The following information is taken from a combat chronicle prepared right after World War II. The text below, including the spelling of geographical locations, is as it appears in the original document. |
9 Mar 1943 |
Party of 42 survivors from LAE convoy landed GOODENOUGH ISLAND; majority killed or captured by patrol 158th RCT. Other small groups on mainland mopped up. |
1 Jul 1943 |
1st echelon landing on KIRIWINA reported without interference. Strength KIRIWINA 2578 confirmed; 2925 unconfirmed. |
4 Jul 1943 |
Arrival 1st 2 echelons KIRIWINA confirmed; occupation and defence activities satisfactory. |
5 Jul 1943 |
3rd and 5th echelons arrived KIRIWINA. |
6 Jul 1943 |
Allied strength 5 July KIRIWINA 5200. |
9 Jul 1943 |
Activities connection occupation, defence, airfield construction KIRIWINA considered satisfactory. |
19 Jul 1943 |
Air strip cleared. Strength now 6300. |
5 Aug 1943 |
Force increased to 7000. |
29 Dec 1943 |
ARAWE: Active patrolling continues. Light contact reported UMTINGALU area. |
30 Dec 1943 |
ARAWE: Increased patrolling reported. |
31 Dec 1943 |
MOLEME patrol infiltrated MLR; being mopped up. Allied patrols arrive. |
23 May 1944 |
158th Infantry arrived WAKDE. |
26 May 1944 |
1st and 4 Bns, 158th Infantry, began advance on SARMI 23 May; reached MAFFIN VILLAGE same night; received sniper fire. |
29 May 1944 |
2 Bns, 158th Infantry report resistance 1 mile south MAFFIN strip. |
31 May 1944 |
Elements of 158th withdrew to positions near MAFFIN TOWN. |
8 Jun 1944 |
1st Infantry and 6th Engineers relieved elements of 158th Infantry perimeter area near ARARA (WAKDE) 6 June. |
9 Jun 1944 |
Attacked West morning 8 June, ony slight opposition reported. |
10 Jun 1944 |
Patrols with tank support cleared enemy pillboxes E. TIRFOAM R. |
11 Jun 1944 |
Enemy patrols raided 158th Infantry perimeter on TIRFOAM R. night 9 June. |
12 Jun 1944 |
Cleaned out enemy strongpoint TIRFOAM R; destroyed several field guns. |
18 Jun 1944 |
20th Infantry (6th Division) completed relief of 158th Infantry. |
3 Jul 1944 |
158th Regimental Combat Team (RCT) landed unopposed KAMIRI Airdrome (NOEMFOOR ISLAND) 2200Z 2 July; by midafternoon had occupied runway and dispersal area. Met only light mortar fire. |
4 Jul 1944 |
Extended perimeter to include all northeast dispersal areas and reached line extending south from PIEFOERI VILLAGE. Patrols active. |
5 Jul 1944 |
Pushed East, occupied KORNASOREN Airdrome; nil organized resistance reported. |
6 Jul 1944 |
Enemy attacked Allied positions 1 mile SE KAMIRI; patrols from KORNASOREN reached point 800 yeards W SJORIBOE, report no contact. Captured MANIM ISLAND off NAMBER. |
7 Jul 1944 |
Landed NAMBER area, met little opposition; captured strip by mid-afternoon, 6 July. |
9 Jul 1944 |
Patrol activity N and W coasts brought total enemy killed to 410. |
11 Jul 1944 |
Only slight contacts reported. |
12 Jul 1944 |
Vigorous patrolling continues. |
15 Jul 1944 |
Combat patrols contacted estimated 200 enemy in prepared positions 3½ miles SE KAMIRI VILLAGE 13 July. |
16 Jul 1944 |
Vigorous patrolling continues. |
17 Jul 1944 |
Group of 200 enemy contacted on high ground 5 miles NE KAMIRI VILLAGE. |
19 Jul 1944 |
Active patrolling all areas, artillery harassed enemy position Hill 670 (5 miles SE KAMIRI) |
27 Jul 1944 |
Patrolling and mopping up continues. |
2 Aug 1944 |
970 enemy killed to date, 68 Japanese, 403 Formosans captured. |
5 Aug 1944 |
Scattered patrol contacts continued. |
11 Aug 1944 |
Main body of enemy troops remaining on Island surrounded by our troops 2½ miles SE IMASI. Our artillery heavily shelled surrounding enemy position. |
14 Aug 1944 |
Three counter-attacks on Allied positions surrounding enemy pocket SE IMASI repulsed. |
24 Aug 1944 |
1641 enemy killed; 162 prisoners. |
13 Sep 1944 |
1840 killed, 230 captured. |
13 Jan 1945 |
Landed vicinity MABILAO (LUZON) 11 Jan, attacked N toward RABON. |
16 Jan 1945 |
Patrol entered DAMORTIS. |
17 Jan 1945 |
Occupied DAMORTIS; no opposition. |
17 Jan 1945 |
Captured AMLANG against stiff resistance; encountered heavy artillery and machine gun fire 500 yards to E. |
17 Jan 1945 |
Captured high ground vicinity ANLAG; patrolled N. to CUPANG. |
18 Jan 1945 |
Patrolled to ASAN without contact. |
19 Jan 1945 |
Units in CATAGUINTINGAN-ROSARIO area replused night counterattacks, made slow progress in push to capture high ground N ROSARIO; other units to SOUTH captured SISON. 158th is now attached to 43d Division. |
21 Jan 1945 |
Continued heavy fighting NW ROSARIO and vicinity AMLANG, units near SISON repulsed continuous night counter attacks; others captured Hill 600, 4500 yards N POZORRUBIO. |
22 Jan 1945 |
Met continued strong resistance AMLANG-ROSARIO-SISON areas. |
23 Jan 1945 |
Continued heavy fighting ROSARIO approaches.
