158th Infantry — Combat Chronicle

The following information is taken from a combat chronicle prepared right after World War II. The text below, including the spelling of geographical locations, is as it appears in the original document.
9 Mar 1943 Party of 42 survivors from LAE convoy landed GOODENOUGH ISLAND; majority killed or captured by patrol 158th RCT. Other small groups on mainland mopped up.
1 Jul 1943 1st echelon landing on KIRIWINA reported without interference. Strength KIRIWINA 2578 confirmed; 2925 unconfirmed.
4 Jul 1943 Arrival 1st 2 echelons KIRIWINA confirmed; occupation and defence activities satisfactory.
5 Jul 1943 3rd and 5th echelons arrived KIRIWINA.
6 Jul 1943 Allied strength 5 July KIRIWINA 5200.
9 Jul 1943 Activities connection occupation, defence, airfield construction KIRIWINA considered satisfactory.
19 Jul 1943 Air strip cleared. Strength now 6300.
5 Aug 1943 Force increased to 7000.
29 Dec 1943 ARAWE: Active patrolling continues. Light contact reported UMTINGALU area.
30 Dec 1943 ARAWE: Increased patrolling reported.
31 Dec 1943 MOLEME patrol infiltrated MLR; being mopped up. Allied patrols arrive.
23 May 1944 158th Infantry arrived WAKDE.
26 May 1944 1st and 4 Bns, 158th Infantry, began advance on SARMI 23 May; reached MAFFIN VILLAGE same night; received sniper fire.
29 May 1944 2 Bns, 158th Infantry report resistance 1 mile south MAFFIN strip.
31 May 1944 Elements of 158th withdrew to positions near MAFFIN TOWN.
8 Jun 1944 1st Infantry and 6th Engineers relieved elements of 158th Infantry perimeter area near ARARA (WAKDE) 6 June.
9 Jun 1944 Attacked West morning 8 June, ony slight opposition reported.
10 Jun 1944 Patrols with tank support cleared enemy pillboxes E. TIRFOAM R.
11 Jun 1944 Enemy patrols raided 158th Infantry perimeter on TIRFOAM R. night 9 June.
12 Jun 1944 Cleaned out enemy strongpoint TIRFOAM R; destroyed several field guns.
18 Jun 1944 20th Infantry (6th Division) completed relief of 158th Infantry.
3 Jul 1944 158th Regimental Combat Team (RCT) landed unopposed KAMIRI Airdrome (NOEMFOOR ISLAND) 2200Z 2 July; by midafternoon had occupied runway and dispersal area. Met only light mortar fire.
4 Jul 1944 Extended perimeter to include all northeast dispersal areas and reached line extending south from PIEFOERI VILLAGE. Patrols active.
5 Jul 1944 Pushed East, occupied KORNASOREN Airdrome; nil organized resistance reported.
6 Jul 1944 Enemy attacked Allied positions 1 mile SE KAMIRI; patrols from KORNASOREN reached point 800 yeards W SJORIBOE, report no contact. Captured MANIM ISLAND off NAMBER.
7 Jul 1944 Landed NAMBER area, met little opposition; captured strip by mid-afternoon, 6 July.
9 Jul 1944 Patrol activity N and W coasts brought total enemy killed to 410.
11 Jul 1944 Only slight contacts reported.
12 Jul 1944 Vigorous patrolling continues.
15 Jul 1944 Combat patrols contacted estimated 200 enemy in prepared positions 3½ miles SE KAMIRI VILLAGE 13 July.
16 Jul 1944 Vigorous patrolling continues.
17 Jul 1944 Group of 200 enemy contacted on high ground 5 miles NE KAMIRI VILLAGE.
19 Jul 1944 Active patrolling all areas, artillery harassed enemy position Hill 670 (5 miles SE KAMIRI)
27 Jul 1944 Patrolling and mopping up continues.
2 Aug 1944 970 enemy killed to date, 68 Japanese, 403 Formosans captured.
5 Aug 1944 Scattered patrol contacts continued.
11 Aug 1944 Main body of enemy troops remaining on Island surrounded by our troops 2½ miles SE IMASI. Our artillery heavily shelled surrounding enemy position.
