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CURRENT AS OF: 31 March 2005



Located in the SCIF

Army Air Defense Command (ARADCOM) (Declass Authority is NOT Space & Missile Defense Command, call Ft Bliss Historian and ask him) NOTE: All of these annual histories have had all pages EXCEPT those marked RE/FRD re-marked as unclassified by Declassifier #8 (Wanda Radcliff).

CY 1967 (S)

1968 (S)

1969 (S)

1970 (S)

1971 (S)

1972 (S)

1973 (S)

1974 (S)


Army Armament Command (ARCOM)

FY 1974 (Annex) (S)

1975 (Annex) (S)

1976 (S/NF), 2 cys

FY 1979 (C/NF)

1980 (C/NF)

1981 (C/NF)

1982 (C/NF)

1983 (C/NF)


Army Aviation Systems Command (AVSCOM)

FY 1972 (S)

1973 (C)

1976 (S) , 3 cys

1977 (S) , 3 cys (1 draft)

1978 (S) . 3 cys [Note: cover incorrectly marked Confidential]

1979 (S) , 3 cys

1980 (S) , 3 cys

1981 (S) , 3 cys (1 draft)

1982 (S) , 2 cys

1983 (S) , 3 cys

1984 (S) , 2 cys

1977 (S) , 2 cys

1978 (S) , 2 cys

1979 (S /NF), 2 cys

1980 (S/ NF), 2 cys

1981 (S / NF), 1 cy

1982 (S/ NF), 1 cy

1983 (S/ NF), 4 cys

1984 (S/ NF), 2 cys

1985 (S) , 1 cy

1986 (S) , 1 cy

1996 (S), 2 cy


Army Chemical, Research, Development, and Engineering Center (CRDEC)

FY 1987



Army Combat Developments Command (CDC)

FY 1966 ( S/NF)

1967 ( S/NF)

1968 ( S/NF)

1969 ( S /NF)

1970 ( S /NF)


Army Communications-Electronics Command, Research, Development, & Engineering Center, Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Directorate (USACECOM-IEWD) or (CECOM-RDEC-IEWD)

FY 1994 ( S /NF)


Army CECOM-RDEC Signals Warfare Directorate

FY 1992 (S /NF)


Army Communications Zone, Europe (COMZEUR) (later USTRASCOMEUR)

CY 1966

1967, Vol. 1 ( S /NF)

1967, Vol. 2 (S/NF)

1968 (S/NF)


Army Materiel Command (AMC) (also called DARCOM)

FY 1976 (C) 2 cys

1979 (C)

1983 (S) 2 cys

1984 ( S) 2 cys


Army Munitions Command (MUCOM)

FY 1966 (unknown classification)

1967 (unknown classification)

1968 (S)

1968 (S)

1970 (S)

1971 (S)

1972 (S)

1973, Part 2 (S)


Army Missile Command (MICOM)

FY 1966 (C/NF)

1967 (C/NF)

1975 thru 1978 (uncertain classification)

1979 (C)

1980 (C)

1981 (C)

1982 (C)

1983 (C)

1984 (C)

1985 (C)


Army Missile Research & Development Command (MIRADCOM)

FY 1978 (C)


Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command (MERADCOM)

FY 1979 (C)

1980 (C)


Army Strategic Defense Command

FY 1988, Vol. II (S)


Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) (later DSCINT)

FY 1966 (S)

1987 (S)

1988 (S)

1989 (S)

1990 (S)

1991 (S)

1992 (S)

1993 (S)

1994 (S)

1995 (S)

1986 (S)

1987 (S)

1988 (S)

1989 (S)

1990 (S)

1991 (S)

1992 (S)

1993 (S)

1994 (S)

1995 (S) 2 cys

1996 (S) 2 cys

1997 (S)


Assistant Chief of Staff for Communications-Electronics (ACSC-E)

FY 1968 (S)

1969 (C)

1970 (S)


Assistant Chief of Staff for Force Development (ACSFOR) later DCSOPS

FY 1971 (S)

1977 (S)

1978 (S)

1980 (S)


Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) [including subordinate elements] and (Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command [BMDSC0M])

FY 1976, Vol. 3, Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center (BMDATC) (S)

1977, Vol. 1 (with Annex) (C)

1977, Vol. 3 (BMDATC) (S)

1978, Vol. 1 (BMDATC) (with Annex) (C)

1978, Vol. 3 (BMDATC) (S)

1979, Vol. 1 (BMDSC)