23 Jan 1945 |
Units received continuous artillery fire ROSARIO area, met stiff resistance 5000 yards NW POZARRUBIO; attacked prepared positions NE BINDAY. |
24 Jan 1945 |
Attacking from high ground NW ROSARIO reached point 300 yards from town; others reduced resistance MT ALAVA, captured 2000 tons ammunition. |
25 Jan 1945 |
Resistance vicinity AMLANG reported broken. |
26 Jan 1945 |
Launched coordinated attack to capture high ground hill 600 area 2000 yards NE ROSARIO. |
28 Jan 1945 |
Mopping up operations high ground E POZORRUBIO-ROSARIO road. |
30 Jan 1945 |
Reported DAMORTIS-ROSARIO Road open 27 Jan. |
30 Jan 1945 |
Eliminated small groups withdrawing ROSARIO sector; repulsed counterattack to N. |
31 Jan 1945 |
Captured UDIAO; continued mopping up ROSARIO sector. |
7 Feb 1945 |
3 night counterattacks ROSARIO area ¾. |
8 Feb 1945 |
Repulsed small scale counter and infiltration attacks ROSARIO sector; 158th patrolled to AGOO without contact. Captured high ground 1500 yards W. LABAYUG area. |
11 Feb 1945 |
Patrolled extensively in zone of action, destroyed numerous small enemy parties. |
14 Feb 1945 |
33d Division relieved 158th RCT. |
7 Mar 1945 |
158th RCT attached to 11th AB Div in attack to secure BATANGAS BAY reached point 2 miles E BALAYAN (SW BATNAGAS). |
8 Mar 1945 |
Reached LEMERY. |
9 Mar 1945 |
Overcame strong opposition to secure BOTONG, sent patrols NE to SAN NICOLAS on LAKE TAAL. |
10 Mar 1945 |
Reached BANAN on BATANGAS BAY; reached road junction at BALIBAG. |
11 Mar 1945 |
Units reached point 1000 yeards W of BUNGAHAN. |
12 Mar 1945 |
Occupied MOJON, patrolled E and NE from line BAUAN/BALIBAG. |
13 Mar 1945 |
Secured BATANGAS town unopposed. |
14 Mar 1945 |
Attached strong positions vicinity CAMP MCGRATH. |
15 Mar 1945 |
Met stiff resistance MT MUNTINTUBIG. |
16 Mar 1945 |
Elements 158th RCT landed DAGATAN, advanced within 1200 yds of MABINI. |
17 Mar 1945 |
18 Mar 1945 |
Repulsed counter attack vicinity MABINI. |
20 Mar 1945 |
Attacking to seize high ground vicinity CUENA; reached top SAN JOSE HILL and SW slopes MT MACALOD. |
21 Mar 1945 |
Continued attack MT MACOLOD against heavy fire. |
22 Mar 1945 |
Secured high ground overlooking IBABAO, cut CUENCA IBABAO road near CUNECA; met continued strong resistance from MT MACOLOD. |
23 Mar 1945 |
Secured CUENCA unopposed on 21 Mar, occupied MT MACOLOD against light opposition 22 March, advanced NE on DITA. |
24 Mar 1945 |
Relieved by 11th AB Div E and NE CUENCA, sent patrols to ARENAS POINT, SOROSOPO HILL and SAN JOSE. |
25 Mar 1945 |
158th RCT detached and passed to control of CG 6th Army at LEMERY. |
1 Apr 1945 |
Reinforced landed at LEGASPI at 1000 hours 1 Apr against heavy artillery fire. |
2 Apr 1945 |
Secured LEGASPI town and air field; advanced up MT LINGUION, patrolled N and W. |
3 Apr 1945 |
Captured MT LINGUION, commenced drive to S against heavy fire; reconnoitered coastal road N to TIZI POINT. |
4 Apr 1945 |
Seized KULIAN and expanded holdings W of CARAGA against heavy resistance; reconnoitered toward MAYON volcano. |
5 Apr 1945 |
Occupied positions 700 yards W BUSAY attacked SW of DARAGA progress unreported. |
6 Apr 1945 |
Outflanked enemy left flank near BUSAY, turned SW; seized positions 1000 yards S and SE DARAGA against stiff resistance. |
7 Apr 1945 |
