Military History Coordinating Committee

According to AR 870-5, 1-4, the MHCC permanent members are:

From AR 870-5 , section 1-4:

a. The MHCC will advise the Chief of Military History on the overall management and operation of the AHP for the benefit of all Department of the Army (DA) personnel. The committee meets annually at the discretion of the Chief of Military History, who is also the chair.
b. The committee includes these other permanent members:
  1. Chief Historian, CMH.
  2. Chief Historian, TRADOC.
  3. Director, U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC).
  4. Professor and Head, Department of History, U.S. Military Academy.
  5. Professor and Head/Director, Department of Military History, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (DMH, CGSC).
  6. Director, Army Museum Enterprise (AME).
  7. Director, National Museum of the United States Army.
  8. Command Historian, FORSCOM.
  9. Command Historian, USARC.
  10. Command Historian, U.S. Army Special Operations Command.
  11. Command Historian, U.S. Army Medical Command.
  12. Command Historian. U.S Army Material Command.
  13. Command Historian, U.S. Army Futures Command.
  14. Command Historian, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
c. The Chief of Military History may appoint ad hoc members to serve for specified periods of time on the MHCC based upon operational necessity or changing organizational structures. One rotating member will always come from an Army Service component command (ASCC).

(4) Department of the Army Historical Advisory Subcommittee. A subcommittee of the Army Education Advisory Committee, the DAHAS will meet annually in conjunction with the MHCC. MHCC members may attend the DAHAS. The DAHAS will provide a report to the Army Education Advisory Committee and advise the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Military History on such matters as—

a. Conformity of the Army’s historical work and methods with professional standards.
b. Cooperation among the civilian historical community, military historians, and the military profession in advancing the purposes of the AHP.
c. Responsibility of the Army to further the study of and interest in military history in military and civilian schools, and throughout the history community.
d. The committee consists of ––
  1. A representative from the Dean of Academic Affairs, U.S. Military Academy.
  2. A representative from the Provost, U.S. Army War College.
  3. A representative from the Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center.
  4. A representative from the Deputy Commanding General/Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command.
  5. Other Federal members at the discretion of the Chief of Military History.
  6. Chief Historian, CMH.
  7. An equal number of non-federal civilian members representing the historical community and appointed by the Secretary of the Army under the provisions of AR 15–1. One of these civilian members will serve as the DAHAS chairperson.