History Office

XVIII Airborne Corps and Joint Task Force South

SOURCE: 870-5a Organizational History Files. XVIII Airborne Corps. 1989-90. Operation JUST CAUSE. Corps Historian's Notes. Notebook #1. PERMANENT.

Corps Historian's Personal Notes Recorded During the Operation

NOTE: Facts all require verification

Facts About PDF

Battalion 2000

Fort Cimarron (PA 930100)

column of 10 vehicles knocked out Pacora River Bridge

Battalion Paz

KV 9577

Cavalry Squadron

Panama Viejo Cuartel (PV 9566)

initially sat things out

1st Infantry Company [300+]

Tinajitas Cuartel (PA 640020)

may have mortared Fort Clayton

2d Infantry Company

Tocumen Cuartel (PA 780020)

suffered some killed but most probably fled

lost weapons

suspected of being ones who tried to hold hostages at Torrijos International Airport terminal

3d Infantry Company

David Cuartel [?] (LV 0403)

5th Infantry Company

Fort Amador (PV 600900)

majority surrender by 200730R

6th Infantry Company

Rio Hato (NV 9827)

7th Infantry Company

Rio Hato (NV 9827)

8th Infantry Company

Fort Espinar

knocked out 201312R (22 KIA, 98 POW)

Fuerza Aerea Panama [FAP; Air Force]

Tocumen Air Base

lost 12 helicopters

Naval Command

Fort Amador


probably at Panama Viejo (PV 950660)

Arrijan Tank Farm DNTT Station (PV 570899)

taken out by TF SEMPER FI in small firefight

Other PDF facts

La Comandancia garrison resisted then exfiltrated; probably included elements of 6th and 7th Infantry Companies

Panama Viejo garrison probably included elements of Cavalry Squadron, UESAT, and possibly a platoon of Battalion 2000

A Nicaraguan 727 was on ground at Tocumen [is it same as An-26 also reported there, or were there two aircraft?]