Story of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps

Story of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps cover

David W. Hogan, Jr., Robert K. Wright, Jr., Arnold G. Fisch, Jr.

Special Publications
CMH Pub 70-38, Cloth; CMH Pub 70-38-1, Paper
1989, 2010; 368 pages, appendixes, illustrations

GPO S/N: 008-029-00384-8, Cloth; GPO S/N: 008-029-00385-6, Paper

The Story of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps is an important one, a rich history that continues to evolve. In this updated and expanded edition with narrative essays, paintings, photographs, and selected documents relevant to the contributions and experiences of those who are in the words of Rudyard Kipling "the backbone of the Army," David W. Hogan Jr., Robert K. Wright Jr., and Arnold G. Fisch Jr., as well as ten other contributing historians, prove the American noncommissioned officer to be a timeless icon. For more than two hundred thirty years NCOs have served alongside officers as leaders in the U.S. Army, not only in the barracks and on the parade ground but, most importantly, in the face of the enemy. The Army's reliance on both the technical knowledge and small-unit leadership of the NCO Corps evolved over decades until more training and professionalism became the norm. What this book does best is explain the historical significance of the NCO's traditional roles as small-unit leaders, trainers, and guardians of Army standards, living the Army values and representing the strength and resolution of the American people. It is an inspiring volume, a tribute to the self-reliant NCOs now in the forefront of Army Transformation.

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