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(HMC2 - 1984-2005) 

CURRENT AS OF : 29 November 2005




United States Continental Army Command. A History of Large-Scale Maneuvers in the United States, 1935-1964. Jean R. Moenk. 1969.

339 pp., text. 12 tables, 20 maps, 7 charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: American Military Policy Concerning Large-Scale Maneuvers; Preparedness Training, 1935-1941; World War II Combat Training, 1942-1944; Demobilization and Army General Reserve Training, 1946-1950; Training for the Korean Conflict and the European Cold War, 1951-1953; Training for the World-Wide Cold War, 1954-1961; Berlin Buildup Training; Joint Training Under a Unified Command; and Conclusions and Lessons Learned. Specific discussions of major maneuver training areas; GHQ Maneuvers; Exercise MOUNTAIN GOAT (1946); Exercise ASSEMBLY (1948); Exercise TARHEEL (1949); Exercise MIKI (1949); Exercise PORTREX (1950); Exercise SWARMER (1950); Exercise SOUTHERN PINE (1951); Exercise SNOWFALL (1952); Exercise LONGHORN (1952); Exercise PINE RIDGE (1952; canceled); Exercise BLACKJACK (1952; canceled); Exercise LONE STAR (1952; canceled); Exercise HILLTOP (1952; canceled); Exercise SNOWSTORM (1953); Exercise FLASHBURN (1954); Exercise SAGEBRUSH (1955); Exercise BRIGHT STAR/PINE CONE III (1961); Exercise SWIFT STRIKE I (1962); Exercise IRON DRAGOON (1962); Exercise MESA DRIVE (1962); Exercise SWIFT STRIKE II (1963); Exercise COULEE CREST (1963); Exercise SWIFT STRIKE III (1964); and Exercise DESERT STRIKE (1964). [Formerly CONARC-4] (2 copies)



United States Continental Army Command. Operation STEADFAST Historical Summary: A History of the Reorganization of the U.S. Continental Army Command (1972-1973). Jean R. Moenk. 1974.

301 pp., text. Tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: Background (Pre-STEADFAST); The Genesis of Operations STEADFAST; Development of the Outline Plan for Reorganization; Development of the Detailed Plan for Reorganization; Management Concepts for the Reserve Components; Revision of the Detailed Plan and Development of the Implementation Plan; Final Revisions and Provisional Implementation; and Conclusion. Includes a Glossary and a list of STEADFAST Planning Personnel. [Formerly FORSCOM-3] [2 copies]



United States Continental Army Command. USCONARC Participation in the Suppression of Civil Disturbances April 1968. Jean R. . 1968.

96 pp., text. 12 tables, 2 charts, photograph. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED [regraded from CONFIDENTIAL])

Chapters: Background; Planning for the Suppression of Civil Disturbances; Spread of the April 1968 Civil Disturbances; Riot Control Operations; Termination of Activities; Summary. Includes discussions of: Commander in Chief, US Strike Command (CINCSTRIKE) Operations Plan 563 (STEEP HILL/GARDEN PLOT and USCONARC/USARSTRIKE Operations Plan 563 (STEEP HILL/GARDEN PLOT); Task Force WASHINGTON; Task Force CHICAGO; Task Force BALTIMORE; Task Force PITTSBURGH; Task Force MEMPHIS; Task Force CHARLIE; and Task Force KANSAS CITY. Includes two appendices: Chronology and Lessons Learned. [Formerly USCONARC-2]



United States . A History of Command and Control of Army Forces in the Continental Unites States, 1919-1972. Jean R. Moenk. 1972.

61 pp., text. Tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: The Long Armistice Period, 1919-1939; World War II--1939-1945; The Peacetime Army and the Cold War, 1946-1972; and Summary. Contains discussions of: the National Defense Act of 1920; the Palmer Plan of 1922; the MacArthur Reorganization of 1932; the establishment of General Headquarters, U.S. Army (GHQ) in July 1940; the establishment of Headquarters, Army Ground Forces (AGF) in March 1942; Zone of the Interior (June 1946); Chief of Army Field Forces (March 1948); Continental Army Command (February 1955); U.S. Strike Command (1961-1962); Strategic Army Corps Force; and U.S. Army Readiness Command. Includes chronology and bibliography. [Formerly USCONARC-7]



United States Continental Army Command. A History of Army Aviation 1950-1962. Phase I: 1950-1954. Richard P. Weinert. 1971.

137 pp., text. 2 tables, 2 charts, 14 illustrations. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: Early History of Army Aviation; Evolution of Army Aviation; The Formative Years; Research, Development, and Procurement; The Organization of Army Aviation; Development of Army Aviation Training; The Foundation of the Army Aviation School. Includes discussions of: balloons and dirigibles; the separation of the Army and the Air Force; Army Field Forces Board No. 1; the 1951 Memorandum of Understanding; Army observation aircraft; fixed wing and rotary wing (helicopter) aircraft; H-13 Sioux; H-19 Chickasaw; H-23 Raven; the Korean War; unit activations; and training. [Formerly CONARC-6] [Also See: HMC2-008]



United States Continental Army Command. CONARC Contributions to U.S. Army Operations in Vietnam, 1961-June 1963. No author stated. 1964.

24 pp., text. Tables. Photocopied typescript. (UNCLASSIFIED [consists only of 24 pages regraded from SECRET; original document was much longer])

Chapters: Army Aviation and Special Warfare Support. Discusses two ferrying operations (Operation BIG MOOSE and Operation HIGH ROAD); support furnished by the U.S. Army Aviation School; support to the US Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) in Vietnam; and the deployment of Special Forces units to Vietnam. [FORMERLY CONARC-9] [Also See: HMC2-007]



United States Continental Army Command. CONARC Contributions to U.S. Army Operations in Vietnam, July-December 1963. No author stated. [circa 1964].

6 pp., text. Appendix. Photocopied Typescript (UNCLASSIFIED [consists only of 6 pages regraded from CONFIDENTIAL; original document was much longer])

Chapters: [not stated]. Extract deals only with Army Aviation and a brief paragraph on Special Forces. [FORMERLY CONARC-8] [Also See: HMC2-006]



United States Army Training and Doctrine Command. A History of Army Aviation 1950-1962. Phase II: 1955-1962. Richard P. Weinert. 1976.

251 pp., text. 6 tables, 5 charts, illustrations, executive summary, list of abbreviations, distribution list. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: Background; Plans and Programs; Organizational Development; Development of Aircraft Armament; The Beginning of Airmobility; Materiel Development; Development of Aviation Training; Supply and Maintenance; and Summary. Contains discussions of: Warrant Officers; the Army Aircraft Requirements Review Board (Rogers Board); the Berlin Crisis; the Army Aviation Center; ATFA, PENTANA, and PENTOMIC organizations; fixed wing and rotary wing (helicopter) aircraft; Army Aviation Operating Detachments; Special Warfare Aviation Detachment; navigation, landing aids, and restricted airspace; Project ABLE BUSTER; the Army Aviation School; Air Cavalry; Sky Cavalry; SS-10 Missile System; Armed Helicopters; CDEC' Army Aircraft Armament Ad Hoc Committee; Exercise SAGE BRUSH; Exercise SLEDGE HAMMER; the Armair Brigade Study; U.S. Army Aviation Board; development and procurement cycle; HU-1 Iroquois/UH-1 Iroquois; Light Observation Helicopter; Medium Cargo Helicopter; Flying Crane; T-37; AO-1 Mohawk/OV-1 Mohawk; AC-1 Caribou/CV-2 Caribou; Vertical Lift Research Vehicles; Flying Saucer; AVROCAR; Convertiplanes; XV-1; training; supply; maintenance; H-19 Chickasaw; U-1A Otter; H-37 Mojave; H-13 Sioux; H-21 Shawnee (Flying Banana); HC-1 Chinook/CH-47 Chinook H-34 Choctaw; H-23 Raven; L-19 Bird Dog/O-1 Bird Dog; Camp Wolters; Ozark Army Airfield; Fort Rucker; LTG Gordon B. Rogers; and BG William B. Bunker. [Formerly TRADOC-1] [Also See: HMC2-005]



United States Army Training and Doctrine Command. A Brief Survey of the U.S. Army Experience in Mobilization and Training: Remarks Prepared For Members of the Army Training Study Group Fort Belvoir, Virginia. John L. Romjue and Richard P. Weinert. 1977.

77 pp., text. Two appendices (Supporting Figures and Bibliography). Photocopied typescript. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: Introduction; Civil War; World War I; World War II; Korean War; Pentomic Period; Oregon Trail; Berlin Call-Up; Vietnam War; Project 100,000; OSD Test Program; and Summary: The Recurring Problems. [Formerly TRADOC-2]



United States Army Training and Doctrine Command. A History of Army 86. Volume I: Division 86: The Development of the Heavy Division September 1978-October 1979. John L. Romjue. 1982.

133 pp., text. 16 tables, 28 charts, 1 illustration. Index. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED) 4 copies

Chapters: The Division Restructuring Study of 1976; Starry's Central Battle and Battlefield Development Plan; Defining the New Division (August-November 1978); Division 86 Takes Shape (December 1978-April 1979); Toward an Objective Division (April-October 1979); The Chief of Staff Decides. Includes list of acronyms and abbreviations. Includes discussions of: General Donn A. Starry; Division 86; Corps 86; target servicing, counterfire and interdiction, air defense, logistical support, reconstitution, command-control-communications (C 3), electronic warfare, surveillance, fusion, force mobility; human dimension; Fixed Brigade; Fort Lee Workshop; Fort Leavenworth Workshop; RACO Study; GSR Study; force structure; and robustness, resiliency, redundancy. [Formerly TRADOC-80-1] [Also See: HMC2-011]



United States Army Training and Doctrine Command. A History of Army 86. Volume II: The Development of the Light Division, the Corps, and Echelons Above Corps (November 1979-December 1980. John L. Romjue. 1981.

180 pp., text. 7 tables, 18 charts, photograph. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Continuation of HMC2-010, covering the second year of the Army 86 studies. Chapters: Division 86--The Heavy Division; Infantry Division 86--The Light Division; Corps 86--The Heavy Corps; and Echelons Above Corps 86. Appendices: Army 86 Battlefield Functions; Division 86 Organizations (August 1980); Prospective Light Division Equipment; Infantry Division 86 Organizations (September 1980); Corps 86 Organizations (August 1980); Echelons Above Corps 86 Organizations (August 1980); and Logistics Planning Factors, Daily Consumption by Class of Supply. List of acronyms and abbreviations. [Formerly TRADOC 1981-1] [2 copies]



United States Army Logistics Center . The Evolution of the US Army Logistics Center. Jerry L. Watkins and Martin Reuss. 1977.

111 pp., text. 5 tables, map, 20 charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: Introduction; The Birth of the US Army Combat Service Support Group; The New Command; The 1966 and 1970 Reorganizations; United States Army Reorganization-1973: Early Stages; Final Planning for the Three Center Concept; The Logistics Center Becomes a Reality; and Conclusion. Contains list of Commanders of the Combat Service Support Group and the Personnel and Logistics Systems Group. Also includes a glossary. [Formerly TRADOC-LOGC-1] [2 copies]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. The U.S. Army and Civic Action in Latin America. No author given. No date given.

260 pp. in 2 volumes, text. Typescript. (SECRET). [Vol. I (Narrative; 54 pp. regraded to UNCLASSIFIED]

Vol. I covers the civic action program in Latin America to 30 June 1963 under US Army Caribbean (USARCARIB) to 6 June 1963, and thereafter under US Army Forces Southern Command (USARSOTHCOM, later USARSO. Chapters: Foreword; Introduction; The Civic Action Program Developed in Latin America; USCARIB Organizes for Civic Action. Two appendices: Résumé of 27 Point Proposal made by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to President John F. Kennedy in December 1961; Copy of Joint Chiefs of Staff Message 3623 (S) [declassified]. Coverage of civic action concepts; pilot program in Ecuador; the creation of the Office of Military Assistance; the Salinas Potable Water Project; and the 3d Civil Affairs Detachment. Vol II consists of the country-by-country summary. [Continued in HMC2-014, HMC2-015 and HMC2-016] [Formerly USARSO-1]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. The U.S. Army and Civic Action in Latin America: Volume III (1 July 63 to June 67). No author given. 1968.

74 pp., text. 10 photographs. Typescript. UNCLASSIFIED.

Foreword; Introduction; Individual country studies for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru. Original captioned black and white 3"x5" photographs. [Continuation of HMC2-013; Continued by HMC2-015 and HMC2-016] [Formerly USARSO-1 1963-67]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. The U.S. Army and Civic Action in Latin America: Volume IV (1 July 67 to 1 July 69). William L. Lewis. [1969].

37 pp., text. 9 photographs. Typescript. UNCLASSIFIED.

Introduction; Individual country studies for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay; Summary. Original captioned black and white 3"x5" photographs. [Continuation of HMC2-013 and HMC2-014; Continued by HMC2-016] [Formerly USARSO-1 1967-69]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. The U.S. Army and Civic Action in Latin America: Volume V (1 July 1969 to 30 June 1971). No author given. 1968.

81 pp., text. Typescript. UNCLASSIFIED.

Introduction; Individual country studies for Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela; Summary. [Continuation of HMC2-013; Continued by HMC2-015] [Formerly USARSO-1 1963-67]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. Jungle Warfare Training in the Canal Zone. Hugh H. Gardner. 1968.

51 pp., text. 2 photographs; appendix. Typescript. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Chapters: History of Jungle Training in the Canal Zone; The Jungle Warfare Training Center; The Jungle Operations Committee; Increased CONUS Participation. Covers the period from World War II through the 1968 program, with emphasis on the 1965 expansion to train personnel for deployment to Vietnam. Appendix is text of a letter and questionnaire on the value and effectiveness of the Jungle Training Course. Original 4"x5" black and white captioned photographs. [Formerly USARSO-2]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. The U.S. Army and Civic Action in Latin America, Ayacucho, Bolivia, 1963. Hugh H. Gardner. 1968.

22 photographs. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Consists of 22 original 8"x10" black and white photographs of the 1963 US Army civic action project, Operation AYACUCHO, which provided the village of Ayacucho, Bolivia, with potable water. These materials were not available when the monographic coverage was completed (HMC2-013). [Formerly USARSO-3]



United States Army Southern Command. Recent Incidents of Mob Violence Involving the Canal Zone. No author given. 1967.

4 pp., text. Typescript. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Brief account of anti-American violence 1959-1964 in Panama. [Formerly USARSO-4]



United States Army Southern Command. History of U.S. Armed Forces in the Canal Zone. No author given. 1967.

3 pp., text. Typescript. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Simple narrative from the first appearance by a detachment of the United States Marine Corps in 1903 through the development of the Panama Canal fortifications and the emergence in 1917 of a Panama Canal Department; the establishment of the Caribbean Defense Command in 1941; the U.S. Army Caribbean in 1947; and the U.S. Army Forces Southern Command in 1963. [Formerly USARSO-6]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. Missions of the U.S. Southern Command. Hugh H. Gardner. 1967.

7 pp., text. Typescript. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original SECRET)

Year-by-year list of Caribbean Command (redesignated 1963 as Southern Command) missions for each calendar year from 1959 through 1966. [Formerly USARSO-7][2 copies]



United States Army Forces Southern Command. The Fortifications of the Panama Canal. Hugh H. Gardner. 1965.

47 pp., text. 3 figures, 4 tables, 7 maps, 21 photographs, appendix, bibliography. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: The Defenses of the Panama Canal; The Atlantic Defenses; The Pacific Defenses. Appendices: Panama Canal Defense Armament; Method of Firing. A preliminary compilation which the author intended to amend and update. Fortifications documented: Fort Amador; Fort Delesseps; Fort Grant; Fort Kobbe; Fort Randolph; Fort Sherman; Battery Baird; Battery Birney; Battery Buell; Battery Burnside; Battery Carr; Battery Haan; Battery Howard; Battery Kilpatrick; Battery MacKenzie; Battery Merritt; Battery Morgan; Battery Mower; Battery Murray; Battery Newton; Battery Parke; Battery Pratt; Battery Prince; Battery Smith; Battery Stanley; Battery Tidball; Battery Warren; Battery Webb; Battery Weed; Battery Zalinsky; Railway Battery No. 1; and Railway Battery No. 8. Includes materials on: Culebra Island, Flamenco Island, Naos Island, Perico Island, construction, minefields, searchlights, mobile force, beach defenses. Original, captioned 4"x5" black and white photographs. [Formerly USARSO-9]



44th Military History Detachment, United States Army Forces Command. Exercise SOLID SHIELD 74: An Historical Summary. No author stated. 1975.

108 pp., text. 6 tables, 3 maps, 4 charts, 17 reproduced photographs. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Narrative history of a major peacetime exercise (formerly part of the EXOTIC DANCER series) derived from both documents and the actual participation of the 44th Military History Detachment. Chapters: Introduction; Background; Preparation for SOLID SHIELD 74; Exercise Build-Up; Assault Operations; Consolidation Phases--COMUSFORBLUE; Breakout Phase--COMUSFORBLUE; Exercise Evaluation and Comments; and Summary. Includes information on: Reserve Components (Army National Guard and Army Reserve); EXOTIC DANCER VI; CINCLANT (Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command); XVIII Airborne Corps; 82d Airborne Division; 1974 Energy Crisis; air space management; Oak Grove Airfield; Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO), a United States Marine Corps organization; helicopters and helicopters landing on aircraft carriers; sensors; medical activities; controller activities; Aggressor forces; Unconventional Warfare; Signal Intelligence; airborne operations; amphibious operations; airmobile operations; electronic warfare; camouflage; aerial reconnaissance and aerial surveillance; logistics; and joint task forces. Actual exercise play lasted from 31 May 1974 through 6 June 1974. Tables provide major participating units. Detachment members participating in the exercise were MAJ Virginia L. Estes, SP5 Curtis J. Horton, and SP5 David Horne, Jr; SSG Wayne N. Brandt did not participate, but helped to prepare the report. [Formerly FORSCOM-1]



44th Military History Detachment, United States Army Forces Command. Exercise SOLID SHIELD 76: An Historical Summary. No author stated. 1976.

91 pp., text. 1 table, 5 maps, 3 charts, 14 reproduced photographs. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Narrative history of a major peacetime exercise derived from both documents and the actual participation of the 44th Military History Detachment. Chapters: Introduction; Background Information; Preparations for Exercise SOLID SHIELD 76; Conduct of Exercise SOLID SHIELD; Combat Service Support Overview; Support Activities Overview; Exercise Evaluation and Comments; and Summary. Includes information on: Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force participation; communications exercise (COMMEX); combat support and combat service support; controllers; XVIII Airborne Corps; 82d Airborne Division; 101st Airborne Division; 24th Infantry Division; 7th Transportation Battalion; 24th Transportation Battalion; 110th Quartermaster Company; unconventional warfare; electronic warfare; psychological operations; Fort Stewart; Morehead City, North Carolina; Mile Hammock Bay, North Carolina; Bladen Lakes, North Carolina; Joint Rescue Coordination Center; Joint Task Force 122; Landing Craft Utility (LCU); medical activities; planning; and logistics. Actual exercise play lasted from 16-22 May 1976. Tables provide major participating units. Detachment members participating in the exercise were MAJ Eugene K. Wilson, III, SP5 Dan Chapman, and SP5 Linda D. Capps; SSG Marvin M. Patterson did not participate, but helped to prepare the report. [Formerly FORSCOM-2]



United States Army Forces Command. The Role of the U.S. Army Forces Command in Project New Arrivals: Reception and Care of Refugees from Vietnam. Frank W. Pew. 1981.

247 pp., text. 26 tables, 1 map, 14 charts, 72 reproduced photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Describes attempts by the U.S. Government and the U.S. Army in the reception and care of refugees from Indochina. Covers planning by FORSCOM to receive, house, and care for the Vietnamese refugees until their removal from military jurisdiction. Covers political implications of the program and the selection of appropriate military installations for its implementation; problems created for FORSCOM by the vastness of the program; and covers operations at the Orote Point Camp in Guam, Fort Chaffee in Arkansas, and Fort Indiantown Gap in Pennsylvania. Chapters: Background; Early Fort Chaffee Operations; Early Fort Indiantown Gap Operations; Later Operations; and Summary and Conclusions. Appendices: Commanders of Task Force New Arrivals; Chronology of Significant Events; Selected Problem Areas; Selected Refugee Demographic Characteristics; Highest Educational Level of 67,033 Evacuees Eighteen Years of Age and Over; and Glossary. Includes discussions of: the fall of Vietnam; evacuation from Vietnam; Presidential and State Department decisions; funding; planning; Operation MERCY; Operation BABYLIFT; Reserve Component participation; Operation NEW LIFE; camp organization, operations and administration; processing procedures; Joint Refugee Information Clearing Office; combat support and combat service support; force structure; winter operations; costs; Executive Order 9; civil affairs; 45th Support Group; 46th Support Group; 5th Engineer Battalion; 76th Engineer Battalion; 42d Field Hospital; 524th Adjutant General Company; 553d Army Postal Unit; 501st Infantry; BG James W. Cannon; MAJ R. A. Alexander (Commander, 44th Military History Detachment). Study was based on documents and supported by field collection and oral history interviews conducted by the 44th Military History Detachment. [Formerly FORSCOM-81-1][2 copies]



United States Army Forces Command. The Role of FORSCOM in the Reception and Care of Refugees from Cuba in the Continental United States. Frank W. Pew. 1984.

331 pp., text. 11 tables, 9 maps, 14 charts, 55 reproduced photographs, 1 figure. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters: Introduction; Fort Chaffee Support Operations; Fort Indiantown Gap Support Operations; ; and Summary and Conclusions. Appendices: Task Force Commanders; Fort Chaffee Selected Incidents; Fort Indiantown Gap Selected Incidents; Fort McCoy Selected Incidents; and Glossary. Includes information on: civil affairs; public affairs; psychological operations; military police; task organization; task forces; refugee processing; Posse Comitatus Act; Reserve Components (Army National Guard and Army Reserve); riots; criminals; mental patients; unaccompanied juveniles; resettlement; use of deadly force; law enforcement; logistics; combat support; combat service support; facilities; use of computers; Federal Emergency Management Agency; State Department; Immigration and Naturalization Service; President Carter; medical planning; medical operations; CS gas; water cannon; Operation MERCY; Executive Order 9; Task Force COLLINS; 96th Civil Affairs Battalion; 416th Engineer Command; and 52d Engineer Battalion. Study was based on documents and supported by field collection and oral history interviews conducted by the 44th Military History Detachment. [Formerly 01-15 S-1]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the U.S. Army Missile Command 1962-1977. Elizabeth C. Jolliff. 1979.

234 pp., text. 5 tables, 5 charts, 2 appendices. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Third in a series of studies pertaining to the Redstone Arsenal Complex. Chapters: The Army Ordnance Missile Command as Forerunner; Mission and Tools for Accomplishment; Organizational Structure--1962-1970; Organizational Structure--1971-1976; The End of an Era--MICOM Discontinued; Application of the Project Management Concept; MICOM Weapons and Subsystems in Vietnam; Logistical Support for Vietnam--the HAWK Experience; Advances in Technology; Growth in Foreign Military Sales; and Conclusions. Appendices: MICOM Key Personnel 1962-1977; Major Milestones for Army Missiles and Rockets. Glossary. Discusses the following weapons systems or projects: FABMDS, ZEUS, SHILLELAGH, TOW, MAW, DRAGON, SAM-D, MAULER, REDEYE, SERGEANT, LACROSSE, REDSTONE, CORPORAL, HONEST JOHN, LITTLEJOHN, AJAX, CHAPARRAL, STINGER, ROLAND, SHORADS, HELLFIRE, LANCE, VIPER, PATRIOT, FAAR, LAW, XM-194, XM-3, XM-157, XM-159, M-73, M-72, RPG-7, M-158, M-200, ENTAC, SS-10, SS-11, M-22, HAWK, 2.75-inch rocket. Discusses: AMC, DARCOM, lasers, and guidance systems. [Historical Monograph Project Number: DARCOM 84M]



United States Army Materiel Command. The Early Years, US Army Materiel Command. No author. Undated.

95 pp., text. Tables, charts, illustrations. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Not a narrative monograph, but rather a collection of presentations (1962-1968) compiled to document the origin and development of AMC as seen from the vantage point of GEN Frank S. Besson, Jr., its first commander. [Formerly AMC-2]



United States Army Mobility Equipment Command. Multi-Purpose Tractors in Vietnam. William F. Shonkwiler. 1969.

284 pp., text. 19 tables, 4 maps, 7 charts, 10 photographs, summary, abbreviations, bibliographies, index. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Traces the USAMEC role in providing the Armed Forces deployed in South Vietnam with certain families of heavy construction equipment, and traces those items' development, procurement, standardization and employment in Vietnam. Chapters: The United States Army Mobility Equipment Command; The Need; Seaports; Airports; Highway Construction; and Land Clearance. Discussions include: US Army Engineer Supply Control Office; US Army Mobility Equipment Center; Mobility Equipment Manuals Field Office; Engineer Research and Development Laboratories; Engineer Procurement Office, Chicago; 18th Engineer Brigade; De Long Pier; Container Express (CONEX); Beach Discharge Lighter; Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo Vehicle (LARC); Cam Ranh Bay; Nha Trang; Vung Tau; Vung Ro; Qui Nhon; Da Nang; T-17 Membrane; airfield matting; airstrip construction; helicopter landing zones; Medium Duty Crawler Tractor; Allis-Chalmers Tractor HD16M; Caterpillar Tractor Model D7E; Caterpillar Tractor 830M; Clark 290M; quarries; Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV); air mobility; windrowing; KING RANCH concept; disk plows; harrows; rakes; bulldozers; Rome Plow; PAUL BUNYAN Test Program; 86th Engineer Battalion; 27th Land Clearance Team; 35th Land Clearing Team; smoke grenades; First Tree Crusher Detachment; defoliants; 2-4D spray; helicopter mounted sprayer; and airplane mounted sprayer. [Formerly AMC Project 63M]



United States Army Mobility Equipment Command. Provisioning & Logistics Support of the LARC (Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo) Used by the Army in Vietnam. William F. Shonkwiler. Undated.

201 pp., text. 7 tables, 1 map, charts, 12 photographs, 3 appendices. Definition of abbreviations. Bibliographies. Index. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Traces the Army's development beginning in 1951 of a follow-on family of vehicles to replace the World War II DUKW, and their 1965-1968 employment in Vietnam. Chapters: Logistics Mobility in Vietnam; Management of Amphibian Equipment; Development and Procurement of the 60 Ton LARC (BARC); The Development and Procurement of the LARC V; Development and Production of the LARC XV; Amphibian Mission, Organization and Training; LARC Operations in Vietnam; and Summary. Contains information on: seaports; airports; Saigon; US Army Transportation Supply and Maintenance Command; BARC; LARC V; LARC XV; prototypes; Landing Ship Dock (LSD); Treadwell Construction Company; Transval Electronics Corporation; Western Gear Corporation; Peterson Builders Incorporated; Superduck; Consolidated Diesel Electric Corporation; Project FLATTOP; tables of organization for the light amphibian company, the medium amphibian company and the heavy amphibian unit; safety; maintenance; training; Qui Nhon; Vung Tau; Cam Rahn Bay; Vung Ro; Tuy Hoa; Thom My Thui; Wunder Beach; Thailand; Army Transportation Terminal Command; 4th Transportation Command; 394th Transportation Battalion (Terminal); Provisional BARC Company; 344th Transportation Company (Light Amphibian); 253d Transportation Detachment (Amphibious Maintenance); 10th Transportation Battalion (Terminal); 116th Transportation Company (Terminal Service); 165th Transportation Company (Terminal Service); 347th Transportation Company (Light Amphibian); 458th Transportation Company; 159th Transportation Detachment (Amphibian Maintenance); 82d Transportation Company (Amphibious General Support); 11th Transportation Battalion (Terminal). Photographs are captioned 8"x10" original black and white photographs. [Formerly AMC Project 68]



United States Army Mobility Equipment Command. The United States Army Mobility Equipment Command Role in the Provisioning and Logistical Support of Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL), Pipelines and Storage Tanks in the Vietnam Conflict. William F. Shonkwiler. Undated.

169 pp., text. 4 tables, 8 maps, 2 charts, 7 reproduced photographs, 3 appendices, definition of abbreviations, bibliographies, index. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Discusses how the POL infrastructure was created from scratch to support combat operations in Vietnam between 1965 and 1969 in what is characterized as a significant logistical triumph. Chapters: The Development of Army Requirements for Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL); Establishment of an AMC Project Manager for POL; Military Petroleum Pipeline Systems; POL Construction in SEA; Summary of Problems and Achievements. Contains discussions of: Saigon; An Khe; Song Be; Phan Thiet; Ban Me Thout; Dalat; Pleiku; Long Binh; Vung Tau; Cam Ranh Bay; Nha Trang; Phan Rang; Qui Nhon; tank cars; Berlin Airlift; Korean War; Johnson Report; shipment of equipment; inventory; commodity management; pipelines; bulk storage; bulk supply; distribution systems; oil tankers; mooring systems; super tankers; tank farms; hose; laboratories; collapsible storage; pumps; valves; fire-fighting; Thailand; Sattahip; Khorat; Kakhon Phanon. [Formerly AMC Project 69M]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the MAULER Weapon System. Mary T. Cagle. 1968.

321 pp., text. 3 tables, 8 charts, 4 appendices, 23 illustrations. 2 glossaries; index. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

A history of the MAULER development program and the search for an effective air defense weapon to protect forward combat forces of the field army against low-level attack. Chapters: Origin of the MAULER Project; The Feasibility Study Program; Program Management and Organization; Preliminary Design Phase; The Breadboard Model Weapon System; Fiscal Anemia and Program Stretchout; Engineering Model and R&D Prototype; Feasibility Validation Program and Allied Studies; Final MAULER Evaluation and Termination; Conclusion. Appendices: Launch Blast Simulator Firings, Sep 60-Sep 61; Launch Test Vehicle Firings, Sep 61-Jun 62; Control Test Vehicle Firings, Dec 61-Oct 62; Feasibility Validation Test Program, May 64-Aug 65. Contains information about: Stilwell Board Report; STINGER Project; 40mm DUSTER System; Korean War; RADUSTER Plan; VIGILANTE System; Ad Hoc Group on Low Altitude Air Defense; Convair; AOMC/ARGMA management structure; contractors; Ordnance Corps; Signal Corps; Corps of Engineers; Canada; United States Navy; United States Marine Corps; NATO; PT-428; Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT); Stable Reference and Position (STRAP); Tracker-Illuminator (T-I) Radar; research and development (R&D); and Vietnam War. [Formerly AMC-MICOM-3; AMC Project 44M]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the SERGEANT Weapon System. Mary T. Cagle. 1971.

314 pp., text. 8 tables, 10 charts, 31 illustrations. Glossary. Index. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

History of the SERGEANT development program capable of providing surface-to-surface guided missile artillery nuclear and non-nuclear fire support. Chapters: Origin of the SERGEANT Project; Contractual Structure and Related Problems; Program Management; Basic Design and Feasibility Demonstration; Evolution of the Tactical Weapon System; and System Development and Product Improvement. Appendices: Statement of Approved Military Characteristics for SERGEANT Guided Missile, XSSM-A-27, 16Jun55; Revised Military Characteristics for SERGEANT Guided Missile System, 10Jul58 and 14Dec81; Design and Development of the SERGEANT Rocket Motor; and SERGEANT R&D Flight Test Program. Contains information about: ORDCIT Project; HERMES Program; Stilwell Board; solid propellant; SSM Program; Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); Sperry; Redstone Arsenal; AOMC/ARGMA; AOMC/ABMA; research and development (R&D); warheads; XM-101 Erector-Launcher; XM-53 Rocket Motor; XM-504 Launching Station; transporter; Project RAFTNER; unit activations and deployments; product improvement; and field modification. [Formerly AMC-MICOM-4; AMC Project 55M]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the REDEYE Weapon System. Mary T. Cagle. 1974.

235 pp., text. 9 tables, 8 charts, 28 illustrations. Glossary. Index. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original SECRET)

Traces the history of the REDEYE Weapon System for short-range low-altitude air defense from inception in the mid-1950s through 1973. Chapters: Origin of the REDEYE Project; Project Management Structure; Feasibility Study Program; Basic Engineering Design; Engineering Design Refinement; Industrial and Product Improvement Programs; Training Equipment; Weapon System Deployment; The Redeye Improvement Program; Conclusion. Contains information about: War Department Equipment Board; STINGER Project; HAWK Project; PORCUPINE Project; OCTOPUS Project; Army Equipment Guide (Revised); AOMC/ARGMA; project management; testing; commodity plan; guidance system; warhead; motor; prototype; research and development (R&D); production line; Block I (XM-41); Block II (XM-41E1); Block III (XM-41E2); M-41 Weapon System; United States Air Force; United States Navy; United States Marine Corps; M-46 series trainer; XM-42 Electronic Trainer; XM-49 Tracking Head Trainer; M-76 (XM-49E3) Training Set; M87 Moving Target Simulator; employment concepts; tactics; training; and maintenance. [Formerly AMC-MICOM-7; AMC Project 78M]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the CHAPARRAL/FAAR Air Defense System. Mary T. Cagle. 1977.

222 pp., text. 14 tables, 4 charts, 34 illustrations. Glossary. Index. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Discusses the development and deployment of the CHAPARRAL anti-aircraft missile and the Forward Area Alerting Radar (FAAR) System, with emphasis on the technical aspects and contractual arrangements for its development. Part I (CHAPARRAL) Chapters: Origin of the Project; Project Management Structure; Engineering Design and Development; Evolution of the Tactical Weapon System; Weapon System Deployment; Product Improvement Program; and Cost Summary. Part II (FAAR) Chapters: Origin and Objectives of the FAAR Program; Execution of the Development Program; Evolution of the Standard FAAR System; Production Summary; FAAR Cost Summary; and Deployment. Part III (Conclusion) Chapters: In Retrospect; and Forward Area Air Defense of Today and Tomorrow. Contains information about: doctrine and concepts for air defense in the field army; systems management; engineering design; requirements; research and development (R&D); production; inventory; training; unit activations; type classification; smokeless rocket motor; target acquisition; Identification Friend or Foe (IFF); fuzes; warheads; guidance; XMIM-72C; Qualitative Materiel Requirement (QMR); tropic tests; Arctic tests; logistic support problems; M-561 Gama Goat; operational readiness; VULCAN; Philco-Ford; M-45 Mount; M-113; SIDEWINDER; M-548; XM-5458E1; XM-730; Anaheim, California; AN/TSM-95; AN/TSM-96; AN/TSM-85; M-54 Launching Station; AN/DSM-79; AN/TSM-101; ROLAND II (SHORAD); M-101 trailer; and GOER. [Formerly AMC-MICOM-8; DARCOM Project 82M]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the TOW Missile System. Mary T. Cagle. 1977.

223 pp., text. 10 tables, 3 charts, 26 illustrations; 1 appendix. Glossary. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Consists of a history of the development and fielding of the Tube-launched Optically-tracked Wire-guided (TOW) Heavy Antitank/Assault Weapon (HAW) from mid-1958 through its fielding in September 1970 to 1976 as a replacement for the 106mm recoilless rifle and French ENTAC system and later the helicopter-mounted French SS-11 system. The program was part of a broader generational development of a wide range of antitank systems including the M-72 Light Antitank Weapon (LAW) which began replacing the Bazooka and antitank rifle grenade in 1963; the DRAGON Medium Antitank Weapon (MAW) which began replacing the 90mm recoilless rifle in 1975; and SHILLELAGH combat vehicle armament system fielded in 1967. Chapters: Evolution of Army Antitank Requirements and Weapons; Predevelopment Studies; Project Management Structure; Development of the TOW Weapon System; The TOW Industrial Program; Product Improvement Program; Weapon System Deployment; The TOW/Cobra Program; and Conclusion. Contains information about: World War II tank warfare; D-40 Missile; SS-10; infrared guidance; command guidance; feasibility studies QMR; models; research and development (R&D); night sights; training; Land Combat Support System (LCSS); XM-26/UH-1B Helicopter Armament Subsystem; CHEYENNE; sole-source procurement; validation; costs; United States Marine Corps (USMC); foreign military sales; logistics; Vietnam War; AH-1Q Cobra; XM-65; AH-1J Cobra; M-274 Mechanical Mule; BMG-71A; M-113A1; M-233 Mounting Kit; M-151A2 jeep; XR-311 Combat Support Vehicle; LTC Ben Bedford; Hughie J. McInnish; T-54; Twentynine Palms, California; and Yuma Proving Ground. [Formerly AMC-MICOM-9; AMC Project 85M]



United States Army Missile Command. History of the U.S. Army Missile Command 1962-1977. Elizabeth C. Jolliff. 1979.

