Endnotes for Chapter XV

1 For major American commands and commanders during World War II, see App. B.

2 For the initiation of the completely secure "radio telephone" overseas conference system, see AG ltr, 9 Jul 43, sub: Operating Procedure for O'seas Tel System, AG 676.1 (8 Jul 43) CB-S-F.

3 For the Task Force Officers School set up in Current Section, OPD, at General Marshall's request, see OPD Hist Unit Study V.

4 Msg, Gen Eisenhower to OPD for Maj Gen Handy, 25 May 43, CM-IN 16329, Item 7, Exec 3.

5 Msg, AFHQ (NATO) for WD, 3 Jul 43, CM-IN 1794 [TS], Action: OPD.

6 (1) Memo, Maj Gen Handy for DCofS, 20 Jun 43, sub: Increase in Almt of Commissioned Pers, Item 3, Exec 15. (2) Msg, Gen Eisenhower for Gen Marshall, 24 Jun 43, CM-IN 15160, Action: OPD, Item 7, Exec 3.

7 Memo [for rcd, Maj Gen Handy], 7 Apr 43, sub: Instructions from Gen Marshall Prior to Departure, Paper 51, Book 8, Exec 8. Among other things, General Handy was to find out General Andrews' ideas on filling certain corps and division commands. He was to tell General Connolly to make reports suitable in form to be sent to the President concerning the operation of the Iranian railroad and covering relations with British and Soviet representatives. Finally, he was to discuss with General Stilwell the reasons and possible arrangements for his making a return visit to the United States. As usual in such cases, General Handy's travel orders did not indicate where he wants to go nor how long he was to be away, though they did indicate that he would leave on or about 6 April. See AG ltr to Maj Gen Handy, 1 Apr 43, sub: Temp Dy, AG 201 Handy, Thomas T. (331-43), PO-A-E.

8 Citation of voluminous documentary evidence concerning arrivals, departures, itineraries, and similar details of the trips is not included in this chapter. They may be consulted in a more detailed study of trips by OPD officers, OPD Hist Unit Study W.

9 Msg (originator OPD), Gen Marshall to Lt Gen Andrews for Maj Gen Handy (Eyes Only), 14 Apr 43, CM-OUT 5710.

10 Msg, Maj Gen Handy (signed Andrews) for Gen Marshall (Eyes Only), 26 Apr 43, OM-IN 15693 [TS], Action: OPD.

11 Pers ltr, Maj Gen Handy to Gen Marshall, 7 May 43, Paper 61, Book 9, Exec 8. General Handy sent this letter by Maj. Gen. W. B. Smith, General Eisenhower's chief of staff, who was leaving for Washington on temporary duty.

12 Notes, 20 Apr 13, issued by Hq Eastern Base Sec SOS ETO, Envelope 2, Item 15, Exec 5.

13 BIGOT HUSKY msg, Maj Gen Handy (signed Eisenhower) for Gen Marshall, 8 May 43, CM-IN 4894 [TS].

14 Pers ltr, Maj Gen Handy to Gen Marshall, 7 May 43, Paper 61, Book 9, Exec 8.

15 (1) Msg, Maj Gen Handy for Brig Gen Hull, 28 May 43, CM-IN 17957 [TS], Action: OPD. (2) Msg, Brig Gen Hull for Maj Gen Handy, 28 May 43, CM-OUT 11888 [TS].

16 (1) BIGOT HUSKY msg (originator OPD), Gen Marshall for Gen Eisenhower, 11 Jun 43, CM-OUT, 4430. (2) Msg (originator OPD), Gen Marshall for Gen Eisenhower, 7 Jun 43, CM-OUT 2634 [TS]. (3) Msg (originator OPD), Gen Marshall for Gen Eisenhower, 8 Jun 43, CM-OUT 3271 [TS].

17 Pers ltr, Brig Gen Wedemeyer to Maj Gen Handy, 4 Jul 43, with Tab 16 in ABC 381 HUSKY (1943), 1-B.

18 Pen Ltr, Lt Gen Patton to Maj Gen Handy, 5 Jul 43, OPD file on A. C. Wedemeyer, Sec. 4.

19 (1) Pers ltr, Lt Gen Patton to Gen Marshall, 18 Jul 43, with Tab 16 in ABC 381 HUSKY (1943), 1-B. (2) Pers ltr, Gen Eisenhower to Gen Marshall, 21 Jul 43, Paper 38, Book 11, Exec 9. (3) Memo, Brig Gen Wedemeyer for CofS, 2 Aug 43, no sub, with Tab 16 in ABC 381 HUSKY (1943), 1-B. This memorandum is a summary of daily events from D Day to D plus 7.

