After Action Report

10th Cavalry

Camp Hamilton. Santiago de Cuba, July 20, 1898.


SIR: In obedience to instructions from your office 19th instant, I have the honor to submit report covering the operations of the regiment from July 1 to 17, 1898:

July 1. - Took part in general engagement around Santiago City, beginning at 6.30 a. m.

Killed: Troop A, John H. Smoot; Troop B, Corpl. William F. Johnson, Troop C, Private John H. Dodson. Troop D. Private George Stroal. Troop F, First Lieut. W. E. Shipp (brigade quartermaster) ; Troop G, First Lieut. W. H. Smith and Private William H. Slaughter.

Wounded: Maj. T. J. Wint. Troop A. First Lieut. R. L. Livermore and Second Lieut. F. R. McCoy, Sergt. Smith Johnson. Corpl. Joseph G. Mitchell, Privates William A. Cooper, Benjamin Franklin, Wiley Hipsher, Richard James, Robert E. Lee, and Trumpeter Nathan Wyatt; Troop B, Private John Chinn, and William Gregorey and Peter Saunderson, on duty with Hotchkiss guns; Troop C, First Lieut. E. D. Anderson, First Sergt. Adam Houston, Sergts. Edward Lane and Walker Johnson, Privates John Brown. William Matthews, Lewis Marshall, Benjamin F. Gaskins. and Frank Ridgely; Troop D. Capt. John Bigelow, jr.; Sergts George Dyres and Willis Hatcher, Privates J. H. Campbell, Fred Shockley, Wade Bledsoe, William Tyler, Harry D. Sturgis. and Henry Fearn, on duty with Hotchkiss guns; Troop E, Sergt. John J. L. Taylor, on duty with Hotchkiss guns, and M. Sergt. William Payne. Blacksmith Lewis L. Anderson, Privates Henry McCormack, Gilmore Givens, Hillery Brown. and Allen C. White; Troop F, Second Lieut. H. C. Whitehead. Sergts. Amos Elliston and Frank Rankin, Corpl. Allen Jones, Blacksmith Charles Robertson, Privates Isom Taylor, John Watson, and Benjamin West; Troop G, Second Lieut. T. A. Roberts, Sergt. E. S. Washington, Corpl. Marcellus Wright, Privates Charles Arthur. John Brooks, Charles Hopkins, Joseph Williams, and Samuel T. Minar. Troop I, First Sergt. Robert Milbrown, Sergt. U. G. Gunter, Privates Frank D. Bennett, Thornton Burkley, Thomas H. Hardy. Wesley Jones, and Houston Riddill.

Firing ceased about 7.30 p.m., the regiment then occupying a part of the most advanced intrenched position. Troops on guard and extending intrenchments during the night.

July 2. - Firing commenced at 3 a.m. and became general and very heavy at 5.30 a.m. Remained in trenches during the day. Firing ceased about 7.20 p.m.; changed position about dark, 800 yards to the right, occupying and extending some works. An attack by the enemy l0 to l0.35p.m. Very heavy fire, artillery and musketry.

Wounded: First Lieut. M.H. Barnum, regimental adjutant. Troop A, Private Luther D. Gould, Troop C, Private Benjamin F. Tyler; Troop D, Trumpeter Sprague Lewis and Private John F. Taylor and Second Lieut. H. O. Willard.

Work on intrenchments continuing during night, heavily guarded.

July 3. - Heavy firing 5.46 a. m.; musketry fire, shells from artillery. Heavy firing from navy heard about 9 a. m., off Santiago City. Flag of truce 12 in. All firing to cease at 12 m. until further orders, by order of General Shafter. 1 p. m. work on bombproof inaugurated: also drainage to intrenchments looked after, sinks for refuse about camp, and latrines for the regiment.

Wounded: Troop A Private W. H. Brown and Private John Arnold, Troop G.

July 4. - Flag of truce all day; extending works, sand-bag revetments constructed. Heavy firing by navy heard about noon. Command assembled at 12 m. General Miles's telegram concerning battle of 1st read; bands playing national airs.

July 5. - All quiet; flag of truce. News of Admiral Cervera's fleet reached camp.

July 6. - Work on fortifications and bombproof continuing. Truce off at 5p.m. No firing. Two batteries of Second United States Artillery, with mortars, arrived, work on intrenchments resumed.

July 7. - Flag of truce at 5 a. m. All quiet; armistice; General Shafter passes through camp. More work given to occupy.

July 8. - Flag of truce 5 a.m.; work on bombproofs and intrenchments continued; all quiet.

July 9. - Flag of truce. Strengthening of position continued.

July 10. - Firing commenced at 4.30, small arms and artillery. Spanish very slow in replying; ceased about 7.15 p.m.

July 11. - Pickets firing 5.30 a.m.; firing more general about 6 a.m. New troops arriving; cease firing sounded 1.05 p.m. Firing heard until 1.45 p.m. Terrific rain and thunder storm during night.

July 12. - All quiet; General Miles passes through camp. Truce.

July 13. - Truce: all quiet; strengthening works.

July 14. - Three flags of truce; early a.m. notice of attack to commence at 12 m.; news of surrender received in camp; work of strengthening position suspended.

July 15. - All quiet; truce. Gathering loose ammunition from about intrenchments.

July 16. - Truce.

July 17. - Command put in line on trenches to witness formal surrender of General Toral, commanding Spanish forces, from 9 to 9.30 a.m., and again at 12 m, to greet the ascent of the American flag over the Province of Santiago de Cuba.

Very respectfully,

Lieutenant-Colonel Tenth United States Cavalry, Commanding Reigment.