Endnotes for Chapter VIII

1 U.S. Dept of State, Peace and War, p. 353.

2 Memo, G-2 for DCofS, 13 Apr 38, SLC Min, Vol. I, Item 7; Incl 4 to Memo, G-2 for CofS, 18 Apr 38, AG 336 (2-12-38).

3 Ltrs, Secy State to SW, 12 Feb and 12 Mar 38,.AG 336 (2-12-38).

4 Résumé of Dept of State memo on Italian Fascist and German Nazi Activity in the Amer Republics, 1 Mar 38, SLC Min, Vol. 1. Item 2.

5 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 18 Apr 38, approved by CofS on 20 May 38 and forwarded as Incl to Ltr, SW to Secy State, 20 May 38, AG 336 (2-12-38).

6 On its origin and functioning, see SLC Min, Vol. 1, Items 4-6, 23.

7 See Chs. XI and XII, below.

8 See Ch. X, below.

9 See Ch. IX, below.

10 For example, a major served as military attaché in Argentina, and a second lieutenant held a roving commission among Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

11 Memo, President Roosevelt for CNO, 30 Apr 40, WPD 4224-86; Memo, CofS and CNO for Under Secy State, 7 May 40, WPD 4224-116.

12 Memo of Conf in OCS, 17 May 40; Memo, WPD for CofS, 18 May 40; Memo, CofS for Under Secy State, 18 May 40. All in WPD 4115-14.

13 Telg, Dept of State to Lat Amer Reps, 23 May 40, quoted in Langer and Gleason, Challenge to Isolation, pp. 615-16.

14 See Ch. XIII, below.

15 Drafts of both Army and Navy instructions, WPD 4115-16.

16 Sec. VII, par. 2, Jt A&N Basic War Plan RAINBOW 4, presented to the JB on 31 May and approved by it on 7 June, JB 325, ser 642-4.

17 The Army and Navy officers sent to Latin America in June 1940 were generally referred to at the time as engaged in "liaison missions," and the second round of conferences, which began in August, were referred to as "staff conversations." The American officers reported directly to the War and Navy Departments, and copies of the Army reports are in WPD 4115-24, WPD 4115-25, WPD 4115-26, and WPD 4115-28, except for those of the conversations with Brazil and Argentina, The record of the Brazilian discussions, which are dealt with separately in Chapter XI, below, are in WPD 4224-101. On Argentina, see pp. 181-83, below.

18 Memo Lt Col Arthur R. Harris (G-2) for WPD, 28 Jun 40, WPD 4115-28.

19 Memo, WPD for CofS, 10 Jul 40, and atchd papers, WPD 4115-27.

20 See Ch. X, below.

21 For these developments, see Ch. II, above.

22 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 8 Jul 40, AG 380 (5-24-40).

23 Ibid. Italics in original.

24 See Ch. IX, below.

25 WPD Memo No. 1, 2 Aug 40, sub: Instructions for WD Ln Offs, WPD 4113-29.

26 Staff conversations and an informal staff agreement had already been concluded with Mexico. See Ch. XIII, below. Panama had no Army, and the Department of State agreed to the Army's plan of having all military arrangements with Panama conducted by the commanding general of the Panama Canal Department. Memo, Lt Col Walton H. Walker, WPD, for Lt Col H. H. Brooks, OSW, 26 Nov 40, OPD Misc 48, Staff Conv.

27 From "Summary of Staff Conversations With American Republics, August-October 1940," quoted in Historical Section, Caribbean Defense Command, MS, Bi-lateral Staff Conversations With Latin American Republics (early draft copy), pp 5-7. All studies and unpublished Army historical monographs, unless otherwise indicated, are in the OCMH files.

28 Ltr, SW to Secy State, 28 Dec 40, WPD 4115-44. An inclosure to this letter summarized the history and current status of the military conversations and agreements with each of the Latin American republics.

