War in the Persian Gulf: Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, August 1990-March 1991

War in the Persian Gulf: Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, August 1990-March 1991 book cover

Richard W. Stewart

Special Publications
CMH Pub 70-117-1, Paper
2010; 75 pages; maps, illustrations, abbreviations, map symbols, further readings

GPO S/N: 008-029-00535-2

Twenty years ago, the Persian Gulf War captured the attention of the world as the first test of the U.S. Army since the Vietnam War and the first large-scale armor engagement since World War II. Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and his subsequent ouster by the U.S.-led coalition are keys to understanding today's situation in the Middle East. The coalition partnerships cemented in that initial operation and in the regional peacekeeping operations that followed provided the basis for a growing series of multinational efforts that have characterized the post-Cold War environment. Moreover, the growing interoperability of U.S. air, sea, and land forces coupled with the extensive employment of more sophisticated weapons first showcased in DESERT STORM have become the hallmark of American military operations and the standard that other nations strive to meet.

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