History Office

XVIII Airborne Corps and Joint Task Force SOUTH



AA. Assembly area.

AACG. Arrival airfield control group.

AAF. Army Airfield.

AAGS. Army air-ground system.

AALPS. Automated Airload Planning System.

AAMS. Automated Air Movement System.

AAR. After-action review ("hot wash").

AAS. Advanced Airborne School.

AASLT. Air assault.

AATF. Air assault task force.

"A-B-Triple C" (ABCCC). Airborne battlefield command and control center.

AC. Aircraft commander.

ACA. Airspace coordination area.

ACC. Air component commander.

ACE. Armored combat earthmover.

ACL. Allowable cabin load; the amount of cargo and passengers determined by weight, cubic displacement, and distance to be flown which may be transported in specific aircraft.

ACP. Air control point.

ADA. Air Defense Artillery.

"Adack" (ADACG). Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group. This function at Pope Air Force Base was performed by the 7th Transportation Battalion of the 1st Support Command.

ADAM. Area denial artillery munitions.

ADC. Assistant Division Commander (ADC-O for Operations; ADC-S for Support) or area damage control.

AECC. Aeromedical evacuation control center.

AELT. Aeromedical evacuation liaison team.

Aeropuerto. Spanish word meaning "airport."

AFB. Air Force Base.

AG. Adjutant General.

AGL. Above ground level.

AGOS. Air-ground operations system.

Airborne force commander. The senior commander of all Army airborne units engaged in a specific airborne operation.

Airland operation. An operation involving air movement in which personnel and supplies air-land at a designated destination for further deployment of units and personnel and further distribution of supplies.

AJM. Assistant jumpmaster.

ALCC. Airlift control center.

ALCE. Airlift control element.

ALICE. All-purpose, Lightweight, Individual Carrying Equipment.

ALO. Air liaison officer; the senior Air Force officer at each tactical air control party (TACP).

ALOC. Air lines of communications.

AM. Amplitude modulated.

AMC. Air Mission Commander; or Army Materiel Command.

AMCO. Air movement control officer.

AME. Airspace management element.

AMEDD. Army Medical Department.

Ammo. Ammunition.

AN/APS-94F. Side-looking airborne radar (mounted on OV-1D aircraft to form AN/UPD-7 Radar Surveillance System).

AN/PRC. Army-Navy/Portable Radio Communications.

AN/PSC-2. Small computer used to transmit data over FM radio.

AN/PVS-4. Individual-Served Weapon Night Sight.

AN/PVS-6. Aviation Night Vision Imaging System.

AN/PVS-7. Night vision goggle.

AN/TAM. Army-Navy/Transportable, Infrared, Maintenance (test assembly).

AN/TPQ-36. Mortar-locating radar.

AN/VSC-2. Radio-teletype set mounted on HMMWV.

AN/VRC. Army-Navy/Vehicular Radio Communications.

ANGLICO. Air and naval gunfire liaison company.

AO. Area of operations.

AP. Aerial port.

APC. Armored personnel carrier.

APCC. Aerial port control center; the agency responsible for the management and control of all aerial port resources.

ARTEP. Army Readiness Training and Evaluation Program.

ASAP. As soon as possible.

ASL. Authorized stockage list.

ASOC. Air support operations center.

ASOP. Airborne standing operating procedures.

ASP. Ammunition supply point.

AST. Area support team.

ATC. Air traffic control.

ATGM. Antitank guided missile.

ATP. Ammunition transfer point.

"A-Two, C-Two" (A2C2). Army airspace command and control.

ATO. Air tasking order.

ATOC. Air terminal operations center.

ATP. Ammunition transfer point.

AUTOVON. Automatic Voice Network; the principal long-haul, unsecured voice communications network within the Defense Communications System.

Avenida. Spanish word meaning "avenue."

AVIM. Aviation intermediate maintenance.

AVUM. Aviation unit maintenance.

AWACS. Airborne warning and control system.

