Chapter VI, The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas

1 Ruppenthal, Logistical Support of the Armies, 1, 17689; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 1, p. 24, OCT HB ETO.

2 Memo, Traub for Chief Contl and Ping OCT COMZONE ETO, 10 May 45, sub: Summary of Ping, atchd to Annex I of Rpt, Consolidated Historical Report on Transportation Corps Activities in the European Theater of Operations, May 1942 Through V-E Day (hereafter cited as Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO); Hist Rpt, TC ETO, I, 14-17. Both in OCT HB ETO. Ltr, Ross to Larson, 9 Mar 49, OCT HB Inquiries.

3 Ross Itr cited n. 2; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, p. 24; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, II, 138-44; COMZONE Trans Plan, Hq FECZ ETO, 10 May 44, Annex 13 to COMZONE Plan, AG Opns Rpts RG 207 Red Vault USFET COMZONE Trans Plan; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 207-11, 215.

4 Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 213-14.

5 Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, OCT HB ADSEC; Opns Plan, ADSEC COMZONE, 30 Apr 44, Annex 14, Trans, AG Adm ETO 377; COMZONE Trans Plan cited n. 3.

6 COMZONE Plan, Hq FECZ ETOUSA, 14 May 44, Sec. IV, AG Opns Rpts RG 207 Red Vault USFET COMZONE Ord Plan; History of G-4, Communications Zone, ETO (hereafter cited as Hist of G-4 COMZONE ETO), Sec. VII, pp. 19-21, OCMH Files; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 108-09.

7 Hist of G-4 COMZONE ETO, Sec. VII, Pt. I, Tab 26, Special Problem-Continental Transportation; COMZONE Plan, Hq FECZ ETOUSA, Sec. XI, AG Opns Rpts RG 207 Red Vault USFET COMZONE; Memo, Col Hugh A. Murrill, Contl and Ping, for Ross, 7 Jul 44, sub: Rpt on Normandy Ports, USFET OCT 323.3 Cotentin Ports Survey, KCRC AGO. On the artificial ports see below, pp. 275-76.

8 Unless otherwise indicated, the discussion of transportation planning is based upon: COMZONE Trans Plans cited n. 3; and NEPTUNE Opns Plan, Hq ADSEC COMZONE, 30 Apr 44, Annex 14, Trans, AG Adm ETO 377 Annexes 7-15, Item 4.

9 See Chart, Beach and Port Capacity (D plus 20D plus 90), as assessed by SHAEF Memo, 7 Jun 44, USFET OCT 323.3 Cotentin Ports Survey, KCRC AGO.

10 SHAEF, G-4 FECZ, and ADSEC estimates of port capacities and opening dates of ports varied, but discrepancies were relatively minor. For the sake of convenience FECZ estimates have been used here.

11 COMZONE Trans plan cited n. 3, pp. 1-2. The major port, the 11th, attached to the Provisional Engineer Special Brigade Group, was to operate the artificial port and the minor ports. See NEPTUNE Opns Plan, Annex 14, cited n. 8, p. 6.

12 Unless otherwise cited, the discussion of port planning is based on the FECZ (COMZONE Trans Plan cited n. 3) and the ADSEC (NEPTUNE Opns Plan, Annex 14, cited n. 8) transportation plans.

13 Quiberon Bay, an undeveloped area, was to be captured about D plus 40 and undergo extensive development. On this project, called CHASTITY, see Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 187-89, 294-96.

14 History of Motor Transport in the European Theater of Operations (hereafter cited as Hist of NIT in ETO), p. 16; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 7, A Brief Outline History of the Motor Transport Service (hereafter cited as Outline Hist of MTS), p. 2. All in OCT IIB ETO.