1979, Vol. 1 (BMDSC) (C)

1979, Vol. 2 (BMDSC) (S)

1980 (S)

1981 (S) 2 cys

1982 (S)

1983 (S)

1984 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)


Continental Army Command (CONARC)(and US Army Strike Command [ARSTRIKE])

FY 1967 (S/NF) 2 cys

1968 (S/NF) 2 cys

1969 (S/NF) 2 cys

1970 (S/NF) 2 cys


1972 (S/NF), CONARC (and US Army Readiness Command [ARRED]), Vols. 1 & 2(cy 1)


Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG)

FY 1966 (S)

1967 (S)

1968 (S)

1969 (S)

1970 (S)

1971 (S), Part 1

1972 (S), Parts 1 & 2

1973 (S), Volume 2

1976 (S), Part 1

1977 (S), Part 1

1978 (S) , Part 1

1979 (S), Parts 1 & 2

1980 (S), Part 1

1981 (S), Part 1

1982 (S), Part 1

1983 (S), Part 1

1984 (S), Part 1

1985 (S), Part 1

1986 (S), Part 1

1987 (S), Part 1

1988 (S), Part 1

1989 (S), Part 1


FORSCOM (combined with REDCOM)

FY 1974 (S), 2 cys

1974 (S) , 3 cys (1 draft)

1975 (S) , 3 cys (1 draft)

1976 (S) , 3 cys (1 draft)

1977 (S) , (cover inadvertently marked Confidential), 1 cy

1978 (S) , 3 cys

1979(S) , 3 cys

1980 (S) , 3 cys, (draft)

1981(S) , 2 cys

1982 (S) , 3 cys

1983 (S) , 2 cys

1984(S) , 2 cys

1985 (S) , 1 cy

1986 (S/NF) , 2 cys

1987 (S/NF) , 2 cys

1988(S/NF) , 1 cy

1989(S/NF) , 2 cys

1990 (S/NF) , 4 cys

1991 (S/NF) , 1 cy

1992(S/NF) , 1 cy

1993 (S/NF) , 1 cy

1994 (S) , 1 cy

1995 (S/NF) , 1 cy

see unclassified versions


Office, Chief of Engineers (OCE)

FY 1966 (C)

1967 (C)

1968 (C)

1969 (C)

1970 (C)

1971 (C)

1972 (C)


Military Airlift Command (MAC) (later AMC)

CY 1977 (S) 2 cys

1982 (S)

1983 (S) 2 cys

1984 (S)


Office Chief of Research & Development (OCORD)

FY 1966 ( S/NF) -2 volumes

1967 (( S/NF)

1968 ( S/NF)

1969 ( S/NF)

1970 (S)

1971 (S)

1972 (S/NF)

1973 (S/NF)


Office, Chief of Research, Development and Acquisitions (OCORDA)/(DCSRDA)

FY 1974 (S)

1975 (S)

1976 (S)


US Army Alaska (USARAL)

CY 1967 ( S/NF)

1967 (S/NF)

1968 (S/NF)

1969 (S)

1970 (S)


US Army Berlin (USAB)

CY 1967 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1968 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1969 (S/NF)

1970 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1974 (S) 2 cys

1978 thru 1979 (2-yr: with Berlin Command) (S) 2 cys

1978 thru 1979 Draft (2-yr) (S)

1980 thru 1982 (3-yr.) (C)

1983 thru 1984 (2-yr) (C)

1985 thru 1986 (2-yr) (S/NF)

1987 (S)


US Army Center for Signals Warfare (USACECOM)

FY 1989 (FOUO-Special)

1990 (S) 2 cys

1991 (S)


US Army Commander- in- Chief Pacific Support Group (USACSG)

CY 1975 ( S/NF)

1976 (S/NF)

1977 ( S/NF)


US Army Electronics Command (USAECOM)

FY 1966, Parts I & 2 (C)

1967, Vol. 1 (C)

1967, Vol. 2 (S)

1967, Vol. 3 (C)

CY 1968, Vol. 1 (C) [see UNCL USAECOM AHR, 1968 ]

1968, Vol. 2 (S)

1968, Vol. 3 (C)

1968 Vol. 9 (C)

1968 Vol. 10 (C)

1969 Vol. 7 (C)

1969 Vol. 8 (C)

1969 Vol. 9 (C)

1971 Vol. 2 (C)

1976 Vol. 2 (C)


Army Strategic Defense Command (SDS)

