Endnotes for Chapter XIV

1 S. Com. on Military Affairs, 78th Cong., 1st sess., Hearings on S. 763, Married Men Exemption (Drafting of Fathers), September y, 1943, P. 80.

2 Memo, OPD for DCofS, 15 Mar 43, OPD 045.7 (2-25-43), AAF X22-A Bns.

3 Military Personnel Division, Army Service Forces, The Procurement of Military Personnel: September 1939 to 1 September1949, vol. II, exhibit g. MS in OCMH.

4 Ltr, CofS AGF to TAG, 30 Sep 42, AGF X20.2/ 276.

5 Memo, Hq AGF for Ground G's and Rqmts, Sep 42, and M/S, AGF G-1 to G-3, 1 Dec 42, .4GF G-3 Plans Sec 320/1 and /32 TB1942-43-44

6 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 8 Jan 43, and Memo, G-3 for CG AGF, 26 Jan 43, WDGCT 320.2 Gen (12­11-42) , AGF 320.2/10.

7 M/S 33, G-3 for AGF, 27 Jan 43, AGF 320.2/10.

8 Memo, G-3 for CG SOS, 8 Dec 42, AG 320.2 (14 Jul 42) (36) sec. w; Memo, G-3 for CofS, 8
Jan 43, WDGCT 320.2 Gen( 1-8-43)

9 Ltr, Paul V. McNutt, Chairman War Manpower Commission, to SW, 17 Feb 43, AG 327.3 1
(9-19-40)(1) sec. 12.

10 The case did not, in the end, affect the procedure of separate calls, nor did it, after a year and a half in the courts, settle the matter of the legalil of those calls.

11 Ltr, SW to McNutt, 20 Feb 43, AG 327.31 (9­19-40)(1) sec. 12. Italics in original.

12 Ltr, McNutt to SW, 23 Mar 43, AG 327.31 (9­19-40)(1) sec. 12.

13 Ltr, SW to McNutt, inclosing opinion of JAG,

14 Apr 43. AG 324.71 (2-17-43). " M/R, G-3, 24 Aug 43, and Memo, G-9 fol G-1, 27 Aug 43, both in WDGCT 291.21 (22 Aug 43)

15 Ibid.

16 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 13 Oct 43, WDGCT 291.21 (13 Oct 43).

17 Ibid.

18 Registrants Examined and Rejected at Induction Stations During 1943, app. Oa to Mil Pers Div ASF, Procurement of Mil Yers, 1 Sep 39 to1 Sep 45, Vol V. MS in OCMH.

19 Selective Service as the Tide of War Turns: Third Report of the Director of Selective Service, 1943-1944 (Washington, 1945) , p. 208.

20 State Director Advice No. 99, q November 1942, in Selective Service System, Quotas, Calls, and Inductions, Special Monograph No. 12, Vol I (Washington: 1948) , 204 (app. D, No. 45) . The War Department, at the request of General Hershey, also advised service commanders of the necessity 0f higher Negro overcalls.

21 Ltr, Selective Service to State Directors, 19 May 42, quotas, Calls, and Inductions, p. 182.

22 Ltr, Selective Service to State Directors, 20 Jul 49, Quotas, Calls, and Inductions, p. 183.

23 Ltr, Col James . Keehn, State Director, At­lanta, Ga., to Col. C. G. Parker, National Headquarters, Selective Service, June 1943, and attached note, Gibson for McCloy, 21 Jun 43, ASW 291.2 NT 1943.

24 Extension of Remarks of Hon. Charles E. McKenzie of Louisiana, November 16, 1943, Congressional Record, vol. 89, part 12 (78th Cong.,1st sess.), A4912. The Bastrop editorial commented on the drafting of white married men while "there are still 267 colored men in 1-A who have not bean inducted-simply because there has been no `colored call' for them." "Simply because the Government doesn't seem to want Negroes in the armed forces is no excuse," the paper said. "It is race discrimination and the colored men of Morehouse Parish feel that it is putting them in an inferior classification." See also Married Men Exemption (Drafting of Fathers), Hearings . . . S. 763 . . . before the Committee on Military Affairs, United States Senate, 78th Cong., 1st sess.

25 Editorial, "Manpower Needs and Negro Soldiers," The Christian Century, LXIC (April 12, 1944), 451

26 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 13 Oct 43, 291.21 (13 Oct 43).