15 Ltr, Col Vissering to Gen Ward, Chief Mil Hist, 14 Aug 52, OCMH Files.

16 Outline Hist of MTS, pp. 2-3.

17 On the requisitioning of heavy vehicles, see the following: Memo, Dir of Sup ASF for TAG, 31 Dec 43, sub: Ord Project GS 20 and GS 21 for ETO; 1st Ind, Dir of Plans and Opns ASF to Dir of Sup ASF, 18 Dec 43; Memo, Lutes for CG ASF, 25 Mar 44, sub: ETO Projects GS 20 and GS 21. All in AG 4,00 (31 Jul 43) (7) Sec 6A Opnl Projects for 1943 and 1944 for ETO. Also see Study, OCT Hwy Div, Motor Vehicle Requirements for the European Theater of Operations, 8 Apr 44, OCT HB Hwy Div; and Hist of MT in ETO, pp. 13-14.

18 Outline Hist of NITS, pp. 2-5; WD AR-212, 20 May 44; Annual Rpt, Strategic Studies Br Hwy Div OCT, 17 June 44, pp. 22-23, OCT HB Hwy Div.

19 Outline Hist of MTS, pp. 5-6; Supplement to Conf Notes of Monday 10 Apr 44, USFET OCT 322 Overstrength of QM Truck Cos, KCRC AGO.

20 Hist of MT in ETO, pp. 23-24; Outline Hist of NITS, pp. 7-8.

21 See COMZONE Trans Plan cited n. 3, and NEPTUNE Opns Plan, Annex 14, cited n. 8.

22 Vissering ltr cited n. 15; Ruppenthal, op. cit., p. 315.

23 Hist of G-4 COMZONE ETO, Sec. VII, Pt. 1, Tab 2b, pp. 7-8.

24 Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 9-10, OCT HB ETO; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 557-58.

25 COMZONE Plan, FECZ ETOUSA, cited n. 6, Sec. XI, Trans, pp. 33, 35; Hist of G-4 COMZONE ETO, Sec. V, Pt. I, Tab 2b, p. 7.

26 Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 8, Military Railway Service, pp. 13-16; Ltr, Ross to Col J. A. Appleton, Chief Rail Div OCT WD, 25 Oct 43, USFET OCT 320.2 Strength, KCRC AGO. Also see above, p. 126.

27 NEPTUNE Opns Plan, Annex 14, cited n. 8.

28 COMZONE Trans Plan cited n. 3, and atchd Incls 1 and 3.

29 Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 8, MRS, Map, Pre-Invasion Planned Development of Railways on the Continent; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 123, p. 11, OCT HB ETO.

30 SHAEF Adm Memo 24, 18 Jul 44, sub: Cooperation of French Mil and Civ Trans Authorities, OCT HB ETO France Rys.

31 Since Quiberon Bay and Lorient were not placed in operation, the line planned to connect them with Rennes was not developed.

32 For details on continental rail operations, see below, pp. 340-54.

33 On planned movement control activities in the Communications Zone, see the following: Opns Plan NEPTUNE, Annex 14, cited n. 8; COMZONE Plan, FECZ ETOUSA, cited n. 6, Sec. XI, pp. 33-38; and COMZONE Trans Plan cited n. 3, pp. 4 and 7.

34 Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 497-98.

35 On plans for pipelines see the following: Hist of G-4 COMZONE ETO, Sec. V, Ch. 2; COMZONE Plan, FECZ ETOUSA, cited n. 6, Annex 8; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 319-26.

36 For a more detailed treatment of plans and preparations for the mounting of OVERLORD, see Ruppenthal, op. cit., Ch. IX.

37 Historical Critique of the United Kingdom OVERLORD Movements, 1 Nov 45 (hereafter cited as Hist Critique), pp. 21-30; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, pp. 2-3; Consolidated Rpt of TC Activities in ETO, p. 27. All in OCT HB ETO.

38 Used earlier in the invasion of Sicily, such cargo consisted of supplies lashed to small wooden platforms that could be readily handled by mechanical equipment or, if necessary, could be pulled over the beach like sleds. Skidloads could be handled ashore with comparative ease and dispatch, but they were often wasteful of shipping space. See OCT HB Monograph 19, pp. 143-46; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, II, 102-05, OCT HB ETO.

