Law At War: Vietnam, 1964-1973

Vietnam Studies CMH Pub 90-14, Paper 1975, 1991; 161 pages, maps, illustrations, appendixes, index

Major General George S. Prugh

Vietnam Studies
CMH Pub 90-14, Paper
1975, 1991; 161 pages, maps, illustrations, appendixes, index

Not Available through GPO sales.

Covers legal activities of the U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. General Prugh is particularly well qualified to author this monograph on judge advocate activities at Headquarters, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. In November 1964 he became the Staff judge Advocate at the Military Assistance Command, and served in that capacity on an extended tour until July 1966. General Prugh's assignment in Vietnam coincided with the years which have been described by General Westmoreland, Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, as the year of crisis, 1964; the year of military commitment, 1965; and the year of development, 1966.

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