Order of Battle (1)

Headquarters, United States Army Northern Ireland Force (USANIF)

Headquarters, Northern Ireland Base Section

  • XXXVI North Ireland Base Section
  • XXXVII North Ireland Base Section
  • XXXVIII North Ireland Base Section
  • XXXIX North Ireland Base Section

Northern Ireland District, Western Base Section

V Corps

  • Headquarters and Headquarters Company, V Corps(2)

XV Corps

  • Headquarters and Headquarters Company,(3) XV Corps
  • Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, XV Corps Artillery
  • 1st Armored Division(4)
  • Headquarters Detachment, Combat Command A(5)
  • Headquarters Detachment, Combat Command B(6)
  • 1st Armor (1st Battalion M-3 light tanks)
  • 13th Armor (1st Battalion M-3 light tanks)
  • 6th Armored Infantry
  • 16th Armored Engineer Battalion
  • 81st Armored Reconnaissance Battalion
  • 141st Armored Signal Company
  • Headquarters, 1st Armored Division Artillery Command(7)
    • 27th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (105mm self-propelled)
    • 68th Armored Field Artillery Battalion (105mm self-propelled)
    • 91st Armored Field Artillery Battalion (105mm self-propelled)
    • Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Division
    • Service Company, 1st Armored Division(8)
    • 1st Armored Division Trains
  • Headquarters Detachment, 1st Armored Division Trains
  • Supply Battalion, 1st Armored Division(9)
  • Maintenance Battalion, 1st Armored Division
  • 47th Armored Medical Battalion

2d Infantry Division(10)

  • 9th Infantry
  • 23d Infantry
  • 38th Infantry
  • 2d Infantry Division Artillery
    • Headquarters Battery, 2d Infantry Division Artillery
    • 12th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm)
    • 15th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 37th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 38th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 2d Engineer Battalion
    • 2d Medical Battalion
    • 2d Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized
    • Headquarters, Special Troops, 2d Infantry Division
  • 2d Quartermaster Company
  • 2d Signal Company
  • 702d Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
  • Headquarters Company, 2d Infantry Division
  • Military Police Platoon, 2d Infantry Division
  • 2d Infantry Division Band

5th Infantry Division

  • 2d Infantry
  • 10th Infantry
  • 11th Infantry
  • 5th Infantry Division Artillery
    • Headquarters Battery, 5th Infantry Division Artillery
    • 19th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 21st Field Artillery Battalion (155mm)
    • 46th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 50th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 5th Medical Battalion
    • 7th Engineer Combat Battalion
    • 5th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized (M-48 scout car)
    • Headquarters, Special Troops, 5th Infantry Division
  • 5th Quartermaster Company
  • 5th Signal Company
  • 705th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
  • Headquarters Company, 5th Infantry Division
  • Military Police Platoon, 5th Infantry Division
  • 5th Infantry Division Band

8th Infantry Division

  • 13th Infantry
  • 28th Infantry
  • 121st Infantry [Georgia National Guard]
  • 8th Infantry Division Artillery
    • Headquarters Battery, 8th Infantry Division Artillery
    • 28th Field Artillery Battalion (155mm)
    • 43d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 45th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 56th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
    • 8th Medical Battalion
    • 12th Engineer Combat Battalion
    • 8th Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized
    • Headquarters, Special Troops, 8th Infantry Division
  • 8th Quartermaster Company
  • 8th Signal Company
  • 708th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
  • Headquarters Company, 8th Infantry Division
  • Military Police Platoon, 8th Infantry Division
  • 8th Infantry Division Band

34th Infantry Division(11) [Iowa National Guard]

