After Action Report

Troop C, 10th Cavalry

In Camp in Front of Santiago de Cuba, July 5, 1898.



SIR: Pursuant to instructions, I have the honor to report the part taken by Troop C, Tenth Cavalry, in the engagement in front of Santiago on July 1 and 2, 1898.

The troop with 1 officer and 51 men left its camp (with the regiment) at 4.30 p. m. June 30 and bivouacked that night on the road about 400 yards south of the sugar mill, and after the artillery engagement on July 1 left at 9.20 a. in. for the line of blockhouses held by the enemy.

About 10.30 a.m., while on the road, the enemy opened fire. Packs were dropped and left under guard, and the troop ordered into the river bottom, where it remained about half an hour, for protection from fire until it could deploy. While here a shell burst over the troop and I was struck by a small fragment in the left side above the point of the hip and received a slight flesh wound. My troop cut the wire fence to the right of the creek and deployed into the woods in rear of the front line of the regiment, and lay under cover in support on the right of the Second Squadron until the command to advance was given.

While advancing and near the road, Colonel Wood, the brigade commander, came by and told me to move my troop to the right and toward the blockhouse. I had 1 man killed and 7 wounded in reaching the top of the hill. Captain Jones came up with Troop F, Tenth Cavalry, soon after I reached the blockhouse, and I reported my troop to him and formed, with his, a skirmish line and moved on to the blockhouse and intrenchments on the next hill. Here my troop got separated from Captain Jones's, but with 18 men of my own and several from other organizations moved forward about 400 yards, when the fire became very severe and I had 2 men wounded, and halted.

After passing the intrenchments on the second hill my line joined that of Lieutenants Fleming and Miller, of Troop I, Tenth Cavalry, which was on my right, and from then our line was continuous. Shortly, Colonel Roosevelt and part of his regiment joined our right and I reported to him with my troop. His command took position behind the crest which we now occupy. and that night my troop and Troop I intrenched and held the trenches during July 2 and 3 and joined the regiment July 4.

Casualties: Killed, 1 man; wounded, 1 officer; 9 men.

Very respectfully,

First Lieutenant, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Troop.