253 pp., text. 5 tables, 5 charts, 2 appendices. Glossary. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

A narrative account of the United States Army Missile Command's mission and organization, from formation in August 1962 until discontinued in January 1977, and on the weapons and subsystems developed by MICOM. Chapters: The Army Ordnance Missile Command as Forerunner; Mission and Tools for Accomplishment; Organizational Structure 1962-1970; Organizational Structure 1971-1976; The End of an Era--MICOM Discontinued; Application of the Project Management Concept; MICOM Weapons and Subsystems in Vietnam; Logistical Support for Vietnam--The HAWK Experience; Advances in Technology; Growth in Foreign Military Sales; and Conclusion. Appendices: MICOM Key Personnel 1962-1977; and Major Milestones for Army Missiles and Rockets. Contains information about: The NASA Transfer; ABMA-ARGMA; Army Ordnance Missile Support Agency; mission statement; personnel resources; funding; reductions in force; command group; staff offices; special assistants; general counsel; judge advocate; small business office; Missile Technical Support Office; Management Science and Data Systems Office; Quality and Reliability Management Office; Personnel and Training Office; Comptroller; Director of Programs; procurement; production; supply; maintenance; Arsenal Support Operations Directorate; FABMDS Project Office; ZEUS Project Office; SHILLELAGH Project Office; TOW Project Office; MAW (DRAGON) Project Office; SAM-D Project Office; MAULER Project Office; REDEYE Project Office; SERGEANT Project Office; Air Defense Control and Target Systems Project Office; antitank weapons; aircraft weapons; commodity offices; LACROSSE; REDSTONE; CORPORAL; LITTLEJOHN; HONEST JOHN; AJAX; fire distribution; land combat; Multiple Artillery Rocket System Product Office; air defense; meteorology; calibration; research and development (R&D); STINGER (REDEYE II); US Army Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Laboratory; SHORADS (US ROLAND); HELLFIRE; 2.75-inch rocket; LANCE; High Energy Laser System Project Office; Improved Light Antitank Weapon (VIPER) Project Office; Kuwait; CHAPARRAL; PATRIOT; FAAR; precision laser designator; Redstone Arsenal; Missile Intelligence Agency; AMARC Study; Army Materiel Command (AMC); project management; civilian employees; commodity management; M-72 LAW; M-73 LAW Training Device; XM-194 (RPG-7); XM-3 Helicopter Armament Subsystem; XM-157 Rocket Launcher; XM-159 Rocket Launcher; contractors; M-158 Rocket Launcher; M-200 Rocket Launcher; ENTAC; SS-10; SS-11 (M-22); HAWK; TOW; repair parts; GSU Depot; General Creighton Abrams; 'smart' bombs; optical contrast seekers; radio frequency seekers; infrared seekers; terminal guidance; Rosette Scan Infrared Seeker; and simulation. [Formerly AMC-MICOM-10; AMC Project 84M]



United States Army Weapons Command. The Development, Adaption, and Production of Armament for Army Helicopters 1957-1963. Part I: The Antecedents and Acceptance of The Air Mobile Concept. Part II: Machine Gun and Missile Subsystems. Part III: Development of the XM-5 Grenade Launcher Subsystem. Leonard C. Weston and Clifford W. Stephens. 1968.

3 parts. Reproduced (except Part III which is carbon copy of typescript). (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Part I: 130 pp., text. 28 captioned reproduced photographs. Reference Works. Glossary.

Part II: 223 pp., text. 70 captioned reproduced photographs. Reference Works. Glossary.

Part III: 184 pp. text. 13 captioned reproduced photographs. Reference Works. Glossary.

Consists of a narrative discussion of the official and unofficial evolution of the concept of arming helicopters and the actual weapons systems and subsystems. Part I Chapters: Considering the Aggressive Role; Project ABLE BUSTER; The Early Armair Brigade Experiment; Seeking Adequate Weapons; A Formal Program Gets Under Way; and Project Managership of Helicopter Armament. Part II Chapters: The U.S. Seventh Army Armament Kit; The Townsend System; The XM-1, XM-1E1, and XM-2 Subsystems; Helicopter Armament Subsystem, M-6 (XM-6); Procurement and Production of Machine-Gun Subsystems for Helicopters; and Antitank Guided Missiles. Part III Chapters: The Springfield Armory Effort; The Ford Motor Company Effort; and The General Electric Company Effort. Contains information about: .50-caliber machine gun; 8cm Oerlikon Aerial Rocket; .30-caliber machine gun; 2.75-inch rocket; Intervalometer; fixed-fin aerial rocket (FFAR); folding-fin aerial rocket; Fort Rucker, Alabama; White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico; Springfield Armory, Massachusetts; Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois; Okinawa; B-29; HU-1; UH-1 Iroquois ("Huey"); H-13 Sioux; OH-13; H-21 Shawnee; OH-23; H-25; H-34 Choctaw; Alouette II; Utility Transport Tactical Helicopter Company; Vietnam War; Packmeyer Pods; P-61 Sight; 1.5-inch NAKA Rocket; RIA Armament Kit; 4.5-inch armament kit; XM-153 Armament Subsystem; SS-10; SS-11; F-4U Corsair; M-37 .30-caliber machine gun; 40mm grenade launcher (XM-5); XM-75 grenade launcher; USARYIS; Harry W. O. Kinnaird; 1LT R. R. Chedester; MG Normando A. Costello; CPT Anthony Carroll; and CPT C. W. Jones. [Formerly AMC-WECOM-1]



United States Army Supply and Maintenance Command. The Dominican Republic Crisis: U.S. Army Material Command Logistical Support. William H. Peifer. 1966.

115 pp., text. Glossary. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original SECRET)

A draft narrative history prepared almost immediately after Operation POWER PACK to provide reference material for planners of future operations. It provides an overview of the supply and transportation responses to the crisis and highlights positive and negative lessons for logisticians. Chapters: The Plan; Initial Execution; Organization for Supply and Transportation; Operations; Problems of Execution; Transportation; Commodities; Civil Relief; Services and Special Equipment; Funding; and Commodity Commands and Depot Reaction. Contains information about: classes of supply; Class I; Class II; Class III (Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants [POL]); Class IV; Class V (Ammunition); III Corps; XVIII Airborne Corps; 82d Airborne Division; 1st Logistical Command; 2d Logistical Command; 5th Logistical Command; Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG); US Army Supply and Maintenance Command (SMC); US Army Mobility Command (MOCOM); US Army Missile Command (MICOM); US Army Weapons Command (WECOM); US Army Munitions Command (MUCOM); US Army Electronics Command (ECOM); US Army Major Items Data Agency (MIDA); Defense Supply Agency (DSA); Operations Plan 310/2L-63 (OPLAN 310); ports; terminals; and depots. Includes a number of statistical compilations scattered throughout the text. [Formerly AMC-SMC-1; AMC Project 49M]



United States Army Munitions Command. GB Warheads for Army Ballistic Missiles 1950-1966. Sherman L. Davis. 1968.

47 pp., text. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Consists of a narrative account of the development and fielding of warheads containing GB, the Army's designation for the nerve gas German Sarin (type standardized in 1951 as a lethal non-persistent organophosphorus toxic agent). Chapters: Early Projects; The First Standard Warhead; Completing the Development Program; Warheads in Production; The Next Generation; and Conclusion. Contains information about: Chemical Corps; Chemical Warfare Service; Air Force; glide bombs; V-1; V-2; Muroc Army Air Base; Hermes Project; CORPORAL; cluster bomblets; HONEST JOHN; LITTLE JOHN; White Sands Proving Ground; research and development (R&D); Fort Bliss; Chemical Research and Development Laboratories (CRDL); Army Materiel Command (AMC); Combat Developments Command (CDC); system analysis; Artillery Board; SERGEANT; Rocky Mountain Arsenal; Picatinny Arsenal; Magnesium Aerospace Products, Inc.; Norris Thermidor; US Army Ammunition Procurement and Supply Agency (USAAPSA); LANCE; and Fort Sill. [Formerly AMC-MUCOM-2; AMC Project 51M]



United States Army Munitions Command. Riot Control Weapons for the Vietnam War. Sherman L. Davis. 1970.

41 pp., text. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Consists of a brief narrative account of the development and fielding of weapons to employ riot control agent CS (standardized in 1959 by the Chemical Corps as a significant improvement over the earlier tear gases) on the battlefield instead of in civil disturbance situations. Chapters: Introduction; Preparation for the Field; Aerial Munitions; Ground Munitions; and Conclusion. Contains information about: B. B. Carson; R. W. Stoughton; orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile; Black Magic; M-7A1 grenade; M-25A2 grenade; M-2 CS dispenser; CS1; chloroacetophenone; BG Fred J. Delmore; US Army Chemical-Biological-Radiological Agency (CBR Agency); Edgewood Arsenal; Fort Campbell; 101st Airborne Division; Water Bucket report; Chemical Research and Development Laboratories (CRDL); Operations Research Group; submunitions; E-158 cluster; E-159 cluster; E-8 launcher; Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV); CN; Camp A. P. Hill; Special Warfare Agency; Combat Developments Command (CDC); ENSURE Program; Aerojet-General Corporation; Brunswick Corporation; CBU-19/A; E-22 fuze; E-22R1 fuze; E-63 initiator; Air Force; 1st Infantry Division; ACTIV Report; Army Materiel Command (AMC); Test and Evaluation Command (TECOM); Deseret Test Center; XM-15 cluster; XM-165; persistent CS; XM-55 burster; XM-921 fuze; XM-920E2 Fuze and Burster system; 196th Infantry Brigade (Light); AN-M-173A1 fuze; XM-925 system; CS2; BLU-52; Brown Bag Dispenser (XM-28); 4th Infantry Division; XM-28; Cornell Aeronautical Laboratories; E23 cartridge; Infantry Board; 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile); Hue; 25th Infantry Division; Marine Corps; M-79 grenade launcher; XM-651 cartridge; E-20 cartridge; E-24 cartridge; XM-674 cartridge; XM-9 CS-pyrotechnic canister; XM-630 mortar shell; XM-629 105mm round; XM-631 155mm round XM-80 2.75-inch folding fin aerial rocket (FFAR) warhead; M-17 mask; and research and development (R&D). [Formerly AMC-MUCOM-3; AMC Project 56M]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. USA Natick Laboratories Mission Assignments: Research, Development, Standardization and Engineering Support. [No author given]. 1969.

31 pp., text. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

NLABS Pamphlet 70-1 produced by the Office of the Comptroller, Review and Analysis Division. Contains a discussion of internal responsibilities in terms of programs and commodities intended for the study and reference of personnel at Natick Laboratories. Consists of two sections, each organized with specific topical responsibilities. Sections under Research and Development: Introduction; Environmental Research; Human Factors Engineering; Materials; Biological Materials; Airdrop Equipment; Clothing and Personal Equipment; Food; Containers and Packaging; Organizational Field Equipment; and Field Printing Equipment. Sections under Standardization and Engineering Support Assignments: Introduction; Materials; Biological Materials; Airdrop Equipment; Clothing and Personal Equipment; Food; Containers and Packaging; Organizational Field Equipment; Printing Equipment; Hand Tools; Heating and Cooling Equipment; Furnishings, Appliances, Cleaning Equipment; Office Equipment and Supplies; Service and Agricultural Equipment, Special Industry Machinery; Materials Handling Equipment; and Miscellaneous. [Formerly AMC-NATICK-1]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. The Role of the U.S. Army Natick Laboratories in Defense Operations: Proceedings of a Conference from Research to Technical Data Package 17 April 1969. Edited by Gerald C. MacDonald. 1969.

60 pp., text. 1 table, 12 charts, 6 figures, 6 reproduced photographs; 1 illustration. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Contains the complete text of a conference held at Natick, Massachusetts, to bring together all of the subordinate elements of Natick Laboratories and discuss the agency's mission with specific emphasis on the "critical interdependence of all technical programs." Contents: Welcoming Remarks by BG Felix J. Gerace, Commanding General; Conference Objective and Background by James H. Flanagan (Scientific Director for Engineering); Defense Standardization Program Management; DOD Item Entry Control Program; Basic Research--A Contributor and User; Earth Sciences Research in Military Applications; Airdrop Engineering in the Technical Data Package; Specifications for Clothing and Textiles as Related to the Requirements of the User; Technical Data Packages--A Variety; And Evolution of the Food Packet, Long Range Patrol ["LRRP Rations"]. [Formerly AMC-NATICK-2]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. Battlefield Protection of the Soldier Through His Clothing/Equipment System. Stephen J. Kennedy; Theodore L. Bailey; and William F. Pounder, Jr. 1969.

56 pp., text. 35 tables, 3 illustrations, 41 reproduced photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Progress report containing a capsule review of the Natick Laboratories' accomplishments in protective clothing and individual equipment. Discussions cover items developed prior to the Vietnam War; those specifically developed to meet the needs of troops in Vietnam; and plans for future developments. Contents: The Four Objectives of R&D on the Soldier's Clothing and Equipment; Recent Accomplishments in Clothing and Personal Equipment; Accomplishments in Support of Southeast Asia; The LINCLOE Program; Minimizing Physiological Strain to Increase Combat Efficiency; The Soldier's Twelve-Dimensional Battlefield Environment; Protections Against the Cold Environment; Protection Against Fragmentation Weapons and Small Arms Fire; Blast-Protective Footwear; Chemical-Biological Protective Clothing; Protection Against Flame and Flash Fire; Protections Against Thermal Effects of Nuclear Weapons; Protection Against Flash Blindings; Protection From Detection (Camouflage); Load-Carrying Equipment; and Individual Equipment Items. Specific discussions cover: Tropical Footwear; Hot Weather Clothing; Rain Protection; Sleeping Gear; Cold Weather Footwear; Cold Weather Clothing System; Handwear; Body Armor; Helmets; Aircrewman Suit; and Armored Vehicle Crewman Suit. [Formerly AMC-NATICK-3]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. The Army Green Uniform. Stephen J. Kennedy and Alice F. Park. 1968.

31 pp., text. 1 table, 6 8"x10" original color photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Technical report which discusses the development and the adoption of the Army Green Uniform in the period since the end of World War II. Contents: Introduction; Tradition in Uniform; Separation of Field and General Duty Uniform; Search for New Color; Adoption of the Army Green Uniform; Army Green Uniform for All-Year Wear; and References. Specific discussions focus on Black Trim and Accessories; Service Cap; Raincoat; Lightweight Green Uniform; Overcoat; and development of a summer fabric. Includes complete lists of the members of the National Academy of Science-National Research Council Advisory Committee on Men's Military Clothing and the similar body on Women's Military Clothing. [Formerly AMC-NATICK-4]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. The Food Geography of Mainland Southeast Asia. Thomas E. Niedringhaus. 1968.

102 pp., text. 11 tables, 10 colored maps, 1 reproduced photograph. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Technical Report 68-39-ES prepared by the Earth Sciences Laboratory, US Army Natick Laboratories under Project PROVOST. Contains a summary of the nature and extend of food resources, dietary habits, food taboos, and nutritional status of people indigenous to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaya, Singapore, Thailand and Burma. The report was compiled to help answer assessment questions and for planning the food supply for indigenous and non-indigenous personnel during military occupation, civilian relocation and relief activities on the mainland of Southeast Asia. Chapters: Introduction; The Food Resources of Southeast Asia; The Food Resources of North and South Vietnam; The Food Resources of Cambodia; The Food Resources of Laos; The Food Resources of Malaya and Singapore; The Food Resources of Thailand; The Food Resources of Burma; Conclusions; and Selected Bibliography. Chapter subheadings cover: Factors Affecting Food Availability; Military Significance of Food Geography; Agricultural Types; Availability of Food; Diseases Associated with Food Deficiencies; Potential Military Applications; Regional Differences; Procurement of Foot; Dietary Habits and Taboos; and Vulnerability of the Food Supply. Special topics: Sawah cultivation; intensive dry-field agriculture; Mekong Delta; Central Highlands; Coastal Lowlands; Red River Delta; Northern Highlands; Mekong-Bassac-Tonle Sap Confluence; Kompong Cham Redlands; Upland Region; Arakan Coast; Tenasserim Coast; Irrawady and Delta. Each country analysis provides detailed geographical breakdown. [Formerly AMC-NATICK-5]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. The Comfort and Function of Clothing. Lyman Fourt and Norman R. S. Hollies. 1969.

300 pp., text. 45 tables, 25 figures. Bibliography (460 entries). Index. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Technical Report 69-74-CE prepared by the Harris Research Laboratories Division of Gillette Research Institute under contract for the Clothing and Personal Life Support Equipment Laboratory to cover the developments and scientific research generated since the publication of the classic "The Physiology of Heat Regulation and the Science of Clothing" by L. H. Newburg in 1949. Chapters: The Factors Involved in the Study of Clothing; Clothing Considered as a System Interacting with the Body; Clothing Considered as a Structured Assemblage of Materials; Heat and Moisture Relations in Clothing; Physiological and Field Testing of Clothing by Wearing It; Physical Properties of Clothing and Clothing Materials in Relation to Comfort; and Differences Between Fibers With Respect to Comfort. Appendix (Conversion Tables). [Formerly AMC-NATICK-6]



United States Army Materiel Command. Proceedings of the Conference on Life Support Equipment: US Army Materiel Command Briefing on Army Aircrew Survival and Protective Clothing and Equipment, Headquarters USCONARC 11-12 July 1967. No author given; S. J. Kennedy (Director, Clothing and Materials Laboratory) served as Chairman of the briefing. 1967.

315 pp., text. Tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Contains the fully transcribed prepared text delivered during the briefing: Welcoming Address by MG B. E. Powell (Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, US Continental Army Command); Opening Remarks by BG J. L. Klingenhagen (Assistant for Army Aviation Logistic Support, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Department of the Army); Introduction; Life Support Equipment to be Covered in the Briefing; Assignment of Responsibilities in the Army Materiel Command, and Management Procedures Employed During the Life Cycle of the Equipment; Regulatory Provisions in Federal Laws, and Army and AMC Regulations; Aspects of Aircraft and Crew Vulnerability; AMC Research Programs for Aircraft and Aircrew Survivability; Life Support Equipment in Army Aircraft; Life Support Design Features on the AAFSS; Individual Life Support Equipment; Miscellaneous Life Support Equipment; Training Aspects; Current CONUS Survival and Escape and Evasion Training; Question and Answer Period; and Concluding Remarks. Specific coverage is given to: armor protection of aircraft; armored seats; escape systems; ejection seats; fire reduction; oxygen kits; safety harness; first aid kits; flight uniform; aviator's gloves; aircrew body armor; aviator's helmet; aviator's gas mask; parachutes; parachute harness; personal survival kits (SEEK-1, Light Weight Individual, and Vest SV-2); OV-1 MOHAWK; survival radio; sound protection for ground crewmen; crash rescue equipment (field fire trucks and helicopter borne fire suppressing gear); and the Forest Penetrator. Also includes: name list of attendees; and list of briefing objectives. [Formerly AMC-NATICK-7]



United States Army Natick Laboratories. Support to United States Army in Vietnam. No author given. 1969.

127 pp., text. Map, 4 illustrations, 70 captioned reproduced photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

A compilation of information on the materiel developed by Natick Laboratories in response requirements from Southeast Asia (related to the Vietnam War) to enhance the combat effectiveness of the soldier operating in a tropical environment. Contains fact sheets arranged in six general categories (clothing and personal life support equipment; airdrop engineering; earth sciences; pioneering research; food; and general equipment and packaging) on the following specific items: "Panama" outsole for tropical combat boot; boot last for Thai and Vietnamese soldiers; tropical combat boot, spike protective; tropical combat boot, blast protective; overboot, blast protective; combat tropical uniform camouflage pattern; tropical uniform (coat and trousers combat tropical); rainsuit; tropical hat with detachable headnet; Jungle Hat, Type II; neckerchief; poncho coated nylon, rip-stop, polyurethane coated, lightweight OG 207, with hood; poncho coated nylon, lightweight, camouflage printed pattern (small size); paint, skin camouflage; lightweight loadcarrying equipment; collapsible canteen, two-quart, with cup and cover; jungle rucksack; vest, carrier, grenade, M-79; case, small arms ammunition (for 30-round magazine, M-16); hammock, jungle, lightweight; body armor, aircrewman; body armor, variable protection, ground forces; glareshield for helmets, flying; helmet, flyers, SPH-4; bladder assembly flotation, 5-quart collapsible; liner, rucksack, waterproof; name tapes for identification of personnel; gloves, mosquito; Army aircrewman handwear; Army aircrewman clothing; quick stick-on patches for tropical fatigues; G-13 cargo parachute for jungle operation; troopers' ladder; personnel/cargo lowering system and interim floor anchoring device; Fulton Aerial Retrieval System (Skyhook); individual lightweight survival kits; crewman/gunners safety harness; 3-gallon free fall water container; interim free drop of water (zip top cans/canteens in boxes); tunnel exploration kits; clothing almanac for Southeast Asia; tropical environmental data; geographical and climatological advisory services for Southeast Asia; arthropod geography; climatic atlas; thematic mapping; food geography; tropical terrain analysis; visibility research in Southeast Asia; climatic analogs; anthropometric survey; repellent for snakes; effects of insect infestations on the quality of flour; prevention of microbiological deterioration; human factors and engineering psychology; food acceptance; food packet, long range patrol, FSN 8970-926-9222 (LRRP Rations); ration supplement, beverage pack, FSN 8970-143-0957; military field refrigeration equipment; unit loads of canned nonperishable subsistence and combat rations; packing and packaging of helmets, flying; packaging and packing refrigeration units; packaging for armor, aircrewman, small arms, protective; lightweight insulated shipping containers; packaging and packing of tunnel exploration kit; support to special warfare in providing printing supplies and equipment; drum, fabric, collapsible, potable water, 55-gallon capacity (blivet); drum, fabric, collapsible, potable water, 250-gallon capacity (blivet); can, water, military, plastic, 5-gallon; use of Voc fiberboard for packing of nonperishable subsistence and clothing items; new packages for water purification tablets; leaflet dissemination; intrenching tool, lightweight, LINCLOE; shelter, frame-supported, universal field maintenance; tent, frame-type, expandable, 16-foot by 16-foot; continuous flow ice cream plant; prisoner of war (POW) name identification kit; and chaplain's kits, Catholic and Protestant, lightweight for active combat application. Each fact sheet generally provides background on the development, the specific origin of the request for development, actions taken by the Natick Laboratories, a description of the item (normally with accompanying photograph), a statement of the advantages provided by the new item, and the status of the item as of May of 1969. [2 copies] [Formerly AMC-NATICK-8 and second copy Formerly AMC-NATICK-1969-1]



United States Army Air Defense Command. ARADCOM's Florida Defenses in the Aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis 1963-1968. Timothy Osato and Sherryl Straup. 1968.

237 pp., text. 3 tables, 3 maps, 21 charts, 6 reproduced photographs. 2 appendices. Glossary. Bibliographic note. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original SECRET)

Sequel to "ARADCOM in the Cuban Crisis, Sept.-Dec. 1962" and to "The Florida Units, Jan.-Dec. 1962." Contains an account of the field Army units from 1 April 1963 (when they were assigned to ARADCOM on a permanent basis) and deals with their position in the unified and international effort to defend North America against air attack. Chapters: The Background; Threat, Missions, and Organization; Command and Control; From Canvas to Concrete: Construction and Housing; Personnel and Morale; Operations and Training; Maintenance, Logistical Support, and Interservice Agreements; and Conclusions. Appendices: Roster of Key Personnel; and HAWK System Characteristics. Includes information on Patrick Air Force Base; MacDill Air Force Base; Homestead Air Force Base; Key West; Miami; Homing-All-The-Way-Killer (HAWK); NIKE HERCULES; "Duster"; MiG-15; MiG-17; MiG-19; MiG-21; radar; surface to air missile (SAM); Hurricane Alma; Hurricane Betsy; 53d Artillery Brigade; 13th Artillery Group; 1st Battalion, 59th Artillery; 6th Battalion, 65th Artillery; 8th Battalion, 15th Artillery; 2d Battalion, 52d Artillery; President John F. Kennedy; Gulf of Mexico; North American Air Defense Command (NORAD); Atlantic Command (LANTCOM); Strike Command (STRICOM); Third US Army; Second US Army; Cape Canaveral; Cape Kennedy; and Florida. [Formerly ARADCOM-2 and ARADCOM Historical Monograph 6M]



United States Army Air Defense Command. Militia Missilemen: The Army National Guard in Air Defense 1951-1967. Timothy Osato. 1968.

315 pp., text. 3 tables, several maps, 14 charts, 8 reproduced photographs. 10 appendices. Bibliographical note. Glossary. Index. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

Discussion, from the point of view of the United States Army Air Defense Command (ARADCOM) of the Army National Guard (ARNG) role in the on-site air defense of the Continental United States (CONUS) from 1951 until 1967. Chapters: Impetus and Inception; The Gun Era: Planning and Implementation; On Site with Missiles: Planning and Implementation, 1955-1965; Performance, 1958-1967; Problems, Approaches, and Solutions; and Conclusions. Appendices: Chronology of Major Developments; Collins Memorandum of 10 January 1951; On-Site Gun Battalions of the SSF; On-Site Ajax Units of the ARNG; On-Site Hercules Units of the ARNG; Technician Manning Structure, Ajax System; Technician Manning Structure, Hercules System; ORE Checklist Forms 121 and 122; REDCON Criteria; and Chiefs of the NGB and Cgs ARAACOM/ARADCOM. Contains discussions of: National Guard Bureau (NGB); Army Antiaircraft Command (ARAACOM); NIKE; NIKE-AJAX; NIKE-HERCULES; Korean War; Cold War; antiaircraft artillery gun battalions; missile battalions; Short-Notice Annual Practice (SNAP); Operational Readiness Evaluation (ORE); Annual General Inspection (AGI); REDCON (Readiness Condition); Defense Combat Evaluation (DCE); Command Maintenance Management Inspection (CMMI); Technical Proficiency Inspection (TPI); personnel turbulance; costs; labor relations; site selection; training; awards and trophies; and mention of virtually every unit. [Formerly ARADCOM-3 and ARADCOM Historical Monograph 3M] [2 copies]



United States Army Air Defense Command. The History of ARADCOM: Volume I: The Gun Era 1950-1955. Roy S. Barnard. 1972.

262 pp., text. 3 tables, 25 maps, 11 charts, 8 reproduced photographs. 24 appendices. Glossary. Bibliographic note. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

The first of a projected three-volume series tracing the history of the United States Army Air Defense Command (ARADCOM). Contain an account of the background and evolution of the organization, mission and activities of the Army in the air defense of the Continental United States (CONUS) until 22 September 1955 when the number of air defense missile batteries exceeded the number of gun batteries. Chapters: Background 1918-1949; Decision 1950; The Planning Phase 11 July 1950-10 April 1951; The Command Phase 10 April 1951-30 September 1952; Turmoil 30 September 1952-31 December 1953; Expansion Continues 1954; and Challenges 1955. Appendices: AAF-Ten Proposals, June 1946; Conclusions from AGF Study "Security For Enemy Air Action," 14 June 1946; AGF Directive #24, 4 November 1947; Joint Army and Air Force Bulletin #13, 13 May 1948; Summary of Army Comments Presented to the 9-10 December 1948 Conference; Information for ZI Army Commanders in Negotiating Air Defense Agreements, 6 January 1950; Plan to Insure Proper Utilization of AA in Air Defense of the ZI, 6 January 1950; Memorandum for General Gruenther, 9 March 1950; Memorandum of Agreement Between the Air Force and the Army as Discussed Between Major General Bolte and Major General Everest, 10 April 1950; Department of the Army General Order 20, 29 June 1950; Letter to Major General Willard W. Irvine, Command and Staff Structure for an Army force in Air Defense of the United States, 11 July 1950; Letter to Commanding Generals, Continental Armies, Subject: Command and Staff Structure for an Army force in Air Defense of the United States, 11 July 1950; Letter to Chief of Staff, United States Army, Subject: Responsibility for Planning for AA Defense of the United States, 4 November 1950; Letter to Commanding Generals, Continental Armies, Army Antiaircraft Command, Subject: Amendment to Department of the Army Operations Plan for Defense of Continental United States, DA-OP-US-1-50, 24 November 1950; Detailed Deployment of 66 AAA Battalions--Extract from Command Report-1951; Memorandum of Agreement Between General Collins and General Vandenberg, 1 August 1950, with Change Dated 20 November 1950; DA Letters AGAO-S, G3, 26 March 1951, Army Antiaircraft Command 322 TS; Mutual Agreement for the Air Defense of the United States, 15 July 1952; ARAACOM General Orders 14, 20 May 1955, Discontinuance of Eastern Army Antiaircraft Command; ARAACOM General Orders 19, 27 June 1955 Redesignation of Units; ADOAA-3 Letter from ARAACOM to Region Commanders, 10 August 1955, Increased Combat Readiness of AA Units (U) O&T 370.2; Key Figures in Air Defense 1949-1955; Memorandum, From LTG John T. Lewis to MAJ Roy S. Marnard, 1 May 1972, Answers to questionnaire of March 28, 1972; and Letter from COL Walter F. Ellis to MAJ Roy S. Barnard, 19 June 1971. Contains information on: Cold War; National Security Act of 1947; World War II; Soviet Union; Continental Air Command; antiaircraft artillery; surface to air missile (SAM); planning; rules of engagement; Army National Guard (ARNG); Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD); MG Willard W. Irvine; LTG John T. Lewis; LTG Stanley R. Mickelsen; NIKE; NIKE AJAX; Washington; Hanford; Sault Ste Marie; 40mm antiaircraft gun; 75mm SKYSWEEPER; 90mm antiaircraft gun; and 120mm antiaircraft gun. Provides identifications of all antiaircraft units (gun or missile) involved. [Formerly ARADCOM-4 and ARADCOM Historical Project 5M-I] [2 copies of which Copy 1 is the version staffed to the Office of the Chief of Military History (OCMH) in 1972 and Copy 2 is 1971's more abridged 134 pp. version--catalog entries relate to Copy 1]



United States Army Safeguard System Office. Ballistic Missile Defense Literature, A Bibliographic Survey, Series 1, December 1971. No author given. 1971.

226 pp., text. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Consists of a bibliography, with contents arranged alphabetically within year of publication (1947-1971). Begins with topical index. [Formerly USARSSO-1]



United States Alaskan Command. Strength in the North: The Alaskan Command, 1947-1967, A Historical Monograph. Truman R. Strobridge. 1966.

83 pp., text. 1 map, 2 charts. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Narrative summary history of the United States Alaskan Command, a Joint headquarters, from establishment on 1 January 1947. Chapters: Foreword;; Preface; From the Imperial Eagle to World War II 1867-1941; World War II to the Alaskan Command Bear 1941-1947; Organizational Birth Pains 1947-1956; Trials and Struggles--The Early Years 1947-1956; Entrance into the Missile Age 1956-1961; Adaptation to the Modern Scene 1962-1965; and ALCOM Today--Guardian of the Arctic Gateway. Contains information on: Cold War; Army; Navy; Air Force; Marine Corps; Anchorage; Adak; Kodiak; Clear; Fairbanks; Fort Greely; Fort Richardson; Fort Wainwright; Eielson Air Force Base; Northern Warfare Training Center; Arctic Test Center; Elmendorf Air Force Base; 171st Infantry Brigade; 172d Infantry Brigade; ALCAN Highway; weather; training; Exercise POLAR SWEEP; Exercise NORTHERN HILLS; aid to civil authorities; earthquake; flood; and Operation HELPING HAND. [Formerly ALCOM-1]



2d Logistical Command. The Role of the Peninsula Base Command (2d Logistical Command) In The Cuban Crisis, 1962. No author given. c. 1963.

41 pp., text. 9 charts. Carbon copy of typescript. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original SECRET)

Discussion of the 2d Logistical Command's role in the Army's 1962 response to the Cuban Crisis during which it operated as the senior logistical headquarters and commanded an organization of 139 separate units with a total of over 8,000 personnel. Chapters: Summary; Organization; Control; Administrative and Logistical Support; Preparation and Training; Problems and Conclusions; Chronology; Glossary of Terms; and Bibliography. Includes information on: Fort Lee, Virginia; United States Continental Army Command (CONARC); Opa Locka Air Force Base, Florida; XVIII Airborne Corps; Third United States Army; supply; maintenance; medical; communications; 507th Transportation Group; 68th Medical Group; Task Force 125; US Army Transportation Terminal Activity, Southeast Atlantic; and Port Everglades, Florida. [Formerly 2d Log Com-1]



United States Army Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. Chronology of Events Pertaining to US Involvement in the War in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. William K. Schrage. 1972.

100 pp., text. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Simple chronology of major events from 1858 until United States Army, Vietnam was disestablished at 1808 hours on 29 March 1972. [Formerly MACV-2]



United States Army, Berlin. History of Rail Access to West Berlin 1945-1958. K. Martin Johnson. 1969.

211 pp., text. 1 map, 1 diagram, 1 chart, 7 captioned reproduced photographs, 1 illustration. 3 appendices. Glossary. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original CONFIDENTIAL)

A narrative account drawn from American and German sources of the American role in maintaining the railroad component of Allied access to the city of Berlin under the Four-Power agreements at the end of World War II. Chapters: Introduction; Right of Access; Early Rail Operations and the Blockade; The Blockade Settlement; Role of the German Railways; and Problems of Normal Operations. Appendices: Basic Access Documents; Chronology of Incidents by Category; and Chronology. Contains information on: Cold War; World War II; Berlin; Helmstedt; Magdeburg; Potsdam; Brandenburg; Marienborn; Wefensleben; Hakenstadt; Malge; Biederitz; Gerwisch; Burg; Bergzow-Parchen; Genthin; Gross-Kreutz; Wildpark; Babesburg; Wannsee; Griebnitz-See; Lichterfelde; Frankfurt; Hannover; Bremen; United Kingdom; France; Soviet Union; Berlin Blockade; Jessup-Malik Agreement; European Command (EUCOM); United States Army, Europe (USAREUR); Helmstedt Memorandum; Flag Orders; Reichsbahn; strike; negotiations; checkpoint; Berlin Wall; refugees; German Democratic Republic (DDR) (East Germany); cargo; passengers; mail; coal; tank; howitzer; training; uniform; customs; Clay-Robertson-Chuikov Correspondence; Council of Foreign Ministers; and Bolz-Zorin Letter. [Formerly USAB-1 and Historical Project EUR 15M] [2 copies]



United States Army, Berlin. Historical Synopsis Berlin and Berlin Command. No author given. 1978.

39 pp., text. 1 chart. 5 appendices. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Briefing paper prepared for the United States Commander, Berlin by the Military History Branch, F-3 Division, Headquarters US Command Berlin/US Army Berlin to briefly describe the history of the US military presence in Berlin since the end of World War II. Chapters: Greater Berlin; The Berliners; Wartime Political Significance; Functional Evolution of Berlin Command; The Troop Command; Major Crises; and West Berlin (FRG) Political Considerations. Appendices: US Presence in Berlin--Authority and Missions; US Mission, Berlin (USBER)--Organization and Functions; Allied Organizations in Berlin; Glossary; Chronology. Contains information on: Cold War; Berlin Blockade; Berlin Airlift; Berlin Wall; Khruschev Ultimatum; US Army Berlin Brigade; Federal Republic of Germany (FRG); German Democratic Republic (DDR); Soviet Union; United Kingdom; France; and Helmstedt. [Formerly USAB-3] [2 copies]



United States Army, Berlin. The Story of Berlin Brigade. K. Martin Johnson. 1977.

45 pp., text. 5 reproduced heraldic items, 32 small captioned reproduced photographs. 5 Appendices. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

US Army, Berlin Pamphlet 870-2 (revision of 1975 edition). General history of the U.S. occupation of Berlin with emphasis on the formation of the United States Army Berlin Brigade on 1 December 1961. Contents: Foreword; Formation and Lineage; First Sight; Getting Organized; Military Government; Problems and Missions; Blockade and Airlift; New Era--The Brigade in Transition; Between Crises; Intensifying Crisis; The Berlin Wall; Law and Policy; The Americans Are Still Here; Easing Tensions--The Era of Negotiation; Vietnam Era; Brigade of the Seventies; and Then and Now. Appendices: History of the 6th Infantry; Campaign Participation Credits of the 6th Infantry; Heraldry--Explanations of Patches and Crests; U.S. Installations in Berlin; Recommended Reading List. Includes information on: LTG Lucius Clay; Robert Murphy; 82d Airborne Division; 78th Infantry Division; 6th Infantry; 16th Infantry; 18th Infantry; 40th Armor; 94th Artillery; 16th Constabulary Squadron; 759th Military Police Battalion; 287th Military Police Company; Special Troops Battalion; Andrews Barracks; McNair Barracks; Turner Barracks; Roosevelt Barracks; Rose Range; Keerans Range; Parks Range; Steinstuecken; Helmstedt; Operation VITTLES; Berlin Wall; Military Liaison Mission; United Kingdom; France; Soviet Union; Kommandatura; Allied Control Council; Four Power Agreement; and Military Operations in Built-up Areas. [Formerly USAB-2 or USAB-77]



United States Army Combat Developments Experimentation Command. History of Field Experimentation Methodology in the United States Army 1956-1970. John L. Romjue. 1971.