  • 133d Infantry [Iowa National Guard]
  • 135th Infantry [Minnesota National Guard]
  • 168th Infantry [Iowa National Guard]
  • 34th Infantry Division Artillery
    • Headquarters Battery, 34th Infantry Division Artillery [Minnesota National Guard]
    • Band, 34th Infantry Division Artillery [Minnesota National Guard]
    • 125th Field Artillery Battalion [Minnesota National Guard]
    • 151st Field Artillery Battalion [Minnesota National Guard]
    • 175th Field Artillery Battalion [Minnesota National Guard]
    • 185th Field Artillery Battalion [Iowa National Guard]
    • 109th Engineer Battalion (Combat) [South Dakota National Guard]
    • 109th Medical Battalion [Iowa National Guard]
    • 109th Quartermaster Battalion [Minnesota and South Dakota National Guards]
    • 34th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop [Iowa and Minnesota National Guards]
    • 34th Signal Company [South Dakota National Guard]
    • Headquarters Company and Military Police Platoon, 34th
  • Infantry Division [Iowa National Guard less Military
  • Police Platoon which is Minnesota National Guard]

82d Airborne Division(12)

  • 325th Glider Infantry
  • 505th Parachute Infantry
  • 82d Airborne Division Artillery
    • 319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion (75mm pack)
    • 320th Glider Field Artillery Battalion (75mm pack)
    • 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion (75mm pack)
    • 456th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion (75mm pack)
    • 82d Airborne Division Artillery Band
    • 80th Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion
    • 307th Airborne Engineer Battalion
    • 307th Airborne Medical Company
    • Headquarters, Special Troops, 82d Airborne Division
  • 82d Airborne Signal Company
  • 407th Airborne Quartermaster Company
  • 782d Airborne Ordnance Company
  • Headquarters Company, 82d Airborne Division
  • Military Police Platoon, 82d Airborne Division

Non-Divisional Units


507th Parachute Infantry

508th Parachute Infantry

3d Battalion (less Companies I and K), 156 Infantry

1st Ranger Battalion(13)

Armor, Tank Destroyer or Cavalry

6th Cavalry(14)

  • 6th Cavalry Band

Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 6th Cavalry Group, Mechanized

6th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized(15)

28th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized(16)

644th Tank Destroyer Battalion (XV Corps)

654th Tank Destroyer Battalion (Light) (Self-Propelled) (XV Corps)

818th Tank Destroyer Battalion (XV Corps)

Field Artillery

3d Field Artillery Observation Battalion (XV Corps)

Coast or Antiaircraft Artillery

209th Coast Artillery (Antiaircraft) (V Corps) [New York National Guard](17)

103d Coast Artillery Battalion (Separate) (Antiaircraft)

(37mm) (V Corps) [Kentucky National Guard]

106th Coast Artillery Battalion (Antiaircraft) (Automatic

Weapons) (V Corps) [Kentucky National Guard]

376th Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons Battalion (Mobile)(18)

405th Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (Semi-mobile)(19)

Corps of Engineers

112th Engineers (Combat) (V Corps)(20)

591st Engineer Boat Regiment

107th Engineer Battalion (Combat) [Michigan National Guard]

112th Engineer Battalion (Combat) [Ohio National Guard](21)

397th Engineer Depot Company (V Corps)

427th Engineer Dump Truck Company

457th Engineer Depot Company

467th Engineer Maintenance Company (V Corps)(22)

518th Engineer Company(23)

666th Engineer Topographic Company (XV Corps)

1593d Engineer Utilities Detachment(24)

Engineer Depot E-510

Military Police Corps

713th Military Police Battalion (Zone of Interior)

Advance Detachment, 780th Military Police Battalion (Zone of Interior) (Colored)

205th Military Police Company

234th Military Police Company

252d Military Police Company (Aviation) (Post, Camp or Station)(25)

285th Military Police Company (Post, Camp or Station)

895th Military Police Company (Aviation)

897th Military Police Company (Aviation)

12th Military Police Criminal Investigation Section

Signal Corps

56th Signal Battalion

63d Signal Battalion

92d Signal Battalion

Detachment B, 810th Signal Service Battalion

Installation Platoon 1, Company C, 850th Signal ServiceBattalion

Operation Platoon, 122d Signal Radio Intelligence Company

Section, 1st Platoon, 161st Signal Photographic Company(26)

Detachment E, 162d Signal Photographic Company

166th Signal Photographic Company

187th Signal Repair Company

203d Signal Depot Company (V Corps)

