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LaGuardia, Fiorello, 254
Larner, G. de Friest, 287
Lassiter, Maj. Gen. William, 283
Lassiter Board, 283, 284
Latin America, 94-97, 141, 153. See also individual countries.
    creation of Hemisphere Defense force recommended, 94


    and creation of liaison committee of State, War, and Navy Departments, 89-91
    Fascist sentiment in, 87, 141
    problem of arms for, 112
    Standing Liaison Committee emphasizes peril to, 95-97
    Sumner Welles's suggestions for closer relations, 91
Layton, Sir Walter, 316-17, 318, 322
Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D., 90, 93, 99-100
Lear, Lt. Gen. Ben, 236
Lee, Maj. Gen. Raymond E., 114, 371, 505
Lend-Lease, 11, 104, 318-19, 404n. See also Destroyers-for-bases transaction.
    becomes law, 321, 331
    computing British needs, 324-25
    early differences with Soviet Union, 329-30
    fails to solve problem of satisfactory allocations, 321-25
    General Burns named executive, 324
    long-range influence of, 325-29
    need for fuller knowledge of long-range concepts, 331-32
    Roosevelt announces plan for, 368
Lesser Antilles, 484
Lewis, Brig. Gen. B. O., 322
Lewis, Maj. Gen. John T., 71n
"Limited" emergency proclamation, 156-58, 156n, 158n, 159
Lippmann, Walter, 362, 362n, 364
Lodge, Sen. henry Cabot, Jr., 150-51, 166, 198
Logistics, decision to put maximum emphasis on, 9. See also G-4.
London Arms Conference, 92
Lothian, Lord, 107, 113, 118-19, 119n, 120, 316
Louisiana maneuvers. See Maneuvers.
Lovett, Robert A., 239, 290, 292, 294, 363, 364
Ludlow, Louis, 152n
Luzon-Visayan Project, 426-32
Lynd, Col. William E., 463


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