144 pp., text. 11 charts. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Contents: The Field Experiement--Origins and Rationale; Experimenting with Experimentation; The Process of Defining; and Codification and the Program for Expansion. Contains information on: combat effectiveness; instrumentation; umpires; experimental weapons systems; coding; Combat Operations Research Group; Project VISTA (1952); Army Scientific Advisory Panel; Haworth Report (1954); Test VULCO; PENTANA concept; Continental Army Command (CONARC); Army Field Forces; Combat Development Experimentation Center; Reorganized Current Infantry Division (ROCID); data collection; Mobile Modern Army (MOMAR); Independent Nuclear Force Atomic-Nonatomic (INFANA); Scientific Contractor; Stanford Research Institute (SRI); scenario; project analysis; Hunter Liggett Military Reservation; digital data; Technical Operations, Incorporated; Simenson Board (1958); Williams Board (1958); 10th Infantry; 41st Infantry; 19th Artillery; 2d Logistical Command; 59th Engineer Company; 15th Medical Detachment; 58th Medical Battalion; 542d Medical Company; 561st Medical Company; 79th Ordnance Company; 831st Quartermaster Company; 270th Signal Company; 540th Transportation Company; 17th Signal Platoon; 248th Ordnance Platoon; 1st Experimental Regiment; Fort Ord, California; telemetry; Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Night Operations (STANO); and simulation. [Formerly CDEC-2 and CDC-10M]



United States Army Combat Developments Experimentation Command. Development of Instrumentation Technology for Military Field Experimentation 1956-1973. John L. Romjue. 1974.

193 pp., text. List of Commanders (1956-1973). Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Describes the Army's efforts to develop the equipment needed to conduct scientific field evaluations. Contents: The Field Experiment and Early Instrumenting Equipment--1956-1959; Defining Instrumenting Functions--1959-1969; Instrumenting Developments--1960-1964; Defining Instrumentation--1964-1965; and Instrumentation Developments--1965-1973. Contains information on: Fort Ord, California; Hunter Liggett Military Reservation; Camp Roberts, California; Project VISTA; Haworth Committee (1954); Continental Army Command (CONARC); umpires; simulation; digital data; Aircraft Survivability Program; live fire; computers; Technical Operations, Inc.; and California Institute of Technology. [Formerly CDEC-1 and TRADOC-5M]



United States Army Communications-Electronics Engineering Installation Agency. History of the US Army Communications-Electronics Engineering Installation Agency & Communications Engineering From Origin to 1976. Bruno J. Rolak. 1978.

101 pp., text. 2 maps, 10 charts, 4 reproduced photographs. 14 Appendices. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Provides the background (back to 1903) for the establishment and evolution of the command, and information on the command's organization, missions, operations, and achievements arranged in an essentially topical configuration. Contains: Preface; Early Beginnings; Signal Corps Engineering Functions July 1933; Signal Corps Engineering Functions July 1943; Missions US Army Signal Engineering Agency July 1961; The STRATCOM [US Army Strategic Communications Command] Phase; STRATCOM Engineering Directorate 1 July 1965; CEEIA is Born; The CSA/CEEIA Relationship Changes; New Tasking Channels August 1971; The Albright Years; Some Missions and Projects; Fiscal Year 1974 Activities; Fiscal Year 1975 Activities; Missions, Operations, Achievements FY 1975; CEEIA Overseas; Summary; and USA-USSR Satellite Direct Communications Link. Appendices include numerous organizational and key personnel charts, a chronology, mission statements, and reproductions of key regulations and orders. [Formerly USACC-1]



United States Army Strategic Communications Command/National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA's Role in the Development of Communications Satellite Technology. George Raynor Thompson. 1965.

230 pp., text. 14 appendices (copies of documents). Bibliographic note. Carbon copy of typescript. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Narrative history prepared by an Army historian while on loan to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) covering the emergence of satellite communications technology during the 1960s. Chapters: Introduction; Early Military Endeavors; NASA's R&D Contributions Through Relay; NASA's R&D Contributions--Synchronous Climax; Ground Stations; Progress Through International Cooperation; Some Cost Comparisons; and Conclusion. Includes information on: research and development (R&D); Telstar; SYNCOM; EARLY BIRD; SCORE; COURIER; ECHO I; ECHO II; and the Goddard Space Flight Center. [Formerly STATCOM-1]



Eighth United States Army. Twelve Hungnam Evacuees. John S. Cowings and Kim Nam Che. 1975.

13 pp., text. 2 maps; 4 documents; bibliography. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

US Army Research Unit-Korea special research report on the subsequent lives of a dozen individuals who were evacuated from the Korean port city of Hungnam in December 1950. Consists of an introduction discussing the questionnaire and interviewing methodology, a summary, and four analytical sections covering the lives of the refugees before, during, and immediately after the evacuation, and with their situation in 1975. [Formerly 8th Army-1]



United States Army Combat Developments Command. The Origins, Deliberations, and Recommendations of the U.S. Army Tactical Mobility Requirements Board (Howze Board). Barbara A. Sorrill and Constance J. Suwalsky. 1969. 2 Copies, copy 1 is missing.

142 pp., text. 7 tables/charts. Glossary. Bibliographic note. Reproduced. (Regraded UNCLASSIFIED from original SECRET)

Narrative coverage of the "Howze Board" activities between January 1960 and September 1962. Consists of: Introduction; Background, Formation of Board, and Initial Development; Organization and Planning; Initial Study Effort; Practical Proof; Final Study Effort, Evaluation, and Preparation of Report; and The Board's Recommendations. Contains information on: Continental Army Command (CONARC); XVIII Airborne Corps; US Strategic Army Corps (STRAC); LTG Hamilton H. Howze; Army Aviation; collection of information; analysis; field testing; operations research; combat; United States Air Force; Robert McNamara; airmobility; Special Warfare; Arthur J. Trudeau; Dr. Jacob A. Stockfish; and Gulf Research and Development Corporation. [Formerly CDC-7 and Combat Developments Command Historical Monograph 5M]



United States Army Combat Developments Command. Airmobility Bibliography January 1962-October 1969. [author]. 1969.

80 pp., text. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Consists of nine separate bibliographies arranged by either location of document as of December 1969 or agency of origin: Defense Documentation Center; Combat Developments Command Library; Lessons Learned; Literature Search "Survivability of Army Aircraft"; Periodicals; Department of the Army Publications; Special Tests; Archives--Aviation Agency; and Infantry Agency. [Formerly CDC-8 and USACDC Pamphlet 95-1]



United States Army Combat Developments Command. The U.S. Army Combat Developments Command: Origin and Formation. Jean E. Keith and Howard K. Butler. 1972.

116 pp., text. 19 tables/charts. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Compiled to provide an unclassified summary of information originally included in classified annual histories. Traces the actions of the Department of the Army in 1962 leading to the creation of the Combat Developments Command (CDC) and the appointment of LTG John P. Daley as its first commanding general. Consists of: Combat Developments Before 1962; The 1962 Reorganization of the Department of the Army; and Planning the U.S. Army Combat Developments Command. Includes information on: Continental Army Command (CONARC); Project VISTA (1952); Haworth Report (1954); Combat Development Experimentation Center (CDEC); Combat Development Objectives Guide (CDOG); Armour Research Foundation; Project 80; Project 100; Hoelscher Report; Traub Report; "Green Book"; Department of the Army Reorganization Project Office (DARPO); Secretary of Defense; Field Manual (FM); Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE); and Fort Belvoir, Virginia. [Formerly CDC-9]



United States Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel. U.S. Army Training Base (1945-1971): Evaluation of Training Concepts and Management Techniques. C. D. Leatherman. December 1971.

66 pp., text. Tables, strength figures, statistics on army bases. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Compiled internally within the Deputy Chief of Staff and not adopted. Consists of: Introduction; Transition from War to Peace; Korean War Period; War-time Fluctuations in School Overhead; Influences/Causes/Effects on Training Base; Typical Adjustments in the Army Training Base; Significant Developments FY 1967; Military Changes which Affect the Training Base; Foreign Military Training; Influences of International Pressures/Tensions; Current System of Determining Requirements; Research Study (Army War College); Special Research Study (RAC-SIL II); Experimental Program, Management of Training; Statistical Aspects of Training Base; Proposed Research Project; Conclusions/Recommendations; and Selected References. [Formerly DCSPER-1]



Office of the Chief of Staff, Department of the Army. History of the Office of the Secretary of the General Staff January 1956-December 1970. No author given. Circa 1971.

4 pp., text. Charts, supporting documents. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Covers mission, organization, and changes. Consists of the brief numbered paragraph information paper; Appendix A providing statistics and internal arrangement of the office in January 1956, December 1962, December 1967 and December 1970; Appendix B which is an oversized chart showing the evolution of the structure and functions of the office during the period; and Appendix C which is a list of sources. Includes covering memorandum of transmittal. [Formerly OSGS-1]



Office of the Chief of Staff, Department of the Army. History of the Office of the Secretary of the General Staff 1 Jan 71-30 Jun 72. No author given. Circa 1972.

2 pp., text. Charts, supporting documents. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Covers mission, organization, and changes. Consists of the brief numbered paragraph information paper; Appendix A consists of diagrams, tables and functions for the office as of 1 July 1971, 20 March 1972, and 30 June 1972; Appendix B is the official Table of Distribution and Allowances as approved on 28 November 1969, 7 May 1971, on 22 July 1971, and on 28 January 1972; Appendix C contains copies of relevant Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) Memoranda; Appendix D consists of diagrams of office functions and relationships; Appendix E consists of the various manning documents showing the names, ranks, and duty positions of all assigned personnel compiled as of 1 January 1971, 1 April 1971, 1 July 1971, 1 October 1971, 1 January 1972, and 1 April 1972; and Appendix F consists of copies of relevant Chief of Staff Regulations. [Formerly OSGS-2]



Historical Unit, United States Army Medical Service, Office of the Surgeon General. The Role of the Army Medical Service in the Dominican Republic Crisis of 1965. Darrell G. McPherson. Circa 1968.

87 pp., text. 5 maps, 2 charts, 12 reproduced photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Historical account by a former participant of the medical aspects of the United States Army's role in Operation POWER PACK. Consists of: Introduction; Army Medical Service in the Dominican Republic; Extent of Medico-Military Operations; Preventive Medicine-Civil Public Health Activities; Medical Unit Activities; Operations in 1966; and Conclusion. Appendices include: Medical Standard Operating Procedures, 5th Logistical Command; Medical Coverage and Procedures in Objective Area, 82d Airborne Division; Confidential Nature of Venereal Disease Information, 82d Airborne Division; Redeployment Physical Evaluation, USFORDOMREP Circular No. 40-12; Annual Medical Service Activities Report, 82d Airborne Division, 1965; Civilian Restaurant Inspection Program, USFORDOMREP Circular No. 40-4; Health Hazards in the Dominican Republic, USFORDOMREP Medical Bulletin No. 1; Medical Appendix 1 to Logistics Annex M of Operations Order No. 2-65, USCOMDOMREP; and Medical Annex to Logistical Operating Instructions. Includes information on 30th Medical Battalion; 55th Medical Group; 15th Field Hospital; 54th Medical Detachment (Helicopter Ambulance); 12th Support Brigade; 42d Civil Affairs Company; planning; organization; alert and deployment procedures; supplies; battle casualties; evacuation; nonbattle medical problems; psychiatric problems; water supply; garbage collection and disposal; insect control; rodent control; beverages; ice; street vendors; Santo Domingo; and San Isidro. [Formerly SGO-1] (2 copies; Copy 2 is a draft copy)



Historical Section, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Board, 1903-1919. Jesse S. Douglas. 1947.

17 pp., text. Two appendices (14 pp. and 26 pp.). Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Prepared as an incomplete draft chapters for The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in World War II, Organizational Development. Includes information on: Arthur L. Wagner, John D. Long, Henry C. Taylor, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jarvis Butler, Tasker H. Bliss, Leonared Wood; United States Navy, Naval War College, Josephus Daniels; Japan, Cuba, Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, the Philippines; media; aliens. Appendix A ("Origin of the Joint Board"); Appendix B ("Suspension of the Joint Board"). [Formerly JCS-2]



Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Joint Chiefs of Staff Special Study: Chronology, Functions and Composition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. No author given. January 1979.

214 pp., text. No illustrations. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: Introduction (The Joint Chiefs of Staff at the End of World War II); The National Security Act of 1947; The 1949 Amendments to the National Security Act; Marine Corps Representation on the Joint Chiefs of Staff; The Reorganization of 1953; The Reorganization of 1958; DevelopmentsSince 1958. Appendices: Extracts from Legislation Relating to the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Extract from Reorganization Plan Under the Reorganization Act of 1949; DOD Directives and Extracts from Directives Relating to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Includes information on: National Security Act of 1947; President Truman, President Eisenhower; Secretary of Defense; Hoover Commission; Public Law 216 (PL 216); Combined Chiefs of Staff; Public Law 416 (PL 416); Wheeler Committee; Defense Atomic Support Agency; Defense Communicatios Agency; Defense Intelligence Agency; Defense Mapping Agency; Blue Ribbon Defense Panel; Commandant of the Marine Corps; Department of Defense Directive No. 5100.1 (DoD Directive 5100.1); Department of Defense Directive No. 5158.1 (DoD Directive 5158.1); unification, roles and missions, organization and functions. [Formerly JCS-8]



Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy, Volume 1, 1945-1947. James F. Schnabel. February 1979.

457 pp., text. Appendices. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: The Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1945; Between War and Peace; US-Soviet Confrontation Intensifies (September 1945-March 1947); US Military Policy (Strategic Planning and Command Relationships); Postwar Military Forces (Planning and Problems); Problems of the Atomic Age; Acquisition of Postwar Bases; Defense of the Western Hemisphere; Standoff in China. Appendices: Principal Civilian and Miltiary Officers; Glossary. Includes information on: President, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of State; State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC); United Nations; Yalta Conference; occupation; Germany; Austria; Venezia Ciulia Confrontation; Potsdam Conference; Turkey; London Conference of the Council of Foreign Ministers; Czechoslovakia; Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers; Iran; Paris Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers; Soviet Union; Truman Doctrine; force structure; technology; weapons; strategy; Joint Outline War Plan; Joint Basic Outline War Plan PINCHER; industrial mobilization; unified command; demobilization; unification; roles and missions; atomic bomb; Tripartite Conference; bases; Japanese Mandates; Philippine Islands; Chapultepec; Rio de Janeiro; military assistance; Canada; Alaska; China; Chaing Kai-shek; military advisory group (MAG); George C. Marshall. [Formerly JCS-9]



Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff. A History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy, Volume III, The Korean War, Part I. James F. Schnabel and Robert J. Watson. 12 April 1978 (Part I); March 1979 (Part II).

PARTS 1 and 2 (consecutively paginated): 1,113 pp., text. 6 maps. 10 appendices. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Part I Chapters cover: Korea in US Policy, 1945-1950; The Attack and the Response; The United States and the United Nations; The Buildup and the Strategy; The Conflict Almost Won; A Time of Uncertainty; The New War; The UN Command in the Balance; The Conflict Stabilized; The Relief of General MacArthur. Appendices: General MacArthur's Message of 30 June 1950; The Records of the Wake Island Conference; The JCS-MacArthur Relationship; Additional Information on the MacArthur Hearings. Includes information on: Korea; Taiwain; occupation; partition; NSC 48/2; NSC 48/5; intervention; United Nations Command (UNC); Commander in Chief Far East (CINCFE); strategy; force structure; joint operations; combined operations; Yalu River; 38th Parallel; Manchuria; Wake Island; J. Lawton Collins; Clement Atlee; Dean Acheson; Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Part II Chapters cover: Seeking a Political Situation; The Developing Diplomatic Deadlock; Narrowing the Issues; The UN Command in the Middle; The Search for Feasible Options; Problems and Progress; Finale (Suspense to the End). Appendices: Text of the Armistice Agreement; Contributions of Military Forces to the United Nations Command; Principal US Civilian and Military Officers During the Korean War; Prisoners of War; Plenary Members of the Armistice Delegation; Glossary. Includes information on: NCS 118/2; NSC 154/1; negotiations; Demarcation Line; hot pursuit; airfields; prisoners of war; repatriation; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR); General Dodd; President Rhee; biological warfare; civilian internees; bombing; power plants; Panmunjom; India; Nationalist China; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Operation LITTLE SWITCH; Operation BIG SWITCH. [Formerly JCS-10]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly JCS-11]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly JCS-12]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly JCS-13]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly JCS-14]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly JCS-15]



Office of the Historian, Headquarters, Strategic Air Command. Development of the Strategic Air Command, 1946-1976. e. 19.

186 pp., text. Photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

A chronological account of the Strategic Air Command's contribution to the national defense. Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly SAC 1946-76]



Office of the Historian, Headquarters, Strategic Air Command. Development of Strategic Air Command, 1946-1981: A Chronological History. e. 19.

241 pp., text. Tables, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

A chronological account of the Strategic Air Command's contribution to the national defense; its organization and mission; technical innovations; operations; and training. Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly SAC 1981]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly 2d Army 1953-62]



Third United States Army. History of the Third United States Army, 1918-1962. E. A. Metheny. 24 January 1967.

230 pp., text. Tables, maps, charts, illustrations. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Key personnel, general orders, chronology. Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly 3d Army 1918-62]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly 59th Ordnance Brigade]



The Logistics Review, US Army, Vietnam, 1965 to 1969, Volume 4, Maintenance System, prepared by Headquarters, US Army Vietnam.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED) One of eight volumes that comprise the USARV Logistics Review. A comprehensive study of US Army logistical operations in support of the counterinsurgency effort in the Republic of Vietnam. Volume includes the following annexes: Annex I, General Maintenance System; Annex J. Marine Maintenance System; Annex K. Aviation Maintenance System.



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly USARSO-8 1968-69]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: .



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: .



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: .



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly JTF2]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly USAREUR-1] (2 copies)



United States . Strengthening NATO: Stationing of the 2d Armored Division (Forward) in Northern Germany, prepared by Headquarters, U.S. Army, Europe and Seventh Army, dated 22 May 1980. An examination of the decision to deploy U.S. troops to the north German plain and to analyze the problems posed by such a major undertaking : the establishment of a major military installation with supporting facilities in an area where none had existed previously.

62pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly USAREUR 1980-1]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: .



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: .



United States Army Criminal Investigation Command. The Development and Organization of the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. Henry H. Tufts. 19.

68 pp., text. Annexes. Typescript. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly CID 1969-74]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly CAA 1982-1] (2 copies)



United States Army Armament Research and Development Command. History of the U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command. e. 1981.

5 pp., text. Appendix (29 pp.). Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Covers the establishment of the command and the redesignation of the Armament Development Command as the U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command. Includes information on: arsenals. [Formerly ARRADCOM 1981-1]



United States . A History of . e. 19.

pp., text. tables, maps, charts, photographs. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly AMSAA 1978-79]



Institute of Advanced Studies, United States Army Combat Developments Command. Dynamics of Firepower and Maneuver (FIRMA). e. 1 August 1966.

2 vols. Vol. 1: 140 pp., text. Vol. 2: approx. 500 pp., text. Reproduced. (Vol. 1 UNCLASSIFIED; Vol. 2 SECRET)

Chapters cover: . Includes information on: . [Formerly CDC-6]



U.S. Army Ordnance Missile and Munitions Center and School, The Commandants of the United States Army Ordnance and Munitions Center and School: Portraits and Biographies.

[Formerly 03-19]

108 pp. reproduced photographs. Includes a brief history of the facility.


















United States Army Combat Developments Command, Summary Report, Army Small Arms Weapons Study (SAWS) Test Acceptability Test, dated September 1966. 20 pages text and 7 Annexes (A-G): Text, Summary Report of SAWS Troop Acceptability Test; Authority, References, Purpose, Time, Location and Duration, Test Objectives, Summary of Test, Discussion of Test Results, Findings. Annexes: A. Concept and Plan of Test: Appendix I, Phase I Training, SAWS Qualification Courses; Appendix II, Phase II, Tactical Exercises, Unit Organization and Equipment for USAREUR; Unit Organization and Equipment for USARPAC and USCONARC; Unit Organization and Equipment for USARSO and USARAL; Appendix III, Troop Acceptability Test Schedule; B. USARAL Test Results. Appendix I, Significant Malfunctions, Appendix II, Ammunition Expended, Appendix III, Photographs. C. USARCONARC Test Results, Appendix I, Photographs, D. USAREUR Test Results. Appendix I, Comparative Opinions of Weapons by Firers, TABS A-D: Rifles, Carbines, Automatic Rifles, Machineguns; Appendix II, Comparative Opinions of Weapons Systems by Leaders and Evaluators. Tab A. Machine guns. Appendix III, Weapons Malfunctions; Appendix IV, Resume of Weapons Failures. Appendix V. Stoner/Colt Cleaning Rod; Appendix VI, Tabulation of Phase II Firing Data; Appendix VII, Resume of Firing Results, Phase I, Appendix VIII, Resume of Firing Results, Phase II, Appendix IX, Average Maintenance Times, Appendix X, Recommended Individual Basic Load, Appendix XI, Photographs. E. USARPAC Test Results. Appendix I, Malfunctions. Appendix II, Firing Results and Weapons Failures. Tab A. Resume of Firing. Tab B. Resume of Weapons Failures. Appendix III, Firing Data Tabulations, Tab A. Phase I. Data; Tab B, Phase II Hit Probability; Tab C, Phase II Fire Distribution; Tab D. Firing Data Influencing Factors; F. USARSO Test Results; Appendix I, Weapons Qualification Comparison Chart; Appendix II, Rifle Extended Range Firing Results, Appendix III. Automatic Rifle Extended Range Firing Results; Appendix IV, Extended (Formerly CDC-5)



John L. Romjue, US Army Combat Developments Experimentation Command (USACDEC) Historian, U.S. Army Combat Experimentation Command: Combat Developments Questions Answered through Field Experimentation, 1956-1971, prepared in the USACDEC, Fort Ord, California, dated August 1972. [formerly CDC-CDEC-1, 1951-1971]

207 pages.






Joseph Mihalak, Historical Overview, The Great Real Estate Exchange… Michigan Army Missile Plant for Two Logistics Operations Office Buildings, US Army Tank-Automotive Command Historical Office, Warren, Michigan, dated 31 October 1980.

[formerly TACOM-1980-1]






Elizabeth C. Joffiff, Historical Monograph Project No.: AMC 76M, History of the Pershing Weapon System. Prepared by the U.S. Army Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, dated 20 May 1974

Formerly AMC-MICOM-5, cy 1 Unclassified

288 pp. appendices; charts, tables, reproduced pictures.

Chap.1. Preparing the Way: Feasibility Study; Roles and Missions Statement; Proposed Military Characteristics; REDSTONE B; Optimum Missile; Advent of Solid Propellants; Ad Hoc Evaluation Committee Report; ABMA Recommendations; Dicontinuance of MRBM Study; Chap. 2. Establishing the Program: Program Approval; Early Plans; Official Name and Assignment; System Development Concept; Tentative System Requirements; DA Project Approval; Selection of Contractor; Award of Contract; Government –Contractor Structure; Engineering Concept Review; Chap. 3. Administering the Program: Program Management, 1958-1962 and from 1962-1973; Chap. 4. Formulating the System: Military Characteristics; Changes in Military Characteristics; Elements of the System; Missile Flight Characteristics Chap. 5. Developing Major Components: Propulsion System; Guidance and Control System; Warhead Section; Chap. 6: Developing Ground Support Equipment: Development Concepts; Laying System; Transporter-Erector-Launcher; Programmer Test Station; Power Station; Tracked Vehicles; Chap. 7. Proving the Design. Development Test Plan; Test Facilities; Captive Test Program; R&D Flight Tests; Environmental Tests; Design Reviews Chap. 8. Producing the Hardware. Missile Requirements; Type Classification-Limited Production; Pre-Production Engineering; Production Contractors; Hardware Deliveries; Chap. 9. Training the User: New Equipment; Service School Training; Graduation Firings; Continuing Training; Chap. 10. User Testing. Service Test; Missile Improvements; Problems in Troop Firing; Chap. 11. Deploying the Missile: Plans and Schedules; Battalion Composition; CONUS Units; USAREUR Units; FRG Units; Chap. 12. Maintaining and Supporting the System: Modification Program; Maintenance; Logistic Suppport; Chap. 13. Expanding the Mission of the Deployed System. Early Studies on Expanding Capabilities; Quick Reaction Alert Mission. Chap. 13. Expanding the Mission of the Deployed System. Early Studies on Expanding Capabilities; Quick Reaction Alert Mission;; Chap. 14. Fulfilling the QRA Role-Pershing la; Chap. 15. Funding the System; Chap. 16. Making Improvements for the 1970s.











Pospishil, Elane, M. Interim Summary on Selected Topics from the History of the United States Army Intelligence Command, 1 January 1965 to Present (1968), Formerly USAINTCOM 1965-1968. Prepared by the Command Historian, U.S, Army Intelligence Command, Fort Holabird, Maryland. Dated April 1968.

Approx. 150 pp. I. Introduction II. Significant Dates: include a discussion of Project Security Shield Implementation; Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Personal Security; Simplification of Command Relationships; Organization, Defense Central Index of Investigations; Organization-National Agency Check Center; Memo of Understanding-USAINTC/USAREUR; Elimination of Sub-Control; Assumption of Operational of USANTC over DCII and NACC; Transfer of Jurisdiction Over DCII and USAINTC; USAINTC Assumption of Control of Routine; World-Wide Polygraph Certification and Quality Control for all Military Intelligence Polygraph Examiners Chap. III. Project Security Shield; Chap. IV. USAINTC Shoulder Patch and Flag. Chap. V. USAINTC Mission & Function; VI. USAINTC Command Relationships and Organization; Chap. VII. USAINTC Plans; Chap. VIII. USAINTC Operations. Chap. 9. USAINTC Mail Service; Chap. 9. USAINTC Communications Network.




Wyoming Army National Guard. The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion: Cowboy Cannoneers in the Korean War.

216 pages. (UNCLASSIFIED). Includes maps, lineage and honors certificates of the 100th Field Artillery (Powder River Regiment) and the 300th Field Artillery (Powder River Regiment), charts, general orders, unit citations and commendations, and a unit chronology, dating form 1946 until May 2000.



Mays Leroy Gray, The CCC Boys and the Great Depression, Sep. 27, 1992.

14 page text, photographs, Reproduced. A brief account of CCC Camps in Florida. Photographs depict camp members in Florida and Georgia from 1934 until 1940.



Program of Instruction for United States Army Sergeant Major Course, US Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas

Appendixes 3 and 4. Programs of Instruction for the SMA Academy. Includes lists of courses and number of hours and length of time for the program.



Robert W. Coakley and James E. Hewes, Jr. Part 1, 1903-1963, Army Organization, 1900-1977, OCMH, dated 2 February 1970



Keir B. Sterling, Serving the Line with Excellence, 1975-1986. The History of the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps, as expressed through the lives of its Chiefs of Ordnance, 1812-1986, with a short sketch of the history of the Army Ordnance, 1775-1986 (US Army Ordnance Center and School, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21004-4201), dated 5 April 1986.

82 pages, reproduced photographs and biographical sketches of the chiefs of the Army Ordnance Corps



Mason R. Schaefer, Army Values: Vignettes of the American Soldier Living and Demonstrating Army Values, Military History Office, US Army Forces Command, Fort McPherson, Georgia, dated 14 June 2000. with a CD ROM.

117 pages text and bibliography. Using Army Field Manual 1, The Army, the author uses famous Army personalities that embody the values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless-service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.



Mervin Warner Stark, FORSCOM and the 1996 Summer Olympic Games,

69 pages text, bibliography, glossary, reproduced photographs. Summer games in Atlanta during 1996. Describes Headquarters, FORSCOM's support of the Joint Task Force (JTF) representatives during 1996 Centennial Summer Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games on 30 September 1996.



US Army Special Warfare School, S[pecial]T[ext]31-177, Readings in Counterinsurgency (US Army Special Warfare School, Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28307) dated January 1965.

approximately 360 pages text. Reference material used in instruction on counterinsurgency instruction at the US Army Special Warfare School. Select readings taken from a variety of sources, beginning with John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address in 1961 and concluding with a discussion of principles useful in solving tactical problems encountered during counterguerrilla operations.



H.H. Dunham, Transportation and the Greenland Bases, Historical Unit, Office of the Chief of Transportation, Army Service Forces, dated February 1945.

75 pp. text, maps, bibliography, appendixes. A preliminary account.



Bruce G. Shipley, Gary G. Lambert, and Elisabeth B. Evensen, Special Forces Satisfaction and Retention Study, prepared by the Special Operations Research Team (SORT)

18 pages text, charts, surveys of 880 soldiers in Special Forces.



Gordon H. McNeil, 1st Lieutenant, MAC, History of the Medical Department in Alaska in World War II.

Appropriately 400pp text, with photographs, maps. (The study has two sets of numbers with pen and ink change to the Table of Contents that reflects the higher set of numbers). The manuscript is limited to the activities of medical units assigned to the Alaska Defense Command and its successor, the Alaskan Department in World War II. Chap. 1 describes "The Alaskan Environment. Chap.s 2, "Beginnings," and Chap. 3, appears to missing or mixed within the two numbering systems.



John Kennedy Ohl, U.S. Army Materiel Command, General Brehon B. Sommervell and Logistics in the European Theater of Operations in World War II (Alexandria, Virginia: AMC, 1993).



Anonymous, Military Police Command Panama: A Unit History: Force of Choice for Law and Order South of the Border, dated 2 May 1995.

Includes select reproductions of lineage and honors certificates, as well as miscellaneous data on the 92d MP Battalion, the 534th MP Company and the 549th MP Company. [See also AHRs in the archives and the library collection on Military Police Command and USARSO]



Scheips, Paul J. Some Aspects of the Federal Response to Civil Disorder: A Supplement (1977) to Bayonets in the Street: the Use of Troops in Civil Disturbances.

172-pages, draft, including footnotes. An account of the use of federal troops in support of civil authorities involved in maintaining order during disturbances ranging from the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794 to school busing in 1976. [see also OCMH #1, #46, #54, #62, #83, #85, #107]



Langville, William, Robert E. Lee's Application of the Nine Principles of War

124-pages, plus introduction, notes, and bibliography. An unsolicited manuscript. The author retains copyright.



Cullather, Nicholas, Operation PBSUCCESS: The United States and Guatemala, 1952-1954, prepared by the History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington, D.C. 1994. Sanitized, as of 1997, by the CIA Historical Review Program. Unclassified.

116 pages including appendixes and bibliography. A brief account of CIA's operation supporting the 1954 coup d'etat in Guatemala, an analysis of why CIA believed PBSUCCESS had been a model operation and why this model failed as a guide for the Bay of Pigs operation in 1961. The author includes a disclaimer stating that his views do not necessarily represent those of the CIA.



Wong, Leonard, Generations Apart: Xers and Boomers in the Officer Corps, US Army War College, October 2000, [see CMH library for CGSC article].



McGrath, John J. and Michael D. Krause, Theater Logistics and the Gulf War, final draft, dated 16 June 1992.

143 pp., including appendices, maps, charts and glossary. Detailed account of the theater-level logistics effort of the DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM deployment in 1990-1991, including the background of theater logistics doctrine, and the creation of the 22d Support Command.



Hewes, James E., Jr., Organization of the Department of the Army, 1963-1976.

An incomplete draft of the Army's policies, plans, and actions. Intended to be a continuation of the author's earlier work, From Root to McNamara: Army Organization and Administration, 1900-1963 (Washington: Center of Military History, 1975). The accounts includes invaluable information about the Army's use of technology.



Fisher, Ernest, Noncommissioned Officers Corps.

A partial draft of the Army NCO. The Center prepared and published a work on the NCO.



Romjue, John L. A History of Army 86 - Division 86: The Development of the Heavy Division, September 1978-October 1979, prepared by the TRADOC (3 copies with draft)



Stacy, William E. US Army Border Operations in Germany, 1945-1983, prepared by the US Army Europe and 7th Army Military History Office, Heidelberg, Germany 1994 (2 copies).



Major John O’Brien, Coup d’Oeil: Military Geography and the Operational Level of War, prepared for the School of Advanced Military Studies, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Second Term 90-91. Consists of 58 pages, including bibliography. An account about the successful use of geography during warfare.



U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Special Historical Series, 1985, INSCOM and Its Heritage, “An Organizational History of the Command and Its Units,” prepared in 1985.

148 pp. An updated dated version of an earlier work that is designed to acquaint the military intelligence specialist with a greater understanding of the development of his unit.



Brigadier General Richard S. Whitcomb, One War.

200 pp. (approx.) An undated account of an USAR officer’s World War II service that included serving with the 18th Port in Iceland in 1943 and later with the 11th Port in the ETO.



Bowman, Stephen, John M. Kendall and James L. Saunders, editors, Motorized Experience of the 9th Infantry Division, 1980-1989, Headquarters, 9th Infantry Division (Motorized), Fort Lewis, Washington,1989.

344 pp. illus. Text. Story about the diverse experience of the 9th Infantry Division, designated as the High Technology Light Division (HTLD) with the mission of redesigning its own structure, using the best technology possible. To assist in the process, the CSA formed the High Technology Test Bed (HTTB).

Part I .Evolution of the Motorized Concept: Birth of the Concept. In the 1970s, the Army began developing the next generation of combat divisions, a program called Division 86 for fielding in the mid-1980s and ready to fight in the 21st century.

Part II . Motorized Experience of Combat Support Units includes examination of Maneuver Headquarters, Combined Arms Battalion (Heavy and Light); Light Attack Battalion; Attack Helicopter Battalion; Cavalry Squadron; Part III. Motorized Experience of Combat Support Units includes sections on Division Artillery, Air Defense Artillery, Combat Support Aviation Battalion, Engineer, Military Intelligence and Signal Battalion; Part IV. Motorized Experience of Combat Service Support Units; Part V. Motorized Experience of Combat Service Support Units; Appendices include a Chronology, Division Operational Concept, Organizational Charts, Equipment Summary, and Glossary.



The Real War . A Five Part, Ten Hour Documentary Film History of World War II prepared and copyrighted by The Allies, Inc., May 1992. The staff of LTG Kicklighter (USA Ret.) referred this material to BG Hal Nelson (USA Ret., and a former Chief of Military History).



The German Assault on Eben-Emael. Edited and translated and with an introductory essay by Charles E. Kirkpatrick.

215 pp. draft and photographs with film. The editor’s copy of a study that refers only to wartime special operations rather than peacetime missions. The German airborne assault on the Albert Canal bridges and the fortress of Eben-Emael on 10 May 1940 demonstrates the interdependency between the divisions of the main attack and the small airborne (generic use) forces of the special operations.



Kampf, Herbert Alexander, The United States Army and Okinawa: A Study in Dependency Relationship (Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms, 1972).

672 pp. Ph.D dissertation in Political Science completed at the City University of New York. A study of American rule over Asians, particularly in the Kyuku Islands, dating from the time of the American landings in spring 1945 until the Japanese-American Joint Communique of November 1969 that announced the return of the Ryukyu Islands to Japan.



Fighting for the Soviet Motherland Recollections from the Eastern Front: Hero of the Soviet Union Colonel Dmitriy Loza, Soviet Army (Retired).

354 pp. Translated by Major James F. Gebhardt ( USA, Ret.). Wartime experiences of World War II Red Army veterans.



Adams-Ender, Brigadier General Clara L. ( USA Ret.) with Blair S. Walker. My Rise to the Stars ( Lake Ridge, Virginia: CAPE Assoc., Inc., 2001).



Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics’ Unbudgeted Requirements Program, FY 1962 and 1963, Army Operation and Maintenance.