401st Signal Company, Aviation(27)

818th Signal Port Service Company

Detachment B, 827th Signal Depot Company (V Corps)

839th Signal Service Company

576th Signal Construction Operation Platoon

Detachment, 106th Signal Inspection and Maintenance Team

Chemical Corps

Chemical Depot C-910(28)

16th Chemical Maintenance Company

115th Chemical Processing Company

229th Chemical Base Depot Company

Medical Corps

Detachment, 2d General Hospital(29)

2d Evacuation Hospital (V Corps)

5th General Hospital(30)

7th Field Hospital (135-bed)

28th Station Hospital (250-bed)

32d Evacuation Hospital (Semi-mobile)

36th Station Hospital (250-bed)

68th Station Hospital (250-bed)

79th General Hospital (1,000-bed)

160th Station Hospital (250-bed) (V Corps)

44th Hospital Train

Detachment, 4th Medical Supply Depot

Section, 8th Medical Supply Depot

11th Medical Supply Depot (less Base Platoon)

53d Medical Battalion (V Corps)

HHD, 436th Medical Battalion

436th Medical Collecting Company (XV Corps)

861st Medical Service Detachment

6814th Medical Dispensary Section (10-bed)

Ordnance Corps

Ordnance Depot O-601

Ordnance Depot O-602

Ordnance Depot O-621

Ordnance Depot O-688

Company E, 53d Ordnance Regiment(31)

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 22d Ordnance Battalion

Company E, 53d Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Battalion(32)

Elements, 71st Ordnance Battalion (Light Maintenance)(33)

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 254th OrdnanceBattalion

14th Ordnance Company (Medium Maintenance) (V Corps)

47th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company

53d Ordnance Company (Ammunition)

79th Ordnance Company (Depot)

109th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company (V Corps) [Minnesota National Guard]

158th Ordnance Tire Repair Company

314th Ordnance Depot Company(34)

346th Ordnance Depot Company

518th Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company

522d Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company

552d Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company

883d Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company

994th Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Company

3422d Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company(35)

3423d Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company(36)

3424th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company(37)

3440th Ordnance Medium Automotive Maintenance Company

39th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad

40th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad

67th Ordnance Bomb Disposal Squad

Quartermaster Corps

Quartermaster Depot Q-111(38)

Quartermaster Depot Q-161(39)

28th Quartermaster Regiment (Colored) (less 1st Battalion)

Company E, 53d Quartermaster Regiment(40)

Company K, 467th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(41)

Company I, 467th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(42)

Company L, 467th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(43)

Company B, 513th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(44)

Company I, 513th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(45)

Company L, 519th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(46)

Company M, 519th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(47)

Company K, 520th Quartermaster Truck Regiment(48)

Company A, 60th Quartermaster Battalion

1st Section, 1st Platoon, Company A, 63d QuartermasterBattalion (Laundry)

Elements, 71st Quartermaster Battalion (LightMaintenance) (V Corps)(49)

Headqharters and Headquarters Detachment

Company A, 71st Quartermaster Battalion

Company B, 71st Quartermaster Battalion(50)

Company C, 71st Quartermaster Battalion(51)

Company D, 71st Quartermaster Battalion(52)

1st Platoon, Company D, 94th Quartermaster Battalion (Bakery)

Detachment, Service Company, 109th Quartermaster Regiment

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 152d

Quartermaster Battalion (Mobile)(53)

Company A, 205th Quartermaster Battalion (Gas Supply)(54)

Company D, 214th Quartermaster Gas Supply Battalion(55)

Company A, 301st Quartermaster Battalion (V Corps)

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 307th

Quartermaster Sterilization Battalion

Company A, 307th Quartermaster Sterilization Battalion(56)

Company B, 307th Quartermaster Sterilization Battalion(57)

Company C, 307th Quartermaster Sterilization Battalion(58)

Company D, 307th Quartermaster Sterilization Battalion(59)

361st Quartermaster Battalion [1st Engineer Special Brigade]

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 544th

Quartermaster Service Battalion (Colored)

Company A, 544th Quartermaster Service Battalion (Colored)(60)