39 Other important amphibious exercises included FOX, BEAVER, CARGO, and CELLOPHANE. See Hist Critique, pp. 12-18; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, II, 112-37a; Harrison, Cross-Channel Attack, pp. 269-70; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 348-54.

40 Hist Critique, p. 31.

41 On BUCO, MOVCO, TURCO, and Little BUCO, see Gen Bd Rpts, USFET, Study 22, pp. 511, Study 122, pp. 6-12, and Study 129, pp. 2, 22-23, OCT HB ETO.

42 The Hist Critique, p. 30.

43 Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, p. 5, OCT HB ETO; Hist, Southern Base Sec, Aug 43-Aug 44, pp. 12-13, AG Adm ETO 601; Hist Monograph, Hist Div USFET, Administrative and Logistical History of the European Theater of Operations, Pt. VI, Vol. I, pp. 254-55, OCMH Files. The Southern Base Section objected to the joint operation in the Southampton area but was overruled. Ltr, Brig Gen Charles O. Thrasher (Ret.) to Larson, 6 Jun 50, OCT HB Inquiries.

44 Hist Critique, pp. 19-20; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 361-62.

45 Hist Critique, pp. 30-31; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, II, 108-110, OCT HB ETC.

46 Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 364-65; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. III, Ch. V, pp. 1-2, OCT HB ETO. Called EMBARGO by its critics, EMBARGO proved cumbersome and difficult to maintain. See Hist Critique, p. 32.

47 Rpt, Stat Br OCT ETO, Tran Statistics ETO, 6 Jun 44-8 May 45, May 45, p. 7, OCT HB ETO Staff Rpts.

48 Hist Critique, pp. 33-35; Gen Bd Rpts, USFET, Study 122, p. 22, Study 129, p. 6, OCT HB ETO; Ltr, Ross to Larson, 15 Jun 49, OCT HB Inquiries; Hist Rpt, 17th Port, Aug 44, and Hist, 17th Port, Ch. VI and App., OCT HB Oversea Ports. Cf. Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 365-73.

49 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. III, Ch. VI, pp. 1-6, OCT HB ETO.

50 Unless otherwise indicated, the account of supply movement planning and preparations is based on the Hist Critique, pp. 54-73. Also, see Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 5, pp. 11-16.

51 Opn "OVERLORD" Sup MVmt (U.S.) Instructions, Hq SOS ETOUSA, 6 May 44, USFET OCT 523 Sup MVmt OVERLORD 1944, KCRC AGO; Hist Critique, pp. 5-6.

52 This must not be confused with the Red Ball truck route subsequently established on the Continent.

53 Hist Critique, pp. 69-71; Ltr, Ross to Larson, 15 Jun 49, OCT HB Inquiries.

54 Emergency shipments were also made by air. See Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, pp. 3-4, OCT HB ETO.

55 "OVERLORD" Sup Mvmt Instructions cited n. 51; Hist Critique, pp. 58-60, 96-100; Consolidated Rpt of TC Activities in ETO, p. 27.

56 The theater chief of ordnance provided similar information on an Ammunition Ship and Reference Sheet, instead of a DSSD.

57 Hist Critique, p. 67; "OVERLORD" Sup Mvmt Instructions cited n. 51; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, pp. 34-35; Hist, 17th Port, Ch. VI, pp. 14-15, OCT HB ETO Oversea Ports.

58 OCT HB Monograph 18, pp. 75-76; Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD (6 Jun-6 Sep 44), pp. 10, 14, 16-17, and App., Sec. IV, OCT HB Oversea Ports.

59 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. III, Ch. VII, pp. 6-8, OCT HB ETO; Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, pp. 6-7, 9-11, 17, and App., Sec. III, OCT HB Oversea Ports.