Final revision of a series of DCSLOG documents published to provide the staff with data on hard core unbudgeted and unfinanced requirements that DCSLOG considered essential. The initial document was published on 21 March 1962. Impact of deficiencies as reported by the Chiefs of Technical Services was a serious degradation of logistical functions because of a reduction in civilian personnel. Reduction of personnel and money for FY 1963 as projected by the Chiefs, and the possible impact on world wide logistical support of combat forces are included in fact sheets. Part1, FY 1962: Section A. Summaries: 1.By Category; 2. By Budget Program, 3.By Technical Service, 4.Changes from Second Revision (dated 9 May). B.Section 2: Fact Sheets. 1. Application Engineering, 2. Boiler Water Testing Equipment 3. Calibration Equipment, 4. Capital Equipment-Fort Lee, 5. Capital Equipment at Depots, 6. Disposition of Remains, 7. Field Activities, 8. O&M of Facilities-Fort Belvoir, 9. Operations “Beef-Up,” 10. Projects, 11. Second Destination Transportation, 12. Special Intelligence-Mapping, 13. Training Films, 14. Transportation Service Activities. C. Section 3-Background Information. 1. Fact Sheet, subject: “FY 1962 O&M, A Funding Deficiencies in the Technical Services,” dated 29 December 1961; (2). Fact Sheet, same subject, dated 1 February 1962; (3). Fact Sheet, same subject, dated 16 February 1962; (4). Fact Sheet, same subject, dated 14 March 1962 (5). Fact Sheet, same subject, dated 30 March 1962. Part 2, Fiscal Year 1963. A. Section 1, Summaries. 1) By Budget Program 2) By Technical Service 3) By Major Command Under Project “80”; (4) By USAMC Subordinate Commands Under Project “80.” B. Section 2, Fact Sheets: 1. Aircraft Systems, 2. Air Repair Parts 3. Applications Engineering 4. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 5. Army Pictorial Center; 6. Calibration Equipment 7. Capital Equipment; 8. Cataloguing; 9. Center Supply Activities; 10. Coal to Europe; 11. Combat Development Activities; 12. COMSEC Spare Parts; 13. Communications Systems Measurement Program; 14. Contract Execution and Administration; 15. Data Systems-High Speed (CONUS and Overseas); 16. DCA Midrange Plan-Interconnections; 17. Defense Supply Agency Transfers; 18. Depot Operations and Logistical Services; 19. Engineer Maintenance Center; 20. Engineering Assistance in Evaluating ADP; 21. Environmental Simulation Facilities; 22. Food and Container Institute; 23. Hospital Equipment Program; 24. Industrial Preparedness Planning; 25. Inspection and Repair; 26. Intelligence Activities; 27. Laundry Machinery; 28. Logistical Services; 29 MATS/MSTS Overocean Transportation and CONUS Port Handling; 30. Maintenance of Signal Equipment; 31. Maintenance of Engineering Services; 32. Maintenance Equipment; 33. Maintenance Manuals and Publications; 34. Mapping. 35. Modification Kits 36. Multi-Channel Systems Receivers; 37. Operation TAPER (38) Operation and Maintenance of Facilities; 39. Overhaul and Maintenance; 40. Procurement Offices (District); 41. Procurement Operations; 42. Project 112; (43) Project RED WIND; 44. Quartermaster School-Fort Lee; 45. Release of Reserve, and National Guard Forces; 46. Renovation of Ammunition 47. Repair Parts for Missile Units (TO&E); 48. Requirements Computations; 49. Reserve Industrial Plants and Equipment; 50. Return of Roundout Units, including Third Armored Cavalry Regiment; 51. SCAN/COMLOGNET Data Transfer; 52. SCAN Growth; 53. Special Warfare Equipment; 54. Standardization; 55. Supply Depot Operations; 56. Supply Management Offices.57. Surface Systems Support; 58. Tape Relay Equipment; 59. Technical Assistance; 60. Training Mission (Ordnance); 61. Transportation Engineerinig; 62. Transportation Services; 63. West Coast Keying Lines.



Department of the Army, Soldiers’ Report IV, Volumes 1 and 2, prepared by the Directorate of Human Resources Development, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, dated May 1986. The annual statement of the Army’s posture concerning the human dimension of readiness. Volume 1, the Executive Summary, provides a framework for describing human resource programs and their effect on readiness. It also provides a “broad brush” accounting of key indicators. Volume 2, is an in-depth review of the major programs that affect the human dimension of readiness. Chap. 1, Demographic Trends. Chap. 2. Equal Opportunity 3. Leadership; 4. Alcohol and Drug Abuse; 5. Compensation, Entitlements and Uniforms; 6. Law Enforcement; 7. Army Family Programs; 8. Safety; 9. Suicide Prevention; Appendix A. Survey Methodology; Appendix B. Sample Surveys of Military Personnel.



Deputy Chief of for Logistics, Unbudgeted Requirements Program, Fiscal Year 1962, First Revision, Operation and Maintenance, Army, dated 10 April 1962.

Purpose of study is to provide the staff with data on unbudgeted (unfinanced) requirements that are considered essential to the performance of the DCSLOG mission. Section I – Summaries by: budget program, technical service, category, and changes from initial publication (dated 22 March 1962). Section II – Fact Sheets: return of 18,000 European Roundout and 3d Cavalry, release of 46,000 reserves, Operation “BEEF-UP,” E-41 alarm, drone target repair parts, O&M facilities-Fort Belvoir, training films, operating supplies for Fort Lee, maintenance of reserve production equipment, maintenance of reserve plants, coal shipment to Europe, airlift and POL movements, Hampton Roads Army Terminal, on-the-job training of reserve personnel, capital equipment at depot installations, support requirements for signal maintenance shop, capital equipment at depots, capital equipment at AIF installations, calibration equipment, flying hour program, maintenance manuals, basic issue items (OVM), Lacrosse and Redstone missile systems, missile parts, medical assemblies, Project 112, replacement of medical equipment, disposition of remains IG and representatives of NATO, special intelligence-mapping, secure voice equipment, Caribbean communications, Stanford Research Institute contract, R&U projects. Section III – Background Information: Fact Sheets subject, “FY 1962 O&M, A Funding deficiencies in the technical services (multiple dates).



Deputy Chief of for Logistics, Unbudgeted Requirements Program, Fiscal Year 1962, Second Revision, Operation and Maintenance, Army, dated 9 May 1962.

84 pp. study, charts. Purpose of study is to provide the staff with data on unbudgeted/unfinanced requirements that are considered essential to the performance of the DCSLOG mission. Section 1-Summaries: by category, by budget program, by technical service, and changes from the first revision (dated 10 April). Section 2-Fact Sheets: aircraft systems, boiler water testing equipment, calibration equipment, capital equipment-Fort Lee, capital equipment at depot installations, capital equipment at overhaul and maintenance shops, coal shipment to Europe, disposition of remains, drone target repair parts, field activities, hospital equipment program, maintenance manuals, medical assemblies, medical material program (Project 112), O&M of facilities requirements-Fort Belvoir, operating supplies-Fort Lee, orthopedic supplies, Project “Beef-Up,” R&U Projects, second destination transportation, special intelligence-mapping, Stanford Research Institute-contract, training films, training and O&M, transportation service activities; Section 3-Background Information: Fact Sheets, subject “FY 1962 O&M, A Funding Deficiencies in the Technical Services, dated 29 December 1961, 1 February 1962, 16 February 1962, 14 March 1962, and 30 March 1962. Section 4. Projects and/or activities rescheduled for FY 1962.



Major General J.C. Lambert, The Adjutant General, to Commanding Generals of the US Continental Army Command, ZI Armies, MDW, US Army Corps, Class II Installations, and US Army Security Agency, Letter of Instructions: Plan and Procedures for Release of Reserve Component Units and Individuals Ordered to Active Duty Under Provisions of PL 87-117, dated 1 August 1961.



Colonel Joseph Israeloff, MSC, Military Paramedicine: A History of the U.S. Army Medical Corps. 1st revision, spring 1968; 2d revision, winter 1976.

34 pp. A brief history of the Medical Service Corps.



Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Administration of Medical Services in the Continental United States, Study Guide 409, dated January 1976.

Illustrations, charts. A subcourse approved for resident and correspondence course instruction about the hospital. Chap. 1, Section 1. Hospital Role in the Community Introduction; Functions of the Hospital; Who Determines the Role of the Hospital in a Community?; Review of Authority Structure in Civilian Hospitals; What Hospitals are Doing in the Face of Such Challenges; Application to Military Hospitals. Section 2. Hospital Accreditation; Introduction; History of Hospital Accreditation; Objectives of Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals; Significance of Accreditation Program in Military Hospitals; Reference for Preparing for Accreditation Survey. Chapter 2. Introduction to and Basis of Management. Historical Perspective; General; Mission Determination; Planning; Organizing; Staffing; Directing; Controlling; Summary. Chapter 3. Organization of Army Health Care Delivery Systems (CONUS). Section 1. Background Information on Medical Care; Need for a Sound Organizational Structure; Extension of Medical Services Area to CONUS; Special Studies to Determine Optimum Organizational Structure of Medical Resources; Section 2. Office of The Department of the Army, Surgeon General, and the Health Services System; Headquarters, Department of the Army; Office of the Surgeon General; U.S. Army Health Services Command (HSC); Section 3. General MEDDAC Organization; Office of the Commander; Headquarters Staff; Section 4. U.S. Army Medical Centers General; Standard Organization and Position Titles; Organization and Functions of U.S. Army Medical Centers. Section 5. US Army Hospitals General; Organization and Functions of US Army Hospitals. Appendix.



Model Improvement and Study Management Agency, (MISMA), Deputy Under Secretary of the Army (Operations Research). The Army Study Program, Fiscal Year 1992 Report.

Approx. 160 pp. illustrations, charts, maps, graphs. Major command and Army Staff agency study agendas for Fiscal Year 1992, to address the major issues of the Army under AR 5-5, Army Studies and Analyses. Report describes the annual study program in terms of issues addressed by the studies, functional area, and potential impact on the Army and characteristics of study program data base. FY92 program consists of 516 planned and ongoing study efforts.



Leighton, Richard M., Ralph Sanders, and LTC Jose N. Tinio. The Huk Rebellion: A Case Study in the Social Dynamics of Insurrection. Washington, D.C.: Industrial College of the Armed Forces, March 1964. Prepared as reading material to support a student-group discussion exercise used as a historical model of subversive insurgency. The authors, Messers. Leighton and Sanders ICAF’s insurgency-counterinsurgency studies program. LTC Tinio served as acting Armed Forces Attache in the Philippine Embassy in Washington, veteran of the anti-Huk campaign, and Bataan Death March escapee.

61 pp. Introduction. Chapter 1. The Philippines—land, people, government. Chapter 2. Environment for Rebellion; the American Occupation Period; The Agrarian Setting; Economic Problems of Independence; Village Society in Huklandia. Chapter 3. The Huk Rebellion. Origins of the Hukbalahap; Liberation and Rebellion; Crescendo and Climax. Chapter 4. Arayat, A Typcial Town in Huklandia. Geography and History; Socialism and Labor Unionism; Political Activity; Government Reform; The Japanese Occupation; Post-War.



Mahaffey, Lieutenant Colonel Fred K., U.S. Army. Student Antimilitarism and its Impact on National Security: Echo of History or Vision of the Future? An Individual Research Paper, prepared for the National War College, Washington, D.C., dated March 1971.

163 pp. Student paper intended to assess the impact of student antiwar and antimilitary activities on national security affairs during the Vietnam War and to surmise likely course of this form of public dissent. Abstract and Introduction; Chapter 1, History and Perspective; Chapter 2, World War II, the Cold War, and “Uncommitted” Students; Chapter 3. Indochina, Public Support and Public Protest; 4. Anatomy of Student Antimilitarism; 5. Past, Present, Future: A Final Assessment.



Professor David Chandler, “How the Soviets See Recent Events,” (transcribed by Marcia Wright). A speech given at the Army Logistics Center, Army Logistics Center, Fort Lee, Virginia, on November 22, 1988.

64 pages. Interview conducted following Chandler’s speech on counter-insurgency in Malaysia from 1948 to 1960.



Chaplain (LTC) Larry Walker, AR 5-5 Study, Religious Support to Corps Non-divisional Units, Final Report, Directorate of Combat Developments, US Army Chaplain Center and School, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Undated.

Approx. 200 pages with appendixes. A comprehensive examination of the unique features of ministry to non-divisional units and the latest of six other studies on religious support to corps units. Presents an analysis of the personnel shortages and doctrinal solutions.



Allan B. Cole, editor. Conflict in Indo-China & International Repercussions, A Documentary History, 1945-1955. Ithaca, New York: Cornell, 1956

265 pages with maps, illustrations, notes, bibliography. Published under the auspices of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University and the Southeast Asia Program at Cornell. Documents stems from the Professor Coles’ seminar on Far Eastern Affairs. Phase I. Negotiations and Developments to the Outbreak of Hostilities (March 1945-May 1947); A. French Policies. B). Democratic Republic of Vietnam (hereafter, D.R. Vietnam): Political, Constitutional Matters and General Policies; C. Franco—D.R. Vietnam Agreements; E. United States Policies; F. Policies of Communist States; H. Cambodia; I. Laos; Phase II. Deepening Conflict and Formation of a Rival Vietnam (May 1947-December 1949); A. French Policies; B). D.R. Vietnam: Political Constitutional Matters and General Policies [note: there is no Csection]; D). Documents Relating to the State of Vietnam (hereafter, S. Vietnam); E. United States Policies; Phase III. Spreading International Dimensions of the Conflict (January 1950-December 1952). A. French Policies; B). D.R. Vietnam: Political, Constitutional Matters and General Policies; D). Documents relating to S.Vietnam; E). United States Policies; F). Policies of Non-Communist States (other than the U.S.). G. Policies of Communist States. Phase IV. International Crisis and the Geneva Agreements (January 1953-November 1954). A. French Policies. B). D.R. Vietnam: Political, Constitutional Matters and General Policies. C. Franco—D.R. Vietnam Agreements. D. Documents relating to S.Vietnam; E. United States Policies; F. Policies of Non-Communist States (other than the U.S.). G. Policies of Communist States Policies [note: there is no Hsection]. I. Laos: Politics, Constitutional Matters and General Policies. Phase V. Developments Following the Geneva Agreements (December 1954-July 1955). A. French Policies; B). D.R. Vietnam: Political, Constitutional Matters and General Policies; [note: there is no Csection]; D. Documents relating to S. Vietnam; E. United States Policies; F. Policies of Non-Communist States (other than or including the U.S.); G. Policies of Communist States; Appendices.



Vernon E. Davis, The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in World War II, Organizational Development, Volume 1, Origin of the Joint and Combined Chiefs of Staff, prepared by the Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff, dated November 18, 1972.

261 pp., text, tables, maps, charts, photographs. (UNCLASSIFIED). Chapter 1. The Joint Board: 1903-1938; Chap. 2. U.S. Defense Organization from the Munich Crisis to Pearl Harbor; Chap. 3. Defense Organization in the United Kingdom: 1900-1941; Chap. 4. The Groundwork for Anglo-American Military Collaboration in World War II; Chap. 5. The ARCADIA Conference: Establishment of a Combined War Organization; Chap. 6. Stabilization of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, January-May 1942; Chap. 7. Emergence of the JCS Organization: January-July 1942. [2 copies] [formerly JCS-1972, Vol. 1]



Vernon E. Davis, The History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in World War II, Organizational Development, Volume 2, Development of the JCS Committee Structure, prepared by the Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff, dated November 18, 1972. [a continuation of HMC#192, [2 copies]

Chap. 8. The Initial Establishment: JCS Committees Related CCS; Chap. 9. The Initial Establishment: JCS Committees at the Joint Level; Chap. 10. Deepening Difficulties of the Committee System in 1942; Chap. 11. The JCS Reorganization of May 1943; Chap. 12. Adjustments Following the Reorganization; Chap. 13. Completion of the Wartime Organization. [formerly JCS-1972, Vol. 2, copy 2] [2 copies]



Academy of Health Sciences, U.S. Army, Organization and Functions of the Army Medical Department, Study Guide 4, prepared by the Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, dated January 1974.

Approx. 110 pp. test, illus. Charts, maps. Study Guide approved for resident and correspondence course instruction of the Academy. Chap. 1. The Organization of Fixed Medical Treatment Facilities in Continental U.S. Army (CONUS). Section 1. Army Health Services in CONUS. 2. Department of the Army, The Surgeon General, and the Health Services Command. 3. MEDDAC Organization. 4. U.S. Army Hospitals, Medical Centers, and Medical Clinics of the Health Services Command; Chap. 2. The Army Medical Department and the Medical Corps. Section 1. Background, 2. Mission, Functions, and General Composition of the Army Medical Department. 3. The Medical Corps; Chap. 3. The U.S. Army Dental Corps and the Army Preventive Dentistry Program. Section 1. US Army Dental Corps History, Organization, and Concepts. 2. Preventive Dentistry. 3. Summary of the U.S. Army Preventive Dentistry Program. Chap. 4. The Worldwide Missions and Organization of the Army Veterinary Corps. Section 1. History and Functions 2. Officer Personnel 3. Enlisted Personnel 4 The Provision of Veterinary Services in Oversea Areas 5. Summary. Chap. 5. The Medical Service Corps.Chap 6. The Army Nurse Corps and Army Nurse Services. Section 1. History, Composition, Mission and Functions of the Army Nurse Corps; 2. Organization of Nursing Services in Medical Treatment Facilities; 3. Summary of the Army Nurse Corps and Army Nurse Services; Chap. 7. The Army Medical Specialist Corps. Appendix. Chap. 8. The Initial Establishment: JCS Committees Related CCS; Chap. 9. The Initial Establishment: JCS Committees at the Joint Level; Chap. 10. Deepening Difficulties of the Committee System in 1942; Chap. 11. The JCS Reorganization of May 1943; Chap. 12. Adjustments Following the Reorganization; Chap. 13. Completion of the Wartime Organization. [formerly JCS-1972, Vol. 2, copy 2]



Brigadier General Conference Resumes/Active Component Brigadier Generals’ Conference . US Army Conference held from 8-14 December 1991, at the Radisson Mark Plaza Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia.

Includes lists and resumes of presenters and attendees



The U.S. Military Experience in the 20th Century, Academic Year 1981-82 , Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

294 pp., text. tables, maps, charts. Reproduced. A syllabus for officers at CGSC. Scope of course intended to examne historical factors that influenced the U.S. military in the 20th Century with emphasis on the institutional development of the US Army. Goal of the course is to enable the study to develop an appreciation of military history and understand the dynamics of change in the military profession and in the US Army as a U.S. institution in the 20th century.



Benson and The U.S. Military Experience in the 20th Century, Academic Year 1981-82, Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

294 pp., text. tables, maps, charts. Reproduced. A syllabus for officers at CGSC. Scope of course intended to examne historical factors that influenced the U.S. military in the 20th Century with emphasis on the institutional development of the US Army. Goal of the course is to enable the study to develop an appreciation of military history and understand the dynamics of change in the military profession and in the US Army as a U.S. institution in the 20th century.



First Sergeant Walter E. Mullen, Jr. and T/4 Norman E. Macomber, Combat Diary of C Co. 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion of the Fourth Armored Division of General George S. Patton, Jr.’s Third U.S. Army.

World War II experiences of the company. Includes a list of award recipients, along with a unit diary, dating from July 8, 1944 to May 27, 1945.



The Chiefs of Staff, United States Army: On leadership and the Profession of Arms, General Edward C. Meyer, 1979-1983; General John A. Wickham, Jr., 1983-1987; General Carl E. Vuono, 1987-1991; General Gordon R. Sullivan, 1991-1995, prepared by the Information Management Support Center, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-6602, dated March 1997.

91 pp. Quotations from the Collected Works of General Edward C. Meyer, General John A. Wickham, Jr. General Carl F. Vuono, and General Gordon R. Sullivan. Each work is a compilation of the Chief of Staff’s written and spoken words, including major addresses to military and civilian audiences, congressional testimony, interviews, published articles, selected correspondence, letters to general offices, and edited white papers.



Charles E. Kirkpatrick, Move Victory: The Headquarters, V Corps, Move from Frankfurt to Heidelberg, prepared by the V Corps Historian, dated 13 May 1996.

106 pp. text, reproduced copies of photographs, sketches, charts. Task Force Move Victory, an ad hoc organization, collected documents used by the planning staff in charge of the move. Section 1 consists of Policy decisions; Section 2 consists of Corps planning consisted of the creation of Task Force Move Victory; Developing the Basic Concept; “There’s no good time to move this corps”; Foxholes and Beachfront Property; The CINC Decision Briefing of July and October 1993; Detailed planning at Corps; and Formal announcement of the Corps move; Section 3 consists of Execution of the Move: Decentralization of planning and execution; Communications, “It sure is easier to count uniforms than civilians”; Transportation decisions; Restationing the major subordinate commands; Getting the word out; V Corps Forward and Task Force Move Victory Forward; Clearing out the Abrams Building; In progress reviews; Ceremonies; Costs of the move; Section 4 consists of the conclusions; Section 5 show copies of documents; Section 6 includes reproduced photographs.



Hixon, Lieutenant Colonel John, USA and Dr. Benjamin Franklin Cooling. Combined Operations in Peace and War. Carlisle Barracks, Penn: US Army Military History Institute, Revised edition 1982.

434 pp., text, tables, maps, charts. Reproduced. (UNCLASSIFIED)

Chapter 1, The Traditional Approach in the Age of Imperialism; Chapter 2. The First Test of Coalitions, World War I; Chapter 3. France and Flanders, 1939-1940; Chapter 4. Integrated Unit Operations, North Africa and Italy; Chapter 6. Enforced Integration. Three Case Studies; Chapter 7. The Axis Experience: Russia, North Africa, and Finland. Chapter 8. The Korean War; Chapter 9. NATA: The First Thirty Years; Chapter 10. Lessons Learned. Selected Bibliography. Appendices: Interoperability, WWI; Anglo-French Liaison, 1939-1940; Failure in Allied Communications Security; the Liaison Officer.



Traditions of the Signal Corps, a compilation prepared by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. A draft prepared in April 1959.

266 pp. text, reproduced photographs, misc. illustrations. Compilation of stories illustrating Signal Corps traditions. Chap. 1, The Great Surprise of Flag Signaling; Chap. 2. Flagmen’s Vital Role at the Battle of Bull Run; Chap. 3. Flagmen’s Aid Lead to Artillery Miracle; Chap. 4, The First Offensive with Military Planning. Chap. 5. General Cooper’s Confederate Signalman. Chap.6. When Grant was Ordered off the Flagging Circle. Chap. 7. So He Called it Wig-Wag. Chap. 8. Signalmen Drew Fire at Battle of Fredericksburg. Chap. 9. War-time Creation of the Signal Corps; Chap. 10. Flags were Banished Before Chancellorsville; Chap. 11. Pickett’s Charge is Spotted by a Signalman; Chap. 12. Chief Signal Officer’s Abrupt Dismissal. Chap. 13. Signaling Becomes an Indispensable Item; Chap. 14. Last Days of War-time Signal Organization; Chap. 15. Colonel Myer’s Return to Signal Office; Chap. 16. Firs Army’s Telephones Installed by Signalmen; Chap. 17. Telegraph Train Company is Pride of the Corps; Chap. 18. Why Myer Was Known As Old Probability; Chap. 19. Doing a Job for the Life-Saving Service; Chap. 20. A Signalman Builds the Frontier Telegraphs; Chap. 21. Signalmen Take Park in Modoc War; Chap. 22. Myer Sees His Ideas Prosper in Europe; Chap. 23. Hazen Takes Over As Chief Signal Officer; Chap. 24. Signalman Greely Leads Arctic Expedition; Chap. 25. General Hazen Speaks His Mind; Chap. 26. Geronimo’s Message is Sent by Heliograph; Chap. 27. Greely Emphasizes Combat Signaling; Chap. 28. Balloons, Turmoil, and a Flying Machine; Chap. 29. A Cable-Ship Sails with a Secret Cargo; Chap. 30. The General Says he want no Flagmen. Chap. 31. Ft. Logan’s Balloon Goes Forth to Battle. Chap.. 33. Signalmen stops the war in Puerto Rico. Chap. 34. Different world opens before the Signal Corps; Chap. 35. Signal Units in combat in Philppine Rebellion. Chap 36. U.S. and British Build Wire Line in China. Chap 37. Setting up America’s first wireless system. Chap. 38. The wiring of Alaska: Signal Corps Assignment; Chap. 39. Philippine wire nets are linked by cables. Chap. 40. Wireless closes gap in Alaskan system; Chap. 41. Field wireless becomes a reality. Chap. 42. Langeley’s flying machine a Signal Corps concern. Chap. 43. Signalmen see action in San Francisco Fire; Chap 44. Aeronautical Division set up in Signal Corps; Chap. 45. The Army acquires its first “Aeroplane”; Chap. 46. Squier Begins campaign signal laboratories; Chap. 47. Signal Corps in action on the Mexican border; Chap. 48. U.S. Force in Vera Cruz keeps in tough by wireless; Chap. 49. U.S. and Paris linked by wireless telephone; Chap. 50. Airplanes and wire are trumps in Mexico; Chap. 51. Signal Corps speeds up preparations for war; Chap. 52. Laying the groundwork for signaling in France; Chap. 53. Signal Observers; Chap. 54. The laboratory idea is vindicated in Paris; Chap. 55. Signal units learn news ways of working; Chap. 56. Regular Army lineman tie with “Professionals”; Chap. 57. Signalmen crawl out beyond the front line; Chap. 58. Nothing is quiet on the signaling front. Chap. 59. Signalmen lead way to the German trenches. Chap. 60. Wire team errs by joining the Marines. Chap. 61. Signalmen chase brigade to the French Front; Chap. 62. Signal cameraman shoots oncoming U.S. attack. Chap. 63. Signal losses in combat continue to mount; Chap. 64. Telegraphers Handle 40,000 words in one day; Chap. 65. British decorate U.S. Signalmen. Chap 66. Wire circuits just die on eve of St. Mihiel; Chap. 67. Scores of Signalmen are cited for valor; Chap. 68. A dying Signalman finishes the job. Chap 69. Radio team had help of the “Flying Dutchman.” Chap 70. How cease-fire order was signaled to armies. Chap. 71. How Camp Vail became the Signal Corps’ home; Chap. 72. Retrospect.



History, Philippines Command, US Army, US Army Recognition Program of Philippine Guerrillas, prepared by the US Army Philippine Headquarters, [undated. Unclassified 14 Sep 1988] Prepared to provide an overall picture of the Philippine guerrilla resistance movement and to document the service of these persons.

223 pp., 42 Appendixes, maps, Part 1. Japanese and American Campaigns in the Philippines (1941-1945); I. Japanese Invasion of the Philippines; II. American Reconquest of the Philippines; Part 2. Development of the Guerrilla Movement; 1. Luzon in General; 2. Northern Luzon; III. North Central Luzon; East Central Luzon Guerrilla Area (ECLGA); Luzon Guerrilla Army Forces (LGAF); Bulaxan Military Area (BMA); Anderson’s Guerrillas; Hukbalahaps; IV: south Central Luzon; Fil-American Irregular Troops (FAIT); Markings Fil-Americans (MFA); Hunters ROTC; President’s Quezon’s Own Guerillas (PQOG); V. Southern Luzon (the Bicol Provinces); VI. Southern Islands in General; 10th Military District (Mindanao less the Sulu Archipelago); 6th Military Distinct (Panay); 7th Military District (Negros & Siquijor); Leyte Area Command (Leyte); Bohol Area Command (Bohol); Sulu Area Command (Sulu Archipelago) Cebu Area Command (Cebu); Samar Area Command (Samar); Mindoro Guerrillas (Mindoro); Masbate Guerrilla Regiment (Masbate); Marinduque Forces (Marinduque); Palawan Special Battalion (Palawan); Part 3. Development of Guerrilla Recognition Policy. 1. Overall Headquarters Involved in Guerrilla Recognition Policy; 2. Tactical and Service Commands Dealing with Guerrillas; III. Background of the Philippine Army; 1V.Differerences between Luzon Guerrillas and those of the Southern Islands; V. General Categories of Guerrilla Units Considered by this Headquarters; VI Development of Guerrilla Policy between December 7, 1941 and May 30, 1942; VII. Development of Guerrilla Recognition Policy Period May 31, 1942-February 12, 1945; Units; Individuals; Casualties; Discharge, Disbandment and/or Demobilization; Arrears in Pay; Period October 3, 1945-June 30, 1948, Units, Cadre of Composite Units; Units which Dissolved under Pressure; Terminal Date Recognition; Payment of Unrecognized Guerrillas as Laborers; Supplementary Rosters; Substitutions o n Recognized Rosters; Withdrawal of Subordinate Units from Overall Commands; Proposal of President Roxas; Revision of Dates; Reconsiderations; Statistical Summary of Unit Mission; Individual cases; Casualty Section; Casualty Statistics; Non-casualty statistics;VIII. Revocation of Recognition; Revocations Accomplished. IX. Reconstruction of Guerrilla Rosters; X. Unit Investigation Procedure; Research Period; Contact Period; Preparation of Investigation Report; Final Determination; Sources of Information; Part 4. Relations of the GAD to other Agencies. I. The Recovered Personnel Division (RPD); II. Claims Service; III. The Veterans Administration; IV. War Damage Commission. Part 5. Personnel, Public Relations and Irregularities; I. Personnel; II. Public Relations; Political; Personal; Press; III. Irregularities; Attempts at Bribery; Manipulation of Documents; Unsworn Statements; Miscellaneous; Part 6. Statistical Summary and Conclusions, Addendum.



Appraisal of the 1961 Army Build-Up, dated 22 January 1962, prepared by the Department of the Army.

Approx. 175 pp. with appendixes. Unclassified. An appraisal of the actions taken to increase the strength of the Army in 1961 because several international crisis, most notably the Berlin Crisis and the Bay of Pigs. Study consists of the following: Section 1, Background to the 1961 Build-up. II. Major Implementing Actions and Related Problems: A). Forces (Readiness and Deployments); B). Personnel (Management and Procurement); C). Logistics; D). Mobilization (Organization and Procedures); E). Funding; III. Supervisory Measures; IV. Summary.



Arroyo Center Project Report, 1 August 1994-30 September 1995, (AR 6051-A), prepared by RAND, dated December 1995.

229 pp. tables, charts, appendix. Prepared by the Army’s federally funded Research and Development Center for studies and analysis. A summary of current research activities, particularly during the above dates. Chap. 1. Overview. Chap 2. Strategy and Doctrine Program. Chap. 3. Force Development and Technology Program. Chap. 4. Military Logistics Program. 5. Manpower and Training Program. 6. Research Support Activities. Appendix.



US Army Soldier Support Center, I am the American Soldier, (ITAS), prepared by the US Army Soldier Support Center, dated July 1990.

Approx. 80 pp. illus., maps, charts, statistics, appendixes. The 3d edition of the ITAS. Provides a demographic portrayal of the Army’s Active and Reserve Components up to and beyond the year 2000.



Koropey, Colonel O.B., The Media and the Political Milieu: How the Sergeant York Became the System that Everyone Loved to Hate, prepared by the Historical Office, U.S. Army Materiel Command, Alexandria, Virginia, 1992. (2 copies)

37 pp. illus., bibl. A study about the controversial Division Air Defense (DIVAD) gun, the Sergeant York, and the downfall of an expensive program that lasted seven years. The author describes the problems, perceptions, and political machinations that went into making the DIVAD one of the most controversial. Lessons Learned are also provided.



Final Report US Army Force Management Study, prepared by Military Professional Resources, Inc., Alexandria, for the Department of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS), dated 30 June 1993.

Approx. 200 pages, text, charts, tables, illus., appendixes. Study was prepared under Army contract to the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans-Force Development (ADCSOPS) and includes a disclaimer. Report summarizes documents and actual Army Force Management polices, procedures, and execution. It identifies issues and recommendations for organizational and procedural improvements.



Glasgow, Lieutenant Colonel W. M., Exercise Winter Express (February-March 1966), prepared by the Historical Office, Operations Division, U.S. Army Europe, dated 1966. (2 copies)

63 pp. illus., maps, reproduced photos. Description the NATO exercise in which USAREUR troops participated in northern Norway. In addition to Norway, NATO participants included Italy, Canada, England, and Belgium.



SEKIGAHARA,“The Battle That Shaped Japan,” a Staff Ride, prepared by USARJ/IX Corps, dated 24-26 May 1994.

Approx. 300 pages, illus. maps, charts. A staff ride guide conducted from 24-26 May 1994, to study the battlefield, to study the tactical principles of one of the most important battles in Japanese history and to examine the lessons learned within context of modern warfare.



Department of the Army, After Action Report: Operations New Life/New Arrivals US Army Support to the Indochinese Refugee Program, 1 April 1975-1 June 1976, prepared by the Operations and Readiness Directorate, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans (DCSOPS), dated 25 January 1977.



Department of Defense Report to Congress, Dependents Overseas, prepared for the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations. 1988.

Report was prepared in response to taskings from Senate Appropriations Committee (Senate Report 100-235) regarding the reduction of dependents overseas. The Committee requested a report on actions that could be taken to reduce the number of DOD dependents overseas, with particular consideration of alternatives that restrict accompanied overseas tours. Report was to respond to concerns raised in Title I of the Senate Report of the Committee on Appropriations, 1988 DOD Appropriation Bill about the U.S.’s ability to protect, defend, fund, and evacuate (if necessary) the large number of DOD dependents overseas, particularly in Europe. Section 1: Personnel Initiatives. Chap. 1 Introduction. Chap. 2. Options; Section II. Rotation of Ground Combat Units: Chap. 1. Introduction. Chap. 2. Readiness. Chap. 3. Cost Factors. Chap. 4. Human Factors. Section 3. Rotation of Combat and Operations Squadrons: Introduction. Chap. 2. Readiness. Chap. 3. Cost Factors. Chap. 4. Human Factors. Section IV. Noncombatant Evacuation Operations; Section V. Conclusions and Recommendations.



Siemon, Bruce H., U.S. Army Air Defense in Europe (1948-1970), Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Headquarters, US Army Europe and Seventh Army, dated 1971.

88 pp., illus., charts, maps, tables, Developing air defense doctrine. [Formerly USAREUR & 7th Army-7] Chap. 1. The First Decade After World War II (1945-1955): 1.The Early Occupation; 2. The Need for More Air Defense; 3.Training; 4. Air Defense Authority and Responsibility; The Allied Right of Self Defense; Seeds of Conflict; 5. Air Defense Priorities. Initial Concepts; Further Planning. 6. Summary. Chap. 2. The Command and Control Crisis. 7. Background; Conversion to Missiles; The Gun Defended Area Proposal; NATO Planning Concepts; U.S. Nike Plans; 8. Major Developments. Recommendations of the Joint Committee; USAREUR’s Counterproposals; Realignment of Army Air Defense Elements; The Nike Conversion; 9. Assumption of Operational Concept by Air Force Defense Commander. Chap. 3: The integrated NATO Air Defense of the 1960’s: 10. Background: the SHAPE Barrier Concept and Non-U.S. Nike Units; Introduction of Nike Hercules; Hawk; 11. Assumption f Air Defense Responsibility by NATO Commanders; 12 Rules of Engagement: Operational Command and Control Channels; Communications Systems; 13. Progress Toward Air Defense Integration: Status in mid-1961; Further Developments; 14. Nuclear Weapons Support; 15. Missile Firing Ranges; Chap 4. Toward a Balanced Air Defense. 16. Background; 17. New Weapons Systems: Redeye; Chaparral/Vulcan; 18. Impact on TAMIRAD and REFORGER; 19. The Chaparral/Vulcan Battalions: Stationing Plans; Firing Ranges; 20. Recent U.S. Developments: Planning; Implementation; An Effective Air Defense System; Status of U.S.-NATO Air Defense Relationships; 21. Proposed Transfer of Air Defense Responsibilities.



DeLong, Elizabeth J., James C. Bernhart, and Mary T. Cagle. History of the SHILLELAGH Missile System, Historical Office, Missile Command (MICOM), dated March 1983.

178 pp. maps, charts, tables, illus., appendix, The history of the SHILLELAGH anti-armor missile subsystem from the inception of feasibility studies in 1958 through development, production, and deployment in the 1959 through 1979 period, and the phase out of the system in 1980 through 1981. Chap. 1. The Evolution of Army Antitank Requirements and Weapons: The Advent of Tank Warfare; World War II Developments; Postwar Requirements and Developments; Requirements for an Antitank Guided Missile; Initial Antitank Guided Missile Developments. Chap. 2. Origin of the SHILLELAGH Project: DOD Study of Future Tank Armament; Combat Vehicle Weapon System (Pentomic); System Requirements and Plans; Feasibility Studies; the SHILLELAGH Weapon System; Chap. 3. Management of the SHILLELAGH Missile System: Weapon System Management at OTAC; Project Management at OCO; Project Management at AMC; Project Management at WECOM; SHILLELAGH Project Management at MICOM; Commodity Management at MICOM; Chap 4. Research and Development Program: Military Characteristics; Background of Prime Contractor; Development Contracts; Original Design Concept; Problems in the Early Years (1959-1961): Basic Problems in Guidance System; Revised Guidance System—October 1959 Review; Change to aft Jet Configuration; February 1960 Review; Problems with Propellants and Igniters; August 1960 Review; changed in Propulsion Development Program; Tracker Problem; Transmitter problem; Sight Program Changed; Problems with Missile Weight and Size; Problems in Dynamic Plume Tests and Short Range Tests; Summary; SHILLELAGH Acceleration Plans; Influence of Political Changes; Aeronutronic Proposal; OTAC/ARGMA Proposal; Army position on the Aeronutronic proposal; Directed and Reasonable Risk Plans; Decision by the Secretary of Defense; Implementation of the DOD decision; Alternate Plans for the Accelerated AR/AAV-SHILLELAGH Program; Fire Control and Guidance System Flight Tests; Fire Control Tests; Closed Loop Guidance Tests; Applied Research Program; reorientation of the program; flight tests, findings and conclusions; Final Development Program; final flight tests; component development; release for limited production; Study of SHILLELAGH in Heavy Antitank Assault Weapon Role; Chap. 5, Industrial Program; Initial Sole Source Procurement; Competitive Procurement; Production Summary; Engineering/Service Test Program; Standard A Type Classification; Desert and Arctic Testing; Confirmatory I Test Program; The Extended Range SHILLELAGH Missile; The Shallow Key Missile Program; Adaptation of SHILLELAGH to the M60 tank; the MBT-70/SHILLELAGH Program; Revival of the SHILLELAGH/TOW Controversy; Chap. 6. Weapon System Deployment and Field Support; Deployment of the SHERIDAN/SHILLELAGH System; first tactical units equipped; worldwide deployment; phasedown of the M551 SHERIDAN; Deployment of M60A2/SHILLELAGH; Maintenance Support; Product Improvement; Initial Improvement Program; Guidance and control Equipment Improvements; Laser Beamrider Improvement; Welded Module Redesign; Other Improvements During Deployment; Conduct-of-Fire Trainer; Improved Conduct-of-Fire Trainer; Chap. 7. Conclusion. Program Summary; SHILLELAGH Subsystem Cost Summary



Office of The Adjutant General, Department of the Army, The Officer Personnel Management System (OPMS), dated 25 June 1971. [copy 2]

Approx. 200 pages, text, charts, tables. Study to inform the officer corps of a new concept [see date] for officer personnel management, to solicit comments and to gain acceptance of the OPMS concept and its components. Fundamental element of the Plan are competitive promotion lists that ensures professional and technical competence, recognizes individual specialties, and limits nonproductive competition by clarifying opportunities, conditions, etc. Plan has six policy areas: professionalism, grade structure system, career management system, promotion system, evaluation system and counseling training system.