Company B, 544th Quartermaster Service Battalion (Colored)(61)

Company C, 544th Quartermaster Service Battalion (Colored)(62)

Company D, 544th Quartermaster Service Battalion (Colored)(63)

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 563d

Quartermaster Battalion (Colored) (XV Corps)

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 579th

Quartermaster Battalion

136th Quartermaster Truck Company [Nebraska National Guard]

194th Quartermaster Gas Supply Company

246th Quartermaster Depot Company (Supply) (V Corps)

268th Quartermaster Bakery Company

294th Quartermaster Salvage Repair Company (Semi-mobile)(64)

302d Quartermaster Railhead Company (Colored)

313th Quartermaster Motor Transport Company

314th Quartermaster Motor Transport Company

552d Quartermaster Railhead Company

553d Quartermaster Railhead Company

608th Quartermaster Graves Registration Company

700th Quartermaster Depot Company

2001st Quartermaster Supply Company (Provisional)

3012th Quartermaster Bakery Company (Mobile) (Special)

3019th Quartermaster Bakery Company (Mobile) (Special)

3028th Quartermaster Bakery Company

3630th Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy)

3631st Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy)

3882d Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy)

3889th Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy)

3940th Quartermaster Gasoline Supply Company

3991st Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored)

3992d Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) (Colored)

4010th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored)

4049th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored)

4050th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored)

4190th Quartermaster Service Company (Colored)

4191st Quartermaster Service Company (Colored)

4192d Quartermaster Service Company (Colored)

4193d Quartermaster Service Company

4234th Quartermaster Sterilization Company

4235th Quartermaster Sterilization Company

4236th Quartermaster Sterilization Company

4237th Quartermaster Sterilization Company

Headquarters, 4556th Quartermaster Service Company

Headquarters, 4557th Quartermaster Service Company

Headquarters, 4558th Quartermaster Service Company

Detachment, 22d Quartermaster Company

2d Platoon, 506th Quartermaster Car Company

Transportation Corps

Northern Ireland Ports

Headquarters, Port Transportation Corps 291(65)

7th Port Headquarters and Headquarters Company

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 500th Port


262d Port Company (Colored)

263d Port Company (Colored)

264th Port Company (Colored)

265th Port Company (Colored)

273d Port Company (Colored)


Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 12th Replacement Depot

Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 16th Replacement Depot

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 39th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 47th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 65th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 66th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 67th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 68th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 69th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 84th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 87th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 88th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 89th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 90th Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 92d Replacement Battalion

Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 93d Replacement Battalion

6817th Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Replacement Battalion (Provisional) (Field Force Replacement Depot No. 8)

19th Special Services Company

179th Replacement Company (39th Replacement Battalion)

180th Replacement Company (39th Replacement Battalion)

181st Replacement Company (39th Replacement Battalion)

194th Replacement Company (47th Replacement Battalion)

195th Replacement Company (47th Replacement Battalion)

196th Replacement Company (47th Replacement Battalion)

212th Replacement Company (65th Replacement Battalion)

213th Replacement Company (65th Replacement Battalion)

214th Replacement Company (65th Replacement Battalion)

215th Replacement Company (66th Replacement Battalion)

216th Replacement Company (66th Replacement Battalion)

217th Replacement Company (66th Replacement Battalion)

218th Replacement Company (67th Replacement Battalion)

219th Replacement Company (67th Replacement Battalion)

220th Replacement Company (67th Replacement Battalion)

221st Replacement Company (68th Replacement Battalion)

222d Replacement Company (68th Replacement Battalion)

223d Replacement Company (68th Replacement Battalion)

224th Replacement Company (69th Replacement Battalion)

225th Replacement Company (69th Replacement Battalion)

229th Replacement Company

230th Replacement Company (71st Replacement Battalion)

231st Replacement Company (71st Replacement Battalion)

232d Replacement Company (71st Replacement Battalion)

233d Replacement Company (72d Replacement Battalion)

234th Replacement Company (72d Replacement Battalion)

235th Replacement Company (72d Replacement Battalion)