FY 1985 (S/RD/NF), 3 cys

1986 (S/NF), 3 cys

1987 (S), 1 cy


[Directorate] U.S. Army Information Systems Command, Intelligence and Security Command (USAISC-INSCOM)

FY 1994 (C)

1995 (C)


US Army Theater Army Support Command, Europe (USTRASCOMEUR) (formerly COMZEUR)

CY 1969 ( S/NF)

1970 (S/NF)

1971 (S/NF)

1972 (S)

1973 (S/NF)


US Army Commander in Chief Pacific Support Group

CY 1975 (S) 2 cys

1975 (S) 2 cys

1977 ( S) 2 cys

1978 (S) 2 cys

See later WESTCOM


US Army, Japan (USARJ) and IX Corps

FY 1974 (3d & 4th Quarters) (S)

1977 (C)

1980 (C) 2 cys

1981 (S)

1984 (S)

1985 (S/NF) 2 cys

1986 thru 1987 (2-yr) (S/NF) 2 cys

1986, Vol. 1 (S/NF)

1986, Vo1. 3 ( S/NF)

1987, Vol. 1 ( S/NF)

Vols. 2 & 3 (FOUO)

1988, Vol. 1 (S)

Vols. 2 & 3 (FOUO)

1989 (S/NF)

1990 (S/NF) but not marked

1991, Annex ( S/NF)


Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)

FY 1973 (C), 2 cys

1973 (S) , 2 cys

1974 (C) , 3 cys

1975 (C) , 2 cys

1976 (C) , 2 cys

1977 (C) , 2 cys

1978 (C) , 4 cys

1979 (C) 2 cys (1 draft)

1980 (C) 3 cys (1 draft)

1981 (C) 2 cys

1982 (S) 3 cys

1984 thru1986 (S)

1987 (S) 2 cys (1 draft)

1989 (FOUO)


Army SAFEGUARD System Evaluation Agency (SAFSEA)

FY 1969, Volume 1 (C)

1969, Volume 2 (S)

1970, Volumes 1 & 2 (S)

1971, Volume 2 (S)


Army SAFEGUARD Logistics Command

1968 thru 1969 (18 months) (C)


US Army Test and Evaluation Command (USATECOM)

FY 1966 (C)

1967 (C)

1968 (C)

1969 (C)

1972 (C)

1973 (C), 2 cys

1996 (C) , 2 cys

1978, Volume 2 (C)

1979, Volume 2 (C)

1981, Volume 2 (C), 2 cys

1982, Volume 2 (C)

1983, Volume 2 (C)


Supplements to Continental US Army Histories

Third US Army

Fifth US Army

Sixth US Army


US Army Forces, Southern Command (later USARSO)

CY 1968, Vol. 2 (C)

1971 (C)

FY Supplement, 1987 thru 1988 (S/NF) (2-yrs) (USARSO)

Supplement, 1992 (S/NF) (USARSO)

Supplement, 1993 (S/NF) (USARSO)


United States Army Southern Command (formerly US Army Forces, Southern Command) (USARSO)

FY 1987 thru 1988, Vol. 2 (S)

1990, Vol. 2 (S/NF)

1992, Vol. 2 (S/NF)


US Army Pacific (USARPAC)

FY 1961 (S) [SEE 8-5.1 AA], 1 cy

1991 Exercise Division, ODCSOPS AHR (S) [US Army Western



US Army Europe (USAREUR) and Seventh Army

CY 1968 (S/NF), 3 CYS

1969 [see unclassified AHRS]

1970 ( S/NF), 3 CYS

1971 ( S/NF), 2 CYS

1972 ( S/NF), 2 CYS

1973 (S), 1 CY

1974 (S), 1 CY

1975 (S) 1 CY

1978 (S), 3 cys

1979 thru 1980 (2-yr) ( S/NF) 4 CYS

1981 (S), 2 CYS

1982 thru 1983 (2-yr) (S), 3 CYS

1984 (S/NF), 2 CYS

1985 thru 1986 (2- yr.) ( S/NF) 2 CYS

1987 (dated Mar 1990) ( S/NF), 2 cys

1987 (dated Jun 1990) (S/NF), 3 cys

1988-1989 (S/NF)(2-yr) (2 cys)

1990 (S/NF) 2 cys

1991 thru 1991 (2-yr)(S/NF)

1992 (S/NF)

2002 (S/NF) (paper & CDrom)


Army Intelligence Center and Fort Huachuca

CY 1990 (FOUO)

