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CMH Dissertation Fellowships:
Past Recipients

The following individuals were awarded the CMH Dissertation Fellowships since 2003:


Zachery A. Fry
"Lincoln's Divided padding-button-0Legion: Emancipation and the Political Cdlture of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865"
(Ohio State University)
Anna "A.J." Murphy
"How Business Management Expertise Changed the U.S. Defense Establishment, 1953-1990"
(Columbia University)


Adam T. Givens
"On the Wing: Army Aviation from the Cold War to the Twenty-First Century"
(Ohio University)
Robert J. Thompson
"Looking into the Barrel of the Gun: The U.S. Army and CORDS in the Pacification of Phu Yen Province, Republic of Vietnam, 1965-1972"
(University of Southern Mississippi)


Daniel F. Giblin
"Digging for Victory: Mobilization of Civilian Labor for the Battle of Kursk"
(The University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill)
Aidan K. Winn
"The Ralliers: A Study of the Chieu Hoi Amnesty Program in Vietnam"
(King's College, London)


Earl J. Catagnus, Jr.
"Getting Rid of the Line: Toward an American Infantry Way of Battle, 1918-1945"
(Temple University)
Trenton C. Jones
"Deprived of Their Liberty: The U.S. Army, Military Labor, and the Making of American Colonialism in Cuba and the Philippines, 1898-1913"
(Johns Hopkins University)


Martin G. Clemis
"The Control War: Pacification in Vietnam, 1968-1972"
(Temple University)
Eric Setzekorn
"Choosing Defeat: China, the United States and the Perils of Army Building, 1944-1949"
(George Washington University)
Ranelle M. Lueth
"Conflicting Lines: World War I Combat Artists and Their Works"
(University of Iowa) [Museum Fellowship]


Ryan Keating
"'Give Us War in Our Time': America's Irish Communities in the Civil War Era"
(Fordham University)
Robert Shafer
"Creating Comforts: The Exchange and Consumption of Sugar, Tobacco and Other Everyday Stimdlants During the Great War"
(Pennsylvania State University)


Sarah A. Barksdale
"Stationed on the Borderlands: Black Soldiers and Double Consciousness, 1940-1953 "
(University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Lon J. Strauss
"A Paranoid State: The American Public, Military Surveillance, and the Espionage Act in World War I "
(University of Kansas)


Michael J. Doidge
"An Army Worth Fighting For: Doctrinal, Strategic, and Bureaucratic Transformation in the U.S. Army from 1946 to 1963"
(University of Southern Mississippi)
Eric W. Klinek
"The Army's Orphans: The United States Army Replacement System in the European Campaign, 1944-1945"
(Temple University)


Sara E. Berndt
"Conflict and Change during the U.S. Occupation of Cuba, 1898-1902 "
(George Washington University)
Catharine R. Franklin
"Sherman's Lieutenants: The Army Officer Corps and Federal Indian Policy, 1862-1890"
(University of Oklahoma)
Abbie L. Salyers
"The Internment of Memory: Forgetting and Remembering the Japanese American Experience during World War II"
(Rice University)


Edward A. Gutiérrez
"Sherman was Right: The Experience of AEF Soldiers in the First World War"
(Ohio State University)
Jacqueline E. Whitt
"A Crisis of Faith: Chaplains, Vietnam, and Religion in the American Military"
(University of North Carolina)


Martin Loicano
"Negotiating Strategy: Republic of Vietnam and United States Military Relations, 1968-1973" (Cornell University)
Thomas G. Nester
"The Seventh U.S. Cavalry and the Enforcement of Federal Reconstruction Policy, 1871-1876"
(Texas A&M University)


Kara D. Vuic
"Officer, Nurse, Woman: Shifting Definitions of Gender and U.S. Army Nurses in the Vietnam War"
(Indiana University)
Hanna R. Shell
"Hide and Seek: Camouflage, Animal Skin, and the Nature of Modern War"
(Harvard University)
Stephen E. Sodergren
"The Lesser Evil: Union Soldiers' Adaptation to Combat Conditions in the Petersburg Campaign"
(University of Kansas)


Robert C. Blackstone
"Democracy's Army: The American People and Selective Service in World War II"
(University of Kansas)
Judkin J. Browning
"Wearing the Mask of Nationality Lightly": The Effects of Union Occupation during the Civil War"
(University of Georgia)
Christopher R. Lew
"Becoming God(s): Chinese Communist Party Strategy and Policy During the War of Liberation, 1945-1949"
(University of Pennsylvania)


Mark L. Bradley
"Bluecoats and Tar Heels: The Transition from War to Peace in North Carolina, 1865-1867"
(University of North Carolina)
Christopher J. Bright
"Under the Most Dire Circumstances": Eisenhower and the Strategy and Cdlture of Nuclear Weapons for Continental Defense"
(The George Washington University)


Christopher M. Hamner
"Combat Experience and Response in American Infantrymen: The War for Independence, the Civil War, and the Second World War"
(University of North Carolina)
Mitchell A. Yockelson
"Brothers in Arms: Doughboys and Tommies on the Western Front, 1918"
(Royal Military College of Science)

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Inquiries - For inquiries related to organizational history, military programs, or research at the U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH), please email CMH Answers at Due to high correspondence volume, response times may vary. Before reaching out, review the Army Records Master List, FAQs, and Online Bookshelves. On-site research appointments require one week’s notice. For more information, please visit the CMH website at