29 Memo, WPD for CofS, 20 Dec 40, WPD 4115-43; Ltr, SW to Secy State, 28 Dec 40, WPD 4115-44. For examples on the problem of whether or not it would be wise to renew conversations with Chile and Venezuela, see papers in WPD 4228 and WPD 4361.

30 Various papers in WPD 4374, especially reports of 15 Jan and 26 Nov 41; 5LC Min, Vol. II, Items 28 and 29, 7 and 10 Jun 41; Linger and Gleason, Undeclared War, pp. 154-56.

31 Memo, Capt William O. Spears, USN, for CNO, 17 Jul 40, Roosevelt Papers, FDRL; Memo, Lt Col Robert L. Christian for ACofS WPD, 28 Oct 40, and other papers, WPD 4374-1; various papers, dated 12 Jul-21 Dec 41, WPD 4374-8, WPD 4374-14, and WPD 4374-20.

32 Memo, Col Ridgway for ACofS WPD, 10 Jul 41, WPD 4374-8.

33 See p. 187, below, and also Chs. 1, II, and IV, above.

34 Ltr, Under Secy State to President, 21 Jun 40; Ltr, Under Secy State to CofS, 24 Jun 40. Both in AG 380 (5-24-40). Notations on the copy of the former in OCS 20357-12 show that it was drafted and circulated by the Office of the Chief of Staff.

35 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 1 Aug 40, AG 380 (5-24-40).

36 Memo, G-2 for WPD, 1 Jul 40, WPD 4115-23; Memo, G-2 for CofS, 8 Jul 40; Memo JB for SW, 14 Nov 40 (ref JB 354, set 654, 13 Nov 40); Ltr, SW and SN to President, 29 Nov 40. Last three in AG 380 (5-24-40). Memo, JPC for JB, 5 Dec 41, WPD 4115-66.

37 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 8 Jul 40, AG 380 (5-24-40); various memos, WPD 4115-37; lists of the two visiting groups, WPD 4115-44; Notes on SLC mtg, 8 Nov 40, SLC Min. Vol. I, Item 63. A report of 9 October 1941, in WPD 4385-15, is typical of the testimony on the value of these visits.

38 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 8 Jul 40, AG 380 (5-24-40) .

39 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 4 Dec 40, AG 380 (5-24-40) ; Ltr, Under Secy State to CofS, 21 Mar 42, and other papers, WDCSA 336 '13-21-42). Aside from this general training program for Latin American officers, during the war the Army gave special training to ground officers of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force and to the air squadrons of Brazil and Mexico that subsequently served in Italy and the Philippines, respectively. After 1942 the Army also conducted an extensive training program in Panama for Latin American officers and enlisted specialists.

40 Memo, G-2 for CofS, 1 Nov 40, WPD 3807-64; Memo, WPD for CofS, 24 Jan 41, WPD 4115-47.

41 Memo, Paley for President, 7 Jan 41; Ltr, Under Secy State to President, 17 Mar 41. Both in Roosevelt Papers, FDRL. In the latter, Mr. Welles described Mr. Paley's observations as "exceedingly sound." On the general situation in Latin America at this time, see Memo, G-2 for WPD, 20 Dec 40, sub: Estimated Stability of American Republics and Their Respective Attitudes Towards Hemisphere Defense, WPD 4244-26.

42 Memo, Col McNarney for Gen Gerow, WPD, 19 Dec 40, OPD Exec 4, Item 5; Synopses of RAINBOW 4, 5, and Expeditionary Force Plans, Incls to Memo, WPD for CofS, 15 May 41, WPD 3493-11.

43 Statement of Gen Van Voorhis to Lt Col Norman R. and Mai Mathewson, 14 Aug 40, WPD 4379-2; Memo, Col Ridgway for Actg ACofS WPD, 21 Aug 40, WPD 4115-33; Memo, Col McNarney for ACofS WPD, 31 Dec 40, WPD 4379-2; Memo, WPD for CofS, 13 Jan 41, and other papers, AG 380 (1-13-41).