Rosson, General W.B., Vietnam Monograph, Assessment of Influence Exerted on Military Operations by Other Than Military Considerations, approx 1971. (2 copies)

Approx. 170 pages, text, maps. Draft. A study was completed under the direction of the Commander, US Army Pacific, General W.B. Rosson, for Chief of Staff of the Army, General William C. Westmoreland. Chap. 1, Rules of Engagement; Chap. 2. Free World Military Assistance Forces; Chap. 3. The Buddhist Uprising in 1966; Chap. 4. Effect of Truces on US and Allied Operations; Chap. 5. Policies Governing the Use of Air Power; Chap. 6. Prior Proposals for the Limited Incursion into Cambodia; Chap. 7. Prisoner of War Issue; Chap. 8. Reduction of US Forces; Chap. 9. Summary



Press Briefing Branch, Operations Division, Office of the Under Secretary of the Army, Korean Incident Communiques, 5 July 1950 through 31 July 1950. [Formerly CMH Library, War 11, 2-UA-1, July 1950]

Complete set of carbon copies of Far East Command and United Nations communiqués, beginning with number 64, dated 11 July 1950. Copies were maintained in the files of the Office of the Under Secretary of the Army.



Press Briefing Branch, Operations Division, Office of the Under Secretary of the Army, Korean Incident Communiques, 1 February 1951 through 28 February 1951. [Formerly CMH Library, War 11, 2-UA-1, February 1951]

Complete set of carbon copies of Far East Command and United Nations communiqués, beginning with number 161, released Tokyo, 1015 1 February (EST 2015 31 January and received in Washington 0425 1 February 1951 through 28 February 1951.



De Mena, Deloris, Command Historian, Residents of Quarters One, Panama Canal: The Story of the Army Component Commander’s Residense and those who lived therein. Fort Clayton, Panama: US Army South, 1996.

162 pp. illus, reproduced photos. Section 1., U.S. Army in Panama; Section 2, Quarters One; Section 3. US Army Commanders; Section 4; Select Articles; Bibliography.



Finley, James P., Command Historian. The US Military Experience in Korea, 1871-1982: In the Vanguard of ROK-US Relations. Korea: Command Historian’s Office, Secretary of the U.S. Forces Korea/Eighth Army, 1983.

260 pp. illus., maps, reproduced photos, charts. Section 1, The US Military Experience in Korea, 1871-1982. In the Vanguard of American-Korean Relations; Nineteenth Century US Military Pioneers in Korea; US Liberators and Military Governors; Outbreak of the War (25 June –13 July 1950); Pusan Perimeter (14 Jul-14 Sep 50); South Korea Cleared (15-30 Sep 50); Drive to the North (1 Oct-25 Nov 50); United Nations Retreat (25 Nov 50-24 Jan 51); United Nations Offensive (25 Jan-21 Apr 51); Chinese Spring Offensive (22 Apr-19 May 51); United National Counteroffensive (20 May-23 June 51); Lull and Flare-Up (24 Jun-11 Nov 51); Stalemate (11 Nov 51-27 Jul 53); Post-War Partners in Peace; Section 2, Chronology of Significant US Military Events, from 1866 to 1982; Section 3, Informational Inserts. Section 4. Maps; Section 5. Reproduced Photos.



Army Air Mobility Evaluation (ARAME), Final Report, Annex C, Field Experiment and Troop Test Assessment, prepared in the U.S. Army Combat Developments Command, 15 February 1965.

Approx. 75 pp. text, graphs and appendixes in five functional areas of intelligence and security, mobility, combat support, combat service support and control and communication.



Koropey, Colonel Oleh B., U.S. Army Materiel Command, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: The Story of the Sergeant York Air Defense Gun, prepared by the Historical Office, U.S Army Materiel Command, Alexandria, Virginia.

206 pp. text, reproduces photos, graphs. Discussion of the complexities and dilemmas of defense acquisition using the the Sergeant York Division Air Defense Gun (DIVAD) program as a case study about technology, people, power and money. Chap. 1, The Role of Air Defense Systems on the Modern Battlefield; Chap. 2. An Overview of the Process: How Army Research, Development and Acquisition of Weapon Systems are Usually Done; Chap. 3. Origin and Development of the DIVAD: It Seemed Like a Great Idea at the Time; Chap. 4. The Media and the Political Milieu: How the Sergeant York Became the System that Everyone Loved to Hate; Chap. 5. Final Testing and Death: How the Final Tests Put the Lid on the Sergeant York Program; Chap. 6. Conclusions.



Department of the Army, Human Relations Action Plan, The Human Dimensions of Combat Readiness, prepared by the Senior Review Panel on Sexual Harassment and the Inspector General Task Force, U.S. Army, [undated].

57 pp. text, charts, graphs. In the falloff 1996, the Army leadership directed an assessment of the Army’s human relations environment. Two reports submitted by the Senior Review Panel on Sexual Harassment and the Inspector General following its inspection of equal opportunity and sexual misconduct policies and procedures at initial entry level training organizations. Reports include 17 issue papers that present a narrative overview of the major recommendations, actions taken in response to findings, and actions to be taken.















Andreacchio, Major Nicholas A., An Historical Analysis of ARVN [Army Republic of Vietnam] Armor Operations from Conception to the Present, Focusing on the two Northern Provinces [copyrighted] [undated].

78 pp. illust., charts. The author was G3 advisor to the ARVN Armor Command for five months. His mission was to advise the G3 on all aspects of ARVN Armor, including training, operations, employment, and organization. The account is an autobiographical one but includes his analysis of the problems experienced with the command and solutions for overcoming the obstacles. Chap. 1. French Armor Operations in Indochina: Introduction; History and Organization; Missions; Influence on ARVN; Chap. 2. Background on ARVN Armor: Early History; Organization; Training; Chap. 3. ARVN Armor Employment; Deployment, Questionnaire Findings; Chap. 4. A Case Study: Operations in the Two Northern Provinces: Terrain; Use of Regimental Headquarters; Use of Tank Troop; Use of APC Troop; Conclusion; Chap. 5. Analysis and Conclusion; appendix: questionnaire summary; bibliography.



Shanahan, Edward P. Chickamauga Staff Ride Briefing Book. Atlanta: US Army Reserve Command (USARC), 1993; reprinted September 1995.

77 pp. illus., maps, charts, graphs. The first of a series of USARAC Staff Ride handbooks for use by Army Reservists about battlefields such as this Civil War battle at Chickamauga to analyze military operations on the actual terrain and thereby enhance an understanding of lessons and principles of war.



Shanahan, Edward P. Atlanta Campaign Staff Ride Briefing Book. Atlanta: US Army Reserve Command (USARC), June 1995.

105 pp. illus., maps, charts, graphs. The second of the USARC Staff Ride handbooks about Civil War battlefields using the Atlanta Campaign to teach fundamental principles of war.



Coker, Kathryn Roe, compiler, USARC Special Studies Series, The United Sates Army Reserve in World War II: Medal of Honor Recipients, Atlanta: Office of the Command Historian, USARC, 1995; reprinted September 1996.

56 pp. maps, illus. A brief account of the history of the Medal of Honor, a list of the Medal of Honor recipients, along with their citations, who served in twenty-six divisions in the US Army Organized Reserve during World War II. The publication was prepared as part of the USARC 50th Anniversary of the Second World War.



Coker, Kathryn Roe, interviewer, USARC Oral History Program Series, Forming the United States Army Reserve Command: An Oral History. Atlanta: Office of the Command Historian, USARC, 1995; reprinted September 1996.

436 pp. Interviews with Charles J. Barwick, Deputy DCSPER, USARC; Major General Kenneth A. Bouldin, CG, 125th USARC, April 1990 to 1993; Brig. Gen. Philip Y. Browning, Jr., Ret., Chief of Staff, USARC and the first Active Component Chief of Staff of the USARC (Feb 1991-Oct 1992); Lieut. Col. Anthony Dennard, J1, FORSCOM personnel staff officer; Colonel Frank A. Edens, Ret., member of the Reserve Officers Association (ROA), formerly Chief, Office of Programs and Liaison, OCAR; Gen. John W. Foss, Ret., CG, TRADOC –1991; Colonel George F. Francioni, Executive Officer, OCAR and first Chief of the USARC’s Aviation Office, 1991-1994; Brig. Gen. Robert S. Hardy, Jr., USARC’s second Chief of Staff; Margorie S. Holt, former congresswoman and member of the House Armed Services Committee; Lieut. Col. Denny Leander, Ret., member of the original USARC Planning Group, employed in Admin. Section, DCSLOG, in 1992; Gen. William R. Richardson; Lieut. Col. Christopher Scammon; Lieut. Col. Stephen R. Stover; Col. John A. Topper, Chief of the USARC Planning Group, 1993; Lieut. Col. Frank I. Travis, Jr. and Joseph F. Schindelholz, Jr.; Paul M. Vilcoq, II; Maj. Gen.William F. Ward. Also a chronology of selected major events in the history of the USARC and a list of abbreviations and acronyms.



Staff Sergeant Warren, Michael A. USARC Operational History Series, The United States Army Reserve in Operation Joint Endeavor, Volume I, Mobilization & Deployment Army Staff Perspective. Fort McPherson, Georgia: Office of the Command Historian, U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC), dated October 1996 (printed in 1997).

183 pp., maps, charts, diagrams. An account of the activities of the Army Staff’s work to mobilize and deploy the first group of



LaCharite, Norman A. Insurgent Terriorism and Its Use by the Viet Cong, prepared by The Center for Research in Social Systems (CRESS), The American University, Washington, D.C., dated July 1969.

158 pp. maps, charts, diagrams, illustrations, notes, bibliography, glossary, appendix, tables. CRESS, under contract with the Department of the Army, prepared a study for a social science research project in support of Army requirements. Views or conclusions contained in the reports are those of its authors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies of the Department of the Army or the U.S. Government. This is a study about terrorism as practiced by the Viet Cong (VC) in South Vietnam from 1963 through 1966. It is concerned with two aspects of (VC) terrorism: those VC actions that can be described as terrorist acts and the nonmilitary targets against which such actions were directed.

The document consists of the following: a Foreword: general information; Viet Minh and Viet Cong Terrorism; U.S. Assistance; Plan of the Study; Acknowledgements; a Summary: Problems; Facts: consisting of the Definition of Terrorism; Assumptions, Data: Access and Weaknesses; Methodology; Major Findings; Operational Implications: Insurgency; Counterinsurgency; Part I. Introduction. Chapter 1. Objectives and Methodology: Background; Sources of Data; Methodology. Chapter 2. Conceptual and Historic Considerations: A Survey of the Literature on Terrorism; Propositional Statements consisting of Contexts: Social Conditions and Social Change Processes; Social Groups and Social Institutions; Characteristics of Groups and Institutions; Conflict and Activities: Conflicts Situations, Events, and Activities; Revolutionary Process: Dynamics, Types, and Outcomes of Revolutions; Communications: Activities and Instruments; Nonsocial Elements; Conceptualization and Theory-Building: Social Change and Violence; Social Units and Violence; Violence and Terrorism; Psychological Effects of Terrorism; Terrorism and the Phases of Insurgency; Part II. Viet Cong Terrorism. Chapter 3. Patterns and Characteristics. Actions Defined, VC Strategy, Terrorism: Yearly Totals, Patterns. Targets Defined, Target Patterns and Characteristics. Chapter 4. Political and Military Context. Political and Military Timetable; Political Events and Terrorism: Coups de’Etat; Civil Disturbances: Riots and Demonstrations; National and Local Elections; Martial Law and Government-Imposed Restrictions; Changes in Government; Government Communiqués, Decrees, and Announcements of Plans; Resignations or purges of Government officials; Revolts; Open Arms Policy, Release of Prisoners and Amnesties; Social and Political Reforms; Regional Conferences of International Importance, Other Events; Conclusions; National and Religious Holidays and Terrorism: Tet Tan Sun; Le Van Duyet Day; Hai Ba Trung Day; Birth, Enlightenment, and Death of Buddha: Anniversary of the Fall of Dien Bien Phu; International Labor Day; Hung Vuong Day and Le Loi Day; Birth of Confucius: National Day: the Anniversary of the Namky Insurrection; Foundations of the Liberation Army; the Birth of Christ; Conclusions; Military Developments and VC Terrorism: Operations in 1963 through 1966; Conclusions. Chapter 5. Economic and Geographic Context: Seasonal Cycles and Agricultural Activities and Terrorism. Regional Variations in Agriculture; Five Provinces; Conclusions; Communications Development, Population Concentration, and Geographic Considerations and Terrorism: Northeastern Binh Dinh; Phu My District in Binh Dinh; Qui Nhon in Binh Dinh; South of Qui Nhon in Binh Dinh; Capital City of Tay Ninh; Hieu Thien; Southeast of Tay Ninh; Conclusions



Huddleston, Joseph, The High Technology Test Bed and the High Technology Light Division, Inception through 30 September 1983. Draft. I Corps Historian, Fort Lewis, Washington.

Approximately 300 unpaginated pages.



Bongiovi, First Lieutenant Joseph R. I Corps Light Infantry Division Certification History. Draft, prepared by the Assistant Historian I Corps and St. Lewis, Washington.

Approximately 180 unpaginated pages.



Cahill, LTC John J., USMC, and Jack Shulimson, History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in Vietnam, January-June 1965. Headquarters, USMC, Wash., D.C., dated 1969.

262 pp. text, illus, charts. Operational history of USMC activities in Vietnam from January-until the USMC’s inclusion into the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade and its landing in Da Nang June 1965 when the brigade became the III USMC Amphibious Force. (copy 16 of 150 copies)



Andreacchio, Major Nicholas A. An Historical Analysis of ARVN [Army Republic of Vietnam] Armor Operations from Conception to the Present, Focusing on the two Northern Provinces. [copyrighted], undated.

78 pp. Xeroxed copy, loosely bound, diagrams, charts, illustrations, appendix/questionnaire; bibliography. Chapter 1. French Armor Operations in Indochina: Introduction, History and Organization; Missions; Influence on ARVN; Chap. 2. Background on ARVN Armor: Early History, Organization, Training; Chap. 3. ARVN Armor Employment: Deployment; Questionnaire Findings; Chap.4. A Case Study: Operations in the Two Northern Provinces: Terrain, Use of Regimental Headquarters; Use of Tank Troop; Use of APC Troop; Conclusion; Chap. Analysis and Conclusion.



Reserved for Vol. 1 The Logistics Review, US Army Vietnam, 1965-1969,



Reserved for Vol. 2.



Reserved for Vol 3.



The Logistics Review, US Army Vietnam, 1965-1969,Vol. 4, Maintenance System, prepared by the USARV, APO San Francisco.

Approx. 100 pp. text, charts. One of eight volumes in the USARV Logistics Review series about Army logistical operations in support of the counterinsurgency effort in the Republic of Vietnam. This volume includes annexes on the General Maintenance System.



The Logistics Review, US Army Vietnam, 1965-1969, Vol. 5, Transportation System, prepared by the USARV, APO San Francisco.

Approx. 125 pp. text, charts, pictures, illus. Annexes in the volume include the following: Land Transportation System; Terminal and Water Transportation System; and the Air Transportation System.



The Logistics Review, US Army Vietnam, 1965-1969, Vol. 6, Support Services System, prepared by the USARV, APO San Francisco.

Approx. 125 pp. text, charts, pictures, maps. Annexes in this volume include the following annexes: Food Service, Memorial Activities, Laundry and Bath, Property Disposal, and Procurement



The Logistics Review, US Army Vietnam, 1965-1969, Vol. 7, Engineering Services System, prepared by the USARV, APO San Francisco.

Approx. 77 pp. text, charts, ills. Annexes in this publication are on construction, facilities engineering, and engineer operational support.



The Logistics Review, US Army Vietnam, 1965-1969, Vol. 8, Communications Electronics, prepared by the USARV, APO San Francisco.

Approx. 85 pp. text, charts, maps, illus. Annexes in this volume include the following annexes: Supply and Maintenance; Supply and Maintenance of Peculiar Items; COMSEC Logistics; and Communications Support of Headquarters, Installations and Activities



Open Number



Joint Task Force (JTF) After Action Report, Korat, Thailand, dated 8 December 1962. Unclassified.

Approx. 100 pp. text, maps, tables, illus. Activation and deployment to Thailand in 1962. Major units consisted of the following: 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade; the 510th Tactical Fighter Squadron; the 1st Battle Group 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division; the 1/27; and the 999th Signal Company.



Weinert, Richard P. The Role of USCONARC in the Army Buildup, FY 1966.

Unclassified. FORMERLY USCONARC-1, 1966 (copy 1)

Approx. 182 pp. text, maps, tables, illus. United States Continental Army Command (USCONARC)’s account of DA and DOD level decisions that influenced actions during the year. Portions of this study appeared in USCONARC/USARSTRIKE Annual Historical Summary for FY 1966. Chap. 1. Background for provision of support units for USMACV; Chap. 2. USCONARC Planning; Chap. 3. Expansion of the Training Base; Chap. 4. Special Training Requirements; Chap. 5. Major Activations during FY 1966; Chap. 6. Deployments to Southeast Asia; Chap. 7. Impact of Deployments Chap. 8. Logistics and Planning; Chap. 9. The First Year of the Army Buildup.



Praun, Albert former General der Nachrichtentruppe [LTG]. German Radio Intelligence. MS#P-038. Unclassified. Historical Division, Headquarters European Command, dated March 1950.

Approx. 260 pp. text, 16 illus. One of the manuscripts in the series that is commonly referred to as the Captured German Manuscript collection because, like the others, it was prepared by a former high ranking officer of the German Armed Forces and prepared the manuscripts under the sponsorship of their former adversaries. Manuscript includes a biographical sketch of the principal author; list of other contributors; list of charts; Chap. 1. Introduction; Chap. 2. The Significance of Electronic Warfare; Chap. 3. German Radio Intelligence Operations (1936-45); Chap. 4. Appraisal of Radio Communication in Belligerent Armies Committed in the European Theater; Chap. 5. Radio Intelligence Activity of the German Armed Forces High Command --Conclusions. Eight appendixes.


The Remagen Bridgehead, 7-17 March 1945. Preface by Major General John W. Leonard, formerly Commander, 9 th Armored Division

Approx. 128 pp. text, illustrated.


Thornton, Kevin and Dale Prentiss. Tanks and Industry: The Detroit Arsenal, 1940-1954. Warren, Michigan: History Office, U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, 1995.

74pp. text, illustrated. This is a history of the Detroit Arsenal that is part of the heritage of Tank-automotive Command.



Myer, MAJ Fred J. The Reduction of the Colmar Pocket. Manuscript of Second Draft, 1 April 1953. The above title on the cover has been crossed out and replaced with: Chapter 1 “The Winter’s Fruit or Elimination of the Bulges.”



Fleser, LTC William C. Operation SILVER ANVIL: Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) in Sierra Leone, May 1992. MacDill AFB, Florida: USSOCOM History and Research Office, 2001.


Ordnance Guided Missile and Rocket Programs: LACROSSE Guided Missile System, Volume VI, Inception Through 30 June 1955, Technical Report. Copy 69 [Formerly ARM-A ORD 1-OGMRP Vol. 6]

199 pp. charts, diagrams, illustrations, notes, tables, bibliography, appendices. Declassified Technical Report about the early yeas of the LACROSSE guided missile program. Chap. 1. The Ordnance Corps Research and Development Program for LACROSE; Chap. 2. The Ordnance Corps Industrial Program for LACROSSE; Chap. 3. The Ordnance Corps Field Service Program for LACROSSE; Chap. 4. The Ordnance Corps Training Program for LACROSSE; Chap. 5. Contract Cost Study, The LACROSSE Program.



Material Systems Division: Origin and Development Programs and Projects in Supply Management Diversity of MECOM Management, MECOM in AMC Complex. Mobility Equipment Command (MECOM), FY 1972. 49pp.



U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam, USMACV COM SEA Study Group, 1968.

Declassified MACV study of Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF) communications equipment and capabilities.


Furhrer Conferences on Matters Dealing with the German Navy, 1943.

Office of Naval Intelligence translation of documents found in the German Naval Archives captured at Tambach, Germany in 1945. Topics of interest: Joint Command; Role of Air Power in Naval Warfare; Domination of Navy by Military Men Unfamiliar with Rudiments of Sea Power. Cross Reference: Kreigsmarine; NAZI Germany; World War II.


Manning, John F. LTC (Rtd). As I Remember It: The War Years 1940 – 1945. Privately Printed May 2002.

Memoir of LTC (Rtd) John F. Manning about his service during World War II with the 62 nd Coast Artillery Regiment and the 62 nd Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. 164 pages, illustrated. Cross Reference WWII; Fort Totten; Fort Monroe; England; North Africa; Sicily; Southern France; Germany; Holocaust.


Bjork, Eskil I.Harness and Hitch: A Diary of Battery F, 149 th Field Artillery, Rainbow Division, June 30, 1917 to May 10, 1919. Privately Printed:1935.

A 268-page manuscript diary, with maps and appendices, compiled from the diaries, letters, press releases and other documents related to Battery F, 149 th Field Artillery. The author was a Corporal in the battery during the Great War. Cross Reference: World War I; WWI; 42 nd Infantry Division; Meuse-Argonne; St. Michel; AEF; Chicago; University Battery; Colonel Henry J. Reilly.


Judah, Noble B. Being the Story of a Light Field Artillery Battery from Illinois During the World War. Privately Printed: no date.

This is the history of Battery C, 149 th Field Artillery, 42 nd Infantry Division from its organization as part of the Illinois National Guard in 1915 to the end of World War I. Appendices include a complete roster of Battery personnel. 260 pages. Cross Reference: WWI; Rainbow Division; Meuse-Argonne; St. Michel; AEF; Chicago; University Battery; Colonel Henry J. Reilly.


Jacobsmeyer, Paul J. Intelligence in the American Expeditionary Force: The Experience of the Thirty-Second Division, September 1917 – November 1918. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (History) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1986.

This study examines the doctrinal context, training and actual use of the 32 nd Division’s intelligence service during World War I. Cross Reference: WWI.


Soland, Donald J. The Reversion of the Ruykyu Islands to Japan: A Study of the U.S. Political-Military Interaction. Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts. May 1972.

This manuscript is missing the first thirteen pages. Cross Reference: Okinawa; Military Government: Japan; World War II; Military Occupation.


Larsen, Stanley R. and James Lawton Collins, Jr. Allied Participation in Vietnam.

Declassified manuscript that served as the basis for the authors Allied Participation in Vietnam, CMH Publication 90-5, published in 1975. This is an account of allied assistance to the Republic of Vietnam and of efforts to enlist that assistance.


United States Army Training and Doctrine Command. Application of the Regimental System to the United States Army’s Combat Arms. Lt. Col. P. W. Faith and Lt. Col. D. I. Ross. 1980.

42 pp. text, supporting documents. A report studying the adoption of the regimental system of the British and Canadian Army’s to the U.S. Army Combat Arms Regimental System.



Standlee, Mary W. Borden’s Dream: The Army Medical Library, Part II. Dallas, Texas: 31 August 9161. Unpublished manuscript with notation: Copied at the Division of Academic Operations, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, D.C. 20012, 1974.



Shrader, LTC Charles R. Amicicide: The Problem of Friendly Fire in Modern War. Combat Studies Institute, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College: Fort Leavenworth, KS, December 1982. The Combat Studies Institute Research Report is a survey of existing literature on World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam friendly fire incidents. The author provides examples of friendly fire involving U.S. ground forces and has categorized them according to types of incidents. He draws tentative conclusions about the causes and effects of friendly fire and offers recommendations for those who expect to study the subject further.



A Guide to Archival Sources for the Study of World War II Temporary Buildings. Prepared for the Office of History, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by K. Alan Snyder, under Contract DACA #31-86-A0007. 10 February 1988.

This guide attempts to list every important document examined that relates to the planning, construction, or use of these temporary buildings. The inventory covers temporary buildings constructed at Army and National Guard installations from 1933 to 1947.



Proceedings of the 1982 International Military History Symposium : "The Impact of Unsuccessful Military Campaigns on Military Institutions, 1860-1980" Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, 1-4 August 1982. Edited by Charles R. Shrader. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Army Center of Military History, 1984.

The volume contains papers covering the American Civil War; the Danish-Prussian War; the Spanish-American War; the Russo-Japanese War; World War I; World War II; Suez,1956; Vietnam.



America’s Volunteers: A Report on the All-Volunteer Armed Forces. Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics) December 31, 1978. (388 pages)

The report was prepared after a two-year in-depth study of the armed forces by the Department of Defense. Chapters: Introduction and Summary; The Active Force Through FY 1977; Future Active Force Accession Prospects; Military Medical Services; The Selected Reserve; Pretrained Individuals; Untrained Manpower; Alternatives to the AVF; Cost of the AVF; Concluding Summary; 15 Appendices.



Kirkpatrick, Charles E., V Corps Order of Battle 1918 – 2002. Headquarters, V Corps, History Office: Heidelberg, Germany, 2002 (483 pages) 2 copies.

This volume gives the order of battle for the United States Army’s V Corps during World War I, the interwar years, World War II, the Cold War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Post-Cold War years. This volume provides “back up” material for Dr. Kirkpatrick’s forthcoming narrative history of the V Corps.



Bigelow, MAJ Michael E. A Guide for Reading in American Military History. 2 nd Edition, Heidelberg, Germany, October 1999. (28 pages)

The guide provides lists of five to seven books organized into twenty chronological sections. There is a brief synopsis provided for each title listed.


House, MAJ Jonathan M., The U.S. Army in Joint Operations, 1950-1983. Third Draft, 23 April 1990. Military Studies Branch, U.S. Army Center of Military History: Washington, D.C.

233 pages, maps, diagrams and tables included. This study examines the U.S. Army’s participation in six joint operations between 1950 and 1983, with emphasis on the recurring themes and issues of planning, command and control, and logistical support. The operations studied are: CHROMITE, Inchon Landing; BLUEBAT, Beirut; SCABBARDS, planned invasion of Cuba; POWER PACE, Dominican Republic; CONCORDIA I, Army-Navy Riverine force in Vietnam; and URGENT FURY, Grenada.


In Memory of Those Lost on September 11, 2001. Printed by ColorCentric Corp: Rochester, NY, 2003.

This book is dedicated to all those lost in the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon as well as to the families who cherish their memory. This book is a limited edition work printed for and given to the families of the deceased. The CMH volume is one of twenty-five copies printed above the number given to the families. Cross Reference: 11 September; 9-11; Pentagon; Terrorism; Victims; Rear Book.


Brinsfield, John W. and Courageous in Spirit, Compassionate in Service, The Gunhus Year. U.S. Army Chaplain Center and School: July 2003.

This volume is in tribute to Chaplain (Major General) Gaylord T. Gunhus, Chief of Chaplains, 1999-2003. Chapters: Religious Leadership for the Army; Operation Noble Eagle; Operation World Trade Center; U.S. Army Reserve UMTs Respond; and Reflections on Ministry in the New Millennium. [Seven bound copies of this manuscript were printed.] 2 copies.


Stuckey, COL John D. and COL Joseph H. Pistorious, Mobilization of the Army National Guard and Army Reserve: Historical Perspective and the Vietnam War. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 15 November 1984.

This document was prepared in response to a study request from the Secretary of the Army. This study provides an examination of the mobilization and use of Army National Guard (ARNG) and Army Reserve (USAR) forces for the Vietnam War. Chapter 2 reviews the historical mobilization experiences of the United States in order to gain an appreciation and perspective of the mobilization and use of the Militia/National Guard and Reserves throughout US history. Chapter 3 examines the extent to which the President and his civilian and military advisers consider mobilization during the first 3 years of the Vietnam ground war and the rationale behind the non-mobilization during this period. Chapter 4 focuses on the 1968 mobilization for the Vietnam War and addresses in detail what happened regarding the Army Reserve Component forces involved. Chapter 5 ends the study with conclusions and interpretation relative to mobilization in general and to the partial mobilization for the Vietnam War. Cross Reference: Revolutionary War; War of 1812; Mexican War; Civil War; Spanish-American War; World War I; World War II; Korean War; Berlin Crisis.


Headen, LTC Clifton, Jr., Force Employment Study. U.S. Army Concepts Analysis Agency, Bethesda, MD, February 1991.

This study is an analysis of the operational use of Army forces after Vietnam War. The Deputy Director of Strategy, Plans, and Policy, ODCSOPS, to provide a reference database for decision makers in future crises, sponsored the study. Cross Reference: Urgent Fury; Just Cause; Humanitarian Relief; Cuba; Combat Operations; Peacekeeping; Firefighting;


Chase, Francis S., Jr., Historical Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, European Theater of Operations. Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants, Report No. 13. Office of the Chief Engineer, Intelligence Division Liaison Section, August 1945.

This report is one of a series prepared as a preliminary step toward the development of a definitive history covering activities of the Engineer Service in the European Theater of Operation. Contents: Part I, Planning and Organization; Part II, The Minor System; Part III, The Major System; Part IV, The Northern System; Part V, The Southern System. 23 Illustrations.


Chase, Francis S., Jr., Historical Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, European Theater of Operations. Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants, Appendices, Report No. 13. Office of the Chief Engineer, Intelligence Division Liaison Section, August 1945.

This manuscript contains the eighteen appendices to Report 13, Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants.


Ledbetter, CPT Parker R., Historical Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, European Theater of Operations. Supply, Report No. 3. Office of the Chief Engineer, Intelligence Division Liaison Section, August 1945.

This report is one of a series prepared as a preliminary step toward the development of a definitive history covering activities of the Engineer Service in the European Theater of Operation. Contents: Part I, Organization for Engineer Supply; Part II, Planning by the OCE; Part III, Planning for Supply of Joint Requirements; Part IV, Procurement. 28 Illustrations.


Ledbetter, CPT Parker R., Historical Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, European Theater of Operations. Supply, Appendices, Report No. 3. Office of the Chief Engineer, Intelligence Division Liaison Section, August 1945.

This manuscript contains fifty-seven appendices to Report No. 3, Supply.


Historical Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, European Theater of Operations. Engineering in Iceland, Appendices, Report No. 17. Office of the Chief Engineer, Intelligence Division Liaison Section, August 1945.

This manuscript contains twelve appendices to Report No. 17 Engineering in Iceland. The actual report, to which these appendices apply, is not at CMH.


Demma, Vincent, Suggestions for the Use of Ground Forces, June 1964 – March 1965, U.S. Army Center of Military History. No date.

Photocopy of draft paper by CMH Historian Vincent Demma examining the background to President Johnson’s decision to deploy U.S. Forces to Vietnam. 48 pages.


Joint Chiefs of Staff Special Historical Study, History of the Unified Command Plan. Historical Division, Joint Secretariat, 20 December 1977. 2 copies. (Declassified)

44 pages, appendices. A short history of the creation of regional Commanders in Chief during World War II and the positions evolution through 1975.


Musall, Peter, Barbarossastadt: Gelnhausen, Eine kleine Stadt mit grosser Geschichte. Brentano Buchhandlung: Gelnhausen, Germany, 1990

This picture and text history of the town of Gelnhausen, Hesse, Germany is written in German, includes a pamphlet with a short history written in English. The photographs focus on the old city of Gelnhausen, i.e. inside the old city walls, which survived World War II. The 2nd Brigade, 3rd Armored Division (Spearhead) was stationed at Gelnhausen from 1958 until its deactivation in 1992. A brigade of the 4th Armored Division garrisoned the town before 1958.


Bradsher, Dr. Greg, The History of the Capture, Exploitation, and Return of the Captured Japanese Records 1942-1962. National Archives and Records Administration, October 21, 2001

This paper covers: the exploitation of Japanese Army, Navy, and government records captured by US Forces between 1942 through 1946 for intelligence purposes and prosecuting war crimes; the transfer of the records to the National Archives in 1949; use by researchers 1949-54; and the events leading to the return of the papers to Japan in 1962.


Hammerman, Gay and Richard G. Sheridan, The 88 th Infantry Division in World War II: Factors Responsible for Its Excellence. Final Report. Prepared for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics, April 1982, by Historical Evaluation and Research Organization, T.N. Dupuy Assoc.

42 pages, 11 appendices. This study is a preliminary investigation of the reasons for the exceptional combat effectiveness of the US 88 th Infantry Division in World War II. It identifies and evaluates the factors that contributed to the division’s superior battlefield performance, as an aid to current US Army training programs.


Campbell, LTC David R. Fighting Encircled: A Study in U.S. Army Leadership (Draft copy). 1986, US Army Center of Military History. 115 pages

Draft copy of a study “undertaken to determine to what extent leadership effects encircled units.” Contents: Chapter I, Introduction: Islands of Conflict, A Definition; Chapter II, Case Study #1: The Lost Battalion of World War I, The Meuse-Argonne Campaign (September 1918); Chapter III, Case Study #2: The 106 th Division of World War II, The Ardennes Offensive (December 1944); Chapter IV, Case Study #3: Task Force Faith, East of Changjin Reservoir, North Korea (November 1950); Chapter V, Case Study #4, LZ Xray, The Ia Drang Valley, Vietnam (November 1965); Chapter VI, Conclusion: Fighting Encircled to Win; Bibliography.


Larson, Harold, The Southwest Pacific, Chapter VII (Draft) of Transportation Corps History, Volume III. No date, 136 pages.

This is a parchment (carbon) copy of Larson’s draft chapter for what was eventually published by The Center of Military History as Chapter 10, The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas by Joseph Bykofsky and Harold Larson.



Griffiths, Robert K., Jr., The U.S. Army’s Transition to the All-Volunteer Force, 1968-1974 (1 st Draft). U.S. Army Center of Military History, no date. (Divided into 2 volumes for filing purposes only.)

This is the 1 st draft of a CMH volume published in 1996. Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1, To Raise and Support Armies: The Volunteer Principle and Military Service in the United States; Chapter 2, untitled; Chapter 3, Slicing the Pie; Chapter 4, Congress Disposes; Chapter 5, Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom: SAMVA and the Modern Volunteer Army Program; Chapter 6, VOLAR: The Volunteer Army Field Experiment; Chapter 7, Renaissance in Recruiting; Chapter 8 Pilgrim’s Progress: From Experiments to Transition; Chapter 9, The Last Year of the Draft; Chapter 10, Making It Work; Chapter 11, Unfinished Business: Medical Professionals and the Reserve Components; Chapter 12, Mission Complete: Assessment and the First Ten Years.



McNaughton, James C., Fixing the Language Problem: A Case Study in Joint Training Management. Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center: Presidio of Monterey, California, December 1995.

This is a research paper examining the management of the Defense Foreign Language Program during the post-war era. 95 pages



Conner, BG Fox, "Notes on Operations - B; Vicinity of Chateau Thierry and the Vesle River." 2 pages printed and map. (War Department File Number: WAR-9, 2-AEF-8B)

This is one of four “Notes on Operations” produce by "The Operations Section (G-3)” of the American Expeditionary Force after WWI. The volume "Notes on Operations - A; The American Expeditionary Forces Prior to July 15, 1918," is missing.


"Notes on Operations - C; Reduction of the St. Mihiel Salient." 4 pages printed and map. (War Department File Number: WAR-9, 2-AEF-8C)

This is one of four “Notes on Operations” produce by "The Operations Section (G-3)” of the American Expeditionary Force after WWI. The volume "Notes on Operations - A; The American Expeditionary Forces Prior to July 15, 1918," is missing.


"Notes on Operations - D; The Meuse-Argonne Operation. 4 pages printed and map. (War Department File Number: WAR-9, 2-AEF-8C)

This is one of four “Notes on Operations” produced by "The Operations Section (G-3)” of the American Expeditionary Force after WWI. The volume "Notes on Operations - A; The American Expeditionary Forces Prior to July 15, 1918," is missing.