AWADS. Adverse weather aerial delivery system; the precise delivery of personnel, equipment, and supplies during adverse weather, using a self-contained aircraft instrumentation system without artificial ground assistance or use of ground navigational aids.

BAI. Battlefield air interdiction.

BAS. Battalion aid station.

BCC. Battlefield circulation control.

BCE. Battle coordination element; the Army element located with the Air Force tactical air control center.

BDA. Battle damage assessment.

BDU. Battle dress uniform.

Biblioteca. Spanish word meaning "library."

BICC. Battlefield information control center.

Blackhawk. UH-60 utility helicopter.

Black List. An official counter-intelligence listing of actual or potential enemy collaborators, sympathizers, intelligence suspects, and other persons whose presence menaces the security of friendly forces.

BLUE SPOON. The original version of the Operations Plan developed by United States Southern Command.

BMNT. Beginning of morning nautical twilight; the start of the period where, in good conditions and the absence of other illumination, enough light is available to identify the general outlines of ground objects, conduct limited military operations, and engage in most types of ground movement without difficulty.

BP. Battle position.

Bradley. M-2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle or M-3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle.

Brick. Commercially procured hand-held short-range radio.

BSA. Brigade support area (normally 20-25 kilometers behind the forward edge of the battle area).

"C-Two" (C2). Command and control.

"C-Three" (C3). Command, control, and communications.

"C-Three-I" (C3I). Command, control, communications, and intelligence.

CA. Combined arms.

CAB. Combat aviation brigade.

Calle. Spanish word meaning "street."

CAME. Corps airspace management element.

CAP. Combat air patrol.

CAPEX. Capabilities exercise.

Carretera. Spanish word meaning "highway."

CAS. Close air support.

CBU. Cluster bomb unit.

CCP. Casualty collection point.

CCT. Combat control team.

CCX. Combat casualty evacuation.

CDS. Container delivery system.

CEB. Clothing exchange and bath.

Cementerio. Spanish word meaning "cemetery."

CEOI. Communications-electronics operating instructions.

CEP. Circular error probable.

Cerro. Spanish word meaning "hill."

CESO. Communications-electronics signal officer.

"See-Wee" (CEWI). Combat electronic warfare and intelligence.

CFA. Covering force area.

CFL. Coordinated fire line.

CG. Commanding general.

CH. Cargo helicopter.

Chalk Number. A number assigned to an aircraft for identification purposes. It is used primarily to designated the position of aircraft being loaded or unloaded.

Chinook. CH-47 cargo helicopter. The varieties used in Operation JUST CAUSE were CH-47C ("C Model") and CH-47D.

CI. Counter intelligence.

CINC. Commander in Chief.

CL. Coordination line.

CMO. Civil-military operations.

C.O.F.F.E.E. Commando Operacional de Fuerzas Especiales; the PDF controlling headquarters of special operations forces and schools.

COGECODESE. Commando General de la Comision de Defensa y Seguridad. The PDF central headquarters.

Collateral damage. Undesirable civilian personnel injuries or materiel damage produced by the effects of friendly weapons.

COLT. Combat observation and laser team.

COMALF. Commander of airlift forces.

Combat loading. The arrangement of personnel and the stowage of equipment and supplies in a manner designed to conform to the anticipated tactical operation of the organization embarked.

Combat service support air movement. The air transport, by strategic or theater airlift, of personnel and cargo not directly in support of combat operations.

Combat support air movement. The air transport and delivery of combat personnel, equipment, and supplies that facilitate the accomplishment of a tactical mission by a ground force.

Combat Talon. Air Force MC-130 aircraft.

COMINT. Communications intelligence.

COMSEC. Communications security.

CONUS. Continental United States; the 48 contiguous states.

COSCOM. Corps Support Command.

CP. Command post.

CRC. Control and reporting center.

Cross-loading. See combat loading.

CS. Combat support.

CSA. Corps storage area.

CSS. Combat service support.

Cuartel. Spanish word meaning "barracks" or "military housing."