60 Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, p. 22, OCT HB Oversea Ports; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 8, pp. 16-17; Ltr, Ross to Gross, 6 Jun 44, OCT HB Gross ETO-Gen Ross; Special Rpt, Cherbourg Port Reconstruction, 5 Mar 45, compiled by Lt Col Joseph A. Grist, OCofE ETO, pp. 41, 4647, 130, OCT HB ETO France Ports.

61 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. III, Ch. VII, pp. 10-14; OCT HB ETO; Hist, 14th Port, Sep 45, App. (Saga of Y-Boat Fleet), OCT HB Oversea Ports. Cf. Ltr, Ross to Gross, 6 Jun 44, OCT HB Gross ETO-Gen Ross.

62 Hist Critique, pp. 64-67.

63 According to the former chief of staff of the Southern Base Section, the failure to delay enough troops to counteract the one-day delay was attributable to security requirements, Movement orders to all units had to be transmitted by officer courier. Realizing that the troops already on the move could not be halted without great confusion, Southern Base Section permitted them to continue to move. When it was found that additional delays would be caused by the nonreturn of ships, orders were dispatched by couriers to hold back units. See Ltr, Col Charles R. Broshous to Maj Gen Albert C. Smith, Chief of Mil Hist, 9 Jun 54, OCMH Files.

64 Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 422-24; Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, pp. 11-13, OCT HB Oversea Ports; Hist Critique, pp. 37-38; Interv, Larson with Col McCord and Lt Col Leo J. Meyer, 27 Oct 49, OCT HB ETO SBS; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, p. 12, OCT HB ETO.

65 For a graphic account of the situation in the XVIII District, see Brig. Gen. Paschal N. Strong's article, "An Invasion Is Jeopardized," in the Combat Forces Journal, IV, 4 (November 1953), 29-33. The article, drawn largely from personal recollection, should be read in conjunction with Dr. Richard Leighton's documented study, Commentary on a Memoir (OCMH Files).

66 Leighton, Commentary on a Memoir, passim, OCMH Files; Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 424-26; Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, p. 14, OCT HB Oversea Ports. Also, see Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 5, Movements Division, Office of the Chief of Transportation, Operations in the European Theater of Operations, Annex A, p. 2; and Interv, Larson with McCord and Meyer, 27 Oct 49, OCT HB ETO SBS.

67 Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 22, p. 13, OCT HB ETO; Hist Critique, p. 38.

68 Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 5, p. 16; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, p. 12, OCT HB ETO; Hist Critique, pp. 42-43.

69 Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, p. 25, OCT HB ETO.

70 Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, pp. 15-16, OCT HB Oversea Ports.

71 See below, pp. 268-69.

72 Hist Critique, pp. 35-37, 53; Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, Sec. IV. Statistics, Daily Rcd of Vehicles Loaded, 6 Jun-6 Sep 44, and Daily Rcd of Personnel Embarked, 7 Jun-6 Sep 44; Hist, 17th Port, Ch. VI, pp. 33, 39. Last two in OCT HB Oversea Ports.

73 Hist Critique, p. 33; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 22, p. 12, OCT HB ETO.

74 Hist Critique, pp. 38-41.

75 This figure includes troops and vehicles of the assault and preloaded build-up forces. Trans Statistics ETO, 6 Jun 44-8 May 45, Stat Br OCT ETO, May 45, p. 8, Table, U.K. Loadings to 8 May 45, OCT HB ETO Stat Rpts.

76 Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, pp. 17-21, OCT HB ETO; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 5, p. 16; Hist, 17th Port, Ch. VI, p. 35, OCT HB Oversea Ports. On discharge operations at the beaches see below. pp. 269-78.

77 Hist Critique, pp. 68-69.

78 Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 5, pp. 15-16.

79 Ibid., pp. 13-14; Hist Critique, pp. 66-67.

80 Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 129, p. 20, OCT HB ETC.

