After Action Report

Troop I, 10th Cavalry

Report of operations of Troop I, Tenth Cavalry, on July 1, 2, and 3, 1898.

July 5, 1898.

About 3.30 p. m., June 30, 1898, troop received orders to move. About 4 p.m. troop started with regiment, but owing to delay did not get into position until after dark. Troop bivouacked alongside of road with regiment. Remained there during bombardment of next morning. Returned with regiment; left packs alongside of road under charge of guard, and lay down under such cover as possible. Two men in troop were wounded here while troop was marching along road. Troop remained hereabout five minutes, when I received orders to move to right of road. We moved to the right, crossed creek, and moved alongside of creek to fairly good cover. Remained here for about half an hour, exposed to a pretty heavy artillery fire. Then received orders to move forward and form skirmish line on edge of creek, perpendicular to last position. Troop moved forward from this position by successive movements until the second creek was reached, when troop moved to right and crossed creek. The left of troop, under command of Lieut. A. M. Miller, moved directly up the hill and participated in attack on blockhouse on right of enemy's position. This part, under Lieutenant Miller, afterwards crossed the valley between the blockhouses and was in the attack on the blockhouse on left of enemy's position. It then moved forward with the First Regular Cavalry and First Volunteer Cavalry until it reached the position now held by First Volunteer Cavalry, the latter being on left and regular cavalry on right. The right of troop, under my command, passed creek, bore to right, crossed fence into road, moved down road about 30 yards. crossed through fence to right of road, and took position behind ridge, a short distance to right of fence; from this position advanced through swampy ground to right of pond directly on trench between two blockhouses. In this charge the troop had caught up with preceding troops and was well up to the front. Troop occupied ground in front of this trench and fired volleys at enemy's next line of intrenchments, while the enemy was manning them. Troop then advanced through wire fence, and advanced to extreme edge of hill, now occupied by intrenchments of First Volunteer Cavalry. There were First Volunteer Cavalry and Tenth Cavalry in this position-in all, about 100 men. Lieutenant Anderson. of the Tenth, here joined me. Remained here about an hour, when was informed line was being formed in the rear. Went back and formed on left of First Volunteer Cavalry. Troop assisted in digging trenches that night.

July 2. - Part of troop in trenches; remainder about 20 yards in rear until about 2 p. m., when it was ordered down to base of hill. Men in trenches relieved at 6 p. m. At night attack troop formed line, under orders, near crest of hill, near position in camp.

July 3. - Remained in camp until 3 p. m., when troop was ordered to right and joined rest of regiment.


Wounded: First Sergt. Robert Millbrown, Sergeant Gunter, Private Bennett, Private Burkley, Private Hardy, Private Wesley Jones, Private Riddell.

Missing: Private J. F. Chinn, jr.

The entire troop behaved with great gallantry. I have no special recommendation to make. One recruit, Private Elsie Jones, particularly distinguished himself. I have recommended him before, in fight of June 2.

Lieutenant Miller conducted himself with great coolness and used good judgement in giving orders.

Very respectfully,

First Lieutenant, Tenth Cavalry, Commanding Troop I.