Boyd L. Dastrup
CMH Pub 69-5-1, Paper
1994, 2003; 115 pages, illustrations, bibliography, index
Not Available through GPO sales.
Modernizing the King of Battle, the companion volume to Boyd L. Dastrup's King of Battle: A Branch History of the U.S. Army's Field Artillery, records the U.S. Army's aggressive program to modernize field artillery during the decades between the end of the Vietnam conflict in 1973 and the start of the Persian Gulf War in 1991. In order to fight effectively across the entire spectrum of conflict, the Army resurrected itself as a powerful fighting force capable of taking on the heavily mechanized Soviet and Warsaw Pact armies on both high-intensity and low- to mid-intensity battlefields. As recent events in Afghanistan and Iraq have demonstrated, field artillery is still a vital component of the contemporary battlefield. Those involved in the ongoing modernization of the King of Battle will benefit greatly from a careful reading of the historical background in this valuable work.
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