After Action Report - July 5, 1898

25th Infantry

July 5, 1898.

Second Brigade, Second Division, Fifth Corps.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Twenty-fifth Infantry in the battle of the 1st instant.

The regiment formed firing line on the right of the Fourth Infantry, facing a Spanish fort or blockhouse about half a mile distant. On moving forward the battalion, composed of Companies C, D, E, G, and H, and commanded by Capt. W. S. Scott, received the fire of the enemy, and after advancing about 400 yards was subjected to a galling fire on their left, Finding cover, the battalion prepared for an advance up the hill to the fort. This advance was made rapidly and conducted with great skill by company officers.

On arriving within a short distance of the fort the white flag was waved to our companies, but a cross fire prevented the enemy from advancing with it or our officers from receiving it. About twenty minutes later a battalion of some other regiment advanced to the rear of the fort, completely covered from fire, and received the flag, but the men of the Twenty-fifth Infantry entered the fort at the same time. All officers and men behaved gallantly. One officer was killed and 3 wounded; 8 men were killed and 20 wounded.

About 200 men and 10 officers were in the firing line. I attribute the comparatively small losses to the skill and bravery of the company officers, viz, First Lieutenant Caldwell and Second Lieutenants Moss and Hunt. Second Lieutenant French, adjutant of the battalion, was among those who gallantly entered the fort.

The battle lasted about two hours and was a hotly contested combat.

Very respectfully,

Lieutenant-Colonel, Twenty-fifth Infantry, Commanding.