Endnotes for Chapter X

1 Military Policy of the United States (U. S. Military Academy, west Point, 1944), with foreword by Col. Herman Beukema, Prof., USMA, p. 8.

2 Ibid. The top WAC strength at any one tune was just below 100,000; total number recruited was 143,435. See Tables 1 and 2, Appendix A. See also Ch. XXXIV, below.

3 Memo, Conf of Offs to Supervise OC Bds, 9 -10 Jun 43. SP4vA 334.8 Conf 1943.

4 Memo, TAG for CG ASE 5 Apr 43. AC 341 (4-5-43) PR-1, in SP1NA 341.

5 (1) Ltr, TAG to all Corps Areas, 4 Jul 42; Additions: TWXs, TAG to all Corps Areas. 24 Jul and 12 Aug 42; also Ltr, WAAC Hq to Corps Areas, 16 Jul 42. SPX 291.9, in SPWA 341. (2) Weekly Rpt WAAC Hq to CofAdm Serv, 7-12 Dec 42. SPWA 319.12. (3) Ltr, Stf Dir 2d SvC to Betty Bandel. Folder, WAAC Stf Mtg, SPWA 319.2 (12-2-42), WAAC Planning files. Also Rpts in Folder, Stf Dirs Conf, Chicago. 15-17 Jun 43, SPWA 337 (6-1-43).

6 Weekly Rpt, WAAC Hq to CofAdm Serv, 8-16 Nov and 28 Nov 42. SPWA 319.12 (11-9-42) sec 1.

7 Memo cited n. 3.

8 (1) Memo cited n. 4. (2) Memo. Col Charles A. Easterbrook for Dir WAAC, 1 Feb 43. SPWA 334.8 Rctg (12-28-42) 1942.

9 Weekly Rpt, WAAC Hq to CofAdm Serv, 4-9 Jan 43. SPWA 319.12.

10 (1) Memo. CG SOS for Dir Sp Serv Div SOS, 19 Mar 4-3. SPAP 320.2 WAAC. (2) Memo, TAG for CG ASF 25 Mar 43. Vol. I, Gen Policy. WAAC Hist files. (3) Memo, DCofAdm Serv for CofS ASF, 5 Apr 43. SPWA 341 (4-5-43). (4) Memo, Dir WAAC for CG: ASF, 7 Apr 43. SPWA 341.

11 New Zealand. Memos, Alice R. Randolph (Civilian Consultant) to Dir WAAC, 1 Jan 43, and 4 Jan 43. WAAC Planning tiles.

12 Ltr. 5 Jan 43, and atchd corresp. SPWA 201.6.

13 Ltr, Atty Gen to SW, 15 Sep 42, and atchd replies. WA 044.2 FBI. Also Ltr, GAO to 1st Lt Henry Lee Munson, .5 Oct 42. SPWA 324.72 (1943).

14 Ltr. TAG to all SvCs, 26 Feb 43. AG 341 WAAC (2-25-43) PR-I-A, in SPAP 341 WAAC (2-26-43).

15 (1) Dr, TAG to all SvCs, 14 Jan 43. SPX 341  WAAC (1-14-43) PR-I, in SPWA 341 (7-4-42) 1942. (2) Ltr, TAG to all SvCs, 26 Feb 43, AG 341 WAAC (2-25-43) PR-I-A, in SPAP 341 WAAC  (2-26-43). (3) historical Monograph, The Loyalty Investigations Programs, prepared by the Office Of the Provost Marshal General, p. 17 and Tab 38A.OCMH.

16 Memo cited n. 3.

17 Memo, TAG for CG ASF, 25 Mar 43. Vol. Gen Policy, WAAC Hist files, 1943.

18 Sec Table 2, Appendix A.

19 Intervs with Maj Jean Melin, then of New Jersey Rctg Dist.


Grade I    130 or above
Grade II    110-129
Grade III    90-109 average: 100 median
Grade IV    70 89
Grade V    69 or below