"Cut-V" (CUCV). Commercial utility cargo vehicle.

C/V. Chapparal/Vulcan.

CWIE. Container, Weapons and Individual Equipment.

D-Day. The unnamed day on which a particular operation commences or is to commence.

DA. Department of the Army.

DACG. Departure airfield control group.

DACO. Departure airfield control officer.

DAO. Division ammunition officer.

DCU. Desert camouflage uniform.

D.E.N.I. Departmento Nacional de Investigaciones.

Departure area. The general area encompassing all base camps, bivouacs, and departure airfield facilities. (See marshaling area.)

Departure site(s). Individual airfield facilities which are used by an airborne force to launch an airborne operation.

DISCOM. Division support command.

Distrito. Spanish word meaning "district."

DIVARTY. Division artillery.

DLIC. Detachment left in contact.

DMMC. Division materiel management center.

DMSO. Division medical supply officer.

D.N.T.T. Direccion Nacional de Transito Terrestre.

DOD. Department of Defense.

DPO. Division parachute officer.

DRB. Division ready brigade. A brigade task force.

DRF. Division ready force. A battalion task force.

DS. Direct support.

DSA. Division support area.

DTG. Date time group.

DX. Direct exchange.

DZ. Drop zone; a specific area upon which airborne troops, equipment, or supplies are airdropped.

DZCO. Drop zone control officer.

DZSO. Drop zone safety officer.

EAC. Echelons above corps.

E and E. Evasion and escape.

ECCM. Electronic counter-countermeasures.

ECM. Electronic countermeasures.

EDRE. Emergency deployment readiness exercise.

EEFI. Essential elements of friendly information.

EEI. Essential elements of information.

EENT. End of evening nautical twilight; the instant of last available daylight for the visual control of limited ground operations.

ELINT. Electronic intelligence.

EPW. Enemy prisoners of war.

Estacion de policia. Spanish term meaning "police station."

Estancia. Spanish word meaning "estate."

EW. Electronic warfare.

EZ. Extraction zone.

FA. Field artillery.

FAC. Forward air controller.

F.A.P. Fuerza Aerea Panamena, the Panamanian Air Force.

FARE. Forward area refueling equipment.

FARP. Forward arming and refueling point.

FASCAM. Family of scatterable mines.

FASCO. Forward area support coordinator.

FAST. Forward area support team.

FAX. Facsimile.

FDC. Fire direction center.

FEBA. Forward edge of the battle area (forward limit of the main battle area).

FFAR. Folding fin aerial rocket.

FIST. Fire support team (normally led by a field artillery lieutenant).

FLIR. Forward-looking infrared.

FLOT. Forward line of own troops.

FM. Field manual; or frequency modulated.

FO. Forward observer.

FPF. Final protective fire.

FPL. Final protective line.

F.P.P. Fuerza Publica de Panama, the reconstituted Panamanian military and police establishment.

Frag. Fragmentation (grenade, shell, projectile, etc.)

FRAGO. Fragmentary order.

FSB. Forward support battalion or fire support base.

FSCL. Fire support coordination line.

FSCOORD. Fire support coordinator (senior field artillery officer at each maneuver echelon above the platoon).

FSE. Fire support element.

FSO. Fire support officer or fuel supply officer.

FTX. Field training exercise.

Fuerte. Spanish word meaning "fort."

GLLD. Ground laser locator designator.

GLO. Ground liaison officer.

GRADS. Ground radar aerial delivery systems.

Green Ramp. Area at Pope Air Force Base for airborne operations loading.

GRREG. Graves registration.

GS. General support.

GSE. Ground support equipment.

GSR. General support reinforcing; or Ground Surveillance Radar.

GUARDRAIL. Aerial signal intelligence platform using an RU-21H or RC-12D (GUARDRAIL V) aircraft.

H-Hour. The specific hour on D-Day at which a particular operation commences.

HAHO. High altitude high opening.