20 (1) Msg, Brig Gen Wedemeyer (signed Eisenhower) for Maj Gen Handy, 21 Jul 43, CM-IN 14792. (2) Msg (originator OPD) Maj Gen Handy (signed Marshall) for Brig Gen Wedemeyer (Eyes Only), 22 Jul 43, CM-OUT 8885. (3) Ltr, Lt Gen Patton to Brig Gen Wedemeyer, 1 Aug 43, OPD 381 ETO, 77. (4) App. A, title: Observations of British-American Stf Planning, incl with memo, Brig Gen Wedemeyer for CofS, 24 Aug 43, sub: Obsrs Rpt, OPD file on A. C. Wedemeyer, Sec. 5.

21 Pers ltr, Gen Eisenhower to Gen Marshall, 21 Jul 43, Paper 38, Book 11, Exec 9.

22 Pers Ltr, Brig Gen Wedemeyer to Maj Gen Handy, 4 Jul 43, with Tab 16 in ABC 381 HUSKY (1943), 1-B.

23 Pers Ltr, Lt Gen Patton to Maj Gen Handy, 27 Sep 43, OPD 381 ETO, 126.

24 Min 100th meeting JCS, 6 Aug 43.

25 (1) Paper, Cot Abraham, 14 Jul 43 title: Notes on Visit to Seventh Army, 12 Jul 43 with Tab 16 in ABC 381 HUSKY (1943), 1-B. (2) Paper, Col Abraham, 23 Jul 43, title: Note on Working of Sicilian Beaches, with Tab 16 in ABC 381 HUSKY (1943), 1-B. (3) Paper [Brig Gen Wedemeyer early Aug 43], title: Notes Covering Obsns Prior to and During HUSKY Opns, Paper 35, Book 11, Exec 9.

26 Pers Ltr, Maj Gen Handy to Maj Gen Wedemeyer, 16 Jul 44, OPD file on A. C. Wedemeyer [TS], 14.

27 For quoted phrases, see msg, Brig Gen Hull for Maj Gen Handy, 1 Dec 43, CM-OUT 0429.

28 Pers ltr, Maj Gen Hull [Cairo] to Maj Gen Handy, 19 Jul 44, Paper 965, Book 21, Exec 9.

29 Pers ltr, Maj Gen Hull to Maj Gen Handy, 24 Jul 44, Paper 991, Book 2, Exec 9.

30 Pers ltr, Maj Gen Hull [Brisbane) to Maj Gen Handy, 8 Aug 44, OPD file On J. E. Hull [TS], 2.

31 For a summary of the discussions at Hawaii, as given by General MacArthur to Colonel Ritchie, see paper [unsigned, n.d.], title: Notes/for Discussion with Gen Marshall, Paper 1120, Book 22, Exec 9.

32 Msg (originator OPD), Gen Marshall for Gen MacArthur (Eyes Only), 4 Aug 44, CM-OUT 75632.

33 Paper [unsigned, Col Ritchie], 16 Aug 44, title: Notes on Conf Aug 7 at GHQ, SWPA, filed at top of ABC 384 Pacific (1-17-43), 5.

34 Paper [unsigned, Col Ritchie, n.d.], title: Notes on Conf with SWPA Planners 7 Aug 44, filed at top of ABC 384 Pacific (1-17-43), 5.

35 Tel conf, Washington, D. C. (Maj Gen Handy and others) with Brisbane (Lt Gen Giles and others), 7 Aug 44, WD-TC 797.

36 (1) Tel conf, Washington, D. C. (Maj Gen Kuter and others) with Honolulu (Lt Gen M. F. Harmon and others), 21 Aug 44, WD-TC 849. (2) Memo, Maj Gen Handy for CofS, 30 Aug 44, no sub, Paper 1238, Book 23, Exec 9.

37 (1) Informal memo, J. E. H. [General Hull] for Maj Gen Handy, 26 Aug 44, filed with Paper 1238, Book 23, Exec 9. (2) Memo, Maj Gen Handy for CofS, 30 Aug 44. no sub, same file as (1).

38 Memo, Col Godwin Ordway, Jr., for Col Miller and Maj Frederick, 30 Aug 43, with extract from ltr by Maj Gen J. H. Hester, force commander. Paper 217, Item 4, Exec 15.

39 Interv, Col W. A. Walker with author, 8 Aug 47, OPD Hist Unit Interv file.

40 (1) Msg (originator OPD), Gen Marshall for Lt Gen J. L. DeWitt to relay to ADC for Col J. K. Tully, 12 Jan 43, CM-OUT 4492. (2) Ltr, Col Reeder to Maj Gen Sutherland, 2 Jun 43, OPD 381
ADC, 71. (3) Memo, Lt Col R. W. Meals for Maj Gen Handy, 21 Jun 43, sub: Obsers' Rpt on Northern Landing Force, Attu, OPD 381 ADC, 73.

