Soldier Supporting Soldiers

Soldier Supporting Soldiers covers

Joseph M. Heiser, Jr.

Special Publications
CMH Pub 70-40, Cloth; CMH Pub 70-40-1, Paper
1991, 1992; 323 pages, illustrations, appendixes, bibliographical note, index

Not Available through GPO sales.

A Soldier Supporting Soldiers represents the collective insights of distinguished U.S. Army logistician Joseph M. Heiser Jr. He infuses his narrative with specific firsthand experiences in the organization of combat service support, thus illuminating larger principles of not only logistics but also military leadership and ethics. Heiser describes and analyzes problems still familiar to those who provide the materials and other support required by today's Army, especially in an environment of limited resources and challenging contingency operations. Military logisticians and military policymakers will benefit greatly from the logistics lessons.

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