44th Military History Detachment
199th Infantry Brigade (Sep) (Light)
APO San Francisco 96279


24 June 1969


SUBJECT: Interview with Major Dennis F. Hightower

Office, Chief of Military History
Department of the Army
Washington, D.C. 20315

1. An interview with Major Dennis F. Hightower, Brigade S-2, 199th Infantry Brigade (Sep) (Light) was taped on 24 June 1969. The tape, which has no restriction on its use but is classified CONFIDENTIAL, is enclosed (Inclosure 1).

2. The interview was conducted at Fire Support Base Blackhorse (Coordinates YS 440970) in Long Khanh province, Republic of Vietnam. The recorder utilized was a National RQ-1585 at 3 3/4 inch per second. Length of the interview is approximately 50 minutes.

3. A list of proposed questions and a synopsis of Major Hightower's responses are attached as Inclosures 2 and 3.


3 Incl
s/James G. Lindsay
1LT, Infantry



1. There are two principal intelligence activities in the Brigade, the S-2 Office and the 179th Military Intelligence Detachment. Just what is your relationship or division of labor? Could this be improved in any way?

2. What have been your most important sources of intelligence other than elint methods?

3. Do you receive much intelligence from ARVN intelligence sources? From other RVN agencies (NP)? From civilians (rural and urban)? Notable examples? From on-post workers?

4. Can you describe your counterintelligence organization?

5. Have you had many instances of sabotage or espionage here at Camp Frenzell-Jones? Could you discuss a few of them?

6. Have you had any notable intelligence successes? Failures? To what do you attribute them?

7. Have you come against any unusual problems as the Brigade S-2? Describe and tell how you solved or attempted to solve them.

8. Do you have sufficient personnel and equipment by TOE to accomplish your mission? How have you modified your TOE in actual practice?

9. Do you find that replacements are generally well trained for their jobs or do they require extensive OJT to perform their jobs?

10. Have you placed any new emphasis on any facet of the S-2 function? Downgraded any facets?

11. Have you made any policy changes or revisions in SOP's during your time at S-2, why?

12. What restrictions do you wish to place on this interview? What security classification and downgrading instructions?



SYNOPSIS: Major Dennis F. Hightower, Interviewed 24 June 1969 by 44th Military History Detachment, 199th Infantry Brigade (Sep) (Light), APO SF 96279.

The S-2 is responsible for all intelligence operations while the 179th Military Intelligence Detachment (MID) provides specialized support to the S-2 and serves as the operating arm or executive agent of the S-2. During the past two years the S-2 and 179th MID have refined their operations to the point that I am unable to suggest any changes in their present relationship.

The 179th MID is probably the best in Vietnam, principally because its members have repeatedly extended their tours. The ARVN MID has also been of great value particularly in the area of order of battle.

All sources of intelligence are important, none above others, but the most productive for us have been agents and informants. We do not have access to many of the sources of RVN intelligence but the RVN people do make the information from these sources available to us.

Random questioning of civilian workers and a limited number of informants among them provide the necessary degree of security for Camp Frenzell-Jones. Basically our counterintelligence activities fall under three headings: base security, special operations and document security. We have had no known instances of sabotage or espionage at Camp Frenzell-Jones.

I've had no unusual problems during my tour—to the contrary, I've had considerable cooperation. With regard to personnel the S-2 TO&E is insufficient but the equipment allowances are satisfactory. What has happened is that the S-2 has been assigned extra functions without a corresponding authorization for personnel. The S-2 replacements tend to require on-the-job training but this is not so in the MID.

I have placed a greater emphasis on liason [sic] with the units in the field and with the ARVN's. There were few policies in being when I took over the S-2 function. The Kit Carson program has been more formally defined and organized for instance. Weekly meetings of the Brigade and Battalion S-2's are now being held. Due to the rapid turn over of personnel here I have instituted a quarterly (rather than semi-annual) inspection of records.

In conclusion I have both enjoyed and learned from my experience in combat intelligence work, even though strategic and area intelligence is my primary field.


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