How to Order

Below are guidelines for ordering copies of CMH publications.

Sale to the Public

Many CMH titles listed in this Web catalog are available to the general public from the Government Publishing Office (GPO). If you are interested in buying any of these publications, you will need the GPO stock numbers provided with the individual books in this site. The stock numbers provided are clickable links that will direct you to the GPO sales page for that publication. To check GPO prices and availability, go to GPO's Online Bookstore at, or call (202) 512-1800 or toll-free 1-866-512-1800.

Army Requisition

All CMH publications are available to holders of Army Publishing Directorate (APD) accounts. Army policy provides accounts to:

  • Active Army Units that are detachment size and larger and staff sections from division level to Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA).
  • Army Reserve Units that are company size and larger and staff sections from division level to HQDA.
  • Army National Guard Units that are company size and larger and staff sections from division level to state adjutants general.

Units not described above may be authorized accounts by submitting their requests through command channels to:

Manager, Directorate of Logistics-Washington
Media Distribution Division
1655 Woodson Road St. Louis, MO 63114-6128

CMH publications are available, at no cost, for official educational, training, and commemorative purposes within the Army.

Account holders can requisition publications and forms by going to the APD Web site, Go to the pull-down menu Order Pubs/Forms, and then select Ordering Portal. You will be required to log in using your CAC card and then your APD account number and password. If you need additional assistance, contact APD customer service at (314) 592-0910, or e-mail inquiries via the Customer Service link on the APD Web site.

To establish an APD account, you need to submit DA Form 12 to APD by either fax or e-mail. The form, instructions, and supporting documentation may be downloaded from the links below. The completed form can be faxed to APD at 314-592-0920, or emailed to: usarmy.stlouis.106-sig-bde.mbx.dolwmddcustsrv@mail.mi

DA Form 12 | Establishing an APD Account Instructions | DA PAM 25-33

Prior coordination is required through CMH to requisition more than 100 copies of any paperback title or 25 copies of any hardcover title:

U.S. Army Center of Military History
102 Fourth Avenue
Collins Hall, Building 35
Histories Division, Historical Products Branch (AAMH-HDP)
Fort Lesley J. McNair, DC 20319
Fax (202) 685-4578

Requisitions by Other Military Services and DoD Agencies

Other military services requiring CMH publications for official use can obtain copies by forwarding a request, on agency letterhead, to:

Army Publishing Directorate
Distribution Operations Facility
1655 Woodson Road
St. Louis, MO 63114-6128

Requisitions by Other U.S. Government Agencies

Other government agencies requiring CMH publications for official use can obtain copies by forwarding a request, on agency letterhead, to:

U.S. Army Center of Military History
102 Fourth Avenue
Collins Hall, Building 35
Histories Division, Historical Products Branch (AAMH-HDP)
Fort Lesley J. McNair, DC 20319
Fax (202) 685-4578