21 ASF Hist of WAC Trig, Ch. II, Table III and footnote. OCMH.

22 Ibid., Tables IV, V.

23 For full discussion sec Chs. XXXI and XXXII. below.

24 Ltr, 1st O Helen Woods, WAAC Stf Dir AAF WFTC, to Col Catron, 3 Jun 93. SPWA 319.1.

25 Ibid., 3d Ind.

26 Memo. WAAC Hq for TAG, 16 Mar 43. SPWA 210.11 (2-17-43).

27 Memo, WAAC Hq for CofAdm Serv, 1 l May 43. SPWA 702.

28 Ibid., 2d Ind. SPMCS 322.5-1, SGO.

29 (1) Extracts from a large file of Tng Cen Rpts on WDAGO Form 40 (C.D.D). SPWA 220.8 (9-30-43). 1943. (2) Ltr, 3d Trig Gen to Dir WAAC, 14 Apr 43; also atchd Memo, WAAC Pers Div to Dir WAAC. SPWA 314.7 (1-7-43)(l)sec 1.

30 (l) Quarterly Rpt, Exam of Candidates for WAAC, Nov 42-fan 43, SGO, Jan 43. WDWAC 702, (2) Memo cited n. 27. (3) Memo, SG for Dir WAC, 15 Sep 43. WDWAC 370,0 1.

31 Memo Med Stat Div SGO for Dir WAAC. 18 Jun 43. SPWA 220.8 (6-18-43).

32 Interv with Lt Col Katherine Goodwin. ASF WAC Off (then Stf Dir 1st SvC), 8 Oct 45.

33 Rpt of 3d : Tng Con. Min, Stf Dirs Conf, New York. 1-3 Dec 43. SPWA 337 (11-10-43).

34 Interv with Lt Col Mary Weems Fullbright (former CO of Tng Co.). Apr 51.

35 (1) Memo, Exec SGO for Dir WAC, 15 Aug 44. SPMC/DD 322.5, in WDWAC 720. Appointment of women doctors in the Medical Corps had been authorized by PL. 38. April 1943: those already in the WAAC were transferred to the Medical Department. (2) Speech by Dir WAAC. Min, Stf Dirs Conf, Chicago, 15-17 Jun 43. SPWA 337 (6-1-43).

36 Memo. WAAC Hq for Apmt & Ind Br AGO; 11 Nov 42. AG 000.51 WAAC PR-W, in SPWA 000.

37 Co Comdrs Forum on Discipline. Files of Sch of WAC Pers Adm, OCMH.

38 Weekly Rpt, WAAC Hq to CofAdm Serv, 14-21 Feb 43. SPWA 319.12 (11-9-42) sec 1 (1942).

39 Young & Rubicam.

40 Statement by Maj Rice, Min cited n. 33.

41 Rpt, Young & Rubicam. Min, 6th SvC Rctg Conf, Chicago, 7-8 May 43, SPWA 337.

42 Ibid.

43 Memo, Dir WAAC for CG ASF 5 Apr 43. SPWA 341(4-5-43)C.

44 Ltr. TAG to all SvCs, 22 Jan 43. SPX WAAC (12-17-42) PR-I, in WA 513 (11-26-42). 1942.

45 Rpt, WAAC Stf Dir to Dir Pers 2d SvC; copy in Ltr, 1st O Cora Webb Bass to Col Catron. 11 Feb 43. SPWA 319. 1.

46 Interv cited n. 32.

47 Interv with Maj Marion Lichty; National Sel Serv Hq (former Rctg Off), 5th SvC, 4 Mar 46.

48 Maj Jean Melin, WAAC Stf Dir. AGF Repl and Sch Comd, formerly Rctg Off in New Jersey.

49 Cited as authority in Memo, CofPlng Serv for Dir WAAC, 5 Apr 43, Tab A to Progress Rpt, 16 Mar-15 Apr 43. SPWA 600.14 (4-15-43).

50 Memo cited n. 43 Also, for Director's list of deterrents, sec Memo, Dir WAAC for CG ASF through CofAdm Serv, 31 Mar 43. SPWA 291.9 PS, under Planning Serv Votes. 1943 WAAC files.