14 Aug 1944 Three counter-attacks on Allied positions surrounding enemy pocket SE IMASI repulsed.
24 Aug 1944 1641 enemy killed; 162 prisoners.
13 Sep 1944 1840 killed, 230 captured.
13 Jan 1945 Landed vicinity MABILAO (LUZON) 11 Jan, attacked N toward RABON.
16 Jan 1945 Patrol entered DAMORTIS.
17 Jan 1945 Occupied DAMORTIS; no opposition.
17 Jan 1945 Captured AMLANG against stiff resistance; encountered heavy artillery and machine gun fire 500 yards to E.
17 Jan 1945 Captured high ground vicinity ANLAG; patrolled N. to CUPANG.
18 Jan 1945 Patrolled to ASAN without contact.
19 Jan 1945 Units in CATAGUINTINGAN-ROSARIO area replused night counterattacks, made slow progress in push to capture high ground N ROSARIO; other units to SOUTH captured SISON. 158th is now attached to 43d Division.
21 Jan 1945 Continued heavy fighting NW ROSARIO and vicinity AMLANG, units near SISON repulsed continuous night counter attacks; others captured Hill 600, 4500 yards N POZORRUBIO.
22 Jan 1945 Met continued strong resistance AMLANG-ROSARIO-SISON areas.
23 Jan 1945

Continued heavy fighting ROSARIO approaches.

23 Jan 1945 Units received continuous artillery fire ROSARIO area, met stiff resistance 5000 yards NW POZARRUBIO; attacked prepared positions NE BINDAY.
24 Jan 1945 Attacking from high ground NW ROSARIO reached point 300 yards from town; others reduced resistance MT ALAVA, captured 2000 tons ammunition.
25 Jan 1945 Resistance vicinity AMLANG reported broken.
26 Jan 1945 Launched coordinated attack to capture high ground hill 600 area 2000 yards NE ROSARIO.
28 Jan 1945 Mopping up operations high ground E POZORRUBIO-ROSARIO road.
30 Jan 1945 Reported DAMORTIS-ROSARIO Road open 27 Jan.
30 Jan 1945 Eliminated small groups withdrawing ROSARIO sector; repulsed counterattack to N.
31 Jan 1945 Captured UDIAO; continued mopping up ROSARIO sector.
7 Feb 1945 3 night counterattacks ROSARIO area ¾.
8 Feb 1945 Repulsed small scale counter and infiltration attacks ROSARIO sector; 158th patrolled to AGOO without contact. Captured high ground 1500 yards W. LABAYUG area.
11 Feb 1945 Patrolled extensively in zone of action, destroyed numerous small enemy parties.
14 Feb 1945 33d Division relieved 158th RCT.
7 Mar 1945 158th RCT attached to 11th AB Div in attack to secure BATANGAS BAY reached point 2 miles E BALAYAN (SW BATNAGAS).
8 Mar 1945 Reached LEMERY.
9 Mar 1945 Overcame strong opposition to secure BOTONG, sent patrols NE to SAN NICOLAS on LAKE TAAL.
10 Mar 1945 Reached BANAN on BATANGAS BAY; reached road junction at BALIBAG.
11 Mar 1945 Units reached point 1000 yeards W of BUNGAHAN.
12 Mar 1945 Occupied MOJON, patrolled E and NE from line BAUAN/BALIBAG.
13 Mar 1945 Secured BATANGAS town unopposed.
14 Mar 1945 Attached strong positions vicinity CAMP MCGRATH.
15 Mar 1945 Met stiff resistance MT MUNTINTUBIG.
16 Mar 1945 Elements 158th RCT landed DAGATAN, advanced within 1200 yds of MABINI.
17 Mar 1945 Secured MABINI seized MT MUNTINTUBIG.
18 Mar 1945 Repulsed counter attack vicinity MABINI.
20 Mar 1945 Attacking to seize high ground vicinity CUENA; reached top SAN JOSE HILL and SW slopes MT MACALOD.
21 Mar 1945 Continued attack MT MACOLOD against heavy fire.
22 Mar 1945 Secured high ground overlooking IBABAO, cut CUENCA IBABAO road near CUNECA; met continued strong resistance from MT MACOLOD.
23 Mar 1945 Secured CUENCA unopposed on 21 Mar, occupied MT MACOLOD against light opposition 22 March, advanced NE on DITA.
24 Mar 1945 Relieved by 11th AB Div E and NE CUENCA, sent patrols to ARENAS POINT, SOROSOPO HILL and SAN JOSE.
25 Mar 1945 158th RCT detached and passed to control of CG 6th Army at LEMERY.
1 Apr 1945 Reinforced landed at LEGASPI at 1000 hours 1 Apr against heavy artillery fire.
2 Apr 1945 Secured LEGASPI town and air field; advanced up MT LINGUION, patrolled N and W.
3 Apr 1945 Captured MT LINGUION, commenced drive to S against heavy fire; reconnoitered coastal road N to TIZI POINT.
4 Apr 1945 Seized KULIAN and expanded holdings W of CARAGA against heavy resistance; reconnoitered toward MAYON volcano.
5 Apr 1945 Occupied positions 700 yards W BUSAY attacked SW of DARAGA progress unreported.
6 Apr 1945 Outflanked enemy left flank near BUSAY, turned SW; seized positions 1000 yards S and SE DARAGA against stiff resistance.
