Field Artillery (2 Volumes)

CMH Pub 60-11, Cloth; CMH Pub 60-11-1, Paper 1985, 2010; 1431 pages (2 Volumes), illustrations, glossary of lineage terms, index

Janice E. McKenney

CMH Pub 60-11, Cloth; CMH Pub 60-11-1, Paper
1985, 2010; 1431 pages (2 Volumes), illustrations, glossary of lineage terms, index

GPO S/N: 008-029-00532-8, Cloth; GPO S/N: 008-029-00534-4, Paper

Field artillery units have a proud heritage dating back to the dawn of this nation, when artillery batteries fought with valor and distinction during the Revolutionary War. Through every succeeding war in U.S. history, field artillery has been indispensable to the armed forces. Field Artillery, compiled by Janice E. McKenney and the newest volume in the Army Lineage Series, was first published in 1985. This two-part second edition updates the lineages, honors, and heraldic items of the Regular Army's field artillery regiments and further expands them to include organizations above the regimental level, as well as Army National Guard units. Field Artillery serves as a companion to McKenney's book The Organizational History of Field Artillery, 1775-2003 (Center of Military History, 2007), which explores the development of field artillery in the United States Army.

* View this publication online. (Part 1)

* View this publication online. (Part 2)