1901-1903 — Reforming the Army

Coin,  Front-226th Army Birthday
Portait, Elihu Root
Elihu Root
41st Secretary of War
Coin, Back-226th Army Birthday

1901-1903 PAPERS:
(2-3 pages each)

The U.S. Army in the Root Reform Era, 1899-1917

The Root Reforms and Command

The Root Reforms and the National Guard

The Root Reforms and Army Schools and Branches

Modernization in the Root Reform Era


1901-1903 BOOKS:

From Root to McNamara: Army Organization and Administration
Tracing the development of executive control over the men, money, and other resources required to raise, train, equip, and supply the United States Army.

Extracts from American Military History:

Emergence to World Power, 1898-1902

Transition and Change, 1902-1917


Other Resources of Interest:

Commanding Generals and Chiefs of Staff

Secretaries of War and Secretaries of the Army

Elihu Root on the Army War College

The Bugle's Ageless Call:
US Army Transformation Process Has Precedent 100 Years Ago

NB: This article was originally published in the March 2001 issue of
Armed Forces Journal International
, and is reproduced here
with the publisher's kind permission.


This page was originally created to commemorate the Army Birthday celebrated in 2001.
The theme that year for the Army's 226th Birthday was "1901 - Reforming the Army -- 2001 - Transforming the Army"

page updated 14 April 2006

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