7 Apr 1945 Occupied key terrain W DARAGA dominating YAWA RIVER VALLEY; isolated enemy force 1 mile SW DARAGA; reconnoitered MT BARAWY and the coast of POLIQUI BAY toward MANITO; amphibious patrol to BACON, reconnoitered S toward SOROSGON.
8 Apr 1945 Secured Highway leading S from DARAGA, occupied SORSOGON and reported organized resistance ended SORSOGON Province. SAN BERNARDINO STRAIT now secured N and S.
9 Apr 1945 Reached area 3500 yards W DARAGA against increasing resistance.
10 Apr 1945 Seized favorable terrain to N outflanking enemy positions W of DARAGA; patrolled SORSOGAN Province.
11 Apr 1945 Reached highway 1000 yards E LACAG, gained SW against decreasing opposition; captured large supply dumps 5000 yards S DARAGA.
12 Apr 1945 Entered CAMALIG, landed unopposed RAPURAPU ISLAND, patrolled to MATNOG.
13 Apr 1945 Reach COMUN; patrolled to OAS.
14 Apr 1945 Cleared RAPURAPU and BATAN ISLANDS; reached area 2 miles S SAN FRANCISCO; attacked positions SE CAMALIG.
15 Apr 1945 Cleared CAGRARAY ISLAND; enveloped enemy pocket SE CAMALIG; reached JAVELLAR, QARN, and NABUA; encountered enemy pocket near SAN FRANCISCO.
16 Apr 1945 Cleared SAN MIGUEL ISLAND; occupied IRIGA (3 miles E NABUA) eliminated resistance SE; attacked strong positions SW CAMILIG; cleared high ground E SAN FRANCISCO.
18 Apr 1945 Gained 2500 yards converging on strong point SE CAMILIG, occupied SAN FRANCISCO, repulsed counterattack, reconnoitered MAYONG (6 miles NW TIWI POINT).
19 Apr 1945 Continued to reduce strong resistance SE CAMILING, eliminated all organized resistance SAN FRANCISCO area, capturing large supply dumps.
20 Apr 1945 Entered NAGA (17 miles NW IRIGAN) continued reduction CAMALIG pocket.
21 Apr 1945 Landed CATANDUANES ISLAND (Lagono Gulf); contacted enemy SE portion, converged from 3 directions on strongly fortified hill mass SE CAMILIG.
22 Apr 1945 Occupied PATITINAN (10 miles NW TIWI POINT), destroyed enemy radar station SE CATANDUANES ISLAND, continued reduction fortified hill mass SE CAMILIG against heavy resistance.
23 Apr 1945 Reverted to XIV Corps; local gains CAMILIG pocket.
30 Apr 1945 Broke organized resistance CAMALIG pocket, mopped up.
1 May 1945 Reached PAWILI River bridge 3 miles from junction with 1st Cav units at PILI against minor opposition; secured TIGAON and SALVACION.
2 May 1945 Forced crossing PAWILI River, reached ANAYAN (7½ miles SE of NAGA) within 1 mile of 1st Cav Div.
3 May 1945 Reached UMBAGO (8½ miles E of PILI), assumed control 5th Cav Regimental Combat Team.
4 May 1945 Opened Highway 27 and by establishing contact with 1st Cav Div at PILI opened Highway 1 through the BICOL PENINSULA.
5 May 1945 Probed southern slopes MT ISAROG.
6 May 1945 Continued to patrol foothills MT SAROG.
17 May 1945 Reported cessation all organized resistance in BICOL Provinces.
7 June 1945 5th Cav Regimental Combat Team reverted from control of 158th RCT to control of 1st Cav Div.
16 Jun 1945 XI Corps assumed command 158th RCT.
31 Dec 1945 Action being taken to inactivate the 158th Inf Regt. The 1st Bn, 158th Inf (attached 97th Div) moved from Tochige to Utsunomiya
5 Jan 1946 At 0001 3d Bn, 387th Inf (97th Div) relieved the 158th RCT of all occupational responsibility in Tochigi Prefecture
16 Jan 1946 158th RCT inactivated during the day.