After Action Report

2d Squadron, 9th Cavalry


Intrenched before Santiago, June 8, 1898.


SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my squadron of the Ninth Cavalry in the fight of July 1:

Shortly after the cannonading at Caney had begun, Dimmick's squadron of the Ninth Cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton, Ninth Cavalry, received orders to move at the head of the brigade and follow the Cubans.

The squadron moved in accordance with this order along the road from El Poso toward Santiago about 300 yards, when Colonel Hamilton received orders to march on and pass the Cubans. This order was carried out and Colonel Hamilton was ordered to throw out an advance guard. H Troop (Lieutenant McNamee) was the leading troop and took up the advance guard formation.

Lieutenant Hartwick, commanding the advance party, received orders to advance to the river (San Juan) and halt. This order was carried out. Shortly after this, the shelling of the enemy's works by one battery at El Poso began. During this shelling, the advance party was withdrawn about 100 yards, by order, and then ordered to again take up the advance and throw out flankers as soon as the river was crossed.

After crossing the river, Lieutenant Hartwick threw out skirmishers to the right, but could not do so to the left due to the dense undergrowth. The "point" advanced about 200 yards across the river, when three rifle shots were received from the enemy. The advance party halted; Lieutenant McNamee came forward with the support and took command. At this time General Hawkins and staff came up and reconnoitered the enemy's lines from this point.

Then a party of the Sixth Cavalry came up, and the advance guard, H Troop, was withdrawn about 100 yards and moved to the right of the line with the following formation:
Troop movements of the 9th Cavalry

The Ninth Cavalry formed on the right of the Sixth Cavalry in two skirmish lines, E and C troops in front, and H and D in the rear. Shortly after this, we were moved by the right flank and then forward a short distance. While lying in this position, the enemy opened fire. At this fire, Lieut. W. S. Wood, adjutant Ninth Cavalry, was wounded, as were two troopers of Troop D and one of Troop C. We then moved forward by rushes, but without firing. Owing to the dense undergrowth, H and E troops overlapped the right troop of the Sixth Cavalry. This was soon remedied, and E Troop touched the Sixth Cavalry on our left, with H Troop on the right of E. C and D troops were moved to the right and somewhat to the rear to cover the open wheat field to our right.

In the advance from this position, the Sixth Cavalry moved slightly to the left, and the Ninth swung to the right, each taking a different objective, ours being the San Juan house. This made a gap, which was filled by one squadron of the First Cavalry, under Captain Tutherly, who had been notified of the gap by Captain Kerr, of the Sixth Cavalry. Shortly after the First Cavalry formed on our left, Colonel Roosevelt, of the First Volunteer Cavalry, rode up with some of his men in skirmish order. Colonel Roosevelt said: "I understand the Ninth Cavalry is carrying this hill by rushes, and I am ordered to reinforce you. Where is your colonel?"

Colonel Hamilton was then ensuring that the First Cavalry had formed on our left. At this point, the order "forward" was given and repeated to Colonel Roosevelt. The line, composed of Tutherly’s squadron of the First Regular Cavalry, Dimmick’s squadron of the Ninth Cavalry, and Roosevelt's command of the First Volunteer Cavalry, charged with a cheer and took the hill. Owing to the wire fences and dense undergrowth, the charge was a mixed mass of the commands. Shortly after, Colonel Carroll directed Colonel Hamilton to send a detachment to protect the right flank. While leading this detachment, Colonel Hamilton was shot and instantly killed. At about the same time, Capt. C. W. Taylor was wounded, as were many of our men.

Upon learning of Colonel Hamilton's death, I assumed command and ordered the Ninth Cavalry forward to support the First Volunteer Cavalry advancing to the crest beyond. Captain McBlaine, Troop D, and Lieutenant Walker, Troop C, on the right, promptly pushed forward; Troop E, Captain Stedman, and Troop H, Lieutenant McNamee, on the left. During this movement, I was directed to have the First Cavalry move forward with us. Upon returning, General Sumner directed me to hold our position until the hills in front were taken. D and C troops, along with detachments of the Tenth Cavalry, moved forward and took the crest in front; H, and part of E, mixed with the First Volunteer Cavalry, took the crest in front.

The Ninth Cavalry was later assembled and held the right of our line, reinforced by the Thirteenth Infantry coming up on our left.

The following-named officers took part in the engagement, and all deserve the highest praise for their conduct:
Lieut. Col. T. M. Hamilton, Ninth Cavalry, killed;
First Lieut. W. S. Wood, adjutant, wounded;
Capt. C. A. Stedman, commanding Troop E, and Capt. C. W. Taylor, commanding Troop C, wounded;
Capt. J. F. McBlain, commanding Troop D;
First Lieut. C. W. Stevens, Troop E;
First Lieut. M. M. McNamee, commanding Troop H;
First Lieut. A. A. Barber, Troop D;
Second Lieut. K. W. Walker, squadron adjutant and commanding Troop C;
Second Lieut. E. E. Hartwick, Troop H, acting regimental adjutant.

The conduct of the men was exemplary, maintaining the regiment’s good record.

General Chaffee relieved the Ninth Cavalry and the Thirteenth Infantry around noon. I joined the cavalry division on the left of the First Volunteer Cavalry.

The above is a true copy of my report made to General Sumner, commanding brigade, July 8, 1898.

Respectfully submitted,
Captain, Ninth Cavalry, Commanding Squadron