Unemployed    115

23 (1) Inquiry from U.S. Office of Education, and reply, with M/R, SPWA 353.13 (1943). (2) Chicago World Herald June 30 1945. (3) Memo. Stat Br G-1 for Dir WAC, 3 Mar 45. WDWAC 720, 1945-46.

24 AR 615-250.

25 Ltr, Post Surg 1st Tng Cen to TSG, 20 Oct 42. with Inds. SPWA 201.6.

26 (1) Ltr, 6th WAAC Opns Co, Boston, to 1st SvC, 7 Nov 42, and Inds. SPWA 201.6. (2) Memo. Col Karl R. Lundeberg, MC, for The SG, 2 Dec 42. SPMCM 322.5-1 WAC, in SGO Hist Div. (3) Memo, WAAC Hq for SGO, 5 Dec 42. SPWA 201.6. A monthly physical inspection was directed by WAAC Circular 1, 23 January 1943, which, however, had no power to prescribe procedure, and did not.

27 Ltr, Secy to Mrs. Roosevelt to Dir WAC, 30 Dec 44. WDWAC 330.14.

28 Memo Cir Ltr 135, 27 Jul 43, in SPWA 314.7 sec 3.

29 Memo, Craighill for Gen Bliss, 25 Mar 44, sub: Visit to Ft Des Moines and Chicago. Folder Capt Berlien, SGO Mist Div.

30 (1) Ltr to 3d SvC, 4 Dec 43, with 1st Ind, SGO to Dir WAC, 25 Jan 44; (2) Ltr, SG to all SvCs, 9 Feb 44, incl Change to SGO Cir 1, 1 Jan 44; amends SGO Cir Ltr 135, 27 Jul 43. SPWA 702 (12-4-43), 1943.

31 Menninger, Psychiatry in a Troubled World.

32 (1) Memo, Asst Consultant on Women's Health for Col Freer, SGO, 27 Sep 44. SGO CI 321 WAC. (2) D/F, G-1 to SGO, 29 Sep 45. WDGAP 201.5 WAC, in WDWAC 201.5.

33 (1) Sources cited n. 2. (2) Memos, Civ Consultant for Dir WAAC, 6 and 17 May 43. Folders 6 and 15, Miss lies' file, 1943 WAAC Plng Serv file.

34 Craighill IBT Rpt.

35 (1) Memo cited n. 1. (2) ETO Bd Rpt, App. 121. P. 5.

36 (1) Baetjer, Women in Industry, pp. 39 ff. (2) Conditions in the Three Women's Services.

37 (1) ASF Monthly Progress Rpts, Sec 7, "Health," for 31 Jul 44, 31 Oct 44, and 31 May 46. (2) Rpt cited n. 5(3). (3) WD Press Release, 18 Oct 46. (4) Annual Rpt of The SG for Fiscal Year 1945.

38 Rpts cited n. 37(1).

39 Conditions in the Three Women's Services.

40 Rpts by Paul Titus, MD, Consultant to SG, in Mist Div SGO 210.01; info from Mr. Clarence Smith, SGO Hist Div.

41 WD Pamphlet 35-1, Sex Hygiene Course, 27 May 43, and later edition, May 45. WDWAC 720 (1945).

42 Conditions in the Three Women's Services.

43 Ch. XXXII, below

44 Memo. SGO for G-1, 19 Dec 45. SPMC/DF-W, in WDWAC 201.6.

45 Health files (unnumbered) of Air WAC Div, ACofAS Pers, Hq AAF, 1943-45.

46 Baetjer, Women in Industry.

47 Ibid., p. 196.

48 Hist Revs Rpt 319, History of the ATC: Women Pilots in the Air Transport Command, by Hist Br, Hq ATC (1946). USAF Hist Div.

49 Memo, WAAC Hq for SGO, 23 Jan 43, and reply 26 Jan. SPWA 210.13 and SPMCM 322.5-1 WAC, SGO Hist Div.

50 Memo, Exec WAC for Air WAC Off, 16 Jun 44. WDWAC 720.

51 (1) Memo, SG for CG ASF, 7 Feb 44, SMPDA 322.5-1, with remarks of MPD ASF, 15 Feb, SPGAP 342 Gen, and Dir WAC 3 Mar WDWAC 341. All in SPWA 341 (1942). (2) Rpt cited n. 5(3), p. 285.

52 Memo cited n. 32(1).

53 T B. Med 158, May 1945.

54 Sources cited n. 5.

55 Memo, Dir WAAC for CofS, 4 Aug 42, sub: Status of WAAC Hq in WD Consideration of WAAC Matters. Copies in SGO Classif SPMC 322.5-1, and Adm Serv ASF, DRB AGO.

56 See Ch. XI above.

57 1st Ind, SGO for CofAdm Serv, 8 Aug 42, to Memo cited n. 55.

58 Memo, WAAC Hq for SG, 5 Dec 42, sub: AR 615-250. SPWA 201.6 R.

59 Pamphlet cited n. 41.

60 (1) pub Health Serv Films: Fight Syphilis and The Magic Bullet; Canadian film: For Your Information; American film: Our Job to Know. (2) Pamphlet: You'd Better Know, printed by V D. Education Institute, Raleigh, N. C. (3) WD Pamphlet 35-4, 1945, For Women Overseas. AG 461 (3-13-45), in WDWAC 720.