Abraham, LTC Fred L., DAC; Ames, LTC Robert A., FA; Crawford, LTC Gerald E., (SigC); Felder, LTC Jerry W., ADA; Fogarty, Mr. Thomas J., NSA; Harnisch, LTC John M., FA; Moulton, Mr. Richard D, DIA; Taylor, Mr. Charles W., Project Adviser. “The Army Role in Space: A Study of Missions” by Mr.. (US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA) 13 May 1985

This research paper addresses the roles and missions of the U.S. Army that support U.S. national interests in space. 134 pp. Contents: abstract; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Intelligence and Electronic Warfare; Chapter 3: Communications; Chapter 4: Command and Control; Chapter 5: Close Combat; Chapter 6: Fire Support; Chapter 7: Air/Space Defense; Chapter 8: Combat Support; Chapter 9: The Theater Nuclear Battlefield; Chapter 10: Chemical and Biological Warfare; Chapter 11: Combat Service Support; Chapter 12: Organization for Space; Glossary; Bibliography; Annex A: Summary of Treaties Relevant to Outer Space. It lists two annexes that are published separately: Annex B (Intelligence) and Annex C (Electronic Warfare).


“Guide to Selected Student Research Elements (Resident and DCS) 1971 through 1978.” Carlisle Barracks, PA 17013. June 1979.

This guide lists selected papers prepared at the US Army War College by students of the classes 1971 to 1978. Part I—Students’ names in alphabetical order by school year, with code number to each paper. Part II—subject index. Part III-Alphabetical Listing by title.


Wilson, Colonel Franklin L., “Russian Naval Power in the Mediterranean: A Developing Challenge for NATO: A Monograph.” US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. 6 March 1972.

This monograph evaluates the Russian naval presence in the Mediterranean and its challenge to NATO forces, with data gathered from a literature search. Contents: Abstract; List of Tables; Introduction; The Mediterranean; NATO/US Interests and Objectives in the Mediterranean; Russian Interests and Objectives in the Mediterranean; Nature of the Threat; NATO Naval Forces in the Mediterranean; Allied Courses of Action; Footnotes; Selected Bibliography.


Vande Poele, Lieutenant Colonel Arthur R., Signal Corps “Retention of National Guard Personnel: A Problem for the Seventies”, 3 March 1972; US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. 64pp.

This report evaluates the problem of retaining experienced personnel within the National Guard in a time of no draft and the all-volunteer army. It examines three major retention factors in depth: training, junior NCO and junior officer inexperience, and incentives and benefits. Contents: Abstract; Chapter 1, Introduction—Background; Statement of the Problem; Chapter 2, Major Considerations Affecting Retention: Training; Junior NCO and Junior Officer Inexperience; Incentives and Benefits; Chapter III, Solutions to the Problems of Retention: Training; Junior NCO and Junior Officer Inexperience; Incentives and Benefits; Chapter IV, Summary and Recommendations; Selected Bibliography.


“History of the Field Artillery School, Volume I: 1911-1942.” Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 253 pp.

This monograph traces the history of the Field Artillery School from the years immediately preceding World War I to the beginning of US involvement in World War II. Contents: Preface, Chapter 1, the Development of Field Artillery, Chapter 2, Historical Background of the Field Artillery School, Chapter 3, Establishment and First Year of the School, Chapter 4, From Second Year to Closing in 1916, Chapter 5, the War Years, Chapter 6, From Demobilization to Consolidation, Chapter 7, Consolidation of the Artillery Schools, Chapter 8, The School Becomes Permanent: 1924-1930, Chapter 9, A New School in the Army, Chapter 10, From Disarmament by Example to Mobilization, Chapter 11, The Field Artillery School and the Second World War (1940-1941), Chapter 12, Four Hundred Officers a Week (Jan-Jun 1942), Appendices, Appendix I,Peacetime Training of Civilian Components at the Field Artillery school, Appendix II, Army Size and Expense Compared to National Population and Income.



Cunningham, Gregory Robert. “Michael Haves Brannigan Cunningham: the Fight to Preserve the Union,” February 12, 2004, 55 pp.

This monograph includes a short Civil War narrative concerning Corporal Michael Hayes Brannigan Cunningham of Company C, 18th Wisconsin Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers, followed by letters between Michael Cunningham and his fiancée, Hannah Cline and copies of original documents concerning his war service (including muster rolls).



Van Peer, Maj. Fred H., The Northern Territories Problem: A Key Factor in Soviet-Japanese Relations?” a thesis presented to the faculty of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Military Art and Science. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1982, 207 pp.

This thesis examines how the Kurile Islands issue has affected Russo-Japanese relations after World War II. Contents: Title Page, Thesis Approval page, Abstract, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, List of Figures and Appendices, Notes, Chapter 1, Introduction, Chapter 2, The Northern Territories Problem in Perspective, Chapter 3, The Northern Territories in Soviet-Japanese Relations, Chapter 4, Soviet-Japanese Relations in Perspective—A History of Diplomatic Failures, Chapter 5, Conclusions, Appendix, Bibliography.



Cohen, William S., Secretary of Defense, “Report of the Quadrennial Defense Review,” May 1997. A four-year review of the Defense Department’s future trends. 69 pp.

Contents: the Secretary’s Message, Section I, Design, Approach and Implementation of the Quadrennial Defense Review, Section II, the Global Security Environment, Section III, Defense Strategy, Section IV, Alternative Defense Postures, Section V, Forces and Manpower, Section VI, Force Readiness, Section VII, Transforming US Forces for the Future, Section VIII, Achieving a 21 st Defense Infrastructure, Section IX, Defense Resources, Section X, Comments by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Glossary.



“Joint Task Force Safe Border: United States Support for the Military Observer Mission, Ecuador/Peru,” prepared by the 44 th Military History Detachment, Headquarters, Forces Command, Fort McPherson, Georgia and the History Office, Headquarters, United States Army South, Fort Clayton, Panama, 127 pp. May 1998.

This monograph describes US Army South’s support for the implementation of a cease-fire between Peru and Ecuador after a 1995 border war. Content: Chapter 1, Regional History, Chapter II, United States Military Involvement, Chapter III, MOMEP Chapter IV, Joint Task Force Safe Border, Chapter V, MOMEP/Safe Border Activity Locations, Chapter VI, MOMEP II, Chapter VII, MOMEP III, Chapter VIII, Subsequent Safe Border Rotations, Chapter IX, Unique Incidents and Missions, Chapter X, Transition, Endnotes, Appendix A, Acronyms and Abbreviations, Appendix B, Chronology, Appendix C, Personnel.



McCabe Colonel E.R. Warner, “The Military Intelligence Division, War Department General Staff,” Lecture Delivered at the War College, Washington, DC, 3 January 1940, G-2 Course No. 4, 1939-1940. 16 pp., plus maps.



“Order of Battle Information: Chinese Communist Regular Ground Forces, China, Manchuria and Korea.” General Headquarters, Far East Command, Military Intelligence Section, General Staff, Intelligence Division, 9 December 1951. 14 pp, plus extensive maps and charts.

This short monograph lists and describes major Chinese Army units circa 1951. Contents: Section I, General, Section II, Composition, Numerical Strength, and Relative Combat Effectiveness of Major Field Commands (Excluding Korean Contingent), Section III, Regional Structure and Deployment, Section IV, Composition, Numerical Strength, and Combat Effectiveness of Korean Contingent, Section V, Replacement and Reinforcement Methods, Section VI, Disposition of Identified Units, Regular Ground Forces, Section VII, Major Ground Force Training Activities and Soviet Assistance Program, Maps and Charts.


Pownall, Henry “Korean Campaign Medals 1950-53,” 1954. 10 pp.

This pamphlet features pictures and descriptions of Korean War medals from 22 countries that participated, including the United States, North Korea, China, South Korea, Ethiopia, Colombia, Britain and Australia. Two copies.



General Headquarters, Far East Command, Military Intelligence Section, General Staff, Theater Intelligence Division, Operations Branch, “Order of Battle Information, Chinese Communist Fourth Field Army,” November 1950, 25 pp.

This monograph provides a detailed description of the Chinese Fourth Field Army during the early Korean War, with maps. It covers the Army and its subunits’ historical background, commanders, combat effectiveness, and composition. Contents: I, Chinese Communist Fourth Field Army, II: Reference Maps, III, Subordinate Commands of Fourth Field Army, IV, Organizational Charts, V, Biographical Sketches.



General Headquarters, Far East Command, Military Intelligence Section, General Staff, Theater Intelligence Division, Operations Branch, “Order of Battle Information, Chinese Communist Third Field Army,” March 1951, 32 pp., plus extensive maps and charts

This monograph lays out the historical background, commanders, combat effectiveness, and composition of the Chinese Communist Third Field Army and subordinate commands. Contents: I. Chinese Communist Third Army, II, Reference Maps, III. Subordinate Commands of Third Field Army, IV, Organizational Charts, V Biographical Sketches.


“Order of Battle Information Chinese Communist Forces in Korea, Table of Organization and Equipment.” October 1951.

A collection of charts describing basic Chinese units, including armies, infantry regiments, battalions.


Berg, Ken, “Battle of the Bulge.” Manuscript (on paper and CD).

A collection of personal reminiscences, narratives, photographs, copies of original documents, lists of medal winners, etc, involving the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. Includes detailed chronology.



Von Luttichau, Charles V.P. “Guerrilla and Counterguerrilla Warfare in Russia During World War II,” Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington, DC 1963. 167 pp.

This monograph analyzes Russian partisan warfare and the German response to same during World War II. Contents: Introduction, Chapter I, The Setting, Chapter II, The Origins-June-December 1941, Chapter III, Periods of Growth, December 1941-August 1942, Chapter IV, Maturity and Decline—Fall 1942-Summer 1944, Glossary, Bibliography.


Frieser, Karl-Heinz, “The Blitzkrieg Myth: the 1940 Campaign in the West”, Manuscript. Office of Military History Research, 1995, 561 pp.

Written by a German historian, this monograph seeks to explode the myth that the German High Command planned the invasion of France in 1940 as a modern blitzkrieg. Quick and devastating campaigns, he argues, have been common throughout history and are not necessarily the result of modern armored warfare (though the latter certainly facilitate rapid victories). Contents: Publisher’s Foreword, Author’s Preface, Introduction: “The Miracle of 1940,”, First Part: “The Lightning War: Word and Concept,” Second Part: “Lightning War Without Lightning War: Concept on the Background of the Campaign in the West, Third Part: Struggle Over the “Sickle Cut” Plan, Fourth Part: The 1940 Ardennes Offensive, Fifth Part, The Decisive Battle: The Breakthrough of the Guderian Panzer Corps at Sedan, Sixth Part, The Collapse of the Maas Front, Seventh Part, The Push to the Channel Coast and the Problem of the “Exposed Flank,” Eighth Part, the “Miracle of Dunkirk,” Ninth Part, The End of the Campaign in the West, Tenth Part, Causes of Victory and Defeat, Summary, Epilogue: The Delusion of the “Worldwide Lightning War,” Sources of Bibliography, Bibliography, Index of Personalities.



Egan, David, “The Americans in France: The Doughboys (1917-19), GIs (1944-1945), and the Troops (1949-68),” Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture ( USA), 1993.

This monograph is a compendium of original documents, maps, photographs, personal impressions, and reproduced newspaper articles concerning the presence of American soldiers in France from World War I to 1968.



Francis, Lt. Col. Bob L., USAF. “Economy to be Derived from Unification” by 525-50-06183FR,a research report submitted to the faculty. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, April 1973, 49 pp.

This short paper examines whether the US government could achieve major economies by unifying the armed forces. As a pointer to the future, the author looks at the Canadian experiment in such unification, plus British efforts toward same. Contents: Abstainer, Summary, Chapter I: Introduction, Chapter II: The Canadian Approach to Unification, Chapter III: The British Approach to Unification, Chapter IV: Tentative US Moves Toward Unification, Chapter V: Economy That Might Be Anticipated From Unification, Chapter VI: Conclusions; Notes, Bibliography.



Hill, Captain Georgia D., Women’s Army Corps, “Women and the Soviet Armed Forces,” 1 June 1961, the U.S. Army Institute of Advanced Russian Studies, 95 pp.

This paper describes the role played by women in the Soviet Army during World War II and their role in the 1960s Soviet Army, with pointers to the future. Contents: List of Tables, Introduction, Chapter I: Authority for Women in the Soviet Armed Forces, Chapter II: The Role of Women in the Soviet Armed Forces During World War II, Chapter III: Current Military Status and Military Training of Soviet Women, Chapter IV, Prospective Role of Women in the Soviet Armed Forces in the Event of Mobilization, Appendix, Bibliography.



“An Evaluation Report of Mobilization and Deployment Capability Based on Exercises NIFTY NUGGET-78 and REX-78,” June 30, 1980, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 23 pp.

This brief report analyzes the conduct and results of two crucial mobilization exercises of the late 1970s. It finds across-the-board shortfalls in logistics and coordination. Contents: Chapter I: Introduction. Chapter II: The Exercises and the Evaluation. Chapter III: Management of the Mobilization and Deployment System. Chapter IV: Manpower. Chapter V: Logistics, Chapter VI: Conclusions. Appendix: Exercise NIFTY NUGGET/REX-78 Participants.



Parker, Brig. Gen. T.W., Artillery Officer, Eighth Army, “A Study of the Employment and Effectiveness of the Artillery with the Eighth Army During the Period October 1951-July 1953,” 52 pp.

This paper examines the use of Eighth Army Artillery during the latter part of the Korean War, when both sides occupied static positions. Contents: Foreword, Preface, Introduction, The General Situation, The Nature of the Enemy, Employment of Weapons and Organization for Combat, Reliefs, Employment of Divisional AA AW Battalions, Employment of Searchlights, Fire Support Coordination, Target Locating Agencies, Meteorological Service, Survey and Maps, Time Fire, Calibration, Evaluation of Ammunition Expenditures, Communications, Materiel and Ammunition, Organization of Positions, Personnel and Welfare Problems, Utilization of KATUSA Personnel, Supervision and Control of ROKA Artillery, Evaluation of Enemy Artillery, Summary, Conclusions, Appendix 1: UN and Enemy Field Artillery Strength, Appendix II: Ammunition.



“Implementing Plan, Reserve Forces Act—1955.” Department of the Army ,1955, 75 pp.

This pamphlet guides Army agencies in the implementation of the Reserve Forces Act of 1955. Contents: Section I: General, Section II: Major Provisions, Section III: Responsibilities; Annexes: Annex A: Training Plan, Annex B: Personnel and Administration, Annex C: Logistical Support. Appendices: 1. Supply Plan, 2. Facilities Plan.



“Army Science and Technology Master Plan,” Volumes 1 and 2. November 1992, Department of the Army. Volume 1, 334 pp., Volume 2, 310 pp.

These volumes describe the Army’s plans to enhance warfare with sophisticated technology. Volume I contains the main text, Volume II the annexes and addenda to that text. Contents, Volume 1: Letters of Transmittal, Preface, Chapter I: Strategy and Overview, Chapter II: Systems and Technology Demonstrations, Chapter III: Key Emerging Technologies, Chapter IV: Science Base, Chapter V: Resolution of Systemic Problems, Chapter VI: Supporting Capabilities, Chapter VII: Interfaces, Appendix: Glossary. Contents, Vol. 2: Annexes: A. Science and Technology Objectives (STOs); B: Interaction With Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC); C: System Descriptions; D: Advanced Technology Demonstrations (ATDs), E. Battlefield Dynamics, F. Additional Technology Demonstrations, G. Strategic Defense and Theater Missile Defense Technologies, H. International Armaments Cooperation Strategy and Implementation Plans.



Bernstein, Dr. Lewis ; Lang, Ms. Sharon, Walker, Dr. James A. “The Eastern Mandates Campaign: A Staff Ride Guide for Operation FLINTLOCK: The Seizure of Kwajalein Atoll.” The US Army Space and Missile Command Historical Office, 2004. 203 pp.

This guide provides an extensive historical background as well as an operational narrative for the FLINTLOCK operation. Contents: Command Historian’s Preface and Acknowledgments; US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Data Sheet; Introduction; The Colonial Period: Spanish, German and Japanese, 1550-1943; Japanese and American Post-War Planning, 1904-1938; The Japanese-American Road to War, 1940-1941; Wartime Actions and Planning, 1941-1943; The First Test of Amphibious Assault: Tarawa; The Marshalls Decided On; Organization and Command of Operation Flintlock; The Campaign Begins, November 1943; The Assault Begins, 31 January 1944; The Seizure of Kwajalein, 1-4 February 1944; The Roi-Namur Assault Begins, 31 January 1944; Roi-Namur Captured, 1-2 February 1944 and the Seizure of Engebi and Eniwetok; Strategic and Tactical Significance of the Marshall Islands Campaign; Self-Guided Battlefield tour; Appendices.



Crawford, John F. “My Share of the Big One,” 1992, 96 pp.

The diary of a World War II Army Air Force veteran, this chronicle begins on December 7, 1941 and ends on March 26, 1945. Having misplaced the third volume of his original diary, the author adds a narrative coda that summarizes his recollections of his remaining war service.



“Handbook for Military Government in Germany, Prior to Defeat or Surrender.” Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, Office of the Chief of Staff, December 1944. Approx. 400 pages.

This extensive handbook lays out the blueprint for governing areas of Germany occupied by Allied forces before German defeat or formal surrender. It covers such subjects as civil administration, eradication of Nazism, public safety, and public health, to name a few. Contents: Part I: General Policy Governing Organization and Administration of Military Government in Germany Prior to Defeat or Surrender; Chapter I: Introductory; Chapter II: Plan for Operation of Military Government Prior to Defeat or Surrender; Chapter III: Political and General; Chapter IV: Proclamation, Laws, and Ordinances for the Supreme Commander’s Area of Control; Part II: (Reserved for future use) Part III: Background Material and Functional Policy for Use by Military Government Officers in the Field; Chapter I: Civil Administration; Chapter II: Eradication of Nazism; Chapter III: Finance and Property Control; Chapter IV: Public Safety; Chapter V: Legal, Chapter VI: Public Health; Chapter VII: Public Welfare; Chapter VIII: Displaced Persons and Refugees; Chapter IX: Labour; Chapter X: Education and Religious Affairs; Chapter XI: Agriculture, Food and Food Distribution; Chapter XII: Supply; Chapter XIII: Industry, Trade, Public Utilities, Rationing and Price Control (Other Than Food); Chapter XIV: Posts, Telephone, Telegraph and Radio Services; Chapter XV: Transportation; Chapter XVI: Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives; Chapter XVII, Reports, Information and Historical; Chapter XVIIII: Check List for Mil. Gov. Officers; Appendices: A. Military Government Technical Manuals—Germany; B. Finance and Property Control Documents, C. Psychological Warfare and the Control of the German Information Service; D. Instructions to Reich Minister of Posts; E. Receipt for Supplies to be Furnished by the Supreme Commander.



“Arsenal for the Brave: A History of the United States Army Materiel Command, 1962-1968,” Historical Office, U.S. Army Materiel Command, 30 September 1969, 306 pp.

This narrative covers the first four years of the Army Materiel Command, from conception to operations in Vietnam. Contents: Chapter I: Backing into a Buzz Saw. Chapter II: In the Buzz Saw, Chapter III: Sixty Men With Four Stars, Chapter IV: Shaping the Weapons to Come, Chapter V: Shopping for Defense; Chapter VI: Materiel: Move, Chapter VII: Materiel: Shoot, Chapter VIII: Materiel: Communicate and See, Chapter IX: International Arsenal, Chapter X: The Challenge of Sea, Chapter XI: Readiness Crisis in Vietnam, Chapter XII: What Was and Might Be, Appendix: AMC Key Supervisors and Executives, List of Project Managers, List of Approved Closed Loop Support Programs.


Jones, Ed “History of the 137 th Signal Radio Intelligence Company, WWII,” 107 pp.

A narrative of the Company’s World War II service, interspersed with numerous photographs and original documents.


“Brief Histories of Divisions, U.S. Army, 1917-1918.” Prepared in the Historical Branch, War Plans Division, General Staff, June 1921, 93 pp.

This compendium of short narratives describes the activities of all U.S. Army divisions in World War I, starting with the 1 st Division and ending with the 100th Division (never actually formed, but conceptualized).



“Plunder and Restitution: Findings and Recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States and Staff Report,” December 2000. 277 pp.

This comprehensive report describes efforts by the U.S. government to return stolen assets to Holocaust victims after World War II. Contents: Transmittal Letter, Commission Members, Introduction, Findings: Implementation of Restitution Policy in Europe, Implementation of Restitution Policy in the United States, Agreements Negotiated by the Commission in the Public and Private Sectors, The Context of the Commission’s Recommendations, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, Appendices. Staff Report: Executive Summary, Chapter I: The History of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States and Its Report, Chapter II: From Nazi Appropriation to U.S. Control, Chapter III: Assets in the United States, Chapter IV: Assets in Europe, Chapter V: Restitution of Victim’s Assets, Chapter VI: Heirless Assets and the Role of Jewish Cultural Reconstruction, Inc., Chapter VII: Conclusion, Abbreviations and Glossary, Chronology of Key Events, Bibiography, List of Tables.



Horvath, Sgt. Rudolf G. RA-10812064, “A Chronicle of the Role ‘Lodge Act’ Enlistees had in Formation of the 10 th Special Forces Group (Abn.)” 23pp.

A former Lodge Act volunteer details his experiences in the Special Forces, which he joined after escaping from then-communist Hungary. He details the role such volunteers played in establishing the Special Forces. Contents: Foreword, Part 1: The “Iron Curtain,” Part 2: The “Lodge Act,” Part 3: the 10 th S.F.G. (Abn.), Closure. Includes article from Special Warfare magazine.



Shrader, Charles R. History of Operations Research in the United States Army Volume I: 1942-1962. Written under contract DASW01-02-D-10016; DO3 to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 312 pp.

This monograph traces operations research in the US Army from World War II to the cusp of the Vietnam War. Contents: List of Tables and Illustrations, Foreword, Preface, Prologue, Chapter 1: Operations Research in World War II, Chapter 2:The Post-War Era, 1945-1950, Chapter 3: The Expansion of Army Operations Research, 1950-1962, Chapter 4: OR and Combat Developments, 1960-1962, Chapter 5: The State of Army Operations Research, March 1963, Epilogue, Appendix A: Biographical Sketches, Appendix B: AAF Operations Analysis Elements in World War II, Appendix C: The Army Research and Development Program, 1924-1962, Glossary, Selected Bibliography of Works Cited.


Fiks, Alfred I., and McCrary, John W. “Some Language Aspects of the US Advisory Role in South Vietnam.” November 1963, Research Memorandum AD 434056, Task: MALT I, George Washington University, Human Resources Research Office, Alexandria, VA. 18 pp. text, plus sample of a Vietnamese Specialist Questionnaire.

A survey of language issues encountered by US military advisers in the early years of the Vietnam War (1963). The narrative examines responses to a series of questions asked American officers regarding their verbal communications with South Vietnamese counterparts.



“A Guide for Military Attaches.” The Director, Military Intelligence Division, US Army, Washington, DC, April 21, 1921. 78pp.

This handbook starts by giving background in military intelligence (from ancient times to 1921) and then describes a military attache’s required qualifications, training, mission, diplomatic status and so forth. Contents: Glossary, Chapter I: Brief History of Military Intelligence, Chapter II: The Requisites of a Military Attache, Chapter III: The Preliminary Training and Development of a Military Attache, Chapter IV: The Mission of a Military Attache, Chapter V: The Conduct of a Military Attache, Chapter VI: Diplomatic Status, Precedence and Procedure, Chapter VII: The Arrival of a Military Attache at His Point and His Subsequent Relations with the Foreign Government, Chapter VIII: Diplomatic Forms of Official and Social Correspondence, Chapter IX: Foreign Military Attaches, Chapter X: Office Organization and Work, and Relations With Military Intelligence Division, Chapter XI: Codes and Ciphers,



Atlas/Data Abstract for the United States and Selected Areas. Report DIOR/L03-96, Department of Defense, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (DIOR), Fiscal Year 1996. 159 pp.

This digest of statistical information lists (among other things) the US military’s number of personnel, amount of expenditures and bases in the fifty states plus 17 foreign countries from Australia to the United Kingdom ( Britain). Contents: Introduction, Maps and Statistical Summaries, State/Area.



Stofft, Brig Gen.William A., Cowdrey, Albert E., General Editor. The Leader’s Guide to Army History. Center of Military History mss. 1987. approx. 800 pp. Includes two folders of documents concerning the making of this manuscript.

The Center of Military History intended this manuscript to instruct Army officers on the role of history in military leadership. It includes chapters on each of America’s major wars, each written by a different historian, plus chapters on Army social history, technology and doctrine, and historical resources, to name a few examples. Contents: Part I: Why Military History? Part 2: The Army in America’s wars, The Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, The Mexican War, the Civil War, the Indian Wars, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World II: Introduction and the War in Europe, World War II: the Pacific War, the Vietnam War, Part 3: the Army in American Society, An Introduction to the Army’s Social History, Technology and Doctrine, Army Official History, Unit History, The Military History Detachment in Time of War, Military History in the Army School System, Historical Resources, The Staff Ride.



Quirk, Major Richard J. III, “The Artist’s Approach to Military Decision-Making at the Operational Level.” 43 pp. Date not given, possibly 1986-7.

This short paper addresses urges a revision of the Army decisionmaking process. In the author’s view, the decisionmaking process relies too heavily on staff predictions, takes too much time and stifles initiative. Instead, he argues, commanders should rely on factual information and address operational risks as they are identified. Contents: Introduction, Functions of the Staff, Needs of the Artist, The Current System, The Non-Predictive Process, Summary, Conclusions, Endnotes, Bibliography.


Finke, Detmar H., “US Army, Organization and Operations, 1775-1801: 1778,” Center of Military History, 47 pp.

This paper presents a detailed chronology of Revolutionary War events that involved the Continental Army during the year 1778. The author covers the New York and New Jersey campaigns, the Northwest and the West.


Simchick, Julius A. Command and Command Structure, 1962 to 1988. CECOM Historical Office, US Army Communications Electronics Command. FY 1988, 61pp.

This monograph contains a short narrative concerning the development of the Communications Electronics Command’s command structure. Numerous organizational charts detailing that command structure and capsule biographies of CECOM’s commanding generals make up the bulk of the paper. Contents: Fort Monmouth, Command and Command Structure, Notes, Organization Charts, Biographies, Index, Glossary.


The Secretary of the Army’s Senior Review Panel Report on Sexual Harassment. Two Volumes, two copies of each (three copies of volume 2). July 1997. Volume I: 158 pp. Volume II (Data Report): 448 pp.

Inspired by sexual harassment incidents at Aberdeen, MD, this report presents the findings and recommendations of the Secretary of the Army’s Senior Review Panel. Volume 1 presents the basic narrative (plus detailed chronology), Volume 2 numerous survey forms concerning sexual harassment, plus statistical results of said surveys. Volume I, Contents: Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Forwarding Letter: Report of the Secretary of the Army’s Senior Review Panel on Sexual Harassment, Part I: Introduction, Part II: Recommendations, Part III: Senior Review Panel Assessment: the Equal Opportunity Program, The Extent and Impact of Sexual Harassment and Sex Discrimination, Leadership, Initial Entry Training; Epilog, Annex A: Senior Review Panel Charter, Annex B: Panel Member Biographies, Annex C: Acronyms/Abbreviations, Annex D: Installations and Locations Visited, Annex E: Review of Policies, Annex F: Events Connected With Equal Opportunity in the Army Since 1947, Annex G: Contemporary Military Documents Relating to Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment in the Uniformed Army, Annex H: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program, Annex I: Bibliography. Volume II: Table of Contents: Executive Summary, Forwarding Letter, List of Tables, List of Figures, Part I: Introduction, Part II: Survey Results, Senior Review Panel (SRP) Army Survey, Trainee Survey, Trainer Survey, Part III: Focus Group Results, Military Focus Groups, Trainee Focus Groups, Trainer Focus Groups, Part IV: Individual Review Results, Military Leader Interviews, Equal Opportunity Advisor Interviews, Mental Health Provider Interviews, Judge Advocate Interviews. Annex A: SRP Army Wide Survey Form A, Data; Annex B: SRP Army Wide Survey Form B; Annex C: SRP Army Wide Survey Form S; Annex D: Trainee Survey; Data; Annex E: Trainer Survey; Data; Annex F: Military Focus Group Protocol; Data Slides; Annex G: Trainee Focus Group Protocol; Data Slides; Annex H: Trainer Focus Group Protocol; Data Slides; Annex I: Military Leader Interview Protocol; Data Slides; Annex J: Equal Opportunity Advisor Interview Protocol; Data Slides; Annex K: Mental Health Provider Interview Protocol; Annex L: Judge Advocate General Interview Protocol; Annex M: Civilian Focus Group Protocol; Data Slides; Annex M: Civilian Focus Group Protocol; Data Slides; Annex N: Civilian Manager Interview Protocol; Data Slides; Annex O: Equal Opportunity Officer Interviews; Data Slides.



Medal of Honor Recipients 1863-1973, prepared for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, United States Senate, Vance Hartke, Chairman. US Government Printing Office. October 22, 1973. 1,231 pp.

This Congressional report 1 lists citations for all American military personnel who won the Congressional Medal of Honor, by war (from Civil War onward, with citations), state and name. Contents: Preface, Part I: Historical Background, Part II: Citations of Award of the Medal of Honor, by war, conflict or campaign: Civil War, Indian Campaigns, Interim, 1866-1870; Korean Campaign, 1871; Interim: 1871-1898; War With Spain; Philippine Insurrection; China Relief Expedition—Boxer Rebellion; Interim: 1901-1911; Action Against Outlaws—Philippines, 1911; Mexican Campaign (Vera Cruz); Haitian Campaign, 1915; Interim, 1915-1916; Dominican Campaign; World War I; Haitian Campaign, 1919-1920; Second Nicaraguan Campaign; Interim, 1920-1940; Medals of Honor Awarded to the Unknowns; World War II; Korean Conflict; Vietnam Conflict (1964-1973); Part III: Medal of Honor Recipients by State; Part IV: Medal of Honor Alphabetical Index; Part V: Documentary Background on the Medal of Honor; Part VI: Bibliography; Part VII: Guide to Illustrations.



Medal of Honor 1863-1968, prepared for the Subcommittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate. US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1968, 845 pp.

An earlier version of the 1973 volume on Medal of Honor recipients. The table of contents is the same, save for the absence of a preface. The Vietnam list goes only to 1968.



Decorations, US Army, 1862-1926. War Department, Office of the Adjutant General, 1926 (with addenda from 1937 and 1939). 845 pp.

This report lists recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, and Distinguished Service Medal from 1862 to 1926. Supplements 1-3 add in the Soldier’s Medal and Distinguished Flying Cross for the period 1927-1939. Contents: Alphabetical List of Awards of the Congressional Medal of Honor;Alphabetical List of Awards of the Distinguished Service Cross in National Groups (including American and French); Alphabetical List of the Distinguished Service Medal in National Groups (American, Belgian, British, French, Italian, Japanese, Argentinians, Rumanians, Russians, Serbs), Members of the Army in Lieu of the Certificate of Merit, Supplement 1: American Decorations, A list of Awards of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Distinguished Service Cross, the Distinguished Service Medal, the Soldier’s Medal, and The Distinguished Flying Cross, January 1, 1927-June 30, 1937 (77 pp.); Supplement II: July 1, 1937-June 30, 1938 (8 pp.); Supplement III: July 1, 1938-June 30, 1939 (11 pp.)



The National Defense Act, Approved June 3, 1916 as amended to January 1, 1945, inclusive, with related acts and notes. The Pay Adjustment Act, Approved June 16, 1942 as amended to January 1, 1945, inclusive, with related acts and notes; Army Pay Tables, January 1945. Prepared for the Use of the Committee on Military Affairs, United States Senate, 79 th Congress, 1945, 275 pp.

This Congressional document contains the text of the National Defense Act of 1916 (with updates), along with those of the Pay Adjustment Act (with updates) and military pay tables circa 1945. Contents: The National Defense Act, The Pay Adjustment Act of 1942, Army Pay Tables, Table I: Statutes, Table II: United States Code, Index.



“Bulletins, Circulars, 1948-1961.” Department of the Army 1961. Approx. 300 pp.

Contents: Army Bulletins 2 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, various circulars.



“Preventive Medicine Technical Guide,” compiled and published by 20 th Preventive Medicine Unit (Svc) (Fld). Bien Hoa, Vietnam, 1968. 87 pp.

This compendium of medical information includes lists of official publications, methods of treatment, methods of sanitation, veterinary procedures, and so forth. Contents: Section I: Official Publications Most Useful to Preventive Medicine Personnel, Section II: General Information, Section III: Environmental Sanitation, Section IV: Entomology; Section V: Veterinary, Section VI: Epidemiology, Section VII: Occupational Hygiene.



Cummins, Kent. “50 th Anniversary of World War II: MWR Ideabook: A Program Planning Resource.” United States Army Community and Family Support Center, Alexandria, VA. 44 pp.

This handbook presents recreational ideas for military morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) staff in planning 50 th anniversary of World War II commemorative events. Contents: Purpose, WWII Commemorative Community Fact Sheet, Installation/Community, Clubs and Recreation Centers, Bowling and Golf, Travel-Related Programs, Entertainment Programs, Arts and Crafts, Child Development and Youth Services, Specialty Resource Ideas, Resource Guide, WWII Events Chronology, Graphics.



Organization and Functions: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations, United States Army, April 1957. 53 pp.

This short monograph presents organizational diagrams and defines the functions of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations, including those of its subdivisions. Contents: Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations; Program and Budget Group; Office, ODCSOPS Executive: Executive, Administrative Office, Joint Action Control Office; Office, Director of Army Aviation; Office, Director of Operations: Operations Coordinating Board Affairs, Air Defense Division, Deployments Division, Europe and Middle East Division, Far East and Pacific Division, Western Hemisphere Division; Office, Director of Plans: National Security Council Section, Army War Plans Division, Joint War Plans Division, International and Policy Planning Division, Mobilization Planning Division; Office, Director of Organization and Training: Director, Doctrines and Combat Developments Division, Organization Division, Training Division; Office, Director of Guided Missiles: Director, Surface-to-Air Missiles Division, Surface to Surface Missile Division, Special Weapons Division, Review and Analysis Division.



Organization and Functions: Headquarters, Continental Army Command. Continental Army Command, February 1955. 117 pp.

This monograph defines the Continental Army Command’s functions and organization, including those of all its subsections. Contents: Office of the Commanding General, Delineation of Staff Responsibilities for Those Functions Wherein Responsibility is Divided, Comptroller Section, Combat Developments, G1 Section, G2 Section, G3 Section, G4 Section, Development and Test Section, Finance and Accounting Section, Combat Arms Section, Adjutant General Section, Chaplain Section, Provost Marshal Section, Information Section, Chemical Section, Engineer Section, Medical Section, Ordnance Section, Quartermaster Section, Signal Section, Transportation Section, CONARC Liaison Group, Pentagon; Army Participation Group, Navy Special Devices Center; Headquarters Commandant Office, Liaison Officers to CONARC, Annexes: Annex A: CONARC Responsibilities Toward the Department of the Army Operations Research Office (ORO) Program; Annex B: Procedures for Establishing Equipment Requirements; Annex C: Review of Operations Research Office Publications.



Health and Sanitation Study, South Vietnam. AP-325-6-1-68-INT, Defense Intelligence Agency, September 1968. 83 pp.

A study prepared at the request of the US Navy’s Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, this paper examines the health and sanitation conditions in South Vietnam. Contents: A. General, B. Environmental Health Factors: Topography and Climate, Socioeconomic Features: Demography, Living Conditions, Nutrition, Customs and Religion, Addictions; Sanitary Engineering: Water Supply, Waste Disposal, Pollution Problems, Fauna of Medical Importance; Flora of Medical Importance, C. Epidemiology: General, Diseases of Military Importance, D. Public Health Services, Organization and Administration, Programs, Public Health Laws, Social Services, Emergency Medical Services and Civil Defense. E. Medical Facilities: Hospitals, Medical Laboratories, Blood Banks, F. Medical Personnel and Training, Personnel, Training, G. Medical Materiel, H. Research and Development, List of Figures.


Historical Division, Office of the Surgeon General. “Medical Officers Who Have Made Contributions of Worth to the Science of Medicine.” June 1949. 74 pp.

A compendium that lists military officers who have made notable contributions to certain areas of medicine, followed by capsule biographies of these officers.


Clarey, David A. Office of the Inspector General of the Army, Center of Military History. The Inspectors General of the Army (1821-1881). Part Two. 495 pp; Part Three, “A Tradition of an Inspection Department,” 392 pp. Part Four, 243 pp. “The Inspector General’s Department of the New Army (1898-1903). 1987.

