Omar Nelson Bradley: The Centennial 


Charles E. Kirkpatrick

Centennial Series
CMH Pub 71-41, Paper
1992; 28 pages, illustrations, map

Not Available through GPO sales.

Omar Nelson Bradley is a commemorative biography of one of America's great military leader. A product of the interwar Army, Bradley honed his leadership and warfighting skills during the 1920s and 1930s and then led America's Army through war and peace in the difficult decades of the 1940s and 1950s. Written in remembrance of the centennial anniversary of Bradley's birth (February 1983), this publication by Charles E. Kirkpatrick traces the young Bradley through the prewar period, follows his rapid transition to positions of greater authority during the war years, and concludes with his assumption of greater responsibilities in the changing postwar world. The biography gives us some valuable insights into the life of a truly legendary figure.

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