Order of Battle


Both the forces engaged were provisional, assembled from scattered forces operating for the most part on security and antiguerrilla missions. The Federals had been gathered from numerous isolated posts over the six weeks preceding the battle. Few of the units had performed before in standard brigade and division operations. General Sigel had completed assembling his forces at Martinsburg and Winchester on 29 April. He developed his organizational structure during his slow movement south. Even more immediately, the Confederate forces were gathered as the Federal plan revealed itself. General Breckinridge began to consolidate his forces on 7 May, completing his new arrangement at Staunton on 12 May, three days before the battle.

Order of Battle
New Market, Virginia, 15 May 1864

U.S. Department of West Virginia—Maj. Gen. Franz Sigel

First Infantry Division—Brig. Gen. Jeremiah C. Sullivan

    1st Brigade—Col. Augustus Moor

    2d Brigade—Col. Joseph Thoburn First Cavalry Division—Maj. Gen. Julius Stahel

    1st Brigade—Col. William B. Tibbitts

    2d Brigade—Col. John E. Wynkoop     Artillery

C.S. Western Department of Virginia—Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge

Infantry Division
    1st Brigade—Brig. Gen. John Echols

    2d Brigade—Brig. Gen. Gabriel C. Wharton     Cavalry, Valley District—Brig. Gen. John D. Imboden     Artillery—Maj. William McLaughlin  

Total Effectives

Federal Forces 

Infantry 5,245 (approx. 3,750 engaged)
Cavalry 3,035 (approx. 2,000 engaged)
Artillery (22 guns) 660 (approx. 530 engaged)
Total: 8,940 (6,280)

Confederate Forces 

Infantry and dismounted cavalry 4,249 (approx. 3,800 engaged)
Cavalry 735 (all engaged)
Artillery (18 guns) 341 (all engaged)
Total: 5,325 (4,876)


841 (13%)
43 +
474 +
531 + (c. 13%)


Notes on Ordnance

Three-Inch Ordnance Rifle

12-Pound Field Gun, M1857 (Napoleon) Parrot Field Rifle, 10-pounder

Field Howitzer, 12-pounder

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