27 Memo, G-3 for G-1, 27 Aug 43, and attached Memo for Record, NVDGC'I' 291.21 (22 Aug 43).

28 Public Law 197, 1943.

29 Memo, Col Reuben P:. Jenkins for Gen white, :1CofS G-1, 29 Apr .19; G-I 933-Gen.

30 Discussion, Min of the Gen Council, 31 May 43. The discussion arose after The Inspector General reported the overseas unreadiness of an antiaircraft battalion.

31 2d Ind, Hq AGF to CG Second Army, 29 Dec 42, and M/S, CG AGF to AGF G-3, 29 Dec 42, both in AGF 333/51

32 Lit, TAG to CG's NUPE, USAFISPA, USAFIME, 31 Mar 43, AG 3320.2 (3-26-43) OB-I­SPOPU-M.

33 Ltr, Hq Second Army to CG AGF, 3 Aug 42, AG 370.5-240 and ist Ind, AGF to Second Army, 8 Aug 42, AGF 353/8 (FA Tng).

34 Memo, Hq AGF for CofS (ACofS G-3) , 2 Nov 42, AGF 320.2/16 (FA).

35 Memo, G-1 for G-3, 21 Nov 42, WDGAP 320. 

36 Memo, Hq AGF for CofS (G-3) , 12 Jan 43, AGF 321/16 (FA).

37 Memo, AGF for G-3, 23 Jan 43, AGF 320-2/9; Memo, G-3 for CG AGF, 26 Jun 43, WDGCT 320 (1-23-43) : M/S, AGF G-3 for DCofS, 4 Feb 43 AGF 320.2/g; Memo, Hq AGF for G-3, 17 Mar 43 AGF 320.2/2544; Memo, G-3 for CG AGF, 23 Mar 43, WDGCT 320 (3-17-43) ; Memo and Memo for Record attached, Hq AGF for G-3, 26 Mar 43, AGF 32/4 (TD Units); DF, G-3 for CG AGF, 27 Mar 43, WDGCT 320 (3-26-43) ; M/S, Hq AGF, G-3 for CofS and AG, 30 Mar 43, AGF 321/4 (TD Units).

38 DF, G-3 for SOS Opus Div, 1 1 Mar 43. WDGCT 320.2 Gen (2-13-43)

39 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 2 Jun 43, and Memo, G-3 for CG AGI', 10 Jun 43, both in WDGCT 353 Amph (6-2-43) ; History of Military Training, Transportation Corps, to 30 June 1915, .PP. 103-09,MS in OCMH.

40 Memo, AGF for G-3, 19 Aug 43, AGF 32t/74 (QM); Memo, G-3 for CG AGF, 24 Aug 43, WDGCT 291.21 (19 Aug 42).

41 00 220/28C SPOFO Mil Orgn and Equip, 2 Jul 43, and Memo, Dir Opus ASF for G-3, 3 Jul 43, both in SPMOU 322 (3 Jul 43) ; G-3 Memo for Record, 8 Jul 43, WDGC1 291.2 (2 Jul 43)

42 For a detailed discussion of this process within Ground Forces, see Robert R. Palmer, "Reorganization of Ground Troops  for. Combat," in Kent Roberts Greenfield, Robert R. Palmer, and Bell I. Wiley, The Organization of Ground Combat , UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1947)

43 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 16 Jan 43, AG 320.2 (1-16-43) (5); Memo, G-3 for CofS, 24 Feb 43,
AG 320.2 (12-7-42) .

44 Memo, Hq AGE for CofS, 17 May 43, and Memo, G-3 for CG AGE, 21 May 43, both in AGE 320.2/37 (TUB 1943) . The units were termed troop transport rather than truck units to assure retention of control by Ground Forces for the purposes for which they were activated.

45 At the time of its organization, the WAAG was publicly expected to release 450 men a week for combat training (New York Times, July 21, 1942, p. 26). Sec Mattie E. Treadwell, The Women's Array Corps, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR II (Washington, 1954) , especially Chapter XXX, for more detailed discussion of Negro women's service in the Women's Army Corps.