Three parts of a four-manuscript on the Army’s Inspectors General, going from the post-War of 1812 period to the post-Spanish Civil War era. Contents, Part Two: Chapter 12: With a View to the More Perfect Inspection: Establishing the Inspectors General of the Army (1821-1825); Chapter 13: I am Desirous of Being Well Informed: Inspection and the Rise and Decline of the Commanding General (1826-1849); Chapter 14: Crazy Things Indeed: Wool and Croghan Report the State of the Army; Chapter 15: What Do You Want With Ten Brigadier Generals?: the Inspectors General Between Two Wars; Chapter 16: Only So Many Independent Inspectors: The Evolution of the Inspectorate During the Civil War (1861-1865); Chapter 17: The Inspection Service Was Not What It Is Now: Securing a Permanent Place in the Army (1865-1866); Chapter 18: The Establishment is an Exceedingly Simple One: Edmund Schriver and the Foundations of a Bureaucracy (1867-1869); Chapter 19: This Interpolated Circumlocution Office: Marcy and the Advent of the Inspector General’s Department (1878-1881); Chapter 20: The Best-Fed and Worst-Housed Army in the World: Marcy and the Changing State of the Army (1870-1881).

Contents, Part Three: Chapter 21: The Gentlemen of This Department are Gentlemen of Rank: The Passing of the Inspectorate’s Old Guard (1881-1889); Chapter 22: We Must Now Treat the Soldier as a Fellow Man: The Inspectors and the Army in Transition; Chapter 23: Be Sure You Are Right, Then Go Ahead: Inspector General Breckinridge’s Bureaucratic Empire (1889-1898); Chapter 24: “Duties Which Require the Most Technical and Exacting Attention: the Inspector General’s Department in Service to The Secretary (1889-1898).” Chapter 25: “A Tendency Toward Improvement As Funds Become Available: Inspectors, Surgeons, and The Army’s New Living Conditions (1889-1898).” Chapter 26: The Army Has Fair Cause to Remember: the Attainment of Reform During the Age of Breckinridge.

Part Four, Contents: Chapter 27: Do You Mind Telling Me What General You Are?: The Inspector General’s Department in the War With Spain. Chapter 28: The Problem of the Future Has Also to Be Met: Inspecting the New Army (1898-1903). Chapter 29: The Important Military Event of the Year: Inspection and the Reorganization of the War Department (1898-1903). Chapter 30: And In Doing Good, Let Us Not Fail: L’Envoi (1903) Appendix A: Inspectors General of the U.S. Army, 1775-1903. Appendix B: Bibliography.



US Army Major Item Supply Management Agency (MISMA), “MIDA/MISMA Book 3.” 1963. Approximately 250 pp.

A collection of narratives and documents about the Major Item Supply Management Agency (MISMA), which became a sub-command of the Army Materiel Command (under a different name). Most cover the transition of MISMA to the Major Item Data Agency (MIDA) (its immediate successor command).



Sachs, Alexander. “Early History Atomic Project in Relation to President Roosevelt, 1939-40,” 1945. 100 pp.

This is a collection of correspondence, short articles and documents collected by Alexander Sachs that concerns the earliest days of the American atomic bomb project, predating US entry into World War II. It traces efforts of various scientists and government officials to persuade President Franklin D. Roosevelt to pursue an atomic program (Given the German threat). Among others, the collection contains letters from top scientists like Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard.



Department of the Army Bulletin 14, “The National Defense Act, 3 June 1916,” as amended. 29 August 1955. 299 pp.

This collection of documents concerning revisions to the 1916 Defense Act includes the original text of the act, plus 1920 revisions (along with those made afterwards).



Army Materiel Command. “Authorization of Distinctive Unit Insignia (DUI) for DARCOM Major Subordinate Commands.” 1984. 64 pp., plus numerous transparencies of suggested crests.

This collection of documents and sample insignia illustrates the Army Materiel’s 1984 attempt to create a distinctive insignia for its subordinate commands. Contents: Tab A: Original AMC Guidance, Tab B: Letter to Depots, Tab C: Special Committee Submissions; Tab D: Submissions from Depots; E: Motto Suggestions.



Major Item Data Agency (MIDA; subordinate agency of Army Materiel Command), “Organizations and Functions,” MIDAR 10-2, 1963 Through 1974.

This collection includes organization manuals for the Major Item Data Agency from 1963 to 1974.



Major Item Data Agency, Manual of Organization. 2 September 1975, 148 pp., plus General Orders, 1957 to 1963.

This 1975 organizational manual also includes general orders covering the years 1957 to 1973, specifically assumptions of command and retirements. Contents: Manual of Organization, USA Major Item Data Agency, 2 September 1975; General Orders, MISMA, for the following years: 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962.



Major Item Data Agency, “201-07, Reference Paper Files,”General Orders, 1964-1973. 78 pp.

A collection of the Major Item Data Agency’s General Orders from 1964 to 1973, mostly covering assumptions of command, retirements and awards of medals.



US Army Depot System Command. “Establishment of the US Army Depot System Command.” 1976. Approx. 300 pp.

This collection details the transfer of Major Item Data Agency functions to a new agency, the Depot System Command. It includes organizational charts and breakdowns, plus an extensive operating manual.



Author Unspecified, The King Who Killed His People. 312 pp., Typescript, with hand-drawn battle maps and charts.

Written by a former Iraqi general who served under Saddam Hussein, this monograph describes the dictator’s often disastrous military ventures, from the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88 to the Persian Gulf War of 1991, and his general rule in Iraq. The author provides a detailed section on the Halabja incident, in which the Iraqi Army killed large numbers of Kurds. He concludes with a plan under which Iraq could achieve democratic government. Contents: Part 1: Introduction: Rider on a Wounded Horse; Part 2: Leadership; Part 3: Who is Saddam Hussein? Chapter 1: His Personality; Chapter 2: How He Came to the Throne: Dawn of Killing; Part 4: The First Catastrophe: The Iran-Iraq War; Chapter 1: Introduction to the War, Chapter 2, Stages of the Iran-Iraq War, Chapter 3, The Battle of Muhammara, Chapter 4, The Air War, Chapter 5, The Harvest of Catastrophe, Chapter 6, Analysis of the Catastrophe, Part 5: The Halabja Catastrophe: Chapter 1, The Road to Halabja, Chapter 2: The Halabja Tragedy; Part 6-The Third Catastrophe: Mother of All Battles: Chapter 1: The Idiotic Challenge, Chapter 2: The Great Gamble, Chapter 3: The Scenario That Never Happened; Part 7-The Fourth Catastrophe: The March Intifadha; Part 8-The Future of My Country: Chapter 1: A New Horizon for Iraq, Chapter 2: What Kind of Democracy Does Iraq Need?



Author Unspecified. “The Golden Day.” Two Drafts: First Draft, 1985, 42 pp. second draft, 12 July 1985, 57pp. Typescript.

A short monograph on the 24 th Infantry Regiment, US Army, that gives an outline history of the unit from its formation on 15 March 1869 to its disbanding in September 1951.



Gulick, Lt. Col. J.W., Chairman; Sterling, Lt. Col. E.K.; Townsend, Commander L.W.; Fredendall, Major L.R.; Harmon, Major M.F.; Smith, Major F.H., Army War College, Pamphlet, “Joint Army and Navy Action In Coast Defense,” May 23, 1925. 95 pp.

This pamphlet lays out the organizational basis of Army and Navy cooperation in coastal defense (circa 1925). It includes proposed revisions and correspondence between the Joint Board, the Commandant of the Army War College and the War Department. It authors include the future World War II general Lloyd R. Fredendall. Contents: Section I: General Principles, Section II: Organization; Section III: War Plans, Missions and Policies; Section IV: Defense of Coastal Frontiers; Section V: Overseas Expeditions; Section VI: General Information.



Master Index: Standard Headings.” (Draft) 129 pp. typescript. World War II vintage (date unspecified).

This work lists all the headings to be found in World War II studies, in such categories as campaigns, vehicles, and geographic designations. Most of the work is an alphabetical listing of subject headings from ABC-1, Anglo-American staff conversations, to zones of security.



House, Major Jonathan M. “The US Army in Joint Operations, 1950-1983,” Studies, RAD-1, Fourth draft, 31 July 1990. Chapter 3: Operation BLUEBAT— Lebanon, 1958. 31 pp.

The third chapter in a continuing work, this article covers joint military aspects of the 1958 US intervention in Lebanon. It includes maps and organizational charts.


Studies, RAD –2: United States Code, 1976 Edition: Containing the General and Permanent Laws of the United States, in Force on January 3,1977. Volume 2: Title 8—Aliens and Nationality to Title 11—Bankruptcy. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 1977. 9 pp.

This excerpt from the 1976 US Code covers the regulations governing the Army Nurse Corps. A one-page cover sheet describes the possibility of making members of the Nurse Corps commanding officers.



Studies, RAD-3. “Chronology of the Army Nurse Cap.” 87 pp.

This seven-page chronology describes how Army nurse headgear has evolved from early Christianity to 1980. It includes extensive attachments, among them a full chapter from a 1945 book on wardrobes for women in the army, plus excerpts from two other chapters from other books and pages from quartermaster supply catalogues.


Finley, James P. “The US Military Experience in Korea, 1871-1982: In the Vanguard of ROK-US Relations.” Command Historian’s Office, Secretary Joint Staff, Hqs, USFK/EUSA, 1983. 272 pp.

This compendium of documents concerning US military relations with Korea includes a short narrative, a lengthy chronology of events from 1866 to 1982, lists of commanding officers, unit patches and a selection of photographs. Contents: IN the Vanguard Of American-Korean Relations; Nineteenth Century US Military Pioneers in Korea; US Liberators and Military Governors; Outbreak of War (25 June-13 Jul 1950); Pusan Perimeter (14 Jul-14 Sept 50); South Korea cleared (15-30 Sep 50); Drive to the North (1 Oct-25 Nov 50), United Nations Retreat (25 Nov 50-24 Jan 51); United Nations Offensive (25 Jan-21 Apr 51); Chinese Spring Offensive (22 Apr-19 May 51); United Nations Counteroffensive (20 May-23 Jun 51); Lull and Flare-up (24 Jun-11 Nov 51); Stalemate (12 Nov 51-27 Jul 53); Post-War Partners in Peace; Chronology of Significant US Military Events; Informational Inserts; Maps; Photos;


Beaman, Chester E. “Survey of Civilian Personnel System, Mira Loma Quartermaster Depot, Mira Loma, California, November 26, 1942. 200 pp.

This manual describes the World War II personnel practices of the Mira Loma Quartermaster Depot in meticulous detail, including personnel classification and the personnel functions of the depot’s various departments. It includes lengthy supplements drafted in mid-1943 and also features a cover letter by the author and three depot newsletters from the World War II era. Contents: Civilian Personnel Division; Supplement to Survey of the Civilian Personnel Division; Survey of Fiscal Branch, Administrative Division; Survey of Intelligence and Internal Security Division and Public Relations Office; Survey of the Motor Transportation Division; Survey of Stock Accounting Branch, Storage and Distribution Division; Survey of the Procurement Division; Survey of the Warehouse Division; Supplementary Report on Survey of Transportation Division; Survey of Los Angeles Quartermaster Market Center; Report on Survey of Civilian Personnel Division, Mira Loma Quartermaster Depot; Confidential supplement to Survey Report on the Civilian Personnel Division.



Williams, Dr. James W. (Jim). A History of Army Aviation, From Its Beginnings to the War on Terrorism, 1 June 2005. US Army Aviation Branch, Draft history, 582 pp.

This lengthy and comprehensive draft history of Army aviation covers that branch’s operations from World War I to the present. In addition to the expected coverage of World War II, Korea and Vietnam, it features a lengthy section on DESERT SHIELD and post-DESERT SHIELD operations. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Early Years Through World War II. Chapter 3: 1945-1961: Moving Toward Air Assault. Chapter 4: Vietnam—The Army Transformed. Chapter 5—1970s Through Operation Desert Storm (ODS)—the New Generation. Chapter 6: 1990s and Beyond. Endnotes.



Operation STEADFAST Reorganization Papers. 16 June 1989. 300 pp.

A collection of documents concerning Operation STEADFAST, a 1972-1973 reorganization project concerning the US Continental Army Command (CONARC), which then evolved into the US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM). Contents: Tab A: Excerpt from Annual Historical Summary, US Army Forces Command, Continental Army Command and US Army Readiness Command; Tab B: Operation STEADFAST Historical Summary( A History of the Reorganization of the Continental Army Command 1972-1973); Tab C: STEADFAST Reorganization; Tab D: Operation STEADFAST; Tad E: Speech Delivered by BG William A. Stofft To TRADOC Commanders’ Conference 1986.


“Requirements Determination and Program Execution,” Special Study Group Report, August 1986, US Army Materiel Command, 200 pp.

This report on possible ways to improve supply depot operations includes a narrative analysis, briefings, charts, critiques and a revised version. Contents: Foreword, Executive Summary, I: Reauirements Determination and Program Execution for Depot Level Maintenance; II: Receipt and Issue of General Supplies; III: Ammunition; IV: Departures from Current Ways of Doing Business; Appendices: Study Plan, Assessment of Literature Search; Synopsis of Visits to Other Installations.


“Significant Landmines and Booby Traps Employed by US and Allied Forces 1940-1970,” June 1972, Prepared for the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers, by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories. 172 pp.

This volume gives a brief overview of mines and countermining techniques used from World War II (North African campaign) to Vietnam, beginning in reverse order. Chapter I: Vietnam; Chapter II: Korea; Chapter III: World War II: Italian Campaign; Chapter IV: World War II: North African Campaign.



Gensler, Robert E. Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Western Europe, World War II, July 1973, Prepared for the Department of the Army, Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 479 pp.

Contents: Summary, Chapter I: Introduction; Chapter II: Sequence of Combat Operations; Chapter III: Environmental Assists and Constraints; Chapter IV: Doctrine, Policy, Tactics and Techniques; Chapter V: Education and Training; Chapter VI: Materiel; Appendixes: A: Mine Obstacles in Winter; B: Report of the Committee on Obstacles; C: Report of the Installation of an AP Minefield, 112 th Engineer Combat Battalion; D: ASF Report No. 103: Answers to Questions Submitted by the Office of the Chief of Engineers (War Department Observers Board); E: German Minefield Doctrine; F: German World War II Landmines; Maps, Sketches, Charts; Diagrams; Photographs.



Ottinger, Herchal, Senior Analyst. “Landmine and Countermine Warfare: North Africa: 1940-1943.” June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army Office, Chief of Engineers by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories. 268 pp.

This volume of the series gives narratives with numerous quotations from primary sources about the North African campaign and the use of mines therein. Contents: Summary. I. Introduction. II. Combat Experience. III. The Environments of North Africa and Their Impact on Landmine and Countermine Warfare. Appendices in separate volume.



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare: North Africa: 1940-1943,” Appendixes, June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories. 219 pp.

Contents: Appendix A: Field Marshal Erwin Rommel on Landmine and Countermine Warfare, North Africa, World War II; Appendix B: US Forces, Combat Experience and Battle Lessons, Landmine and Countermine Warfare, North Africa, World War II; Appendix C: The Impact of Landmine and Countermine Operations on the Incidence of Battle Related Psychiatric Casualties, British Experience, North Africa, World War II; Appendix D: Standing Instructions for marking and recording minefields, Allied Forces, Northwest Africa, World War II; Appendix E: British Eighth Army Standard Minefield Breaching Drilll, El Alamein; Appendix F: Panzerarmee Mine Detectors, Status of Availability and Problems of Supply, April-September 1942; Appendix G: Mine Casualties, 16th Armored Engineer Battalion; Appendix H: General Officer Mine Casualties; Appendix I: Panzearmee Field Testing and Evaluation of the German Mine Detector Model Frankfurt 39; Appendix J: Construction of Rommel’s ‘Devil’s Gardens’ at El Alamein; Appendix K: British Eighth Army Mining and Countermining Experience, Battle of Second Alamein; Appendix L: Landmines as Casualty Producers, Selected New Zealand Medical Data, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, World War II: Appendix M: British Eighth Army Minefield Intelligence at El Alamein, An Engineer Assessment of Methodology and Results; Appendix N: Allied Methods for Clearing Enemy Minefields; Appendix O: Landmine and Countermine Material.



Gensler, Robert E., Senior Analyst. “Landmine and Countermine Warfare, Italy 1943-1944.” Prepared for Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC, June 1972, 159 pp.

Contents: Salerno to Cassino: An Overview; I. Introduction; II. Sequence of Military Events; III. Environmental Assists and Complaints; IV. Doctrine, Policy, Tactics and Techniques; V. Education and Training; VI. Materiel; Appendixes (Separate Volume); Maps, Sketches, Photographs.



Gensler, Robert E., Senior Analyst. “Land and Countermine Warfare, Italy, 1943-1944, Appendixes,” June 1972, Prepared for the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 207 pp.

Contents: Sequence of Military Events; A. US Third Infantry Division Experiences in Landmine Warfare During the Italian Campaign; B. Landmine and Countermine Activities Contained in Monthly Reports of the US 111 th Engineer Combat Battalion; Environmental Assists and Constraints; C: 34 th Infantry Division: Lessons Learned in Combat During the Italian Campaign (1943-1944); Doctrine, Policy, Tactics and Techniques: D: United States Minefield Laying and Minefield Breaching and Clearance; E: German Minefield Doctrine; F: German Minelaying Methods; G: Notes on Experiences in Minelaying and Shelter Construction; Education and Training: H: Landmines and Boby Traps: Lessons Learned; Materiel; I: American Landmines and Booby Traps; J: British Landmines and Booby Traps; K: French Landmines; L: German Landmines; M: Italian Landmines; N: Observations on the Landmine Problem in North Africa and Italy.



Smith, Herbert L., Senior Analyst, “Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Korea, 1950-1954.” June 1972. Prepared for Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 177 pp.

Contents: Summary; Chapters: I: Introduction; II. Sequence of Military Operations; III. Environmental Assists and Constraints; IV.Doctrine, Policy, Concepts, Tactics and Techniques; V: Education and Training; VI. Materiel; Appendixes (Separate Volumes); Maps.



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare, Korea 1950-1954, Appendixes I, A-N, June 1972, Prepared for the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC, 238 pp.

This appendix describes types of mines used by both sides in the Korean War and their operational employment. Contents: Appendices A-N: A: Summary Articles on Mines; B: Importance of Recording Minefields; C: Enemy Mine Technique (1); D: Enemy Mine Technique (2); E: Enemy Antitank Minefield Patterns and Employment; F: Enemy Improvised Mines; G: Booby Traps Employed by North Korean and Chinese Forces; H: Training Activities of Engineer Technical Intelligence Teams; I: Neutralization of Antipersonnel Minefields; J: Use of Flame Thrower to Detonate Mines; K: Operational Use on Tank-Mounted Flail; L: Mine Clearing by Demolition; M: Enemy Minefield Pattern; N: Improvised AP Mine (Mud Grenade).



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Korea, 1950-1954.” Appendixes II: O-Q. June 1972. Prepared for Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 242 pp.

Appendixes: O: Test on Vulnerability of Mine Shoes; P: Summary Report on NKPA Mines; Q: Reports on Enemy Materiel.



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Significant Landmines and Booby Traps Encountered by US Forces, 1940-1970. Volume I: Vietnam.” June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 358 pp.

Contents: Chapters: I. Viet Cong Boobytraps, Mines and Mine Warfare Techniques; II: VC-NVA Employment of Mines and Boobytraps; III: VC/NVA Mine Indicators; IV: Land Mine Warfare: The Three Phase Program at Ft. Lewis, Washington.



Allen, Gordon O. “Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Viet-Nam Lessons Learned, 1965-1968.” June 1972. Prepared for Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by the Engineer Agency for Resources, Washington, DC, 305 pp.

Contents: Introduction; Map; The Year of Military Commitment, 1965; The Year of Combat Force Development, 1966; The Year of Military Offensive, 1967; The Year of Military Decision, 1968: First Quarter.



Smith, Herbert L. “Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Vietnam: 1964-1969.” June 1972. Prepared for Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 141 pp.

Contents: Summary. Chapters: I: Introduction; II. Sequence of Military Operations; III: Environmental Assists and Constraints; IV: Doctrine, Policy, Concepts, Tactics, and Techniques; V: Education and Training; VI: Materiel; Appendixes (Separate Volumes).



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Vietnam: 1964-1969.” Appendixes I: June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers by Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 501 pp.

Contents: A: Revision of FM 20-32; B: Training Circular TC 5-31; C: Summary of SECMA Report; D: Landmine and Countermine Training—CONUS: E: Landmine and Countermine Warfare Training in the Field; F: Training and Information Publications.



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Vietnam: 1964-1969.” Appendixes II. June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army, Office, Chief of Engineers, by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories. 238 pp.

Appendixes: G: Mine Warfare Center. H: Selected Standard Operating Procedures. I: Sample Minesweep Operations SOP. Prepared by Mine Warfare Center. J: Inquiry into Mine Techniques. K: Ambush at Phuoc An. L: Selected Articles from Publications.


Fauquier, Kenneth. “World War II Memoirs of Kenneth G. Fauquier, 56 th Medical Battalion.” 42 pp typescript, plus photographs.

Mr. Fauquier’s reminiscences of his wartime service in North Africa and Italy may be found in this brief narrative, accompanied by a substantial selection of black and white photographs.


Bleckinger, E. Walter. “Autobiography and Journal of E. Walter Bleckinger, Member of the United States Army 56 th Medical Battalion During World War II.” 131pp; 65 pp typescript, 66 pp. handwritten diary.

A soldier in the 56 th Medical Battalion, Mr. Bleckinger presents a narrative of his activities in World War II during the North African, Sicilian and Western European campaigns. In addition to his typewritten narrative, he includes a copy of his handwritten diary from World War II.



Adams, Lt. Col. J. Gordon. “Letters from Lt. Col. (Dr.) J. Gordon Adams to his family, November 1942 thru April 1945.” Typescript and handwritten, 300 pp.

This collection of handwritten and typed letters (including v-mail) describes LTC Gordon’s World War II service with the 56 th Medical Battalion in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and France.



Bleckinger, E. Walter.“56 th Medical Battalion World War II: Pictures Taken by E. Walter Bleckinger During His Service in the United States Army With the 56 th Medical Battalion, World War II.” Color Photographs.

This extensive collection of color photographs covers Mr. Bleckinger’s military service in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, Austria and Germany.



“56th Medical Battalion World War II—Vol. 2. WWII Prints.” Color Photographs.

An addendum to Mr. Bleckinger’s first volume of photographs, again covering North Africa, Italy and Western Europe.



Davis, Richard G. Roots of Conflict: A Military Perspective on the Middle East and Persian Gulf Crisis. Center for Air Force History, 1993. 92 pp.

This monograph gives an analytical summary of Middle East politics and Arab-Israeli relations from the founding of Islam in the sixth century AD to the Persian Gulf War of 1990-91. It forms part of the “United States Air Force in the Persian Gulf War” series. Contents: Introduction; Chapter1: Cultural and Historical Background; Chapter 2: The Arab-Israeli Wars; Chapter 3: The Persian Gulf Powers; Chapter 4: The Iran-Iraq War; Chapter 5: Modern Saudi Arabia; Bibliography.



Vuono, Gen Carl E. “A Strategic Force for the 1990s and Beyond.” Publication of the Chief of Staff of the Army, January 1990. 17 pp. (2 copies)

A description of the challenges faced by the US Army, General Vuono’s short strategic blueprint describes how the Army will approach issues such as low intensity conflict and Allied and coalition strategy. Contents: Introduction; Today’s Army; The World Tomorrow; The Army of the Future; Conclusion.



Buchan, Wing Commander Alex, Royal Air Force. “Logistic Support for Low Intensity Conflict: An Air Force Perspective.” CLIC Paper. Army-Air Force Center for Low Intensity Conflict, Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. February 1988. 21pp.

This brief resume of the logistics required to support low-intensity conflict (LIC) operations describes the basic logistic concepts involved, plus a definition of LIC and its ramifications for the United States. Contents: Introduction; Principles of Logistics in Low Intensity Conflict: Combat Support Processes; Logistic Support for Allied Nations; Conclusion.



“Soldiers in Panama: Stories of Operation JUST CAUSE.” Army Office of the Chief of Public Affairs. A Command Information Product. 1990. 28 pp.

This compendium of combat stories from the 1989 Panama operation derives from the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL), Fort Leavenworth, KS. Staff members of the Print Media Branch of the Command Information Division, Army Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, then re-edited the material for publication. Contents: Preface; Area Maps; Raid at Renacer; Taking Torriojos [sic] Airfield; Face of Battle; The Fight for Fort Amador; Taking the Pacora River Bridge; Winning the West; A Night at the Commandancia; No Trumpets, No Fanfare; Day of the Bronze Stars; Conquest at Coco Solo; Thirteen Rounds at Ancon Hill.



Cohen, Avner. “Toward a New Middle East: Rethinking the Nuclear Question.” Defense and Arms Control Studies (DACS) Working Paper, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 1994. 41 pp.

The author discusses the possible future course of nuclear arms acquisition and nuclear policies in Iran, Iraq and Israel. He also draws on examples from South American and South Africa. Extensive footnotes included. Contents: The Current Situation in the Middle East: The Good News and the Bad News; The Current Deadlock on the Nuclear Issue; The South American NWFZ: The Treaty of Tlateloco; The South African Case: What Can Be Learned From It?; In Search of Interim Measures: The Fissile Material Cutoff Proposal; Israel, the Peace Process and Denuclearization.



Fetter, Steve; Gronlund, Lisbeth; Lewis, George N. “Casualties and Damage From Scud Attacks in the 1991 Gulf War.” Defense and Arms Control (DACS) Working Paper, March 1993. Defense and Arms Control Studies Program, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 51 pp.

Contents: Introduction; Previous Ballistic Missile Attacks; The V-2 Attacks on London; The Scud Attacks on Tehran; The Scud Attacks on Afghanistan; The Scud Attacks on Israel; The Role of Patriot; Factors That Contributed to Limiting Casualties in Israel; Assessement of Expected Casualties in Israel; Property Damage in Israel; The Scud Attacks on Saudi Arabia; What if Chemical Warheads Had Been Used?; Conclusions; Appendix: Chronology of the Scud Attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia.



“Reaching Globally, Reaching Powerfully: The United States Air Force in the Gulf War.” Report by the Department of the Air Force, September 1991. 58 pp.

This report succinctly describes Air Force operations and their effectiveness in the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Contents: Chapter I: Background to Conflict. Chapter II: The Air Force at War. Chapter III: An Air Force for the 21 st Century.



Vetock, Dennis J. Lessons Learned: A History of US Army Lessons Learning. Carlisle Barracks, PA: US Army Military History Institute. 1988. 169 pp.

This monograph covers the growth of Army lessons learned activities from 1755 to the Vietnam War. Contents: Chapter 1: Early American School of War; Chapter 2: World War I: Birth of a Lessons System; Part II: Institutionalization and Centralization 1939-1953; Chapter 3: World War II: Lessons in Search of a Center; Chapter 4: The Korean War: Establishment of a Centralized System; Part III: New Approaches and Old Lessons 1953-1973; Chapter 5: The Analytical Approach in Peace and War; Chapter 6: Lessons-Mania: Reporting and Processing Vietnam’s Experiences; Epilogue; Lessons Learned About Lessons Learning; Appendices: A. Chronological Schematics; B. Organizational Charts; C. Glossary of Acronyms; D. Comparative Lesson Learning: Foreign Examples; Index.


Marolda, Dr. Edward J. “Allied Seapower and the Cold War in Asia.” Scientific Program: First Work Session. XXVth International Congress on Military History. August 31, 1999. 33 pp.

This paper describes the effectiveness of American and Allied seapower worked during the Cold War in Asia, nonetheless concluding that it did not prevent a North Vietnamese takeover of South Vietnam.


Von Swearingen, Dr. Bryan T. “US Force Structure and Basing in Germany (1945-1990): Variable Architectures for War and Peace.” August 31, 1999, Scientific Program: First Worksession, XXVth International Congress on Military History, 23 pp.

This paper describes how American force structure and basing in Germany have constantly changed over the years rather than remaining static. As the US commitment to Europe changed, so did its force structure in Germany. Contents: Redeployment and Reorganization: 1945-50; War in Korea and the Augmentation in Europe; Conventional Forces and Unconventional Weapons; Reinforcement: the Berlin Crisis and Operation BIG LIFT; FRELOC: Fast Relocation from France; Declining Dollars and ‘Dual-Basing:’ 1966-89; The War in Southwest Asia and the End of the Cold War; US Force Structure and Basing in Germany: 1945-1990.


Snow, Major General William J. Signposts of Experience: World War Memoirs of Major General William J. Snow, USA-Retired. Chief of Field Artillery, 1918-1927. United States Field Artillery Association, Washington, DC, 1941. 317 pp. photocopied.

General Snow describes his experiences in setting up the US Army’s field artillery during World War I. Contents: List of Illustrations; Foreword; Chapter 1: Orientation; Chapter 2: Formulation of a General Training Scheme; Chapter 3: Replacement Depots and Firing Centers; Chapter 4: Organizing and Training the Brigades; Chapter 5: Camps Bragg and Knox; Chapter 6: Central Officers’ Training School; Chapter 7: Origin of the School of Fire; Chapter 8: Miscelleaneous Problems; Chapter 9: Wartime Procurement of Material; Chapter 10: Rise and Fall of American ‘75’; Chapter 11: Gun Procurement; Chapter 12: Wartime Production; Chapter 13: Wartime Production: Ammunition; Chapter 14: Wartime Production: Steel and Guns; Chapter 15: Post-War Period: Epilogue;



DiMarco, Lt. Col. Louis A. Traditions, Changes and Challenges: Military Operations and the Middle Eastern City. Global War on Terrorism: Occasional Paper 1. Combat Studies Institute Press, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 2005. 71 pp.

LTC DiMarco gives us the challenges of urban warfare in the Middle East, exploring the effect of the mosque and the marketplace, along with traditional Arab homes on possible military operations. Contents: Foreword; Figures; Preface; Chapter 1: Urbanization in the Middle East; Chapter 2: Models of the Middle Eastern City; Chapter 3: Traditions: Characteristics of the Old City Center; Chapter 4: Changes: Transition to the Modern City; Chapter 5: Challenges: The Negative Impact of Modernity; Chapter 6: Conclusions; Bibliography.



Gwynn, Major-General Sir Charles W. Imperial Policing. Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 2. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press. Reprint of 1934 pamphlet. 33 pp.

This vintage manual arose from the halcyon days of British colonialism, which preceded World War II. It describes the role of an Army in policing an occupied country. Contents: Foreword; Chapter 1: The Nature of the Army’s Police Duties; Chapter 2: Principles and Doctrine.



Karcher, Major Timothy, US Army. Understanding the ‘Victory Disease,’ From the Little Bighorn to Mogadishu and Beyond. Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 3. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2005, 53 pp.

Major Karcher describes the “victory disease,” which arises from a powerful nation’s overwhelming faith in its previously demonstrated military and industrial power. Such a disease leads to complacency and rigidity of tactics. When a seemingly inferior enemy reacts unpredictably, the victory disease takes effect; the more powerful nation surrenders military initiative to the foe and thus loses. Contents: Foreword; Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: The Battle of the Little Bighorn; Chapter 3: Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu; Chapter 4: The Search for a Vaccine; Chapter 5: Recommendations and Conclusion; Bibliography.



Field Artillery in Military Operations Other Than War: An Overview of the US Experience . Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 4; Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2005. 48 pp.

No author is credited for this concise narrative concerning the US Field artillery’s role in brushfire wars and post World War II interventions (from the Korean War to Bosnia). Contents: Introduction; US Field Artillery and MOOTW, 1789-1941; US Field Artillery and MOOTW, 1945-2000; The War on Terror and the Role of Field Artillery; Conclusions.



Dott, Kendall D. In Search of an Elusive Enemy: The Victorio Campaign. Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 5. Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2005. 55 pp.

The author traces the US Army’s campaign against the Apache chief, Victorio, in 1879-81. In his view, this often frustrating episode offers lessons for the future as the US confronts more irregular warfare. Contents: Illustrations; Foreword; Preface; Text; Notes; Bibliography; About the Author.



“Mission Training Plan, Military History Detachment,” Army Training and Evaluation Program, Department of the Army, US Army Forces Command, November 2004. 141 pp.

This manual lays out how to prepare a military history detachment (MHD) for its wartime mission. Contents: Preface; Chapter 1: Unit Training; Chapter 2: Training Matrixes; Chapter 3: Military History Detachment Tasks; Chapter 4: Military History Detachment Collective Training Strategy; Chapter 5: Training and Evaluation Outlines; Annex A: Oral History; Annex B: Documents; Annex C: Artifacts; Annex D: Photography; Annex E: Command Report; Annex F: Command Briefing; Annex G: Training Plan; Annex H: Battlefield Operating Systems; Glossary.



Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Eastern Europe, World War II, August 1973, Prepared for the Department of the Army, Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 433 pp.

This comprehensive coverage of German and Russian mine and countermine operations in the Eastern front includes capsule summaries of broader operations, plus diagrams of various mines and methods of operating them. Contents: Summary; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Sequence of Combat Operations; Chapter 3: Environmental Assists and Complaints; Chapter 4: Doctrine, Policy, Tactics and Techniques; Chapter 5: Education and Training; Chapter 6: Materiel; Appendixes: A. The Crossing of Russian Mine Fields; B. Soviet Forest Tactics; C. Combat in Woods: Compiled from Experienes in the Campaign in the East; D. German Defenses in Wooded and Swampy Localities; E. Ice Mining—Army Style; F. Soviet Winter Operations; G. German Minefields and How to Combat Them in Winter; H. Flame Thrower Mines; I. The F10 Remote Control Ignition Apparatus; J. Glossary of German-Russian Mine Warfare Terms.



“Landmine and Countermine Warfare: Korea 1950-1954: Appendixes III, June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army, Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA by the Engineer Agency Resources Inventories, Washington, DC, 380 pp.

These appendices describe the different types of mines used by both sides in the Korean War, plus countermeasures such as the use of dogs. Appendices: Appendix R: NKPA Improvised Mines, Mortars; Appendix S: Comparison of US and Enemy Mines; T: MUV-Type Fuzes; U: Enemy Mines and Booby Traps; V: Effect of TMD-B Mines on US Equipment; W: Probing for Mines; X: Clearance of Minefields of Line GOLDEN; Y: Fire Blanket Deception Device; Z: Mines in a Raid on a Chinese-Held Position; AA: Mines Along the Pusan Perimeter; BB: Mine Detection Through Use of Trained Dogs; CC: Mine and Booby Trap Casualties; DD: Issuance of Periodic Enemy Mine Information; EE: NKPA Mine Warfare Training; FF: Use of Napalm Landmines; GG: NKPA Minefield Doctrine; HH: Report on US Training; II: CCF Minefield Doctrine



“Significant Landmines and Booby Traps Encountered by US Forces 1940- 1970.” Volume II, June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army, Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 448 pp.

Contents: Chapter I: Korea: Introduction; Landmines; Fuzes; Improvised Mines; Countermine Devices; Reports on Enemy Material; Chapter II: Italian Campaign: Introduction; German: Antitank Mines; Antipersonnel Mines; Dual Purpose Mine; Italian: Antitank Mines; Antipersonnel Mines; Railway Mines; Chapter III: World War II: North African Campaign: Introduction; Italian: Antitank Mines; Anti Personnel Mines; Railway Mines; German: Antitank Mines; Antipersonnel Mines; Mine Fuzes; Mine Detectors.



“Mine and Countermine Warfare: Environmental Assists and Constraints— Europe.” June 1972. Prepared for the Department of the Army, Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA by the Engineer Agency for Resources Inventories, Washington, DC. 301 pp.

This study focuses on the environmental factors of mine/countermine warfare, specifically terrain and weather factors (among others). Contents: I. Introduction; General, Environment in the Evolution of Ground Combat: Military Campaigns and Battles; Military Systems; Environment in the Evolution of Landmine Warfare; the Pre-Twentieth Century Years; The Interim Years; The Second World War Years; The Years After World War II; Scope of the Study; Source Materials; II. The Beachhead Environment: General; Coastal Vulnerability: Introduction; Coastal Environment Patterns; Coastal Defense Patterns; The Amphibious Beachhead: Amphibious Prologue; The Landing Zone Environment; Europe’s World War II Beachheads: Introduction; Sicily Beachhead; Salerno Beachhead; Anzio Beachhead; Normandy Beachhead; Southern France Beachheard; Walcheren Island Beachhead; III. The Battlefield Environment; General; Terrain: Introduction; Soils; Surface Configuration; Vegetation; Drainage Features; Climate—Mine and Minefield Technique Under Conditions of Snow and Ice: General; Techniques; Test 1: Effects of Snow Cover on antipersonnel mines; Test 2: Critical Depths of Snow for Functioning of pressure-operated antipersonnel mine fuzes; Test 3: Detection ability of SCR-625 mine detector in snow; Test 5: M6 antitank-mine arming plugs; Test 6: Freezing of M1A1 and M4 antitank mines; Test 7: Weathering of US fuzes; Test 8: Functioning of US Fuzes at Freezing Temperatures; Test 9: Weathering of Fuzes in antitank mines Installed in Fields; Test 10: Weathering of Fuzes in Antitank Mines Installed in Roads; Test 11: Cushioning Effect of Snow on Antitank Mines.