HALO. High altitude low opening; a method of delivering equipment or supplies from airlift aircraft which must fly at altitudes above the threat umbrella.

HD. Heavy drop.

HDRS. Heavy drop rigging site.

HE. High explosive or Heavy equipment.

HELLFIRE. Helicopter-launched fire and forget missile.

HEMAT. Heavy expanded mobility auxiliary trailer.

HEMTT. Heavy expanded mobility tactical truck.

HEP-T. High explosive plastic-tracer.

HF. High frequency.

HHC. Headquarters and headquarters company.

HHD. Headquarters and headquarters detachment.

Hot Wash. After-action review.

HQ. Headquarters.

HSPR. Harness, single point release.

Huey. UH-1 Iroquois utility helicopter. The variety used in Operation JUST CAUSE was the UH-1H.

HUMINT. Human intelligence; or human resources intelligence.

"Humm-V" (HMMWV). High mobility multi-wheeled vehicle.

IAW. In accordance with.

IDSM. Intermediate direct support maintenance.

IFF. Identification, friend or foe.

IFR. Instrument flight rules.

IFV. Infantry fighting vehicle.

IG. Inspector General.

IMINT (II). Imagery intelligence.

IP. Initiation point or initial point.

IPB. Intelligence preparation of the battlefield.

IPT. In-place time.

IPW. Interrogation of prisoners of war.

IR. Infrared.

IRC. Initial ready company.

JAAP. Joint airborne advance party.

JAAT. Joint air attack team.

JACC. Joint airborne communications center.

JCEOI. Joint communications-electronics operations instructions.

JCS. Joint Chiefs of Staff.

JDS. Joint deployment system.

JMC. Joint movement center.

JMPI. Jumpmaster personnel inspection.

JMRO. Joint medical regulating office.

JOG. Joint operations graphic.

J-SEAD. Joint suppression of enemy air defenses.

JTF. Joint task force.

JTX. Joint training exercise.

Jumpmaster. The individual designated by the airborne commander who controls parachutists from the time they enter the aircraft until they exit during parachute operations.

Kiowa. OH-58 observation helicopter. The variety used in Operation JUST CAUSE was the OH-58C.

KY. Encription device for radio.

LACC. Loading area control center.

Lago. Spanish word meaning "lake."

Landing plan. Indicates the sequence, method of delivery, and place of arrival of troops and materiel.

LAPES. Low altitude parachute extraction system; a low level self-contained system capable of delivering heavy loads into an area where air-land is not feasible from an altitude of 5-10 feet. One or more platforms may be dropped.

LAW. Light anti-tank weapon [M-72A2].

LBE. Load-bearing Equipment.

LC. Line of contact.

LD. Line of departure.

LGB. Laser-guided bombs.

LIC. Low intensity combat.

LLVI. Low-level voice intercept.

LNO. Liaison officer.

LOC. Lines of communications.

Log Bird. Logistical resupply aircraft mission.

LOGPAC. Logistics package.

LOI. Letter of instruction.

LRSU. Long-range surveillance unit.

LTD. Laser target designator.

LZ. Landing zone; any specified zone used for the landing of aircraft.

LZCO. Landing zone control officer.

Loading time. A specified time, established jointly by the airlift and airborne commanders concerned, when aircraft and loads are available and loading is to begin.

Loadmaster. An Air Force technician qualified to plan loads, to operate auxiliary materials handling equipment, and to supervise loading and unloading of aircraft.

MAC. Military Airlift Command.

MARS. Military Affiliate Radio System.

Marshaling area. The general area in which unit camps and departure airfields are located and from which the air movement is initiated. In amphibious operations, the designated area in which, as part of the mounting process, units are reorganized for embarkation, vehicles and equipment are prepared to move directly to embarkation areas, and housekeeping facilities are provided for troops by other units.

Marshaling plan. A plan by which units participating in an airborne operation move to areas near departure airfields, complete preparations for combat, and prepare for loading.

MASF. Mobile aeromedical staging facility.

MASH. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.

