Fletcher Conference 1999: Strategic Responsiveness-Early and Continuous Joint Effectiveness Across the Spectrum of Military Operations

Special Publications CMH Pub 70-76, Cloth 2000; 236 pages

R. Fenzel, Christophe E. Hornbarger

Special Publications
CMH Pub 70-76, Cloth
2000; 236 pages

Not Available through GPO sales.

The United States Army, in conjunction with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, cosponsored through 2001 the annual Fletcher Conference to address prevailing and emerging national security issues. Seeking to expand the military's role in the national security debate, Army Chief of Staff General Eric K. Shinseki in 2002 created the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Security Series. Consisting of year-long events and culminating in the Eisenhower National Security Conference, the series has three objectives: to provide an open collegial forum for a candid exchange of views on contemporary and future national security requirements and priorities; to examine and advance ways to focus the instruments of national power more effectively; and to expose mid-level and senior Army leaders to diverse issues, institutions, and perspectives while contributing to the ongoing national security dialogue.

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