44 JB 325, set 676, 15 Mar 41, and other papers, AG 380 (1-13-41) ; Ltr, TAG to CG CDC, 20 May 41, AG 380 (5-8-41) ; Historical Section, Caribbean Defense Command, MS, War Plans and Defense, Caribbean Defense Command, Annex 3.

45 Ltr, CG PCD to TAG, G Feb 41, AG 380 (1-13-41) ; Memo, W PD for CofS, 10 May 41, WPD 3558-18; U.S. Air Force Hist Study 42, Air Def of the Panama Canal, 1 January 1939-7 December 1941, Air University, Maxwell Field, Alabama, pp. 189-90.

46 On the problem of air transportation, see various papers, dated March-August 1941, WPD 4413, WPD 4452-8, and AG 380 (1-13-41). Copies of each of the seven plans prepared are in OPD Misc 25-31. Because of Colombia's size and geographical complexity, two separate plans were drafted (but apparently never formally approved) to cover possible operations in that country. Memos, Maj Edward H. McDaniel for Gen Gerow, WPD, 18 Sep and 7 Oct 41, WPD 4413-4 and WPD 4413-7, contain briefs of the Ecuador and Guatemala plans, which were typical.

47 Hist Sec, CDC, War Plans and Defense, CDC, Annex 3, pp. 10-11.

48 Lt, CG CDC to TAG, 20 Sep 41, and inds, AG 380 (1-13-41); Memo, WPD for G-2, 29 Nov 41, WPD 4413-10.

49 Memo, Col Ridgway for Gen Gerow and Col Bundy, WPD, 28 Jul 41, WPD 4225-15; Notes on War Council mtg, 28 Jul 41, SW Conf Binder 1; Ltr, TAG to CG CDC, 2 Aug 41, AG 380 (1113-41) ; Ltr and Ind, CG CDC to TAG, 26 Aug 41, WPD 4113-4.

50 Memo, Col Ridgway for Gen Gerow, WPD, 12 Aug 41, WPD 4115-53; Ltr, SW to Secy State, 13 Oct 41, OCS 15484-54; Memo, G-2 for WPD, 12 Feb 42, WPD 4115-53.

51 Navy WPD study, in form of Memo, JPC to JB, transmitted to Army WPD in late Aug 41, OPD Misc 49.

52 Tab A, Memo, WPD for CofS, 19 Sep 41, WPD 4346-7.

53 Ibid.

54 Navy draft cited in footnote 51, above; Memo, Jt Policy and Plans Sec for Lat Amer Sec WPD, 9 Sep 41, OPD Misc 49; Memo, G-2 for WPD, 16 Sep 41, WPD 4374-11; Memo for File, 27 Nov 41, and other papers, WPD 4346-7. See also Ch. X, below.

55 Various papers, dated 19 Nov-13 Dec 41, WPD 4115-66, WPD 4115-67, and WPD 4115-70; the final Navy draft of this proposed joint paper, dated 5 Dec 41, is in WPD 4115-66.

56 Notes prepared by the CofS to be used at the SLC mtg, 3 Jan 42, SLC Min, Vol. II, Item 44.

57 Dept of State notes on SLC mtg, 3 Jan 42, SLC Min, Vol. II, Item 42.

58 Various papers, dated 27 Dec 41-9 Jan 42, WPD 4115-74; Notes on SLC mtg, 3 Jan 42, SLC Min, Vol. II, Items 42 and 44.

59 Notes prepared by the CofS to be used at the SLC mtg, 3 Jan 42, SLC Min, Vol. II, Item 44.

60 Memo, CofS for SW, 3 Jan 42, WPD 4115-74.

61 Draft Ltr, SW to President, 6 Jan 42, WPD 4115-74.

62 Memo, Gen Eisenhower for Gen Ridgway, WPD, 16 Jan 42, WPD 4115-84; Report of G-2 GHQ, 15 Jan 42, GHQ 337 Staff Confs Binder 2.

63 Memo, Gen Ridgway for CofS, 16 Jan 42, WPD 4115-84.

64 See Cline, Washington Command Port, Ch. VI, and also pp. 318-19, on the establishment and work of the Pan-American Group, OPD.