MAW. Medium anti-tank weapon.

MBA. Main battle area.

MCC. Movement control center.

MCO. Movement control officer.

MCP. Maintenance collection point.

MCT. Movement control team.

Mech. Mechanized.

Med. Medical.

MEDEVAC. Medical evacuation.

MEDSOM. Medical supply optical and maintenance.

METL. Mission essential task list.

METT-T. Mission, enemy, terrain, troops and time available.

MHE. Materials handling equipment.

MI. Military intelligence.

MILES. Multiple integrated laser engagement system.

MMC. Materiel management center.

MOGAS. Motor gasoline.

MOPP. Mission-oriented protective posture.

MOS. Military occupational specialty.

MOUT. Military operations on urbanized terrain.

MP. Military police.

MRE. Meals ready to eat.

MRO. Medical regulating office.

MSB. Main support battalion.

MSN. Mission.

MSR. Main supply route.

MSQ-103. Electronic emissions collector mounted on a CUCV.

MST. Maintenance support team.

MTF. Medical treatment facility.

MTMC. Military Traffic Management Command.

MTOE. Modified table of organization and equipment.

NAI. Named area of interest.

NBC. Nuclear, biological, chemical.

NCA. National Command Authorities.

NCO. Noncommissioned officer.

NCOIC. Noncommissioned officer in charge.

NCS. Net control station.

NLT. Not later than.

NM. Nautical mile.

NOE. Nap-of-the-earth.

NVG. Night vision goggle.

OB. Order of battle.

OH. Observation helicopter.

O&I. Operations and intelligence.

OIC. Officer in charge.

OP. Observation post.

OPFOR. Opposing force.

OPCON. Operational control.

OPLAN. Operations Plan.

OPORD. Operations Order.

OPSEC. Operations security.

OPTEMPO. Operating tempo.

ORF. Operational readiness float.

ORP. Objective rally point.

P-Hour. The planned time that an airborne assault starts (the first jumper exits the aircraft over the objective DZ).

PAC. Personnel and administration center.

PAX. Personnel.

PBO. Property book officer.

P.D.F. Panamanian Defense Forces.

PHA. Personnel holding area. Located adjacent to Green Ramp at Pope Air Force Base.

PI. Point of impact; the point on the DZ where the first parachutist or airdrop cargo lands or is expected to land.

PIC. Pilot in command.

PIR. Priority intelligence requirements.

PL. Phase line.

PLF. Parachute landing fall.

PLL. Prescribed load list.

PM. Provost marshal.

PMO. Provost marshal's office.

POG. Psychological Operations Group.

POL. Petroleum, oils and lubricants.

PNVS. Pilot night vision system.

PPI. Personnel point of impact.

PRD-10 and PRD-11. Low-level voice intercept equipment.

Presa. Spanish word meaning "dam."

Provincia. Spanish word meaning "province."

PSNCO. Personnel staff noncommissioned officer.

PSYOPS. Psychological Operations.

Punta. Spanish word meaning "point."

PURPLE STORM. Rehearsal exercise conducted by United States Army, South (USARSO).

PVL. Priority vehicle list.

PZ. Pickup zone.

Quebrada. Spanish word meaning "stream."

QUICKFIX. Tactical heliborne electronic warfare jamming system mounted on EH-1H or EH-1X aircraft; QUICKFIX II is mounted on EH-60A.

RAAMS. Remote anti-armor mine system.

Racal Jammer. ELQ-19 electronic jamming set.

RACO. Rear area combat operations.

RAOC. Rear area operations center.

RAP. Rear area protection.

RATT. Radio teletypewriter.

RC. Reserve Components.

Recon. Reconnaissance.

REMBASS. Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System.

Reservacion militar. Spanish term meaning "military reservation."

Rio. Spanish word meaning "stream" or "river."

ROWPU. Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit.

RTO. Radio/telephone operator.

SA. Staging area.

SAM. Surface-to-air missile such as the SA-7 (Soviet) or Stinger (US).

