Cover of Force Structure and Unit History Branch brochure
Using History for a Better Force Structure

Force Structure and Unit History Branch

Our primary mission is to provide force structure and historical support to military planners, doctrinal developers, and force accounting personnel on the Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) staff and at the major Army commands.

This site offers products from the Branch's two major programs:

Force Structure Support

  • Select TOE units for activation/retention, and release Historic Unit Identification Codes
  • Determine official Army unit designations
  • Maintain the official rolls of the Army Document unit status changes and update HQDA databases
  • Maintain historical information on Army Structure
  • Issue directives on behalf of the Secretary of the Army authorizing changes in the status of units
  • Assist Army TOE and force developers

Organizational History

  • Provide unit historical reference support on Army TOE units to the Army Staff, White House, Congress and other Federal Agencies
  • Determine the Lineage and Honors for active TOE Army units
  • Certify unit entitlements to organizational property, awards and campaign streamers
  • Provide input for HQDA review of recommendations for unit awards and campaign participation credit
  • Approve requests for official recognition of unit days and Special Designations

The functions of these two programs overlap in the preparation and publication of the: Army Lineage Series

How CMH assists with Unit History Programs. [PDF - 4.6MB]