65 See Ch. VII, above, and Ch. X11, below.

66 Memo Lt Col Omar N. Bradley for Col Orlando Ward, OCS, 22 Jan 41, OCS Conf Binder 8; Memo, Col Ridgway for ACofS WPD, 19 Apr 41, WPD 4487.

67 History of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (Washington: 1947).

68 Memo, G-2 for WPD, 13 Nov 41; Memo, DCofS GHQ for WPD, 17 Nov 41; Memo, CofAAF for WPD, 17 Nov 41. All in WPD 4115-63.

69 Memo, WPD for G-2, 24 Nov 41, WPD 4115-63.

70 Various papers, dated 8-31 Jan 42, WPD 4115-82 and WPD 4115-83. See also, Ch. XI, below.

71 History of the Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Chs. X and XIX.

72 Established as the Economic Defense Board in July 1941 and redesignated the Board of Economic Warfare on 17 December 1941.

73 Two articles by David H. Popper, in Foreign Policy Reports 15 April and 15 May 1942, provide an excellent summary of the accomplishments of the Rio conference and of the position of Latin America toward the war in the spring of 1942.

74 WPD Memo for Record, 27 Dec 41; Ltr, SW to Secy State, 2 Jan 42 and other papers. All in WPD 4115-74.

75 Remarks of Mr. Welles at SLC mtgs, 3 Jan and 10 Feb 42, SLC Min, Vol. II, Items 42 and 46.

76 Ltr, Secy State to SW, 26 Nov 43, OPD 334.8 Inter-Amer Def Bd.

77 General Embick and Admiral Johnson at the time of their appointment were serving in a similar capacity on the joint United States-Mexican Defense Commission, and General Embick was also senior Army member of the Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada-United States.

78 On the board's initial organization, see various papers, dated 5 Feb-28 Mar 42, WPD 4115-74 and OPD 334.8 Inter-Amer Def Bd. The Inter-American Defense Board (Washington: 1943 ), a forty-one page pamphlet, describes the organization and work of the board up to December 1943.

79 Stimson Diary, entry of 30 Mar 42. The addresses are printed in The Inter-American Defense Board, pp. 24-29.

80 On the wartime policy toward the board, see Memos, OPD for DCofS, 23 and 24 Feb 43, and Notes on SLC mtg, 24 Feb 43. All in SLC Min, Vol. IV. Memo, OPD for Chairman, Inter-Amer Def Bd, 4 Mar 43; Ltr, SN to Secy State, 13 Mar 43; Memo, Navy Dept for Adm Johnson, 13 Mar 43. Last three in OPD 334.8 Inter-Amer Def Bd.

81 Memo, WPD for Ln Off Dept of State, 18 Dec 41, and other papers, WPD 4244-44.

82 Memo, WPD for Gen Miles, 16 Dec 41, WPD 4115-68; Memo, SGS for TAG, 17 Dec 41, OCS 20020-181 (Gen Miles's formal instructions).

83 Memo for Record of Gen Marshall, 19 Jan 42, WPD 4224-217; Memo, CofS for President, 20 Jan 42; Memo, President for CofS, 21 Jan 42. Last two in WPD 4244-45. Memo, Gen Ridgway for Mr. Laurence Duggan, Dept of State, 21 Jan 42, WPD 4228-28.

84 On the allocations to Brazil, see Chapter XII, below; on the trainer airplanes, see Notes on Tel Conv, Gen Ridgway with Mr. Duggan, 21 Jan 42, WPD 4228-28; Notes on White House Conf, 28 Jan 42, WDCSA 334 Mtgs and Confs (1-28-42) ; Memo, CofAAF for President, 29 Jan 42, and other papers, JAB 6-9 (OPD Misc 37).

