Battle Of First Bull Run

Battle of First Bull Run

Ted Ballard

Staff Ride Guide
CMH Pub 35-2-1, Paper
2004, 2007; 92 pages, maps, illustrations, further readings

GPO S/N: 008-029-00389-9

Battle of First Bull Run is an account of the first major land battle of the Civil War, which took place on 21July 1861. This staff ride guide explores a number of key elements, especially the inexperience of both the commanding officers in leading large numbers of troops in battle as well as their newly recruited and poorly trained volunteer soldiers. It also examines the naivety of both the Union and Confederacy and their unrealistic expectations of the conflict. The work illustrates numerous lessons from the battle at First Bull Run, including the dangers of not having a well-prepared and trained force at the onset of hostilities and the difficulties of launching offensive operations without proper preparation.

* View this publication online.