Papers on the Constitution


John W. Elsberg

Bicentennial Series
CMH Pub 71-28, Paper
1990; 190 pages

Not Available through GPO sales.

The Army's efforts in support of the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution took many different forms, including a Bicentennial Lecture Series. A group of distinguished historians presented papers that treat the whole spectrum of current research on the Constitution and its origins, especially the role of the Framers in the formation of the new Republic. Papers on the Constitution captures these scholars' pertinent, often intriguing, conclusions. The volume makes clear to the men and women of today's Army that the Framers of the Constitution established for all time the precedent that the military, subordinated to Congress, would remain the servant of the Republic, a tradition summarized in every Soldier's oath "to support the Constitution of the United States against all enemies . . . [and] to bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

* View this publication online.