81 Hist Critique, pp. 76-77; TC MPR, 30 Jun 45, Table 10, Cargo Loaded Out of U.K. for Continent, OCT HB ETO Stat Rpts.

82 Hist, 17th Port, Ch. V1, pp. 35-38, OCT HB Oversea Ports.

83 Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, pp. 17-24, and appended scat tables, OCT HB Oversea Ports; Hist Critique, p. 60.

84 TC MPR, COMZONE ETOUSA, 30 Jun 45, Tables 7 and 10, OCT HB ETO Stat Rpts.

85 Hist Critique, pp. 76-86; TC MPR, COMZONE ETOUSA, Jun 45, Table 10, OCT HB ETO Stat Rpts.

86 Trans Statistics ETO, 6 Jun 44-8 May 45, Stat Br OCT ETO, May 45, p. 8, Table, U.K. Loadings to 8 May 45, and p. 19, Table, Total Cargo Handled Up to 8 May 45, OCT HB ETO Stat Rpts; Hist Critique, pp. 87-89.

87 For details of the assaults see Historical Division, U.S. War Department, OMAHA Beachhead (6 June-13 June 1944) (Washington, 1945), and Historical Division, Department of the Army, UTAH Beach to Cherbourg (6 June-27 June 1944) (Washington, 1948), both part of AMERICAN FORCES IN ACTION SERIES. Plans for opening Quinéville beach, to the north of UTAH Beach, were abandoned shortly after the invasion landing, and troops and equipment set up for that operation were employed at UTAH. Rpt, Hq 1st ESB, Operation NEPTUNE, UTAH Beach, 6 June 1944-24 October 1944 (hereafter cited as NEPTUNE Rpt, UTAH Beach), OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns.

88 Rpt, Prov ESB Gp, Operation NEPTUNE, OMAHA Beach, 26 February-26 June 1944, 30 Sep 44 (hereafter cited as NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach), p. 7, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns.

89 Ibid., App. A, Troop List; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. II, p. 1, OCT HB ETO; Interv, Larson with Whitcomb, 28 Jun 45, OCT HB ETO France Ports.

90 On truck operations on the beaches, see below, pp. 282-84.

91 NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 183-86, 203, 211.

92 The three DUKW companies of the 131st Quartermaster Battalion, assigned to the 5th Engineer Special Brigade, lost 41 DUKW's on 6 and 7 June. See Unit Hist, 7 Sep 44, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns (Rpt of Units of 5th ESB); and Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. 2, p. 2, OCT HB ETO. For a detailed account of DUKW operations, see NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 203-08.

93 Later, the drivers and DUKW's of the 453d operated at Le Havre, assisted the 90th Infantry Division in crossing the Moselle River, took part in the crossing of the Rhine, and were active on the Danube. See Unit Opnl Survey, 453d Amphib Truck Co, 2 Jul 45, OCT HB ETO Hwy MTB.

94 NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, p. 208.

95 NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, p. 187; Unit Hist, 184th Port Co TC (7-30 Jun 44), OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns (Rpts of Units of 5th ESB).

96 Rhino barges or ferries were constructed of ponton units and propelled by outboard motors. They could carry a heavy load and could discharge vehicles on a beach of almost any gradient. See Rpt, WTF, Amphibious Operations, Invasion of Northern France, Jun 44 (hereafter cited as WTF Rpt, Invasion of France), Ch. VII, p. 3, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns; and NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, p. 201.

97 NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 183, 191.

98 Hist Rpt, TG ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. II, p. 1, OCT HB ETO; Memo, CO 11 th Port for CO OMAHA Beach Comd, 19 Jul 44, sub: Opn Rpt Neptune, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns.

99 Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 6-7, OCT HB ETO; Interv with Col Biehl, 29 Jun 46, OCT HB ETO Misc; Extract from MS, Col Whitcomb, One War, Jan 46, OCT FIB ETO Assault and Beach Opns; Rpt, 12 Army Gp, Final Report of Operations, VI, 21, OCT HB ETO.

100 Ltr, Whitcomb to Larson, 5 Jul 49, OCT HB Inquiries; NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 113, 177-78, 188.

