Endnotes for Chapter XXV

1 See Section I, Report, CA Section, First U.S. Army, 9-30 June 1944, SHAEF files, G-5, Hist, 223, FUSA Opns. Rpts.

1a For an account of the meeting with the Military Commander of the Rouen Region and later with the Civil Commissioner, see Interview With Brig R. M. H. Lewis, SCAO, 2d Br Army, in Chapter XXIV, Section 3.

2 A detailed report of this conference is contained in the file cited at the beginning of this document. With the exception of a few cases which were referred to the 21 Army Group, tentative agreement was reached on the following points: authority for arrest and trial of military and civilian personnel; unauthorized possession of Allied military property; infringement of British orders and the method of securing witnesses; and the right to arrest persons subject to Allied military jurisdiction.

3 Although the conclusions of this report are not borne out by other evidence, this document has been included as indicative of at least one point of view.

4 Marcel Vigneras, A History of the French Forces of the Interior, is in OCMH, MS files.

5 Civil Affairs Detachment AIAI was commanded by Lt. Col. Frank O. Howley, American, with Major Rupert L. H. Nunn, British, as his deputy. It achieved fame for the administration of Cherbourg, the first large city to be returned to the French. Also, it became the nucleus for the teams set up to operate in Paris and Berlin. This condensed report is one of a series of case studies published in training-kit form in 1950 as a reference work for military government personnel of the Organized Reserves.

6 To implement this directive, the 12th Army Group issued detailed instructions to the First and Third Armies and the Communications Zone on 22 August 1944. The situation found to exist in Paris made it necessary to modify the plan.

7 The report was prepared by the Financial Branch, G-5 Division, SHAEF, on 3 June 1944, copy of which may be found in file cited above.

8 Creation of a Zone of the Interior had been provided for in Memorandum No. I of the CA agreement on France, 25 August 1944 (ch. XXIV, sec. 4, above).

9 JCS on 17 October had asked General Eisenhower's advice as to the advisability of giving formal recognition to the De Gaulle committee. The opinion expressed in his reply of 2o October, which coincided with views already held in many European countries, was accepted in Washington and, on 23 October 1944, the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and about five other nations recognized the French Provisional Government, headed by General de Gaulle.

10 Article 5 of Memorandum No. I stated that ". . . certain portions of the interior zone (known as military zones) may be subjected to a special regime on account of their vital military importance. . . . In such zones, the Supreme Allied Commander is given the right to take . . . all measures considered by him to be necessary for the conduct of operations. . . .

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