SAND FLEA. Rehearsal exercise conducted by the 193d Infantry Brigade.

SCI. Sensitive compartmented information.

SDO. Staff duty officer.

SEAL. Sea-air-land team.

SecDef. Secretary of Defense.

SECOMP. Secure en route communications package.

Serial. Any number of aircraft under one commander, usually conveying one air-transportable unit or subunit to the same objective.

SHORAD. Short-range air defense.

SIDPERS. Standard installation/division personnel system.

SIGINT. Signals intelligence.

SIGSEC. Signals security.

SITMAP. Situation map.

SITREP. Situation report.

SJA. Staff Judge Advocate.

SLAR. Side-looking airborne radar.

SO. Special operations.

SOC. Special Operations Command.

SOF. Special operations forces.

SOP. Standing operating procedure.

SOWT. Special operations weather team.

SP. Start point.

Spectre. Air Force AC-130 aircraft.

S&S. Supply and service.

SSB. Single sideband.

SSM. Surface-to-surface missile.

S&T. Supply and transport.

Station time. A specified time at which aircrew, passengers, and materiel are to be in the aircraft and prepared for flight. Passengers will be seated and loads tied down. Aircrews will have completed briefing and aircraft preflight inspection before station time.

Stick. A number of paratroopers who jump from one aperture or door of an aircraft during one run over the DZ.

Strategic airlift. The continuous or sustained movement of units, personnel, and materiel in support of all Department of Defense agencies between area commands; between the Continental United States and overseas areas; within an area of command when directed.

STU-III ("Stew-Three"). Secure telephone unit.

SWO. Staff weather officer.

TA. Transcription and Analysis Team providing coordination for low-level voice intercept teams. Located in a military intelligence company.

TACC. Tactical air control center.

TACCS. Tactical army combat service support computer system.

TACP. Tactical air control party.

TACS. Tactical air control system.

Tactical airlift. That airlift which provides preplanned or immediate air movement and delivery of combat troops and supplies directly into objective areas and the air logistic support of all theater forces, including those engaged in combat operations, to meet specific theater objectives and requirements.

TAES. Tactical aeromedical evacuation system.

Talleres de vehiculo. Spanish term meaning "automotive repair shop."

TALO. Tactical airlift liaison officer.

TAM. Transportation aircraft maintenance.

TAMMIS. Theater Army Medical [?] Information System.

TAR. Tactical air reconnaissance.

TASE. Tactical air support element.

TCMD. Transportation control and movement document.

TCP. Traffic control point.

TDA. Table of distribution and allowances.

TF. Task force.

"Tipfid" (TPFDD). Time-phased force and deployment data.

"Tipfiddle" (TPFDL). Time-phased force and deployment list.

Tiro. Spanish word meaning "firing range."

TIS. Thermal imaging system.

"T-KAY" (TCAE). Technical Control and Analysis Element.

TMT. Transportation motor transport.

TOC. Tactical operations center.

TOE. Table of organization and equipment.

Torre. Spanish word meaning "tower."

Torre de agua. Spanish word meaning "water tower."

Torre de mando. Spanish word meaning "control tower."

TOT. Time over target; time on target.

TOW. Tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided missile.

TRADOC. United States Army Training and Doctrine Command.

T-Rations. Tray rations.

"Turkey-32" (TRQ-32). General support electronic intercept set mounted on a CUCV.

UCMJ. Uniform Code of Military Justice.

U.E.S.A.T. Unidad Especial de Seguridad Antiterror; Panamanian Army special operations force.

UHF. Ultrahigh frequency.

UIC. Unit identifier code.

UMCP. Unit maintenance collection point.

UW. Unconventional warfare.

VFR. Visual flight rules.

VHF. Very high frequency.

WSO. Weapons system officer.

XO. Executive officer.

Zulu Time. Greenwich Mean Time.

90-1 and 90-2. The two versions of the Operations Plan developed by XVIII Airborne Corps. OPPLAN 90-2 was the version executed.