336th Replacement Company

337th Replacement Company

338th Replacement Company

339th Replacement Company

340th Replacement Company

341st Replacement Company

342d Replacement Company

343d Replacement Company

344th Replacement Company

345th Replacement Company

346th Replacement Company

347th Replacement Company

348th Replacement Company

349th Replacement Company

350th Replacement Company

351st Replacement Company

352d Replacement Company

476th Replacement Company (90th Replacement Battalion)

477th Replacement Company (90th Replacement Battalion)

478th Replacement Company (90th Replacement Battalion)

479th Replacement Company

480th Replacement Company (69th Replacement Battalion)

481st Replacement Company

482d Replacement Company

483d Replacement Company

484th Replacement Company

485th Replacement Company

486th Replacement Company

487th Replacement Company

488th Replacement Company

489th Replacement Company

6843d Replacement Company (Provisional) (Field Force Replacement Depot No. 8)

6844th Replacement Company (Provisional) (Field Force Replacement Depot No. 8)

6845th Replacement Company (Provisional) (Field Force Replacement Depot No. 8)

6846th Replacement Company (Provisional) (Field Force Replacement Depot No. 8)

6847th Replacement Company (Provisional) (Field Force Replacement Depot No. 8)

2d Postal Regulating Section

13th Postal Regulating Section

54th Finance Disbursing Section

55th Finance Disbursing Section

135th Finance Disbursing Section

128th Army Postal Unit

129th Army Postal Unit

131st Army Postal Unit

132d Army Postal Unit

133d Army Postal Unit

139th Army Postal Unit

146th Army Postal Unit

147th Army Postal Unit

153d Army Postal Unit

577th Army Postal Unit

636th Army Postal Unit

813th Army Postal Unit

Base Censor Office No. 1

277th Army Band [National Guard]

Disciplinary Training Center No. 1

Disciplinary Training Center No. 5

Disciplinary Training Center No.

Field Force Replacement Depot No. 5(67)

Field Force Replacement System Depot No. 6(68)

Field Force Replacement System Depot No. 8(69)

Replacement Depot No. 1

General Depot, G-10(70)

Replacement Company E (Guard)

Lisnabreeny Cemetery

ARMY AIR FORCE (Primarily Eighth Air Force)

VIII Air Force Composite Command

  • Postal Section, VIII Air Force Composite Command
  • 38th Signal Company (Service Group)(71)

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 2d CCRC Group(72)

  • 2d Replacement and Training Squadron(73)

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 3d CCRC Group

  • 3d Replacement and Training Squadron(74)

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 4th CCRC Group

  • 4th Replacement and Training Squadron

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 7th Air Depot Group

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 39th Service Group

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 42d Air Depot Group

  • 42d Depot Repair Squadron
  • 42d Depot Support Squadron

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 325th Air Service Group

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 328th Air Service Group

Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 403d Base Air Depot

5th Airdrome Squadron

34th Station Complement Squadron

35th Station Complement Squadron

37th Station Complement Squadron

47th Station Complement Squadron

65th Airdrome Squadron

81st Station Complement Squadron

86th Depot Repair Squadron

311th Ferrying Squadron(75)

312th Ferrying Squadron(76)

321st Transport Squadron

325th Ferrying Squadron

343d Air Service Squadron

375th Service Squadron

465th Service Squadron

556th Service Squadron

38th Signal Company, Service Group(77)

407th Quartermaster Company, Air Depot Group

694th Ordnance Company (Medium Maintenance), Aviation

759th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored)

769th Ordnance Company (Aviation) (Air Depot)

984th Military Police Company, Aviation

1038th Signal Company, Service Group(78)

1056th Quartermaster Company, Service Group

1110th Signal Company, Service Group

1145th Military Police Company, Aviation

1195th Military Police Company, Aviation

1253d Military Police Company, Aviation

1261st Military Police Company, Aviation

1262d Military Police Company, Aviation

1385th Military Police Company, Aviation(79)

1694th Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company, Aviation

1730th Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company, Aviation

1802d Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company, Aviation

1947th Quartermaster Truck Company, Aviation (Colored)