85 Notes of SW after Cabinet mtg, 23 Jan 42, WPD 4115-87; Memo, Lt Col Henry A. Barber, Jr., for Gen Gerow, WPD, 26 Jan 42, WPD 4115-88; Draft of Rad, Dept of State to Amer delegation, Rio, 26 Jan 42, and annotations thereon, WPD 4228-30; Notes on White House Conf, 28 Jan 42, WDCSA 334, Mtgs and Confs (1-28-42).

86 Designation changed to 58th Coast Artillery in November 1942.

87 Memos, G-2 for WPD, 27 and 28 Jan 42, WPD 4655-1; Notes on White House Conf, 28 Jan 42, WDCSA 334 Mtgs & Confs (1-28-42 ); various papers, dated 30 Jan-5 Feb 42, WPD 4655-3 and WPD 4655-4; Notes on GHQ Staff Confs, 3, 4, and 6 Feb 42, GHQ 337 Staff Confs Binder 2.

88 Notes on Conf of War and Navy Dept officials with Secy State Hull, 21 Jan 42, WPD 4228-37.

89 Various papers, dated 8 Feb-18 Mar 42, WPD 4655-4; Notes on SLC mtg, 27 Apr 42, OPD 334.8 (3-6-42); Ltr, SW to Secy State, 13 May 42, WDCSA 381 War Plans; Historical Division, Caribbean Defense Command, MS, Chile: Missions and Defense Measures, 1939-1946, pp. 27-31. With respect to both Chile and Peru, the United States Army ran into the minor complication that in those countries coast artillery defense was then under the jurisdiction of their navies and not of their armies.

90 Conn, Engelman, and Fairchild, Guarding the United States, treats the air defense system of the Panama Canal, including a brief account of the development of new Army air bases in Central America, at Salinas and on the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, and at Talara in Peru.

91 The 723d and 727th Batteries CA (AA), activated 14 August 1942. The arrangements for sending coast artillery to Peru can be followed in WPD 4655-4. See Historical Section, Caribbean Defense Command, MS, United States Missions and Bases in Peru and the Caribbean Defense Command, pp. 3 5f, for further details.

92 The terms governing dispatch of the battery to Venezuela are set forth in Memo, WPD for Dept of State, 7 Feb 42, WPD 4655-4; and their acceptance, Memo, Dept of State for WPD, 17 Feb 42, WPD 4361-18. There is a good account of the difficulties encountered by the VELLUM Force in Historical Section, Caribbean Defense Command, MS, Military Collaboration, C.D.C.-Venezuela During World War II, Ch. VI. Chapter VII of the same monograph describes the installation and operation, between the autumn of 1942 and February 1944, of United States Army batteries on Patos Island, belonging to Venezuela and located adjacent to Trinidad.

93 Remarks of Gen Marshall at SLC mtg, 10 Feb 42, SLC Min, Vol. II, Item 46.

94 For example, Memo, Col Barber, WPD, for Ln Office, Dept of State, 21 Feb 42, WPD 4383-14, concluding: "Attention is invited to the fact that in the last analysis, it is necessary for each country to protect adequately its own vital facilities and its own sources of strategic supplies."

95 Historical Section, Caribbean Defense Command, MS, Procurement, Occupation, and Use of Peruvian Bases, p. 32.

96 Report by G-3 GHQ, 7 Jan 42, GHQ 337 Staff Confs Binder 2; Pers Ltr, Gen Andrews to Gen McNair, CofS GHQ, 15 Jan 42, WPD 4452-19; Memo, WPD for CofS, 1 Feb 42, and other papers, WPD 4655.

97 For the servicing detachments, the staff agreement of 15 January 1942 with Venezuela was a typical arrangement; see Hist Sec, CDC Military Collaboration, C.D.C.-Venezuela During World War II, p. 26. For Chile, Memo, WPD for G-2, 19 Feb 42, WPD 465 5-4.

98 Article XIV of the informal agreement of 24 January 1942 governing the occupation of the base at Salinas, Ecuador, copy in WPD 4225-28. The Salinas agreement served as a model for later arrangements.

99 This topic has not been treated for security reasons.

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