101 "Drying out" involved the beaching of craft at low tide so that their cargoes could be discharged directly on the shore or to waiting trucks. The craft were refloated at high tide. NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 247-49; WTF Rpt, Invasion of France, Ch. V, p. 21.

102 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. 2, p. 2, OCT HB ETO; NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 173-77, 179-80,197-98.

103 Memo, CO 11th Port to CO OMAHA Beach Comd, 19 Jul 44, sub: Opn Rpt Neptune, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opus; NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, p. 191.

104 Memo, CO I Ith Port for CO OMAHA Beach Comd, 19 Jul 44, sub: Opn Rpt Neptune, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns; MS, Whitcomb, One War, Ch. X, p. 10, OCT HB.

105 MS, Whitcomb, One War, Ch. XI, p. 16, OCT HB.

106 NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, p. 365.

107 MS, Whitcomb, One War, Ch. IX, pp. 4-5, Ch. XI, p. 11, OCT HB.

108 For additional details, see Ruppenthal, op. cit., Chs. VII and X. See also Alfred Stanford, Force Mulberry (New York: W. Morrow and Company, 1951); and Chapters IV and V of John Worth's projected volume, The American Merchant Marine at the Normandy Landings, prepared under the supervision of the U.S. Maritime Commission.

109 NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 76-77, 14158, 208; WTF Rpt, Invasion of France, Ch. V, pp. 1728 and Ch. VII, p. 2; Hist Rpt, 11th Port, 16-30 Jun 44, OCT HB Oversea Ports.

110 Summary of Opns, OMAHA District, 23 Dec 44, Pt. VII; WTF Rpt, Invasion of France, Ch. V, pp. 1728; NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 154-58; Hist of 5th ESB, p. 196. All in OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns.

111 As in the case of OMAHA Beach, the brigade headquarters was ultimately converted into a beach command under the Normandy Base Section. See NEPTUNE Rpt UTAH Beach, p. 6.

112 Ibid., pp. 1, 4-5, 7-8, Incl 2, Troop List, and Annexes 2 and 3; Memo, CO 11th Port for CO OMAHA Beach Comd, 19 Jul 44, sub: Opus Rpt Neptune, OCT HB Oversea Ports.

113 NEPTUNE Rpt, UTAH Beach, p. 7.

114 NEPTUNE Rpt, UTAH Beach, Annex 1, pp. 1-2; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 130, p. 41, OCT HB ETO; Ltr, Gen Thrasher to Larson, 21 Apr 50, OCT HB Inquiries; Hist, 14th Port, Opn OVERLORD, pp. 25-26, OCT HB Assault and Beach Opus.

115 TC MPR, 30 Jun 45, OCT COMZONE ETOUSA, Tables 8A, 8B, 12, and 13, OCT HB ETO Stat Rpts; Summary of Opns, OMAHA District, 23 Dec 44, p. 5, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns.

116 General Ross recommended that all beach operations be discontinued not later than 1 November 1944. Operating beyond that date, he warned, would invite disaster, with a loss of personnel and equipment. See Memo, Ross to ACofS G-4 COMZONE, 10 Oct 44, sub: Ports and Shipping, OCT HB ETO Antwerp.

117 Ltr, Whitcomb to Larson, 5 Jul 49, OCT HB Inquiries; Summary of Opus, OMAHA District, 23 Dec 44, Pt. VII, p. 9, OCT HB ETO Assault and Beach Opns.

118 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. II, p. 10, and Vol. V, Pt. I, Ch. II, p. 62, OCT HB ETO; NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 166-71.

119 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. II, pp. 10, 13, and Vol. II, Pt. I, Ch. II, p. 62, OCT HB ETO; NEPTUNE Rpt, pp. 159-66.