2211th Quartermaster Truck Company, Aviation

442d Quartermaster Platoon, Air Depot Group

2069th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon, Aviation

2107th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon, Aviation

4th Gunnery and Tow Target Flight

4th Army Air Force Combat Camera Unit

1404th Army Air Force Base Unit(80)

401st Provisional Station Gas Defense Detachment

Mobile Training Unit No. 37 (B-24) (Provisional)

Mobile Training Unit No. 38 (B-24) (Provisional)

Station No. 2, European Wing Air Transport Command(81)

Station Complement Squadron, Air Base Depot No. 3(82)

Station Complement Squadron (Special), Army Air Force Station 597



(1) Organization of units as it existed during period stationed in Northern Ireland.

(2) Unit Data Card states in Northern Ireland 13 May42-21Nov42.

(3) With attached Military Police Platoon.

(4) NOTE: Division achieved final organization under 1944 tables of organization on 20Jul44. 1st Armored Division Band formed 1Dec43 (from Bands of the 1st and 13th Armor).

(5) Reported on Unit Data Card as in Northern Ireland 10Jun42-9Dec42. Did not become Headquarters Company until 1944.

(6) Reported on Unit Data Card as in Northern Ireland 10Jun42-28Oct42. Did not become Headquarters Company until 1944.

(7) Reported on Unit Data Card as in Northern Ireland 2Jul42-28Oct42. Note division did not have a Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 1st Armored Division Artillery until 1944.

(8) Reported on Unit Data Card as in Northern Ireland 2Jul42-28Oct42.

(9) Unit Data Card (citing Morning Reports) indicates departed Northern Ireland for England 28Oct42.

(10) NOTE: Division converted to triangular structure 1 August 1942. On 21Oct42 the 2d Quartermaster Battalion reorganized (less the Ordnance Maintenance Platoon) as the 2d Quartermaster Company and the Ordnance Maintenance Platoon became the 702d Ordnance Light Maintenance Company. On 10Aug43 Headquarters, Special Troops and the 2d Infantry Division Band were formed.

(11) On 1 February 1942 the 34th Division converted from the "square" and became the "triangular" 34th Infantry Division with the structure reflected here. See separate file on implementation of the conversion process.

(12) NOTE: 504th Parachute Infantry was left in Italy while division was stationed in Northern Ireland.

(13) Consists of Headquarters and Headquarters Company and Companies A-F. Activated at Carrickfergus 19 June 1942 per General Orders 7, United States Army Northern Ireland Force (USANIF), 19 June 1942.

(14) On 1 January 1944 the 6th Cavalry was broken up as a regiment and converted to form the 6th Cavalry Group, Mechanized. The regimental Headquarters, Headquarters and Service Troop became the group Headquarters and Headquarters Troop; Headquarters, 1st Squadron and Troops A, B, I, L, and E respectively became the Headquarters, Headquarters and Service Troop, Troops A, B, C, and E, and Company F (Light Tanks) of the 6th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized; and Headquarters, 2d Squadron and Troops H, D, C, K, and F respectively became the Headquarters, Headquarters and Service Troop, Troops A, B, C, and E, and Company F (Light Tanks) of the 28th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron, Mechanized.

(15) Consisting of: Headquarters and Service Troop; Medical Detachment; Troops A, B, C, and E; and Company F (light tanks).

(16) Consisting of: Headquarters and Service Troop; Medical Detachment; Troops A, B, C, and E; and Company F (light tanks).

(17) While in Northern Ireland on 24 August 1942 a 3d Battalion of the regiment was activated.

(18) Programmed for movement to Northern Ireland.

(19) Possibly only firing batteries actually in Northern Ireland.

(20) Activated 1 June 1942 in Northern Ireland as a two-battalion regiment. 1st Battalion was formed by redesignation of the 112th Engineer Battalion (Combat); 2d Battalion by inactivation and concurrent transfer of personnel and equipment from the 107th Engineer Battalion (Combat). On 1 August 1942 a change in the published tables of organization redesignated the regiment as the 112th Engineer Combat Regiment.