1991 (FOUO)


US Army Intelligence Command (USAINTCOM)

FY 1967 (C) 2 cys

1968 (C)

1969 (C)

1970 Vol. 1 (C)

1970 Vol. 2 (S)

1971 Vol. 1 (C)

1971 Vol. 2 (S)

1972 (S)

1973 (S)

1974 Vol. 1 (C)

1974 Vol. 2 (S)


US Army SAFEGUARD System Command (SAFSCOM)

FY 1969, Vol. 1 (S)

1970, Vol. 1 (S)

1971, Vol. 1 (S)

1972, Vol. 1 (S)

1973, Vol. 1 (S)



FY 1969, Vols. 1 & 2 (S)


US Army Western Command (WESTCOM)

CY 1979 (S) 2 cys

1980 (S) 3 cys

Includes Mobilization Plan, Appendix A to Annex A (S)



Third Army

FY 1986 ( S/NF)

1988 ( S/NF)


Sixth Army
CY 1973 (C)

Eighth Army (ORLL)

1968 Jan thru Apr (C)

May thru Jul (S)

Aug thru Oct (S)

1968 thru 1969 Nov thru Jan (S)

1969 Feb thru Apr (S)

May thru Jul (S)

Aug thru Oct (S)

1970 Feb thru Apr (S)

May thru Jul (S)

1970 thru 1971, Nov thru Apr (S)

May thru Oct (S)

1971 thru 1972, Nov thru Apr (S)

1972 May thru Oct (S)


Semi-Annual (Eighth Army contd.)

1972 thru 1973, Nov-Jun (S)

1973, Jul-Dec (S)

1974, Jan-Jun (S)

Hereafter, see JOINT FILES



V Corps

CY 1975 (S)

1976 (S)

1977 thru 1979 (3-yrs), Volume 1 (S)

1980 thru 1981 (2-yrs), Volumes 1 thru 5 (all S)

1982 thru 1984 (3-yrs) (S)

1985 (S)

1986 (S)

1989 (S)


VII Corps

CY 1974 (S)

1966 (S)

1977 (S)

1980 thru 1981 (2-yr) (S)

1984 (S)



2d Infantry Division

FY 1982 (S)

1983 (S)

1984 (S)

1985 (S)


3d Armored Division

CY 1982 (S)

1983 (S)

1984 (S)

1987 (S) 2 cys

1988 (S) 2 cys



29th Infantry Brigade

1 Jan 1968 thru 30 June 1970 (C)


470th Military Intelligence Brigade

FY 1989 (S/NF)

1990 (S)

1991 (S/NF)

CY 1996 (S)

Jan 1997 thru 15 Jul 1997 (S) (6 mos.)


Miscellaneous Numbered Units

1st Personnel Command

CY 1985 (S)


4th Special Forces Operations Support Command (SOSC)

FY 1991


3d Support Command

FY 1983 (S)


21st Support Command

CY 1983 (S)

1985 (S)

1986 (S)

1987 (S)


32d Air Defense Command

CY 1984 (C)


56th Field Artillery Command

CY 1986 (S) 2 cys


559th Artillery Group

1963 thru 1965

1966 [empty folder]

1969 [empty folder


1971 [empty]

1972 thru 1975

1967 thru 1977 [empty]

1978 thru 1990

1991 with misc. photos and other info


470th Military Intelligence Brigade

CY 1965

FY 1992

CY 1993 and 1994 (2-yrs)


Seventh Army Support Command

CY 1966 (Jan thru Jun) ( S/NF)

1966 (Jul thru Dec) (S/NF)

1967 (Jan thru Jun) (S/NF)

1967 (Jul thru Dec) ( S/NF)



Southern European Task Force (SETAF)

CY 1974 (S)

1976 (S)

1977 (S)

1981 (S)

[with 5th Support Command]

1982 (S/NF)

1984 (S)

1985 (S)

1986 (S) 2 cys

1987 (S)

1988 (S)

1989 (S)

1990 (S)


Sentinel System Command (SESO)

FY 1968 (S)



FY 1970, Vol. 1 (C)

1970, Vol. 2 (C)

1971, Vol. 1 (C), 2 cys


Alaskan Command (ALCOM)

CY 1964 (S/NF)

1965 ( S/NF)

1967 ( S/NF)

1973 ( S/NF)

1974 ( S/NF)

1975 ( S/NF)

1990 ( S/NF)

1991 ( S/NF)

1997 ( S)