120 Hist Rpt, 11th Port, Aug and Sep 44, OCT HB Oversea Ports; MS, Whitcomb, One War, Ch. XII, pp. 7-8, OCT HB.

121 Hist, 4th Port, 1 Oct-15 Nov 44, OCT HB Oversea Ports; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. V, Pt. 1, Ch. III, pp. 8-10, and Vol. VI, Pt. 2, Ch. III, pp. 2-4, OCT HB ETO; Ltr, Schroeder to Larson, 25 Apr 50, OCT HB Inquiries.

122 MS, Hist Sec ETO, Cherbourg-Gateway to France, Ch. I, pp. 1-5, and Ch. II, pp. 4-7, OCMH Files; Hist, 4th Port, Jun 44-Oct 45, pp. 1, 3, 5, 15, OCT HB Oversea Ports; UTAH Beach to Cherbourg, pp. 197-99.

123 Even during World War 1, the Army Transport Service discharged almost no cargo at Cherbourg. The troops debarked there reached a peak of 49,07 7 men in July 1918. See William J. Wilgus, Transporting the A.E.F. in Western Europe, 1917-1919 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1931), p. 445.

124 Illustrated Rpt, Cherbourg D+20-D+ 177 1944, compiled by ACofS G-4 SHAEF, 20 Jan 45; Progress Rpt, 4th Maj Port, 27 Jun 44-15 Mar 45, p. 1. Both in OCT HB Oversea Ports. Cf. Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 290-92; Ltr, Ross to Larson, 22 Jan 51, OCT HB Inquiries.

125 Hist, 4th Port, Jun 44-Oct 45, pp. 8-14, OCT HB Oversea Ports; Special Rpt, Cherbourg Port Reconstruction, 5 Mar 45, compiled by Col Crist, OCT HB ETO France Ports. See also Memo, Col Beeler, Trans Officer ADSEC, to CofT ETOUSA, 3 Jul 44, AG 319.1 Rpts from the Far Shore TC USFET.

126 Hist, 4th Maj Port, Jun 44-Oct 45, pp. 15-16, 18; Daily Diary, 4th Port T-410, Opns Vehicle Sec, entries for 16 and 21 Jul 44; Hist, 4th Port, activation to 14 Sep 44, p. 11. All in OCT HB Oversea Ports. Also see MS, Hist Sec ETO, Cherbourg-Gateway to France, pp. i-iv, OCMH Files.

127 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. II (4th Port), pp. 5-13, OCT HB ETO; Hist, 4th Port, Jun 44-Oct 45, p. 17, OCT HB Oversea Ports; Phone Conv, Ross and OCT ASF WD, 8 Jul 44, OCT HB Gross ETOGen Ross; Memo, CO Port Hq Cherbourg for CG ADSEC, 24 Jul 44, sub: Devel of Port of Cherbourg, OCT HB Oversea Ports; MS, Hist Sec ETO, Cherbourg-Gateway to France, Ch. VI, pp. 1-13, OCMH Files.

128 On the Brittany ports, see below. pp. 315-16.

129 Ltr, Col Hugh A. Murrill, Cond and Plng, to Ross, 7 Jul 44, sub: Rpt on Normandy Ports, USFET OCT 323.03 Cotentin Ports Survey, KCRC AGO; Memo, Murrill for G-4 SHAEF, 19 Jul 44, USFET OCT 319.1 Chastity Project Rpt 44, KCRC AGO; Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 130, pp. 19-21, OCT HB ETO; MS, Hist Sec ETO, Cherbourg-Gateway to France, Ch. I, p. 17, OCMH Files.

130 Hist, 4th Port, activation to 14 Sep 44, pp. 13-14; Hist, 4th Port, 1 Oct-15 Nov 44, p. 3. Both in OCT HB Oversea Ports. MS, Hist Sec ETO, Cherbourg-Gateway to France, Ch. I, pp. 17-18, OCMH Files.

131 On operations at Cherbourg after July 1944, see below, pp. 313-15.

132 Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, p. 16, OCT HB ETO ADSEC; Rpt, 12th Army Gp, Final Report of Operations, Vol. VI, G-4 Sec, p. 21, OCT HB ETO.