Occupied key terrain W DARAGA dominating YAWA RIVER VALLEY; isolated enemy force 1 mile SW DARAGA; reconnoitered MT BARAWY and the coast of POLIQUI BAY toward MANITO; amphibious patrol to BACON, reconnoitered S toward SOROSGON. |
8 Apr 1945 |
Secured Highway leading S from DARAGA, occupied SORSOGON and reported organized resistance ended SORSOGON Province. SAN BERNARDINO STRAIT now secured N and S. |
9 Apr 1945 |
Reached area 3500 yards W DARAGA against increasing resistance. |
10 Apr 1945 |
Seized favorable terrain to N outflanking enemy positions W of DARAGA; patrolled SORSOGAN Province. |
11 Apr 1945 |
Reached highway 1000 yards E LACAG, gained SW against decreasing opposition; captured large supply dumps 5000 yards S DARAGA. |
12 Apr 1945 |
Entered CAMALIG, landed unopposed RAPURAPU ISLAND, patrolled to MATNOG. |
13 Apr 1945 |
Reach COMUN; patrolled to OAS. |
14 Apr 1945 |
Cleared RAPURAPU and BATAN ISLANDS; reached area 2 miles S SAN FRANCISCO; attacked positions SE CAMALIG. |
15 Apr 1945 |
Cleared CAGRARAY ISLAND; enveloped enemy pocket SE CAMALIG; reached JAVELLAR, QARN, and NABUA; encountered enemy pocket near SAN FRANCISCO. |
16 Apr 1945 |
Cleared SAN MIGUEL ISLAND; occupied IRIGA (3 miles E NABUA) eliminated resistance SE; attacked strong positions SW CAMILIG; cleared high ground E SAN FRANCISCO. |
18 Apr 1945 |
Gained 2500 yards converging on strong point SE CAMILIG, occupied SAN FRANCISCO, repulsed counterattack, reconnoitered MAYONG (6 miles NW TIWI POINT). |
19 Apr 1945 |
Continued to reduce strong resistance SE CAMILING, eliminated all organized resistance SAN FRANCISCO area, capturing large supply dumps. |
20 Apr 1945 |
Entered NAGA (17 miles NW IRIGAN) continued reduction CAMALIG pocket. |
21 Apr 1945 |
Landed CATANDUANES ISLAND (Lagono Gulf); contacted enemy SE portion, converged from 3 directions on strongly fortified hill mass SE CAMILIG. |
22 Apr 1945 |
Occupied PATITINAN (10 miles NW TIWI POINT), destroyed enemy radar station SE CATANDUANES ISLAND, continued reduction fortified hill mass SE CAMILIG against heavy resistance. |
23 Apr 1945 |
Reverted to XIV Corps; local gains CAMILIG pocket. |
30 Apr 1945 |
Broke organized resistance CAMALIG pocket, mopped up. |
1 May 1945 |
Reached PAWILI River bridge 3 miles from junction with 1st Cav units at PILI against minor opposition; secured TIGAON and SALVACION. |
2 May 1945 |
Forced crossing PAWILI River, reached ANAYAN (7½ miles SE of NAGA) within 1 mile of 1st Cav Div. |
3 May 1945 |
Reached UMBAGO (8½ miles E of PILI), assumed control 5th Cav Regimental Combat Team. |
4 May 1945 |
Opened Highway 27 and by establishing contact with 1st Cav Div at PILI opened Highway 1 through the BICOL PENINSULA. |
5 May 1945 |
Probed southern slopes MT ISAROG. |
6 May 1945 |
Continued to patrol foothills MT SAROG. |
17 May 1945 |
Reported cessation all organized resistance in BICOL Provinces. |
7 June 1945 |
5th Cav Regimental Combat Team reverted from control of 158th RCT to control of 1st Cav Div. |
16 Jun 1945 |
XI Corps assumed command 158th RCT. |
31 Dec 1945 |
Action being taken to inactivate the 158th Inf Regt. The 1st Bn, 158th Inf (attached 97th Div) moved from Tochige to Utsunomiya |
5 Jan 1946 |
At 0001 3d Bn, 387th Inf (97th Div) relieved the 158th RCT of all occupational responsibility in Tochigi Prefecture |
16 Jan 1946 |
158th RCT inactivated during the day. |