1998 ( S)



Aerospace Defense Command. Variant titles used are as follows: Continental Air Defense Command and Aerospace Defense Command, (CONAD/ADC), Air Defense Command (ADCOM), and Space Command SPACECOM or USSPACECOM)

FY 1973 thru 1974 (18 months) (S)

1975 ( S/NF)

1975 (July thru Dec) ( S/NF) Begin ADCOM

CY 1976 (S/NF) 2 cys

1977 thru 1978 (2-yr) (S/NF)

1980 (S)

1981 (S)

1982 (S) Begin SPACECOM

1983 (S)

1984 (S)

1987 thru 1988 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)

1989 ( S/NF)

1990 thru 1991 (S/NF)

1992 ( S/NF) Vol., 1, Narrative

1992 (S/NF) Vol. 2, Appendices

1992 ( S/NF) Summary

1993 thru 1994 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)

1995 thru 1996 ( S/NF/WNINTEL) 2 cys


Commander In Chief, Atlantic (CINCLANT)

CY 1964 (S)

1965 (S)

1966 (S)

1973 (S)

1974 (S)

1975 (S)

1976 (S)

1983 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1984 (S/NF), 2 cys

1985 (S/NF), 2 cys


Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) (USMACV)

COMSEA Study Group (S) 1 cy

CY 1964 ( S/NF) 2 cys - Unclassified/Sanitized version in open stacks



1967, Vol. 1 (C/NF), cys 3, 4, 5,

1967, Vol. 2 ( C/NF) cys 2, 4, 5

1967, Vol. 3 ( C/NF) cys 1, 3, 4, 5

1968, Vol. 1 ( C/NF), cy 3

1969, Vol. 1 ( C/NF), cy 2 Declassified

Vol. 2 (C/NF), cys 1, 2 Declassified

1970, Vol. 1 ( C/NF), 1 cy

Vol. 2 ( C/NF)

Vol. 5, (Supplement), ( C/NF), cy 2

1971, Vol. 2, ( C/NF), cy 1

Supplement (C/NF), 2 cys( C/NF)

1972 thru March 1973, Vol. 1, ( C/NF), cys. 2-6 (with extra copies of 2, 3, 4, 5)


US Atlantic Command (USACOM) (LANTCOM) (S/NF)

Jan 1991 thru 30 Sep 1993, Vol. 1, Narrative (S/NF) {Note: after 1 October 1993, US ATLANTIC COMMAND (USACOM) was restructured as a joint force integrator, provider and trainer for 80% of all military forces based in the continental U.S. Also the staffs of LANTCOM & CINCLANT separated in 1986)}

US Atlantic Fleet (US NAVY)

FY 1981 (S)

1983 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1984 ( S/NF) 2 cys


US Military Assistance Command, Thailand and Joint U.S. Military Advisory Group, Thailand (USMACTHAI/JUSMAGTHAI) or (MAC-THAI/MAC-THAI)

CY 1967 ( S/NF)

1969 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1970 ( S/FN)

1976, Vol. 1 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1976, Vol. 2 ( S/NF)


Commander-in-Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC [ formerly 8-5.0 AA]) or (USCINCPAC)

CY Master Index 1955 thru 1964 (S), 2 cys

1961 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1962 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1963 ( S/NF)

1964 ( S/NF)

1965, Vol. 1 ( S/NF)

1965, Vol. 2 ( S/NF)

1965 Annexes (S)

FY 1975, Appendix 1, EAGLE PULL (C), 2 cys

1975, Appendix 2, OFFSHORE, (C), 2 cys

1975, Appendix 3, BABYLIFT (C), 2 cys

1975, Appendix 5, NEWLIFE (C), 2 cys

1994, Vol. 1 (S)

1994, Vol. 2 (S)

1995, 4 volumes, (S)

1996 (S), 2 cys


Central Command (CENTCOM)

CY 1983 (S) 2 cys

1984 ( S/NF)

1985 ( S/NF)

1987 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)

1988 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)

1989 ( S/NF/FRD)

1990 thru 1991 ( S/NF)

1992 (S/NF)

1993 (S/NF)

1994 (S/NF)


European Command (EUCOM)

CY 1982 (S/NF) 3 cys

1983 (S/NF/ WNINTEL) 3 cys

1984 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)

1985 ( S/NF/WNINTEL)


North American Aerospace Defense Command

CY 1989 (S)


Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF)

CY 1981 (S)

1982 (S), 3 cys


United Nations and US Forces, Korea and Eighth Army (UNC/USFK) & Eighth Army

FY 1974 with Annex D, 3 cys

1975, with Annex D (S/NF) 3 cys [Note: Prepared by the Command Historian United Nations Command (UNC)/United Stated Forces Korea (USFK)/Eighth Army Korea submitted to CINCPAC History Branch to be included as an annex to their annual history for 1975.

