Richard V. Barbuto
U.S. Army Campaigns of the War of 1812
CMH Pub 74-6, Paper
2014; 60 pages, maps, illustrations, further readings
GPO S/N: 008-029-00569-7
The year 1814 would test whether the United States had learned enough from the disappointments of the past eighteen months to defeat the wave of British veterans that was about to reach North America. President Madison and his cabinet understood only too well that, if the United States was to win its war, victory would have to come quickly before the full might of Britain arrived on Americaís borders. To achieve this end, the Army would need to be stronger. Congress attempted to expand the size of the Army by raising the enlistment bonus from $40 to $124 and by increasing the authorized strength to 62,500 men. It also augmented the numbers of regimental officers and noncommissioned officers to give regimental commanders more recruiters. Despite these measures, Army strength rose only to approximately forty thousand men by the time active campaigning began in 1814. This brochure covers a number of battles, including Oswego, Sandy Creek, Chippewa, and Lundyís Lane, among others.
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