The museum concentrates on the history of the Special Forces, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Regiments.. More
General Information: 910-432-4272
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FK Special Warfare Museum
D-3004 Ardennes St., Stop A
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
Closed on Federal holidays
The John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Museum is located at Bldg D-2815 on the corner of Zabitosky and Ardennes. on Fort Bragg, N.C.
Monday 1100 - 1600
Tuesday 1100 - 1600
Wednesday 1100 - 1600
Thursday 1100 - 1600
Friday 1100 - 1600
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
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The museum concentrates on the history of the Special Forces, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Regiments.
The museum, one of the 64 U.S. Army museums in the country, has the mission to collect, preserve, exhibit and interpret significant historical property in support of the proponencies, training and educational mission of the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, making it the regimental museum for the U.S. Army Special Forces, Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations regiments including predecessor organizations from the American colonial period to the present.
This purpose is enhanced through its use as a training tool for all newly indoctrinated special operations Soldiers, during their qualification training, enabling them to see and hear the long heritage of the Soldiers and organizations who preceded them. Exhibits begin with World War I and include displays on the First Special Service Force, the Office of Strategic Service, and Detachment 101 in World War II, the Korean conflict, as well as modern actions in Operations Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. It also serves to illustrate the unique and specialized part played by all aspects of the Army special operations community both in conflict and during crucial roles in peacetime. The museum has also proven itself to be a valuable recruiting catalyst.