“Generalship: Historical Perspectives,” US Army Center of Military History. 400pp.

This compendium of short articles on military leadership includes articles by Generals Matthew B. Ridgway, Omar N. Bradley, Dwight D. Eisenhower and J. Lawton Collins, to name a few. Contents: 1. “Leadership,” Gen. Omar N. Bradley; 2. “Military Leadership and the Need for Historical Awareness,” 3. Gen. Harold K. Johnson; 4. “Leadership,” Gen Matthew B. Ridgway; 5. “On Leadership,” Gen. E.C. Meyer; 6. Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower; 7. “A Do-It- Yourself Professional Code for the Military, Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor; 8. “Generals and Generalship,” Gen Archibald Wavell; 9. Excerpt, “The Profession of Arms,” Gen Sir John Hackett; 10. Gen George S. Patton, Jr.; 11. Gen Bruce C. Clarke’s Thoughts of Commandership; 12. Excerpt, “Defeat into Victory,” Field Marshal Viscount William J. Slim; 13. Excerpt, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman; 14. “High Military Command: A Historical Overview,” Col Virgil Ney; 15. “Generalship,” Barbara W. Tuchman; 16. Excerpt, “Generalship and the Art of Senior Command: Historical and Scientific Perspectives,” Maj. Mitchell M. Zais; 17. Excerpt, The Power of Personality in War, Baron von Freytag-Loringhoven; 18. “John J. Pershing: A Study in Paradox,” Donald Smythe; 19. “Generalship and the Importance of Military History,” M.G. Smith; 20. “Napoleon on the Art of Command,” Jay Luvaas; 21. “Generalship in the Civil War,” by E.J. Stackpole; 22. “The Pillars of Generalship,” by John M. Vermillion; 23. “The Mentor: More Than a Teacher, More Than a Coach,” MG Kenneth A. Jolemore; 24. “Ardant du Picq: Unsung Giant of Military Theory,” Maj. Mitchell M. Zais; 25. “MacArthur’s Fireman: Robert L. Eichelberger,” Maj. John F. Shortal; 26. “Fox Conner: A General’s General,” Charles H. Brown; 27. “George Marshall and Orlando Ward, 1939-1941,” Russell A. Gugeler; 28. European Perspectives; 29. Other Services.



“Military History and Leader Development.” US Army Center of Military History. 400 pp.

More vignettes on leadership and military history, some repeated from the leadership volume (see directly above). Contents: “The Professional Soldier and History,” by Gen John A. Wickham; 2. “Military History and Professional Development: Suggestions to Units and Formations.” 3. “The Use and Abuse of Military History” by Michael Howard; 4. “Lessons and Lessons Learned: A Historical Perspective,” Jay Luvaaas. 5. Introduction to Dictionary of American Military Biography by Roger J. Spiller; Joseph G. Dawson; T. Harry Willliams. 6. “Military Science in an Age of Peace,” by Michael Howard. 7. “Excerpt from At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends,” by Dwight Eisenhower. 8. Letter from Gen George S. Patton to his son; 9. “Afterthoughts” chapter from Field Marshal Viscount Slim’s Defeat into Victory. 10. “Doctrinal Development: 1975-1985,”LTC L.D. Holder. 11. “Thinking at the Operational Level,” by Jay Luvaas; 12. “Strategy and the Operational Level of War” by Col David Jablonsky; 13. “Napoleon on the Art of Comamand,” by Jay Luvaas; 14. “Napoleon and Maneuver Warfare,” by Steve T. Ross; 15. “Ardant Du Picq: Unsung Giant of Military Theory,” Mitchell M. Zais; 16. “Train Hard, Fight Easy: The Legacy of A.V. Suvorov and His ‘Art of Victory,” by Bruce W. Menning; 17. “Barbarossa, Soviet Covering Forces, and the Initial Period of War: Military History and Airland Battle,” by Jacop W. Kipp; 18. “Supplying Tactical Maneuver Units: New Soviet Approaches,” by Graham H. Turbiville, Jr.’ 19. Introduction to Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War, by LTC George F.R. Henderson; 20. Chapter 24 of Memoirs of General William T. Sherman; 21. Excerpt from The Wartime Papers of R.E. Lee by Clifford Dowdey; 22. “Report of the Secretary of War to the President,” 1933; 23. “The Good Soldier,” by Viscount Wavell; “Ideas and Weapons,” by I.B. Holley, Jr.; 24. “Ten Important Books: Strategic Thought.” 25. “Ten Important Books: Logistical History;” 26. “List of Publications,” Combat Studies Institute. 27. “Military History for the Professional Officer,” by United States Military 28. Department of the Army Circular 1-86-1, “1986 Contemporary Military Reading List.”



Martinson, Major Martin J., “The Iran-Iraq War: Struggle Without End.” Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Marine Corps Development and Education Command, Quantico Virginia, 2 April 1984, 102 pp. typescript.

This concise report describes the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) in midstream, at a time when Iran held the upper hand. Contents: Chapter 1: Causes of the Iran-Iraq War; Chapter 2: The War: The Iraqi Attack; Chapter 3: The Iranian Response; Chapter 4: The Modern Western Front; Chapter 5: Developments from the War: Chapter 6: Impact on International Relations; Chronology of Significant Events; Endnotes; Annotated Bibliography.



“Lt Col. King.” “Divisions to be Activated During July, 1943.” 42d Inf Div— Camp Gruber, OK; 16 th Armored Division, Camp Chaffee, AR, 250 pp.

World War II-vintage folder containing training and administrative documents relating to activation of the aforementioned divisions, mostly originating from the Army Adjutant General and the Army Ground Forces. Contents: Section I: Personnel; Section II: Classification and Assignment; Section III: Training; Section IV: Training Aids and Ammunition; Section V: Funds; Section VI: Miscellaneous.



Summers, LTC Harry G. “Serving the People: The Basic Case for the United States Army.” 7 pp.

This undated paper presents the basic justification for the US Army, which the author describes as a people’s force that upholds the Constitution of the United States.



Brilliant, Franca; Cuny, Frederick C., Tanner, Victor. “Humanitarian Intervention: A Study of Operation Provide Comfort.” Intertect, Dallas, TX. Not dated, possibly 1995. 107 pp.

This study describes and analyzes Operation “Provide Comfort,” the US military effort to provide relief for and rescue Kurdish civilians in northern Iraq between April and July 1991. Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgments; Introduction; The History of Operation Provide Comfort; Analysis of Operation Provide Comfort; The Political Element; The Military Element; The Humanitarian Element; The Role of the Press; Conclusions; Appendices.



“The DUSTOFF Report.” A Compendium of Army aeromedical units. 1993. 73 pp.

This digest of the Army’s aeromedical units, both active component and National Guard, gives a capsule description of each, with detailed service records.



Krause, Dr. Michael D. “The Battle of 73 Easting: A Historical Introduction to a Simulation.” 18 June 1991. A Joint Project: Center of Military History and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. 41 pp.

This examination of a battle in the Persian Gulf War of 1991 includes a history and analysis of the action, plus potential for Simulation Network training. Contents: Team Members; Chapter I: Executive Summary; Chapter II: Battle of 73 Easting; Chapter III: METT Analysis; Chapter IV: Epilogue; V: Observations; VI: Methodology; VII: Documentation; VIII: Maps and Sketches; Appendices (not included)



“65 th Armored Field Artillery Battalion.” 1941-1945. 19 pp.

This digest of material about the “Thunderbolt” battalion includes a chronology, a narrative by its World War II commander, newspaper articles and profiles of top Allied World War II commanders.



“Army Materiel Command Evolution 1962-1993,” Headquarters, US Army Materiel Command, Alexandria, VA. 1993. 63 pp.

This pamphlet briefly describes the organizational unfolding of the Army Materiel Command from its inception to the early 1990s. It includes charts and illustrations of insignia. Contents: Preface; Historical Brief; Charts; Lessons Learned and Personal Thoughts; Summary, List of Acronyms; Bibliography; Appendix: AMC and Major Subordinate Command Distinctive Unit Insignias; Index.



Moody, Stephen M., Kansas State University, “Chow Time: Military Feeding From Bunker Hill to Bosnia: The History of the Development and Utilization of Military Rations in the United States Armed Forces,” 2000. 90 pp.

This short study examines the issues and problems associated with supplying the US Army with rations. The author looks at nutrition, storage and distribution, among others. In his view, “the main problems encountered with military rations have been availability, nutritional adequacy, stability and utility.” Contents: List of Figures; List of Tables; Acknowledgments; Dedication; Preface; Introduction— Historical Perspective; Chapter 1: Unique Requirements and Limitations of Military Rations; Chapter 2: Early Military Rations; Chapter 3: Introduction of Specialized and Standardized Rations; Chapter 4: Modernization of Military Rations; Chapter 5: Current Research and Development; Conclusion; Work Cited.



Harper, P.A.; Sasse, B.E; Lisansky, E.T.; Downs, W.G. “Malaria and Other Insect-Borne Diseases in the South Pacific Campaign, 1942-1945: A Series of Four Papers.” 135 pp.

This paper describes health conditions on southwest Pacific islands during World War II, specifically US efforts to cope with such rampant diseases as malaria and dengue fever. Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgement; Chapter I; General Aspects and Control Measures; A. Introduction; B. Early Epidemics; C. Physical Geography, History, Period of Occupation; D. Area Organization and Procedure; E. Base or Island Organization Organzation and Procedure; F. The Training and Education Program; G. Control Measures; H. Comment; Appendix I: Standard Operating Procedure for Control of Malaria and Other Insect-Borne Diseases During a Combat Operation; II. Epidemology of Insect-Borne Diseases in Army Troops; A. Explanation of Graphs and History of Individual Bases; B. Malaria Experience of Certain Army Units; C. Dengue Fever; D. Other Insect- Borne Diseases; E. Comment; F. Summary. III. Entomology; A. Topography and Climate; B. Entomological Problems Encountered; C. Organization of Survey Activities; D. Survey Duties and Procedure; E. Investigational Projects; F. Factors Limiting Effectiveness of Program; IV. Parasitological Observations on Malaria in Natives and Troops and Filariasis in Natives; A. Surveys of Natives; B. Plasmodium Species in Troops; C. Discussion, D. Summary.



Butler, Commander Fred A.; Harper, LTC Paul A.; Lisansky, CPT Ephraim T.; Speck, Major Carlos D. “Malaria and Epidemic Control in the South Pacific Area, 1942-1944. 1944. 288 pp.

Contents: Introduction; Part I: The South Pacific Area; Part II: Area Malaria and Epidemic Control Organization and Procedure. Part III: Base or Island Organization and Procedure; Part IV: Troop Unit and Division Antimalaria Organization; Part V: Historical Notes on Operations at Individual Bases and on Costs of Malaria Control; Part VI: Training Program for Malaria Control; Part VII: Clinical Aspects and Investigative Theory; Part VIII: Statistical Data on Malaria and Studies of Demalarialization; Index; Appendix I: List of Tables, Graphs, Charts, Exhibits, Figures, Maps and Forms. Appendix II: Training Manuals I Through VI.



Erlandson, LTC Marcus R. “The Effect of Logistics on the Outcome of the Battle of Gettysburg.” July 27, 1994. 31 pp.

According to LTC Erlandson’s brief but incisive paper, logistic shortfalls prevented General Lee’s Confederates from seizing crucial opportunities, particularly on the first day. Such shortfalls also prevented Union Gen. George G. Meade from effectively pursuing Lee after the battle.



Snell, Mark A. “We Marched and Fought This Battle Without Baggage or Wagons: The Army of the Potomac’s Logisticians During the Gettysburg Campaign,” 6 th Annual Gettysburg Seminar, 16 pp.

This paper (part of a series) describes the important role Union logisticians like BG Rufus Ingalls (Quartermaster General of the Army of the Potomac) played in the Union victory at Gettysburg. He also describes the logistic shortfalls (such as overlong wagon trains) that limited the Union pursuit of the Confederates afterwards.



Wetekam , COL Daniel J., US Air Force. “The Effects of Logistical Factors on the Union Pursuit of the Confederate Army During the Final Phase of the Gettysburg Campaign.” Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University, Executive Research Project, 1994, 48 pp.

According to the author of this concise paper, after Gettysburg, Gen George G. Meade’s Army of the Potomac could not inflict final defeat on Gen Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia because it could not resupply itself in a timely manner given bad weather and the cumbersome transportation and supply systems. Contents: Abstract; Introduction; Union Logistics Support in 1863; Situation in Gettysburg, July 4, 1863; Pursuit of the Confederate Army, July 5- 14, 1863; Conclusions; Map of Troop Movements, July 4-17, 1863; Map of Troop Movements, July 7-13, 1863; Bibliography.



Whitmore, John. “The Horse as a Strategic Resource in the American Civil War,” Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 1995. 32 pp.

This paper underscores the importance of horses in Civil War military operations, where in the field equine transportation often became the only source of mobility beyond the railroads. As in other economic and industrial areas, the South fell well short of the North in quantity of horses. Contents: Introduction; Peacetime Users; Horse Population; Uses of Horses in War; Capabilities and Limitations; Supplying Horse Flesh; Lessons Learned; Bibliography; Horse Population Data.



Rollins, Richard. “Ordinary Logistics: The Failure of Confederate Artillery at Gettysburg.” Copy of article from North and South magazine, January 2000. 9 pp.

This short but incisive piece details the serious shortcomings of Confederate artillery and ammunition at the climactic Battle of Gettysburg. Such drawbacks (including often defective ammunition and poorly made cannon) prevented the famous Confederate artillery barrage on the third day at Gettysburg from being effective.



“CMH Reports on 2004 AUSA Annual Meeting, 25-27 October.” 30 pp.

Various Center of Military History historians report on proceedings of the 2004 Association of the US Army annual conference. Contents: Author’s Forum, AUSA Book Program; Contemporary Military Forum; Institute of Land Warfare Forum; Dwight D. Eisenhower National Security Seminar— ‘Developing New International Relationships for Global Security;’ Trained and Ready: American Soldiers in the War Against Terrorism; Special Operations in a Joint and Expeditionary Environment; Developing Joint Expeditionary Capabilities (JFC); Implementation Transformation for the Civilian Workforce; LandWarNet; ILW Land War Papers; Army and Space; Army Family Forum.



“The History of the 756 th Tank Battalion and the Development of the Tank- Infantry Team in World War II.” No author listed. 2000. 107 pp.

This scholarly but unsigned paper details the World War II history of the 756 th Tank Battalion, from its organization and early training at Fort Lewis, WA to combat in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany. It includes numerous illustrations and maps. Contents: Acknowledgments; List of Figures; Chapter I: Introduction; Chapter II: Origins of the United States Armored Force; Chapter III: The Battalion is Formed; Chapter IV: North Africa; Chapter V: Italy; Chapter VI: France; Chapter VII: Germany; Chapter VIII: Conclusion; References; Appendices.



Weyand, General Fred C., Chief of Staff, United States Army, “America and Its Army: A Bicentennial Look at Posture and Goals,” an address before the National Security Seminar, US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, 4 June 1976. 22 pp. typescript.

A speech (and proposed article) by General Weyand concerning the Army’s past history and future purpose.



Fisher, Dr. Ernest “Relationships of the Road Concept to Moral Considerations in Strategic Planning.” Office of the Chief of Military History. October 28, 1964. 86 pp.

Dr. Fisher traces the transition from the Pentomic scheme of divisional organization to the ROAD scheme developed in the early ‘60s. Contents: Introduction; the Historical Perspective; The Great Debate—Unlimited War Vs. Limited War; Toward a New National Military Policy; Reorganizing the Army; The Vander Heide Report; The Lonning Board Report; The Atomic Field Army-1 (1956) (ATFA-1); Pentagonal Atomic- Nonatomic Army (PENTANA); the Adoption of the PENTOMIC concept; The Modern Mobile Army Study (MOMAR 1965-70); Preliminary to the ROAD concept-FA-75; Drawing Upon Foreign Experience; The Change to ROAD—Adapting to a New Strategy; Conclusion.



Banks, Major Ronald L., USAF. “Prejudicial Counsel: A Multidimensional Study of Tactical Airpower Between the Korean and Vietnam Wars.” School of Advanced Airpower Studies, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, June 2001. 110 pp.

In this thesis Major Banks argues that top Air Force and civilian policymakers slowed the development of tactical airpower between the Korean and Vietnam Wars by emphasizing an all-or-nothing strategy of massive retaliation. By minimizing the possibility of limited wars, these officials hurt the ability of the United States to wage such wars. Contents: Disclaimer; About the Author; Acknowledgments; Abstract; Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Strategic Context; Chapter 3: Model I Analysis: US Tactical Airpower From ‘New Look’ to ‘Flexible Response,’ Chapter 4: Model II Analysis: An Organizational Perspective; Chapter 5: Model III Analysis: Air Force Leadership Decision-Making; Chapter 6: Conclusions; Bibliography.



Bonin, Col. John A., USA (ret.) “Case Study: The First Year: US Army Forces Central Command During Operation ENDURING FREEDOM.” Department of Military Strategy, Planning and Operations. 6 November 2002. 54 pp.

typescript. This concise narrative of US Army Central Command in the Afghanistan operation includes a lengthy and detailed chronology of events. Contents: I. Introduction; II: The Opening of the War in Afghanistan; III. The Fall of the Taliban; Operation Anaconda; IV. Continuing Operations; V. Conclusion; Appendix A: ARCENT OEF Chronology; Appendix B: US Army Forces, April 2002; Appendix C: US Army Forces Central Command, Sept. 2002; Appendix D: Map of Afghanistan.



Marrion, Major Forrest L. “Captured Weapons and the Weapons Buy Back Program in Haiti, September 1994-March 1995,” USACOM Special Historical Study, Office of the Command Historian, Headquarters, Commander in Chief, US Atlantic Command, 24 pp.

This short study describes the progress of the American weapons buy back program in Haiti, terminated six months into the US occupation of Haiti, 1994-1995.



Marrion, Major Forrest L. “Development of a Haitian Public Security Force, September 1994-March 1995.” USACOM Special Historical Study, Office of the Command Historian, Headquarters, Commander in Chief, US Atlantic Command, 25 pp.

This study traces the American attempt to establish a Haitian public security force after US forces occupied Haiti in September 1994.



“Inspector General Coalition Provisional Authority,” First Quarter Report to the United States Congress, March 30, 2004. 121 pp.

The Coalition Provisional Authority-Inspector General presents its report on CPA activities in Iraq. It lists the various improvements allegedly made by that organization. Contents: Executive Summary; Coalition Provisional Authority; Coalition Provisional Authority Inspector General; Activities of the CPA Inspector General; Sources and Uses of Funds; Process and Controls; CPA-IG Accomplishments to Date and Next Steps; Glossary and Appendices.



Kirkpatrick, Charles E. “Building the Army for Desert Storm.” Land Warfare Paper No. 9, Institute of Land Warfare, Association of the United States Army, November 1991, 25 pp.

This short monograph describes the US Army’s evolution from the hollow force of the mid-1970s to the better trained, more confident force of the 1990s. Contents: Foreword; Introduction; New Doctrine; New Equipment; New Organization; New Training; Building the Quality Force; The Army on the Eve of Desert Shield; Implications for the Post Cold War Army; Notes.



“Personal Perspectives on the Gulf War,” the Institute of Land Warfare, Association of the United States Army. August 1993. 115 pp.

This paper offers a series of personal narratives on the Gulf War, covering both combat and support units. Part I: Theater of Operations: The Combat and Combat Support Troops; Part II: Theater of Operations: The Support Troops; Part III: In and Around the Theater of Operations; Part IV: Stateside Operations; Epilogue: Home Again/Home At Last.



Dunn, Brian J. “The First Gulf War and the Army’s Future.” The Land Warfare Papers, No. 27, The Institute of Land Warfare, Association of the United States Army, October 1997. 24 pp

This tightly-reasoned monograph explores the reasons why Iraq’s ostensibly surperior army failed to overwhelm Iran in the opening phase of the 1980-88 Persian Gulf War. The author then applies the lessons of this failure (not committing enough troops; lack of commitment to victory; unrealistic objectives) to the American Army. Contents: Foreword; Map of the War Zone; Introduction; The First Gulf War Equivalent; From Certain Victory to Stalemate; Iran and Iraq; The Balance of Power on the Eve of the First Gulf War; Iraqi Deployment on Eve of 1980 War with Iran; Qaddassiya Saddam—the Invasion of Iran; Iraqi 1980 Invasion Plan; Iraqi Defensive Moves in the First Gulf War; Defeat in a Limited War; Reflections of the First Gulf War: Implications for the United States Army; Losing and Winning a War; The First Gulf War and the NDP; Endnotes; Bibliography.



“ Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm: the Logistics Perspective.” Special Report by the Association of the United States Army. September 1991. 32 pp.

Contents: Foreword; Dedication; Introduction; Logistical Support of Military Operations; Strategic Perspective; Theater Perspective; Division Perspective; Observations; Appendix; Selected Sources.



“The Army OEF/NE Initial Impressions Conference,” 26-29 August 2002, the Collins Center for Strategic Leadership; United States Army War College. 200 pp.

This collection of briefings from various participants in the conference contains historical and background material on the then-new Global War on Terrorism, then centered on Afghanistan. Contents: Tab A: Conference Concept Paper; Tab B: Conference Agenda; Tab C: Conference Charges; Initial Briefings; Tab D: United States Army War College; Tab E: United States Army, Central Command; Tab F: Center of Military History; Tab G: Center for Army Lessons Learned; Tab H: Medical Command; Tab I: United States Army Special Operations Command; Tab J: United States Army, European Command; Tab K: United States Military Academy; Tab L: Forces Command; Tab M: United States Army, Pacific Command; Tab N: RAND; References: Tab O: FM-1, Army; Tab P: the Army Vision; Tab Q: the Objective Force; Tab R: Participant Roster.



“OPMS XXI: Developing an Officer Corps for the 21 st Century.” 100 pp.

Undated. Contents: Tab A: Executive Summary: Final Report; Tab B: Frequently Asked Questions; Tab C: Recommendations; Tab D: Case for Change, Final Report; Tab E: Executive Briefing; Tab F: Results of CSA Decision Brief on Promotions; Tab G: Results of CSA Decision Brief of CFD; Tab H: Strategic Human Resource Management; Tab I: Officer Development Support System; Tab J: Glossary of Terms; Tab K: Additional Items to be Published.



Hooker, Colonel R.D., US Army, editor. “Faces of Battle: Case Studies on the Art of War.” 300 pp.

2004 In this book of battle narratives by various authors, Colonel Hooker presents case studies of commander and units winning out over seemingly insurmountable odds through boldness, resourcefulness and improvisation. Contents: When Mars Smiled; The Field of Mars-La-Tour; The Ghosts of Tannenberg: German I Corps in East Prussia, August 1914; “Lighthorse!”: The Australians Take Beersheba; White Death Coming: The Battle of Suomussalmi; “Stout Hearts and a Worthy Cause:” The Battle of Sidi Barrani; “The World Will Hold Its Breath:” Reinterpreting Operation Barbarossa; The Road to Bizerte: The 9 th Division Comes of Age; A Deadly Dance of Death: The Siege of Budapest; “Hang on! We Are Coming!” The Relief of Chipyong-ni; “We Are Crossing into Africa:” Adan’s Division Triumphs in the Sinai; Soldiers of the Queen: Ground Combat in the Falklands.



Eaton, George. “US Army Field Support Command and Joint Munitions Command Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom Phases I- IIII,” March 2005, 51 pp.

Includes charts, graphs, color photos, plus interview excerpts. Contents: Preface; Chapter 1: Introduction and Command Overview: Operations Support Command’s Immediate Response; Chapter 2: Army Prepositioned Stock; Background; Overview of APS Phase I- III; Increased Funding to Fill Stocks; Push of Stocks to Theater; Combat Equipment Group-Europe Contributions; Three Camps of Equipment; Combat Euipment Battalion-Qatar; Combat Equipment Battalion-Kuwait; CEB-Afloat/APS-3 and Camp Arifjan; Using Contractors to Download APS; Class IX Supply Shortages; APS Issue; Issues/Concerns; Accomplishments; Conclusions; Chapter 3: Ammunition Management; Evolution of the Munitions Readiness Readiness; Centralized Ammunition Management; Other Ammunition Contributions; Operation Noble Eagle and the Resulting National Guard and Army Reserve Deployments; Epilogue; Acronyms.



“Oral History Interview: Major General Wade H. McManus, Jr.,” Commanding General, US Army Field Support Command, US Army Field Support Command and Joint Munitions Command Support to Operation Iraqi Freedom, Phases I-III, December 2003, 35 pp.

Contents: Introduction; AFSC/JMC Transformation; Phase I- Predeployment; Phase II-Deployment; Phase III: Decisive Operations; Phase IV and the Way Ahead; Lessons Learned.



Taylor, Richard B. “My Service with the 4 th Infantry Division. in the early 1950s.” [no official title] 83 pp.

A photocopied collection of pamphlet pages, original documents, newspaper articles, photographs, personnel lists, etc. covering Mr. Taylor’s service with the 4 th Infantry Division at Fort Ord and Fort Benning, and in Germany during the early 1950s.



Jordan, Colonel James F. “The Triple Nickels: a Genesis for Change.” US Army War College Military Studies Program Paper, 30 March 1990. Typescript. One copy. 30 pp.

This short paper covers the career of the 555 th Parachute Infantry Battalion, the first all-black unit of its type, which lasted from 1943 to 1947, when the 82d Airborne Division absorbed it under a different designation. Contents: Abstract; Chapter I: Introduction; Chapter II: Setting the Stage; Chapter III: Fort Benning-Proving They could Jump; North Carolina—Preparing for Combat; Chapter IV: Fire-Fly Operations in Oregon; Chapter V: The Changes Start; Summary; Bibliography.



“ US Army Operation 99-01, Millenium Passage, Y2K.” Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, 21 December 1998; approx. 200 pp.

This paper details Army preparations for possible computer problems in Y2K (year 2000), including taskings to various Army agencies and campaign milestones. It also includes the Joint Staff’s own operational evaluation plan and the Army’s Critical Y2K Mission Threads.



Davis, Dr. Richard G. “Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm.” Air Force History and Museums Program. 62 pp.

Undated. Contents: Post-Vietnam Changes in Technology and Doctrine; The Kuwait Crisis, US Deployment and War Plans; The Persian Gulf Conflict; the Initial Attacks; the Strategic Air Campaign Concluded; Analysis; The “Core” Strategic Target Sets; Self- Defense Targets; “Mixed” Target Sets; Conclusion; Bibliographic Essay.



Putney, Dr. Diane T. “From Instant Thunder to Desert Storm: Developing the Gulf War Air Campaign’s Phases,” Air Force Museums and History Program. Fall 1994. 11 pp.

This reprint of an article in Air Power History describes the detailed planning behind the US air campaign in Operation “Desert Storm.” As the author reveals, the US lacked an air campaign plan at the time Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in August 1990 and thus developed one in the five months before “Desert Storm.”



“Air Power in the Gulf War, Selected Quotations.” Air Force History and Museums Program. 15 pp.

Not dated. Contents: General Observations; Memoirs and Books; Gulf War Air Power Survey (GWAPS)



“CSA Meeting with Les Aspin, Committee on Roles and Missions.” Copy for General Gordon R. Sullivan, Chief of Staff, United States Army, 22 June 1994. 400 pp.

This collection of analytical papers, charts, talking points, briefing slides and official messages provided then-CSA General Sullivan with deep background on the 1994 roles and missions conference.



“Roles and Missions Commission, FY 94.” 500 pp.

A collection of point papers, briefing charts, information papers, memoranda, Congressional statements, role and missions histories, and so forth related to the Roles and Missions Conference of 1994.



“Roles and Missions Commission, FY 93.” 300 pp.

Contents: Tab A: Current Schedule; B: JS, DA, FD Guidance; C: Responsibilities/Agents; D: Procedures Overview; E: Strategy; F: Assessment/Evaluation Criteria; G: Formats; H: DoD Dir 5100.1; I: Sen Nunn 2 July Speech and ARSTAFF Comments; J: Aviation; K: Construction Engineers; L: Air Defense; M: CONUSAs/FOAs.



“Directions for Defense: Report of the Commission on Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces.” May 24, 1995.

Contents: Summary; Chapter 1: A Commission on Roles and Missions; The Design of This Report; Was a Commission Needed; Our Perspective on Contemporary Roles and Mission; Congressional Charge to the Commission: Fix the Current Force; Shape the Future Force; The Commission’s Approach; What Has Changed? The Context for Roles and Missions of the Future; The Three Themes of Our Analyses; Chapter 2: Effective Unified Military Operations; Create a Unified Vision for Joint Operations; Create a Functional Unified Command Responsible for Joint Training and Integration of Forces Based in the Continental United States; Develop and Implement Joint and Future Readiness Indicators; Review the CINCs’ Geographic Responsibilities; Prepare for Changing Mission Priorities; Concentrate Service Efforts on Military Core Competencies and Their Support of the CINCs; Further Integrate the Reserve Components; Review Capabilities in the Aggregate; Set Aside Outdated Arguments; Support the Commanders in Chief; Chapter 3: Efficient and Responsive Support; Increase Reliance on Market Solutions: outsource Commercial Activities; Objections; Depot Maintenance; Materiel Supply Management; Medical Care; Other Outsourcing Opportunities; Reengineering DoD Support Activities; Conclusion; Chapter 4: Improved Management and Direction; Current Practices and Resulting Problems; Improve Decision Support Processes and Management Structures: Directions for the Future; Summing Up; Conclusion: the Future; Glossary; Appendix A: Required Legislative Changes; Appendix B: List of Acronyms.



Brinsfield, Chaplain John W.; Lawson, Chaplain Kenneth E; McCullough, Chaplain Douglas B. Courageous in Spirit, Compassionate in Service: The Gunhus Years, 1999-2003. In Tribute to Chaplain (Major General) Gaylord T. Gunhus, Chief of Chaplains, 1999-2003. Office of the Chief of Chaplains, 2003. 208 pp.

Contents: Part 1—Religious Leadership for the Army; Part 2—Operation Noble Eagle; Part 3—Operation World Trade Center; Part 4—US Army Reserve UMTs Respond; Part 5—Reflections on the Ministry in the New Millenium; About the Authors.



“ Louisiana Maneuvers.” Louisiana Maneuvers Task Force. 1995. 250 pp.

This compendium of documents about the Louisiana maneuvers of 1995 includes briefing slides, slick magazine excerpts, magazine articles, official messages, memoranda and information papers.



“US Army Terrorism Counteraction Improvement Plan.” Executive Summary. 1986. 30 pp.

Contents: Preface; Executive Summary; 1. Introduction; 2. Contents; 3. Purpose; 4. Scope; 5. TCIP Objectives; 6. Assumptions; 7. Planning Assumptions; 8. The National Program; 9. Department of the Army Policy; 10. Terrorist Threat Assessment; 11. Management; 12. Resource Allocation; 13. Program Objectives; Annex A: Glossary



Johnson, SSG Thomas .L., and Himes, Mary R. “Assault on the American Embassy, Tet 1968.” Military Police Corps Regimental Museum, March 16, 1983, Department of the Army Military Police and Chemical Schools Training Center and Fort McClellan, Fort McClellan, AL. 2 copies. 60 pp.



Epley, William W. Roles and Missions of the United States Army: Basic Documents With Annotations and Bibliography. Center of Military History, 1993. 355pp.

Contents: Preface; Introduction: The Evolution of Roles and Missions of the United States Army; Part 2: Basic Documents With Annotations and Bibliography: No.1: Articles of Confederation, 1 March 1781; 2. Resolution of Congress, 2 June 1784; Resolution of Congress, 3 June 1784; 4. Resolution of Congress, 1 April 1785; 5. Resolution of Congress, 3 October 1787; 6. The Constitution of the United States, 21 June 1788; 7. An Act to Recognize and Adapt to the Constitution of the United States the Establishment of Troops Raised Under the Resolves of the United States Assembled, and for Other Purposes Therein Mentioned, 29 September 1789; 8. An Act to Provide for Calling Forth the Militia to Execute the Laws of the Union, Suppress Insurrections and Repel Invasions, 2 May 1792; 9. An Act Authorizing the Employment of the Land and Naval Forces of the United States, in Cases of Insurrection, 3 March 1807; 10. The General Survey Act, 30 April 1824; and An Act to Improve the Navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, 24 May 1824; 11. War Department General Orders No. 100: Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, 24 April 1862; 12. Army as Posse Comitatus, 18 June 1878; 13. Militia Act, 21 January 1903; 14. Amendment to the Militia (Dick) Act, 27 May 1908; 15. Executive Order No. 1885: To Establish a Permanent Organization for the Panama Canal, 27 January 1914; 16. National Defense Act of 1916, 3 June 1916; and the 1920 Amendment to the National Defense Act of 1916, 4 June 1920; 17. War Department Special Regulations No. 67: Regulations Governing Flood Relief Work of the War Department, 12 October 1917; 18. Joint Action of the Army and Navy, 1927: Revise 11 September 1935; 19. Executive Orders Nos. 6101, 5 April 1933,and 6106-A, 10 April 1933: Relief of Unemployment Through the Performance of Useful Public Work. 20. The National Security Act of 1947, 26 July 1947. 21. Executive Order No. 9877: Functions of the Armed Forces, 26 July 1947. 22. Key West Agreement, 21 April 1948; 23. The Newport Agreement, 21 August 1948; 24. Army and Air Force Authorization Act of 1949, 10 July 1950; 25. Pace- Finletter Agreements, 2 October 1951 and 4 November 1952; 26. Department of Defense Directive No. 5100.1: Functions of the Armed Forces and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 16 March 1954; 27. Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Subject: Clarification of Roles and Missions to Improve the Effectiveness of Operation of the Department of Defense, 26 November 1956; 28. Department of Defense Directive No. 5160.22: Clarification of Roles and Missions of the Departments of the Army and Air Force Regarding Use of Aircraft, 18 March 1957; 29. Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1958, 6 August 1958; 30. Johnson-McConnell Agreement, 6 April 1966; 31. US Army-US Air Force Understanding of Relationship of Helicopters and Fixed- Wing Aircraft in Close Air Support, 16 September 1975; 32. Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986, 1 October 1986; 33. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, 27 October 1988.



“Air Assault in the Gulf: An Interview with MG J.H. Binford Peay III, Commanding General, 101 st Airborne Division (Air Assault), 5 June 1991. Department of the Army Oral History Activity, US Army Center of Military History, Washington, DC, and Historical Office, XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, NC. 59 pp.

In this interview, General Peay describes the 101 st Airborne Division (Air Assault)’s role in the Persian Gulf War, 1991. This monograph includes an historical background narrative. Contents: Historical Essay; The 101 st Airborne Division and Air Assault Operations; Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM: Tribute to the 101 st Air Assault Division; The Interview: Deployment; The Defensive Phase; Preparing for the Offensive; The War; Redeploying and Closing Comments; Appendix A: Illustrations of Helicopters and Vehicles Mentioned in This Transcript; Additional Reading.



Dietrich, Major Steve E.; Pirnie, Major Bruce R. “Developing the Armored Force: Experiences and Visions, An Interview With MG Robert J. Sunell, USA, Retired.” Military Studies Branch, US Army Center of Military History, October 29, 1987. 63 pp.

General Sunell describes his experiences in developing new armored techniques.



“Operation Iraqi Freedom- It Was a Prepositioned War.” Historical Office, US Army Materiel Command, October 2003. 49 pp.

This monograph describes the logistical side of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Contents: APS; Background—From POMCUS to Prepo; Doctrine—Forward Presence and Power Projection; AMC Organizes; The Road to War; SWA—the Organization and Buildup; SWA—APS for Operation Iraqi Freedom; Classes of Supply; Class V, Ammunition Basic Loads (ABLs); Class VII; Class VIII (Medical); Class IX (ASL/PLL); The Customer—3 rd ID (M); Transition; US Marine Corps Experience; The Way Ahead; Glossary; End Notes.



Collins, John M. “The Care and Cleaning of Army NCOs: Policies and Practices, Past, Present and Future.” 1992. 115 pp.

This monograph often trenchantly describes the Army’s sometimes stumbling efforts to reform Noncommissioned officer training and operations from World War II to the early ‘70s. The package includes letters of criticism from CMH and other Army historians. Contents: Foreword; Acknowledgments; Hindsight Assists Foresight; Part I: Devastating NCO Nosedives, 1939-1954; 1. The ‘Old Army;’ 2. Twilight of the Gods; 3. The Age of Darkness;” Part II: Nonsensical Counteractions, 1955- 1970; 4 Substandard Building Blocks; 5. Bumbling Basic Training; Haphazard Education; 7. The Top Heavy Totem Pole; 8. Shameful Chevron Sweepstakes; 9. Simpleminded Pay Scales; 10. Realistic Reappraisals; 11. Progressive Military Education; 12. Professional Career Management; 13. Quirky Requirements; 14. The Road Ahead. Appendix A: Glossary Appendix B. Abbreviations; Apendix C: Bibiography.


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