61 Memo Routing Slip. MTD ASF to Dep Dir WAC, 7 Apr 44, re Draft of Change to Cir 48, 3 Feb 44, with atchd note.

62 WD Cir 172,2 May 44, sec IV.

63 WD Cir 6, 4 Jan 44, amended by WD Cir 163, 26 Apr 44.

64 AR 40-210, 25 Apr 45.

65 WAC rate is from Major Craighill's final report. Her sources were regular monthly reports from all service commands, received throughout the war. Civilian comparison is from: (1) Office Memo, U.S. Pub Health Serv VD Div for OCMH 13 Jul 50, sub: Morbidity Rates by Sex and Color. OCMH. (2) Telephone conversations with Dr. Johannes Stuart and J. Wallace Rion of that division. The Public Health Service stated that, due to differing methods of determining rates, no exactly comparable figure could be given for civilian women, but that the ratio of male to female rates should hold true under any method of collection of data, and that studies indicated that incidence for men was about the same whether in or out of Army.

66 Notably at Universal Military Training test groups at Fort Knox, visited by the author.

67 Ltr, Rep. Frances P. Bolton (Ohio) to Dir WAC, 5 Dec 44, incl Ltr from constituent, and another, 16 Dec 44. WDWAC 720.

68 Ltr. Post Surg to Comdt 4th WAAC Tng Cen, 14 May 43; 3d Ind, SGO to Dir WAAC. SGO Hist Div 322.5-1.

69 Mod Stat Div SGO analysis. Also sec Table 9. Appendix A. Civilian rate for 1944 is from U.S. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United Slates: 1948, Table 69, p. 67; rate fir each age group of civilian women has been weighted according to the percent of 1Nacs who were in that age group.

70 Menninger, Psychiatry in a Troubled World, p. 114.

71 Ltr cited n. 68.

72 AR 615-361, 4 Nov 44, sec 22.

73 Ltr, Mrs. M. T Kramer to Dir WAC, 2 Jun 44. WDWAC 330.14.

74 D/F Dir WAC for ASF Com on Awards. 12 Jun 44, sub: Amendment of AR 615-40. WDWAC 300.3 (6-8- 44).

75 Memo, SGO for Col Catron (Exec WAAC), 24 Mar 43, sub: 'test for Pregnancy. WDWAC 702, Hobby file.

76 AR 615-361.4 Nov 44.

77 Ltr, TAG to AAF, AGF, ASF, 7 Oct 44. AGPE-A-WDGAP 200.3 WAC (10-2-44), as printed for AAF fld stations by AAF Ltr 35-198, 20 Oct 44.

78 Craighill SWPA Rpt.

79 Memo, Maj Margaret Janeway, MC, Asst Consultant for 'Women's Health and Welfare, to Col Freer, SGO, 27 Sep 44. SGO Cl 321 SNAG.

80 Memo cited n. 29.

81 (1) Rpt cited n. 2(2). (2) Ltr, Dir WAC to CG, 4th SvC, 12 Nov 43, and 3d Ind, SGO to Dir WAC, 8 Liar 44. WDWAC 211 (1944).

82 (1) Memo Col Menninger for Maj Berlien 26 Jun 44. SPMDU, Capt Berlien folder, SGO Mist Div. (2) Memo, Col Menninger to Maj McClure, O Dir WAC, 10 Mar 44. WDWAC 000.7.

83 All references to psychiatrists' opinions, unless otherwise specified, are from: (1) Preston, History of Psychiatry in the Women's Army Corps, 1946. Copy in SGO and O Dir WAC. (2) Menninger, Psychiatry in a Troubled World. Used with the permission of The Macmillan Company, publishers.

84 Interv with Col Frank U. McCoskrie, Comdt 1st WAC Tng Cen.

85 Memo. Well-Being Off for Dir WAC, 3 Jan 4-4, and atchd file. Personal papers of Dep Dir WAC, in OCMH.

86 (1) Memo, G-1 for CofS, 13 Oct 44. WDGAP 334, in CofS 324.5 WAC. (2) Min, Conf, 16 18 Feb 45. WD Lib and Hobby files. (3) Comment 4, to memo not found, Dir Per ASF to G-1, 28 May 45. WDWAC 720.

87 See also Dr. Marion Kenworthy, in Rpt of Dir WAC, sub: Gen in All Theaters. WDWAC 333.1 (1945-46).

88 Min, Conf of NCAC and WAC Stf Dirs. Ft Des Moines, 16-18 Feb 45, pp. 11-18. OCMH.

89 Ibid.

90 It is understood, from an interview with Major Preston, that he retained these records upon return to civilian employment in the Menninger clinic, and intended to write a book concerning psychiatric problems of women.

91 Ltr to Dir WAC in WDWAC 330.14 (1944).

92 Memo, Dir WAC for CG ASF Att MTD, 26 Aug 44, sub: Course of Instruction on Homosexuality, with 2d Ind, SGO to Dir WAC; IG investigation is described. SGO CI SPMC 330.14 Ft Oglethorpe.

93 Pamphlet cited n. 41.

94 Rpts cited n. 37(1). Figures are given in a chart that cannot be interpreted exactly.

95 Memo, AAF Ground Safety Div for Air WAC Div, 5 May 45, sub: Study of Injury Experience of AAF Military Women, AFPGS. The survey covered women in six different Air Commands for a 10-month period May 1944 through February 1945.

96 Memo, Capt Donna Niles for Dir Tng Div SGO. 12 Apr 44. Folder, Berlien-Reports on Weight, SGO Hist Div.

97 (1) Memo. Exec: WAC to SG, 13 Jun 44. WDWAC: 702, 1944. (2) Memo, SGO for G-1, 23 Oct 44. SPMC/DF-W, in WDWAC 720.

98 Following, unless otherwise indicated, is from Memo, Exec: SGO for G-1, 19 Dec 45, in compliance with directive 30 Apr 45. SPMC/DF W, in WDWAC 201.6.

99 Baetjer, Women in Industry.

100 See n. 2: also Memo, G-1 for CofS, 13 Oct 44, sub: NCAC. WDGAP 334, in Co1S 324.5 WAC.

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