Ramseur Monument

Turn left (north) onto US 11, go .6 mile and turn left onto CR 727. The Ramseur Monument is on your right, facing US 11. CR 727 is narrow and heavily traveled. It is recommended that you drive to Belle Grove, park there and walk .5 mile back to US 11 and the Ramseur Monument. If walking is not practicable, drive .1 mile beyond the Monument and pull off the road as much as possible under the tree.

Looking to the right (northward) about 50 yards beyond the monument down 727, you can see where Thomas's Brigade emerged from its positions east of the Pike to the high ground in the field midway between Belle Grove and US 11. There it made a stand against Gordon's forces for about 20 minutes to protect some withdrawing wagon trains. The brigade then moved in front and west of Belle Grove for another brief stand on the high ground southwest of Meadow Mills Church (Stop 7). It then crossed Meadow Brook and fought another delaying action half a mile west in the VI Corps camps.

After its futile charge back into Hayes' camp, Wildes' Brigade crossed this area, going to a position near Belle Grove. There, it joined other VIII and XIX Corps remnants. Led by Gen. George Crook and Col. Rutherford B. Hayes, they held for half an hour, the time needed for headquarters staff and wagons to load and get away from Belle Grove.

Down 727 about 200 yards farther you will notice on your left (south) a slight ground swell outlined by a long row of cedar trees and brush. This was the position, 2500 feet south of Belle Grove and 1200 feet from the Pike, occupied by Davis's Brigade, First Division, XIX Corps. It had moved from the northern portion of the XIX Corps trenches midway down the rear of the corps to back up Thomas's Brigade. One of the regiments in this brigade, the 114th New York Infantry, sustained 115 casualties out of 250 men engaged. The tree line in the distance to the south delineates the XIX Corps trenchline from left to right (New York monument to Meadow Brook).

Move down the road to a small stone house on the right and barns on the left. Pause in the driveway on the left.

Kershaw's Division drove across the fields between here and the Pike. Its right followed the lane (727), and the Division pushed past here, forcing the XIX Corps elements across Meadow Brook into the VI Corps positions. While Gordon's Division focused on the resistance at Belle Grove, Kershaw continued westward, engaging the Third Division, VI Corps on the high ground fronting Cedar Creek.

Go to Stop 6