After Action Report

Gun Detachment, 2d Cavalry Brigade

Report of Gun Detachment, Second Cavalry Brigade, composed of Tenth Cavalrymen, on July 1.




SIR: I have the honor to report that on July 1, 1898, this detachment went into action on the road about 100 yards beyond the first crossing of the San Juan Creek and opened up on the blockhouse and intrenchment about 600 yards to the right of the road and did some effective work with 8 or 10 shots, and, not having any cover, was forced to retire, having 2 men wounded in a very few moments-Sergt. J. G. L. Taylor, Troop E, Tenth Cavalry, and Private Peter Saunders, Troop B, Tenth Cavalry. I later opened fire with one gun on hill at second blockhouse nearest town, on an intrenchment occupied by Spanish troops, and forced them to leave the same. After a few shots I was relieved by alight battery and retired. Shortly after, with two Hotchkiss guns and a machine gun, I took position on crest occupied by a troop of the First United States Cavalry (Captain Galbraith's), and with the Hotchkiss guns did some effective work on a blockhouse in our immediate front, about 800 or 900 yards distant. The machine gun did good work on an intrenchment.

I wish to mention as particularly meritorious and gallant Sergeant Watson and Private Saunders, both of Troop B, Tenth Cavalry, in aiding a wounded corporal of the Third Cavalry to a hospital under a heavy artillery fire, he being deserted by everyone else. The same men deserve special mention for their magnificent behavior during the entire time they were in action. Private Saunders was wounded in the first action and taken to the rear. I also want to mention Private Daniels, of Troop F, for gallant behavior in the first action.

Very respectfully,

First Lieutenant, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Detachment