(21) Redesignated from 1st Battalion, 112th Engineers shortly after arriving in Northern Ireland.

(22) Also sometimes erroneously identified as 467th Engineer Shop Company. Notice that data card (536th Engineer Company) gives incorrect town listings; correct ones were submitted in February 1945 in company manuscript historical report. Unit deployed from New York Port of Embarkation on Almaack sailing 17 February 1942.

(23) Activated 5 August 1942 in Northern Ireland using personnel and equipment transferred from Company A, 80th Engineer Battalion (Water Supply); redesignated 17 December 1942 as the 518th Engineer Water Supply Company.

(24) Activated at Belfast 27 April 1944 per General Orders 38, Northern Ireland Base Section, 27 April 1944.

(25) Redesignated about 16 February 1944 as 1385th Military Police Company, Aviation.

(26) Disbanded and personnel transferred to Detachment B, 827th Signal Company.

(27) Less Radio Intelligence Platoon. Unit was under Eighth Air Force control.

(28) Established at Clady 23 November 1943 per General Orders 17, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS) 23 November 1943. Disbanded 15 August 1944 at Clady per General Orders 105, Western Base Section (WBS), 15 August 1944.

(29) Detachment only; main body of unit based in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England.

(30) Affiliated unit (Harvard University). Main body embarked in New York 19 February 1942 in the second MAGNET Force increment under LTC Maxwell G. Keeler with a strength of 37 officers, 60 nurses (officers), and 275 enlisted men, but most were on the USAT American Legion which broke down and returned to the United States. The main body then reembarked on 30 April in the convoy for the third increment and arrived in Belfast on 12 May. On 21 May the unit became operational at Musgrave Park.

(31) Formerly Company E, 53d Quartermaster Regiment; subsequently Company E, 53d Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Battalion and finally 314th Ordnance Depot Company.

(32) Formerly Company E, 53d Quartermaster Regiment and then Company E, 53d Ordnance Regiment; subsequently 314th Ordnance Depot Company.

(33) Less two companies. Battalion redesignated 16 September 1942 from 71st Quartermaster Battalion (Light Maintenance). Battalion broken up November 1942 into flexible configuration with lettered companies being redesignated as numbered companies.

(34) Formerly Company E of (successively) 53d Quartermaster Regiment, 53d Ordnance Regiment, and 53d Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Battalion.

(35) Formerly Company B, 71st Quartermaster Battalion.

(36) Formerly Company C, 71st Quartermaster Battalion.

(37) Formerly Company D, 71st Quartermaster Battalion.

(38) Established 23 November 1943 at Belfast per General Orders 17, Northern Ireland Base Section, 23 November 1945; disbanded 25 April 1945 per General Orders 39, United Kingdom Base Command, 20 April 1945. Subordinate depots established concurrently at Antrim (111A), Crossgar (111C), Derrymore (111D), Finaghy (111F), Larne (111L), Moneymore (111M), Seskinore (111S), Ballymena (111BA), Balmoral (111BL), Ballywillwill (111BW), and Ballymoney (111BY) by the same General Orders 17. Closure of the subdepots not indicated.

(39) Established 23 November 1943 at Belfast per General Orders 17, Northern Ireland Base Section, 23 November 1943; disbanded 31 December 1944 at Belfast per General Orders 2, United Kingdom Base, 6 January 1945.

(40) Reorganized and redesignated 28 September 1942 as Company E, 53d Ordnance Regiment (later Company E, 53d Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Battalion and still later 314th Ordnance Depot Company).

(41) Redesignated 22 December 1943 as 3630th Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) per General Orders 28, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 19 December 1943.

(42) Redesignated 22 December 1943 as 3630th Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) per General Orders 28, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 19 December 1943.

(43) Redesignated 22 December 1943 as 3631st Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) per General Orders 28, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 19 December 1943.

(44) Redesignated 16 December 1943 as 3882d Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) per General Orders 81, Western Base Section (WBS), 16 December 1943.

(45) Redesignated 16 December 1943 as 3889th Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) per General Orders 81, Western Base Section (WBS), 16 December 1943.