46 Statement, Edgar G. Brown, President of the United Government Employees and Director of the National Negro Council, in Hearings . . . on H. R. 6293, January 20 and 21, 1992, pp. 54-55; Same Statement, App to Hearings . . . on S. 2240, Feb­ruary 6, 1942, p. 33,

47 Statements, Brig. Geri. John H. Hilldring, ACofS G-1, Hearings . . . on H. R. 6293, inlay r and 4, 1942, p. 15; Statements, Mrs. Helen Douglas Mankin, General Hilldring, Senators Reynolds and Chandler, Ibid., pp. 44-45: Min of Gen Council, 4, 12 May 42.

48 New York Tinges, May 16, 1942, P. 15. Age limitations and the requirement that all Waacs be commissioned from the WAAC Officer Candidate School made this appointment unlikely.

49 Nora Baldwin, "Mrs. Hobby Sworn in as WAAG Director," New York Times, May 19, 1942, p. 32.

50 Memo, Dir of Mil Pers SOS for G-1, 12 Sep 42, SPGAM/322.5 (WAAC) (8-24-42).

51 Ibid.

52 Fort Huachuca had been specifically mentioned in the hearings on the WAAC bill as one of the posts which could most readily use women in uniform. In discussing the disciplinary problems of using female civilian labor at certain posts where nearby civilian facilities for their housing and protection did not exist, General Hilldring said, using Fort Huachuca as an example: "There the question is water. Water regulates the places where people live. The civilians must live in Bisbee, 40 miles away, or on the post. Fort Huachuca is one of the posts that is giving us great difficulty in this particular problem. Enlisted men there are occupying a great many positions which should be filled by civilians." Hearings . . . H. It. 6293 January 20 and 21, 1942, pp. 53-54

53 New York Times, July ; 1942, p. y.

54 Memo, MPD SOS for G-1, 12 Sep 12, SPGAM/ 322.5 (WAAC) (8-24-42)

55 For strength statistics on Negro Wacs, see Treadwell, Women's Army Corps, Table 11, p. X77.

56 Memo, G-3 for S, 31 Jul 43, WDGCT .220 1 Jul 43

57 Incl r to Ltr, Hq ASF to CG's Sv Comds, Mil District of Washington, Tech Svs, TPMG, SPX
3705 (29 Jul 43) UB-S-SPTRU.

58 Memo, CG AGF for CON, 2 Jun 43, and Memo, G-3 for CG AGF, 12 Jun 43, both in .AGF 321/61(11) (Inf).

59 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 31 Jul 43, NNDGC'F 220 (1 Jul 43)

60 Memo, G-3 for CG AGF, 9 Jul 43, AGF 322/6 (ABS).

61 M/S, Hq AGF (Ground G-3 to Plans), 19-24 Jul 43, AGF 322 (ABS).

62 Min of Gen Council, 23 Aug 43.

63 Memo, Hq ACT for CofS, 25 Aug 43, AGF 322.888/10.

64 These were the 234th, 235th, 319th, 321St, 393d, 394th. 458th. 492d, 493d. 538th, 790th, 819th, and 846th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalions; the 350th, 351st, 3534, 732d, 795th. 930th, 931st, 971st, 973d. and 993d Field Artillery Battalions; and the 646th, 649th, 659th, 669th, 785th, 828th, 829th, and 846th Tank Destroyer Battalions. The 36401 Infantry was also used for this propose but to not so great a degree of stripping.

65 The 60,000 came from the following sources:
Negro EM by transfer from AGF 14,288
White EM by transfer front AAF 3,356
Negro EM from air base security units 12,966
From RTC's 8,305
From service command overhead  21,635

Memo, ASF MPD for CG ASF, 31 Aug 43, -APGAM320.2 (30 Aug 43)

66 Ltr, TAG, 23 Feb 43, AG 320.2 (2-1-43) . 

67 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 2 Oct 43, A6 320.2 (14 Jul 11) (36) sec. IB,

68 Incl, Employment of Negro Personnel in the Army, to Memo, G-3 for ASw, .4 Mar 44, ASw 291.2.

69 Memo, G-3 for CofS, 7 Dec 43, WDGCT 320 TB (7 Dec 43). Approved,15 Jan .44 as amended, 1G 320.2 (17 Aug 43) sec. 1.

70 Tab A, Detailed Plan for Implementation of 1944 Troop Basis, Memo G-3 for CofS, 20 Jan 44, AG 320.2 (17Aug 43) (2) sec. 1. approved 21 Jan 44

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