Buffalo Soldiers On the Eve of War

  • The proper way to clean a saddle

    SC123951 - Captain Merrel Moody instructs Privates Enichel Kennedy, Oscar Davis, B. D. Kroninger and Will Johnson of Infantry School Stables, on the proper way to clean a saddle. Ft. Benning, Georgia (July 25, 1941)
    Photo #161--41-1317 by the 161st Sig. Photo. Co.

  • Riding on Jumping Dan Ware

    SC123952 - Sergeant John Hill riding on Jumping Dan Ware, the finest jumping horse in the Infantry Stables.
    Ft. Benning, Georgia (July 25, 1941)
    Photo #161-SC-41-1323 by the 161st Sig. Photo. Co.

  • With colors flying and guidons down

    SC120314 - With colors flying and guidons down, the lead troops of the famous 9th Cavalry pass in review at the regiment's new home in rebuilt Camp Funston. Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 28, 1941)
    Cavalry School Photo #A-541-11

  • The 10th Cavalry in bivouac

    SC120313 - The 10th Cavalry Regiment, recently transferred here from Ft. Leavenworth is shown in bivouac.  Troops guidons are in a line and water bags may be seen at the left.
    Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 28, 1941)
    Cavalry School Photo #A-543-9

  • 9th Cavalry stands at attention

    SC120312 - Troops of the 9th Cavalry stands at attention beside their pup tents. Band instruments are seen in the left foreground. The famous 9th was in bivouac when the photographer snapped this picture.
    Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 28, 1941)
    Cavalry School Photo #A-543-8

  • 10th Cavalry present arms

    SC120311 - Troops of the 10th Cavalry present arms while in bivouac. Pup tents are quarters.
    Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 28, 1941)
    Cavalry School Photo #A-543-7

  • 10th Cavalry at mess time

    SC120308 - It's mess time in the field for members of the 10th Cavalry and the long line of troops pass by the cook's quarters - a truck and a tent.
    Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 28, 1941)
    The Cavalry School Photo #A-543-3

  • 2nd Army commander speaks to the 10th Cavalry

    SC120307 - Lieutenant General Ben Lear, 2nd Army commander, speaks to members of the 10th Cavalry in the field during a recent visit of the General here.
    Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 28, 1941)
    The Cavalry School Photo #A-543-2

  • 9th Cavalry riding in jeep

    SC120204 - These men are not football players even though they are wearing helmets.  There're members of the famous Negro [African American] 9th Cavalry regiment, and are wearing "crash helmets" as they ride in the Army's new speedy little "blitz buggy" or bantam reconnaissance car. The "jeep" -another nickname- is a lightweight vehicle with a short wheelbase. It has four wheel drive, a low gas consumption, and can travel at a high rate of speed.
    Ft. Riley, Kansas (May 24, 1941)
    Cavalry School Photo #A-541-4