133 See NEPTUNE Rpt, 5th ESB, 20 Jul 44, p. 2; and NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 209-11. The 4042d and 3704th Quartermaster Truck Companies were attached, respectively, to the 5th and 6th Engineer Special Brigades.

134 Rpt, 3683d QM Truck Co, Record of Events, 7 Aug 44, OCT HB ETO France-QM Truck Co.

135 Ibid. See also Ltr and atchd comments, Col Ayers to Larson, 19 Apr 50, OCT HB Inquiries.

136 See NEPTUNE Rpt, OMAHA Beach, pp. 210, 213-19, and NEPTUNE Rpt, UTAH Beach, Annex 3.

137 Outline Hist of NITS in ETO, p. 11; Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 2, 10, 15, and Gen Bd Rpt, USFET, Study 122, p. 47, OCT HB ETO; Summary of Opns, OMAHA District, 28 Oct4 Nov 44, AG Adm 321; Ltr and comments, Ayers to Larson, 19 Apr 50, OCT HB Inquiries.

138 The Motor Transport Brigade, a provisional organization under ADSEC, functioned from May to November 1944.

139 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. III, pp. 1-5, and Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 7, 11-12, OCT IIB ETO; Hist, Hq MTB TC (Prow), 8 May to 30 Jun 44, ADSEC CONIZONE OCT HB ETO MTB Rpts.

140 Hist of MT in ETO, Ch. III, pp. 1-2, 5, 6; Ltr, H. Lehneis to Larson, 10 Jan 50, OCT HB Inquiries.

141 Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 11-12, 17; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 7, p. 11; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. III, pp. 8-14. All in OCT HB ETO.

142 For a discussion of subsequent motor transport operations, see below, pp. 327-40.

143 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, pp. 1-7, OCT HB ETO; Final Rpt, Chief Engineer ETO, 1942-45, pp. 281-87, OCT HB.

144 Phone Conv, Col Stokes, OCT, with Gen Ross, 8 Jul 44, OCT HB ETO-Gen Ross; Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. IV, pp. 7-8, and Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, p. 17, OCT HB ETO.

145 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. IV, pp. 9, 13, OCT HB ETO. Deliveries of rail equipment from the United Kingdom to the Continent under the joint U.S.-British rail ferrying program ultimately totaled approximately 2,000 locomotives, 20,000 freight cars, 500 passenger cars, and a large amount of miscellaneous equipment. See Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, Annex 8, p. 17.

146 Hist Rpt, TC ETO, Vol. IV, Sec. IV, pp. 12, 14-16, OCT HB ETO.

147 On MRS operations in northern Europe after July 1944 see below. DD. 341-44.

148 Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 6-10, 15-16, OCT HB ETO.

149 Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, p. 47. On the failure of FECZ to become operational as intended, see Ruppenthal, op. cit., pp. 434-37.

150 Memo, Ross for CG COMZONE ETOUSA (through G-4 ETOUSA), 9 Jul 44, sub: Exec Contl and Tech Direction of Trans Opns on Continent, USFET OCT 500 Trans Analyses Northern Opns, KCRC AGO.

151 Memo, Brig Gen James H. Stratton, G-4 ETOUSA, to CofT ETOUSA, 13 Jul 44, USFET OCT 500 Trans Analyses Northern Opns, KCRC AGO; Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, pp. 9, 18, OCT HB ETO; Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, p. 47; Ltr, Ross to Larson, 15 Jun 49, OCT HB Inquiries.

152 Ruppenthal, op. cit., p. 436; Hist Monograph, Hist Div USFET, Administrative and Logistical History of the European Theater of Operations, Pt. 11, Vol. 11, pp. 178-92, OCMH Files.

153 Consolidated Rpt on TC Activities in ETO, pp. 47-48; Hist, Trans Sec ADSEC COMZONE ETOUSA, activation to 30 Sep 44, p. 19, OCT HB ETO.

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