51 Rough Draft by buck slip, Col Vance 1.. Sailor. R&I Sec AGO, to Capt Edlund, WAAC: Hq, 13 Mar 43. SPWA 341.

52 Memo, TAG to CG SOS, 25 Mar 43. Vol. Gen Policy. WAAC Hist files.

53 Memo cited n. 4.

54 Memo, DCofAdm Serv for CofS ASF; 5 Apr 43. SPWA 341 (4-5-43).

55 The Director had discussed her plan on 3 April with both The Adjutant General's Office and the Chief of Administrative Services; she had held it for two days for their comments and incorporated in it the only suggestion, a minor one, received from them. The Adjutant General had not coordinated his paper with hers; neither had the Chief of Administrative Services. Memo, Gen Somervell for Dir WAAC, 6 Apr 43. SPEX, in SPWA 341 (4-5-43).

56 Memo, Dir WAAC for CG ASF, 7 Apr 43. SPWA 341 (4-5-43).

57 Folder, Daytona Beach, Dir Adm Serv ASF Sp Coll DRB AGO.

58 Instead a Retail Credit Company check was extended to all recruits, for which 82.25 per name was paid. For later types of checks, see Monograph cited n. 15 (3).

59 Memo, "K. J." for (ten Somervell and Brig Gen Clinton F. Robinson. 12 Jul 43. Folder, WAAC Rctg, ASF Sp Coll DRB AGO.

60 Memo cited n. 49.

61 (1) 1st Ind, ACofS ASF to Dir WAAC:, 8 Apr 43, to Memo cited n. 54. (2) ASP Memo S635-4-43, 14 May 43, signed by Gen Ulio. (3) Buck slip. Capt Edlund to Col Catron, May 43. SPWA 341 (4-5-43). (4) Ltr, CofAdm Serv to all SvCs. to Apr 43. SPAAS 341, incl Memo, 31 Mar 43, cited n. 50, in SPAP 341 WAAC (2-26-43).

62 (1) Memo, Capt Edlund for TAG, 7 Apr 43; (2) Memo, Dir Hobby for DCofS for SvCs, 6 Jun 43; (3) Memo, Lies, Special Consultant, for Dir WAC:, 8 Jul 43. SPWA 341. (4) Tables III. IV, V, ASF Hist of WAC Tng; Des Moines figures only. (5) See fable 2, Appendix A.

63 For a description of the average Waac, sec Ch. XI, pp. 192-93, below.

64 Rpt, Lt Col Paul V Betters and Maj McGovern, Conti Div ASP; sec Weekly Rpt. WAAC Hq to CofAdm Serv, 7-13 Mar 43 SPWA 319.12.

65 (1) Ltr, SW to Pres., N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., 7 May 43. WDGAP 095. (2) Speech of Maj Edlund at the mtg. (3) TAG's opinion in Memos cited ns. 4, 17. (4) Memo, WAC Hq to RPB, New York; 16 Oct 43. SPWA 000.7. (1943). (5) Ltr, Dir WAC to CSigO, 2 Jul 43. SPWA 41 1.36 (4-10-43).

66 Incl to Memo cited n. 43.

67 Ltr, Young & Rubicam, Inc., to Maj Jess Rice, WAC Hq, 1 Oct 43. SPWA 000.7. (2) See also statement cited n. 40.

68 (1) Ltr, Hq 2d SvC to Dir WAAC, 15 May 43. SPWA 334 with Min of mtg. Also, Min cited n. 41.

69 The First, Second, and Third Service Commands met together in New York. Exhibit A to Memo, WAAC Hq for CofAdm Serv, 24 Apr 43. SPWA 341 (4-5-4:3).

70 Speech by Maj. Edlund. Win cited n. 35(2).

71 Cleveland was chosen because it was a representative large city, 52 percent of homes had telephones, and the Cleveland Advertising Club offered to help.

72 Speech cited n. 70.

73 This and the following are from a mimeographed booklet. WAAC Recruiting Plan. Cleveland, Ohio, dune 1-10. 1943. SPWA 341.

74 Memo, Asst Chief. WAC Rctg Serv, for Exec WAC, sub: Resume of Rpt from 5th SvC, 4 Aug 43. SPWA 341 (1942).

75 The Bureau of the Census in a Statistical Abstract estimated 37,100,000 families in 1944, in a civilian population of 126,606,000.


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