1976 (S/NF) 3 cys

1977 ( S/NF) 1 cy

1978 (S/NF) 3 cys

1979 ( S/NF) 1 cy

1980 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1981( S/NF), 2 cys

1982 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1983 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1984 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1984 -2d quarter ( S/NF)


Republic of Korea/US Combined Forces Command (ROK/CFC/US)

7 Nov 1978 thru 31 Dec 1979 ( S/NF)

FY 1980 ( S/NF) 2 cys

1981 ( S/NF) 1 cy

1982 ( S/NF) 2 cys

CY 1983 (S) 2 cys

1984 (S)

1985 (S) 2 cys

1986 (S) 2 cys

1987 (S) 2 cys

1988 (S) 2 cys

1989 (S)

1992 (S)

1993 (S)

1994 (S)


Headquarters, Combined Field Army ( ROK/US) [a continuation of the narrative that began when Hq, Combined Field Army (ROK/US) was activated on 14 March 1980

CY 1984 (S)

1985 (S)

1986 (S)

1987 (S)

1988 (S)

1990 (S)

1993 (S)

1994 (S)


US Forces, Japan (USFJ)

CY 1974 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1975 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1976 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1978 ( S/NF)

1980 ( S/NF)

1981 ( S/NF)

1982 (S), 2 cys

1983 ( S/NF)

1984 ( S/NF)

1991 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1994 ( S/NF)

1997 ( S/NF)

1998 ( S/NF)

1999 ( S/NF)

2000 ( S/NF)

2001 ( S/NF)


US Military Liaison Mission (USMLM) [ Potsdam]

FY 1968 (S)

1970 (S)

1980 (C)

1987 (S)

1990 (S)



CY 1974 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1977 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1978 ( S/NF)

1979 ( S/NF)

1980 ( S/NF), 2 cys

1981 ( S/NF)

1982 ( S/NF), 3 cys

1983 (S/NF) 2 cys

1984 (S/NF) 2 cys

1985 ( S/NF)

1988 (S/NF)

1989 ( S/NF)

1990 thru 1991, Vol. 3 ( S/NF)

1990 thru 1991, Vol. 4 ( S/NF)

FY Feb 1994 thru Feb 1996 (2-yrs) ( S/NF), 2 cys

Supplement 1, No. 1, USSOUTHCOM Jan 1994 thru Dec 1995 (S) 2 cys

Supplement 1, No. 2, USSOUTHCOM Jan 1994 thru Dec 1995 (S), 2 cys

Vol. 1, Central America & the Caribbean, Jan 1996 thru Dec 1997 (S), 2 cys

Vol. 2, Andean Ridge & Caribbean Coast, Jan 1996 thru Dec 1997 (S), 2 cys


Strategic Air Command (SAC)

1962 thru 1963 (S) 2 vols.

1965 (S), Vol. 1

1966 (S), Vol. 1


US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

1 Jan 1995 thru 14 Feb 1996 ( S-RD) 2 cys


Special Operations Command, Pacific (SOCPAC)

CY 1994 ( S/NF)

1997 ( S)

1998 ( S)

1999 ( S)

2000 ( S)

2001 ( S)



CY 1974 (S/NF) 2 cys

1975 ( C/NF) 2 cys

1976 ( C/NF) 2 cys

1977 (S) 3 cys

1978 (S) 2 cys

1979 (S) [with Rapid Deployment A] 1 cy

1980 (S) [with Joint Deployment Agency (JDA)/Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF)] 3 cys

1981 (S) [with JDA] 3 cys

1982 (S) [with JDA] 3 cys

1983 thru 1984 (2-yrs) (with JDA) (S/NF)

1985 (with JDA) ( S/NF)

1986 thru 1987 (2-yrs) (with JDA) ( S/NF)


US Strike Command (STRICOM or USSTRICOM) [later see Readiness Command (REDCOM)]

CY 1971 (S)


Strategic Communications Command (STRATCOM)

FY 1965 (C)



Armor Center & Fort Knox

CY 1989 (S)


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Last updated 6 November 2006

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