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Functional Community 61
CMH Hosted Events

Functional Community-61 (FC-61) Orientation Course:

This is a three-day, in-person, TDY course designed to welcome and introduce the newest historians, archivists, and museum professionals to the Army Historical Program and FC-61. This course is normally conducted annually at Ft. McNair, Washington D.C in the late April to early May timeframe. Course content includes an orientation to the Army Historical Program in its entirety, to help students fully understand their roles within it and become better acquainted with their colleagues. Additionally, students learn about their membership in FC-61 and the professional development opportunities the functional community provides to them. Depending upon current health conditions and budget constraints, a truncated version of the course can be executed virtually on MS Teams.
POC Dr. Peter Knight


Conference of Army Historians:

Every two years, the U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH) hosts the Conference of Army Historians (CAH). The CAH is the capstone TDY professional training event for all members of the Army Historical Program. It is typically held in the third week of July at a large conference facility located near or within the Army Historical Program footprint. The CAH features panels, workshops, and paper presentations focused upon important historical, archival, and museum issues affecting or influencing the Army Historical Program. This CAH is usually a full, three day event, bookended by travel days to and from the conference venue. Depending upon current health conditions and budget constraints, a truncated version of the conference can be executed virtually on MS Teams.
POC Dr. Peter Knight


The Intermediate Museum Training Course is held in-person, periodically, for Army mid-level museum professionals (curators, museum specialists, and exhibit specialists), and is devoted to a single topic such as exhibitions (2015), conservation (2017), or collections management (2019). Past courses have been held at The Museum Support Center—Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and The Museum Support Center—Anniston, Alabama. Normally the course last 2-3 days.
POC Dr. James Kelly


The Continuing Museum Training Course is held periodically to improve museum management and is open to directors in the Army Museum Enterprise (AME). Past CMTCs have been held at HQ, AME, at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
POC Dr. James Kelly


Contact Information:

Peter G. Knight, PhD
Chief, Field and International History Programs Division
U.S. Army Center of Military History

James C. Kelly, Ph.D.
Chief, Museum Programs Division
U.S. Army Center of Military History

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Migration Notice - The Center for Military History has recently completed the initial migration process to a new content management system (CMS). Please note that not all content has been migrated over yet, but it will be gradually transferred over time. If you are unable to find specific content, feel free to send us an inquiry, and our team would be happy to assist you in locating the information you need.

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