John L. Romjue
CMH Pub 69-4-1, Paper
1993, 2004; 228 pages, illustrations, charts, tables, appendixes, bibliography, index
Not Available through GPO sales.
The Army of Excellence summarizes the completed Army 86 designs and examines the origins and development of the so-called AOE during 1983, including the conceptual formulation of the new light infantry division. John L. Romjue records the strategic and planning basis for the Army's major tactical reorganization to meet its global challenges in the 1980s: the defense of NATO Europe, and the provision of rapidly deployable light infantry for force packages needed to defend U.S. interests. The study shows that the AOE design moved Army tactical organization more fully into consonance with doctrine and supported the operational level of war. It is full of key insights and useful lessons that Army planners, action officers, and training researchers will find invaluable.
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