Unit History 101

Understanding Your Lineage and Honors

Unit History 101 cover image

CMH Pub 60-17-1

For most soldiers, their unit of assignment represents their home within the larger, more complex organization that is the U.S. Army. While they identify with the institution—its values, and its mission to defend the Constitution, its people, and the territory of the United States—most think of their unit and the role it plays in the Army’s mission when they envision their duty as soldiers. Several offices collaborate to preserve and promote unit history. The historians of the Field Programs and Organizational History Division, U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH), have the primary mission to research and prepare Lineage and Honors Certificates, Special Designation Certificates, and Unit Day Certificates, maintain the Rolls of the Army, research and select appropriate designations for new units, and select historic units for activation in the Regular Army and Army Reserve. This reference book will help to introduce soldiers to the basics of unit history, the offices involved in the process, and the policies and procedures laid out in official Army regulations.

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