41 Memo, Col Ordway for Brig Gen Hull, 16 Nov 43, sub: Comments of South and Central-Pacific Offs Made to Undersigned During Period 20 Sep to 23 Oct 1943, Paper 105, Book 13, Exec 9.

42 Pers Ltr, Gen Marshall to Lt Gen Stilwell, 6 Oct 42, Book 6, Exec 8.

43 Pers ltr, Lt Gen Stilwell to Gen Marshall [Nov 42], Book 6, Exec 8. Cf. entries for 27 September, 18 October, and 16 November in The Stilwell Papers, pp. 152, 163, 169.

44 Msg, Maj Gen Handy (signed Marshall) to Maj Gen Sultan for Maj Gen Wedemeyer, 28 Apr 44, CM-OUT 29556.

45 Colonel Ritchie visited the Southwest Pacific in September-October 1942, September-October 1943, January 1944, and July-August 1944.

46 Informal memo, G. A. L. [Brig Gen Lincoln] for CofS, 8 Mar 45, OPD 381 [TS] 77.

47 The practice of sending a planning officer from OPD to London to work with the British Joint Staff Planners was started as a means of facilitating BOLERO staff work.

48 Msg, Maj Gen Handy [signed Marshall] for Gen Eisenhower, 30 Jan 44, CM-OUT 12165.

49 Lincoln's promotion to brigadier general dated from 16 January 1945, though not approved by the Senate until after his return to Washington.

50 Msg, Brig Gen Lincoln [signed Stratemeyer] to Gen Marshall for Maj Gen Hull, 17 Feb 45, CMIN 17886 [TS].

51 Msg, Lt Gen Wedemeyer for Gen Marshall (Eyes Only), 17 Feb 45, CM-IN 17566 [TS], Action: Gen Hull.

52 Informal memo, G. A. L. for CofS, 8 Mar 45, OPD 381 TS, 77.

53 (1) Msg, Brig Gen Lincoln to Gen Marshall for Maj Gen Hull, 25 Feb 45, CM-IN 25948 [TS]. (2) Informal memo, G.A.L. for CofS, 8 Mar 45, OPD 381 TS, 77.

54 Navy msg, CINCPAC Adv Hq to COMINCH, 26 Feb 45, CM-IN 27411 [TS].

55 Msg, Brig Gen Lincoln (signed Richardson) to Gen Marshall for Maj Gen Hull, 2 Mar 45, CMIN 1622 [TS]. The Strategy Section promptly initiated the directed study. See memo for rcd, J.A.B. [Col Blizzard], 3 Mar 45, OPD 381 TS, 71.

56 Memo, G.A.L. for CofS, 8 Mar 45, OPD 381 TS, 77.

57 Memo, Lt Col Goodpaster for Chief S&P, 19 Jul 45, sub: Rpt on Trip to GHQ, AFPAC, with CCS 893 in ABC 384 Pacific (1-17-43), 9. Filed in the same place is a preliminary rpt, memo, Lt Col Goodpaster for Col Roberts, 18 Jul 45, sub: Interim Rpt on Trip to GHQ, AFPAC.

58 Pers ltr, Brig Gen Barnett to Brig Gen Hull, 4 Apr 43, Paper 14, Book 9, Exec 8.

59 Pers ltr, Gen Eisenhower to Gen Marshall, 21 Jul 43, Paper 38, Book II, Exec 9.

60 Ltr, Col P. L. Freeman, Jr., to Gen Marshall and Maj Gen Hull, 13 Feb 45, sub: Summary of an Hour and a Half Conv with Gen MacArthur, Item 11, Exec 2.

61 Tel conf, Washington, D. C. (Maj Gen Hull) with Brisbane (Maj Gen Sutherland), 25 Aug 44, WD-TC 871.

62 Pers ltr, Maj Gen Barker to Maj Gen Handy, 19 Sep 43, Paper 72, Book 12, Exec 9.

63 Pers Ltr, Maj Gen Harmon to Brig Gen Handy, 20 Aug 42, OPD 381 PTO, 91.

64 Pen ltr, Lt Gen Harmon to Gen Marshall, 26 Jul 44, Paper 1010, Book 21, Exec 9.

65 Memo, Col Freeman for Maj Gen Hull, 13 Feb 45, sub: Interv with Gen Sutherland, with JWPC M/I/35 in ABC 384 Pacific (1-17-43), 7.

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