Gordon R. Sullivan, Marylou Gjernes
Special Publications
CMH Pub 70-20, Cloth
1991; 179 pages, illustrations
GPO S/N: 008-029-00220-5
Portrait of an Army highlights a representative cross-section from the more than 15,000 pieces of military art in the Army Art Collection, consisting of paintings, drawings, sketches, watercolors, and other media. The selected images, organized into combat, combat support, and combat service support categories, portray the human dimension of a Soldier's life in peace and war. The focus of the volume, like that of the Army and civilian artists themselves, is on the composite reality captured in each image and on the interplay between related images. The result is a portrait in its truest sense, a distilling of experience as remembered in telling details. But it is also a collective portrait, a commemoration of all the men and women who have served the Army and their country so well. The intended result is a faithful image of the Soldier, past and present.
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