(46) Redesignated 23 December 1943 as 3991st Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored) per General Orders 30, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 23 December 1943.

(47) Redesignated 23 December 1943 as 3992d Quartermaster Truck Company (Heavy) (Colored) per General Orders 30, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 23 December 1943.

(48) Redesignated 4 February 1944 as 4010th Quartermaster Truck Company (Colored) per General Orders 10, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 4 February 1944.

(49) Redesignated 16 September 1942 as 71st Ordnance Battalion (Light Maintenance).

(50) Reorganized and redesignated November 1942 as 3422d Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company.

(51) Reorganized and redesignated November 1942 as 3423d Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company.

(52) Reorganized and redesignated November 1942 as 3424th Ordnance Medium Maintenance Company.

(53) Redesignated 22 December 1943 from Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 3d Battalion, 467th Quartermaster Truck Regiment.

(54) Redesignated 1 April 1942 as Company A, 205th Quartermaster Gas Supply Battalion.

(55) Redesignated 22 December 1943 as 3940th Quartermaster Gasoline Supply Company per General Orders 28, Northern Ireland Base Section (NIBS), 19 December 1943.

(56) Redesignated 8 April 1944 as 4234th Quartermaster Sterilization Company.

(57) Redesignated 8 April 1944 as 4235th Quartermaster Sterilization Company.

(58) Redesignated 8 April 1944 as 4236th Quartermaster Sterilization Company.

(59) Redesignated 8 April 1944 as 4237th Quartermaster Sterilization Company.

(60) Redesignated 10 February 1944 as 4190th Quartermaster Service Company.

(61) Redesignated 10 February 1944 as 4191st Quartermaster Service Company.

(62) Redesignated 10 February 1944 as 4192d Quartermaster Service Company.

(63) Redesignated 10 February 1944 as 4193d Quartermaster Service Company.

(64) Less 1st Platoon.

(65) Redesignated from Headquarters, Northern Ireland Ports 13 February 1944.

(66) African-American personnel.

(67) Redesignated 10 May 1944 as 12th Replacement Depot.

(68) Disbanded 11 May 1944.

(69) Disbanded 11 May 1944.

(70) Established 17 December 1942 at Wilmont and dieestablished 22 November 1943. Sub-Depots were at: Moneymore (G-10-1), Antrim (G-10-2), Belfast (G-10-3 and G-10-5), Upper Battlindery (G-10-4), Musgrave Park (G-10-6), Balmoral (G-10-8), Desertmartin (G-10-9), Shane's Castle (G-10-10), amd Larne (G-10-11).

(71) Assigned to Army Air Force's VIII Air Force Composite Command. Redesignated 4 May 1943 as 1038th Signal Company (Service Group).

(72) Organized 12 November 1943 using personnel and equipment from concurrently disbanded Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 2904th Replacement and Training Squadron (Bomb) (Provisional).

(73) Organized 12 November 1943 using personnel and equipment from concurrently disbanded Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 2901st CCRC (Bomb) (Provisional).

(74) Activated 21 November 1943 at Toome.

(75) Activated 1 November 1943 at Maghaberry.

(76) Activated 1 November 1943 at Maghaberry.

(77) Redesignated 4 May 1943 as 1038th Signal Company, Service Group.

(78) Redesignated about 4 May 1943 from 38th Signal Company, Service Group.

(79) Redesignated about 16 February 1944 from 252d Military Police Company.

(80) Organized 18 July 1944 using personnel from Station No. 2, European Wing Air Transport Command (General Orders 1, European Division, Air Transport Command, 18 July 1944). Disestablished 18 October 1944 by General Orders 9, European Division, Air Transport Command, 18 October 1944.

(81) Organized 24 September 1943 with personnel formerly assigned to detachments of the 69th Transport Squadron and 1149th Military Police Company (Aviation); personnel then formed 18 July 1944 as the 1404th Army Air Force Base Unit (General Orders 1, European District Air Transport Command).

(82) Activated 29 July 1944 at Langford Lodge.

(83) Redesignated as 597th Station Complement Squadron (Special) (Provisional).